
Forms and Reports

Designing Visually Effective Applications
Understanding the Process 
Building the user interface elements
 Gathering user feedback
Creating an Effective Form 
Understanding forms
What is a module?
What are forms, blocks, items, regions, and frames?
What are windows and canvases?.
Guidelines for building forms 
Using object libraries
Understanding basic design principles 
Adding color 
Creating canvases 
Creating windows
Creating regions 
Adding items to blocks 
Designing messages
Implementing online help 
Building effective menus
Creating an Effective Report
Understanding Reports
Using Templates in Report Builder
Understanding Layout Objects
Controlling Layout Objects in Report Builder
Using anchors
Using the Print Object On and Base Printing On properties 
Understanding Horizontal and Vertical Elasticity 
Using the Page Break Before and After property
Using the Page Protect property
Using the Keep with Anchoring Object property 
Creating an Effective Display
Choosing the Right Graph

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