
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Oracle Error code cont. from ORA-12826

ORA-12826 hung parallel query server was killed

    Cause: The parallel query server was hung and subsequently killed.

    Action: Re-execute the query and report suspicious events in the trace file to Oracle Support Services if the error persists.

ORA-12827 insufficient parallel query slaves available

    Cause: PARALLEL_MIN_PERCENT parameter was specified and fewer than minimum slaves were acquired.

    Action: Either re-execute query with lower PARALLEL_MIN_PERCENT or wait until some running queries are completed, thus freeing up slaves.

ORA-12828 Can't start parallel transaction at a remote site

    Cause: PDML transaction cannot be started because we are not in the coordinator site of the distributed transaction.

    Action: Do not use PDML at remote sites.

ORA-12829 Deadlock - itls occupied by siblings at block string of file string

    Cause: A parallel statement failed because all ITLS in the current block are occupied by siblings of the same transaction.

    Action: Increase the value of MAXTRANS of the block or reduce the degree of parallelism for the statement. Re-execute the statement. Report suspicious events in the trace file to Oracle Support Services if the error persists.

ORA-12830 Must COMMIT or ROLLBACK after executing parallel INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE

    Cause: After executing a parallel INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statement, a command other than COMMIT or ROLLBACK was issued.

    Action: Execute COMMIT or ROLLBACK before issuing another SQL command.

ORA-12831 Must COMMIT or ROLLBACK after executing INSERT with APPEND hint

    Cause: After executing an INSERT statement with an APPEND hint, a command other than COMMIT or ROLLBACK was issued.

    Action: Execute COMMIT or ROLLBACK before issuing another SQL command.

ORA-12832 Could not allocate slaves on all specified instances

    Cause: After executing a query on a global v$ fixed view, one or more instances failed to allocate a slave to process query.

    Action: To allow results to be returned by successfully allocated slaves, execute ALTER SESSION SET ALLOW_PARTIAL_SN_RESULTS=TRUE statement, or check parameters of instances.

ORA-12833 Coordinator's instance not a member of parallel_instance_group

    Cause: The coordinator's instance must be a member of the PARALLEL_INSTANCE_GROUP in which this operation will be run.

    Action: Either add the coordinator's instance to the current PARALLEL_INSTANCE_GROUP or change PARALLEL_INSTANCE_GROUP.

ORA-12834 Instance group name, 'string', too long, must be less than string characters

    Cause: The instance group name is too long.

    Action: Either shorten the name or get rid of the instance group.

ORA-12835 No instances are active in the GLOBAL_VIEW_ADMIN_GROUP

    Cause: There must be at least one instance in the GLOBAL_VIEW_ADMIN_GROUP in order to execute a query on global views.

    Action: Change the value of GLOBAL_VIEW_ADMIN_GROUP.

ORA-12838 cannot read/modify an object after modifying it in parallel

    Cause: Within the same transaction, an attempt was made to add read or modification statements on a table after it had been modified in parallel or with direct load. This is not permitted.

    Action: Rewrite the transaction, or break it up into two transactions: one containing the initial modification and the second containing the parallel modification operation.

ORA-12839 cannot modify an object in parallel after modifying it

    Cause: Within the same transaction, an attempt was made to perform parallel modification operations on a table after it had been modified. This is not permitted.

    Action: Rewrite the transaction or break it up into two transactions: one containing the parallel modification and the second containing the initial modification operation.

ORA-12840 cannot access a remote table after parallel/insert direct load txn

    Cause: Within a transaction, an attempt was made to perform distributed access after a PDML or insert direct statement had been issued.

    Action: Commit/roll back the PDML transaction first, and then perform the distributed access, or perform the distributed access before the first PDML statement in the transaction.

ORA-12841 Cannot alter the session parallel DML state within a transaction

    Cause: Transaction in progress.

    Action: Commit or roll back the transaction and then re-execute.

ORA-12842 schema modified during parallel execution

    Cause: Schema modified during the parse phase of parallel processing.

    Action: No action required.

ORA-12843 pdml lock not held properly on the table

    Cause: The coodinator crashed or released the lock on the partition which the slave is trying to aquire.

    Action: Check if the coordinator or some of the other slaves died. Also check that the lock has not been corrupted. Issue the PDML again.

ORA-12900 must specify a default temporary tablespace for a locally managed database

    Cause: A locally managed database must have a temporary tablespace other than SYSTEM tablespace.

    Action: Specify the default temporary tablespace when creating a locally managed database.

ORA-12901 Default temporary tablespace must be of TEMPORARY type

    Cause: In a locally managed database, default temporary tablespace must be TEMPORARY type.


ORA-12902 default temporary tablespace must be SYSTEM or of TEMPORARY type

    Cause: In a dictionary-managed database, default temporary tablespace must be SYSTEM or TEMPORARY type.


ORA-12903 default temporary tablespace must be an ONLINE tablespace

ORA-12904 default temporary tablespace cannot be altered to PERMANENT type

ORA-12905 default temporary tablespace cannot be brought OFFLINE

ORA-12906 cannot drop default temporary tablespace

ORA-12907 tablespace string is already the default temporary tablespace

ORA-12908 cannot specify SYSTEM as default temporary tablespace when creating database

ORA-12909 TEMPORARY keyword expected

ORA-12910 cannot specify temporary tablespace as default tablespace

    Cause: An attempt was made to assign a temporary tablespace to be a user's default tablespace.

    Action: Assign a permanent tablespace to be the default tablespace.

ORA-12911 permanent tablespace cannot be temporary tablespace

    Cause: An attempt was made to assign a permanent tablespace to be a user's temporary tablespace.

    Action: Assign a temporary tablespace to be user's temporary tablespace.

ORA-12912 Dictionary managed tablespace specified as temporary tablespace

    Cause: An attempt was made to assign a dictionary managed tablespace to be a user's temporary tablespace.

    Action: Assign a locally managed temporary tablespace to be the user's temporary tablespace.

ORA-12913 Cannot create dictionary managed tablespace

    Cause: An attempt was made to create a dictionary managed tablespace in a database whose SYSTEM tablespace is locally managed.

    Action: Create a locally managed tablespace.

ORA-12914 Cannot migrate tablespace to dictionary managed type

    Cause: An attempt was made to migrate a locally managed tablespace to dictionary managed type when the database has a locally managed SYSTEM tablespace.

    Action: Such an operation cannot be issued.

ORA-12915 Cannot alter dictionary managed tablespace to read write

    Cause: An attempt was made to alter a dictionary managed tablespace to read write in a database whose SYSTEM tablespace is locally managed. This tablespace can only be dropped.

    Action: Such an operation cannot be issued.

ORA-12920 database is already in force logging mode

    Cause: The ALTER DATABASE FORCE LOGGING statement failed because the database is already in force logging mode.

    Action: No action required.

ORA-12921 database is not in force logging mode

    Cause: The ALTER DATABASE NO FORCE LOGGING statement failed because the database is not in force logging mode.

    Action: No action required.

ORA-12922 concurrent ALTER DATABASE [NO] FORCE LOGGING command is running

    Cause: There is a concurrent ALTER DATABASE FORCE LOGGING or ALTER DATABASE NO FORCE LOGGING statement running in the system.

    Action: Contact the database administrator who is responsible for the concurrent statement.

ORA-12923 tablespace string is in force logging mode

    Cause: An attempt to alter the specified temporary tablespace failed because the tablespace is in force logging mode.

    Action: Put the tablespace out of force logging mode by issuing an ALTER TABLESPACE NO FORCE LOGGING statement.

ORA-12924 tablespace string is already in force logging mode

    Cause: An attempt to alter the specified tablespace into force logging mode failed because it is already in force logging mode.

    Action: No action required.

ORA-12925 tablespace string is not in force logging mode

    Cause: An attempt to alter the specified tablespace out of force logging mode failed because it is not in force logging mode.

    Action: No action required.

ORA-12926 FORCE LOGGING option already specified

    Cause: In CREATE TABLESPACE, the FORCE LOGGING option was specified more than once.

    Action: Remove all but one of the FORCE LOGGING options.

ORA-12980 checkpoint option not allowed with SET UNUSED

    Cause: An attempt was made to specify checkpoint option with SET UNUSED.

    Action: Remove the checkpoint option.

ORA-12981 cannot drop column from an object type table

    Cause: An attempt was made to drop a column from an object type table.

    Action: This action is not allowed.

ORA-12982 cannot drop column from a nested table

    Cause: An attempt was made to drop a column from a nested table.

    Action: This action is not allowed.

ORA-12983 cannot drop all columns in a table

    Cause: An attempt was made to drop all columns in a table.

    Action: Make sure at least one column remains in the table after the drop column operation.

ORA-12984 cannot drop partitioning column

    Cause: An attempt was made to drop a column used as the partitioning key.

    Action: This action is not allowed.

ORA-12985 tablespace 'string' is read only, cannot drop column

    Cause: An attempt was made to drop column from a partition/subpartition on a read-only tablespace.

    Action: Set the tablespace to read write and resubmit statement.

ORA-12986 columns in partially dropped state. Submit ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMNS CONTINUE

    Cause: An attempt was made to access a table with columns in partially dropped state (that is, drop column operation was interrupted).

    Action: Submit ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMNS CONTINUE to complete the drop column operation before accessing the table.

ORA-12987 cannot combine drop column with other operations

    Cause: An attempt was made to combine drop column with other ALTER TABLE operations.

    Action: Ensure that drop column is the sole operation specified in ALTER TABLE.

ORA-12988 cannot drop column from table owned by SYS

    Cause: An attempt was made to drop a column from a system table.

    Action: This action is not allowed.

ORA-12989 invalid value for checkpoint interval

    Cause: An invalid checkpoint interval specified in statement. Checkpoint interval must be between 0 and (2^31-1).

    Action: Correct checkpoint interval and resubmit statement.

ORA-12990 duplicate option specified

    Cause: Duplicate option specified in statement.

    Action: Remove the duplicate option and resubmit statement.

ORA-12991 column is referenced in a multi-column constraint

    Cause: An attempt was made to drop a column referenced by some constraints.

    Action: Drop all constraints referencing the dropped column or specify CASCADE CONSTRAINTS in statement.

ORA-12992 cannot drop parent key column

    Cause: An attempt was made to drop a parent key column.

    Action: Drop all constraints referencing the parent key column, or specify CASCADE CONSTRAINTS in statement.

ORA-12993 tablespace 'string' is offline, cannot drop column

    Cause: An attempt was made to drop a column from a partition/subpartition on an offline tablespace.

    Action: Bring the tablespace online and resubmit statement.

ORA-12994 drop column option only allowed once in statement

    Cause: An attempt was made to repeat the drop column option in a single statement.

    Action: Separate drop column options into different statements and resubmit statements.

ORA-12995 no columns in partially dropped state

    Cause: An attempt was made to submit DROP COLUMNS CONTINUE statement while there are no partially dropped columns.

    Action: Cannot submit this statement.

ORA-12996 cannot drop system-generated virtual column

    Cause: An attempt was made to drop a virtual column generated by the system.

    Action: This action is not allowed.

ORA-12997 cannot drop primary key column from an index-organized table

    Cause: An attempt was made to drop a primary key column from an index- organized table.

    Action: This action is not allowed.

ORA-13000 dimension number is out of range

    Cause: The specified dimension is either smaller than 1 or greater than the number of dimensions encoded in the HHCODE.

    Action: Make sure that the dimension number is between 1 and the maximum number of dimensions encoded in the HHCODE.

ORA-13001 dimensions mismatch error

    Cause: The number of dimensions in two HHCODEs involved in a binary HHCODE operation do not match.

    Action: Make sure that the number of dimensions in the HHCODEs match.

ORA-13002 specified level is out of range

    Cause: The specified level is either smaller than 1 or greater than the maximum level encoded in an HHCODE.

    Action: Verify that all levels are between 1 and the maximum number of levels encoded in the HHCODE.

ORA-13003 the specified range for a dimension is invalid

    Cause: The specified range for a dimension is invalid.

    Action: Make sure that the lower bound (lb) is less than the upper bound (ub).

ORA-13004 the specified buffer size is invalid

    Cause: The buffer size for a function is not valid.

    Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13005 recursive HHCODE function error

    Cause: An error occurred in a recursively called HHCODE function.

    Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13006 the specified cell number is invalid

    Cause: The cell identifier is either less than 0 or greater than (2^ndim - 1).

    Action: Make sure that the cell identifier is between 0 and (2^ndim - 1).

ORA-13007 an invalid HEX character was detected

    Cause: A character that is not in the range [0-9] or [A-Fa-f] was detected.

    Action: Verify that all characters in a string are in the range [0-9] or [A-Fa-f].

ORA-13008 the specified date format has an invalid component

    Cause: Part of the specified date format is invalid.

    Action: Verify that the date format is valid.

ORA-13009 the specified date string is invalid

    Cause: The specified date string has a bad component or does not match the specified format string.

    Action: Make sure that the components of the date string are valid and that the date and format strings match.

ORA-13010 an invalid number of arguments has been specified

    Cause: An invalid number of arguments was specified for an SDO function.

    Action: Verify the syntax of the function call.

ORA-13011 value is out of range

    Cause: A specified dimension value is outside the range defined for that dimension.

    Action: Make sure that all values to be encoded are within the defined dimension range.

ORA-13012 an invalid window type was specified

    Cause: An invalid window type was specified.

    Action: Valid window types are RANGE, PROXIMITY, POLYGON.

ORA-13013 the specified topology was not INTERIOR or BOUNDARY

    Cause: A topology was specified that was not INTERIOR or BOUNDARY.

    Action: Make sure that INTERIOR or BOUNDARY is used to describe an HHCODE's topology.

ORA-13014 a topology identifier outside the range of 1 to 8 was specified

    Cause: A topology identifier outside the range of 1 to 8 was specified.

    Action: Specify a topology in the range of 1 to 8.

ORA-13015 the window definition is not valid

    Cause: The number of values used to define the window does not correspond to the window type.

    Action: Verify that the number of values used to define the window is correct for the window type and number of dimensions.

ORA-13016 bad partition definition

    Cause: The partition common code was not correctly decoded.

    Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13017 unrecognized line partition shape

    Cause: The shape of a 2-D line partition could not be determined.

    Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13018 bad distance type

    Cause: The specified distance type is invalid.

    Action: The only supported distance functions are EUCLID and MANHATTAN.

ORA-13019 coordinates out of bounds

    Cause: Vertex coordinates lie outside the valid range for the specified dimension.

    Action: Re-define vertex coordinates within specified boundaries.

ORA-13020 coordinate is NULL

    Cause: A vertex coordinate has a NULL value.

    Action: Re-define vertex coordinate to have a non-NULL value.

ORA-13021 element not continuous

    Cause: The coordinates defining a geometric element are not connected.

    Action: Re-define coordinates for the geometric element.

ORA-13022 polygon crosses itself

    Cause: The coordinates defining a polygonal geometric element represent crossing segments.

    Action: Re-define the coordinates for the polygon.

ORA-13023 interior element interacts with exterior element

    Cause: An interior element of a geometric object interacts with the exterior element of that object.

    Action: Re-define coordinates for the geometric elements.

ORA-13024 polygon has less than three segments

    Cause: The coordinates defining a polygonal geometric element represent less than three segments.

    Action: Re-define the coordinates for the polygon.

ORA-13025 polygon does not close

    Cause: The coordinates defining a polygonal geometric element represent an open polygon.

    Action: Re-define the coordinates of the polygon.

ORA-13026 unknown element type for element string.string.string

    Cause: The SDO_ETYPE column in the layer_SDOGEOM table contains an invalid geometric element type value.

    Action: Re-define the geometric element type in the layer_SDOGEOM table for the specified geometric element using one of the supported SDO_ETYPE values. See the Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference for an explanation of SDO_ETYPE and its possible values.

ORA-13027 unable to read dimension definition from string

    Cause: There was a problem reading the dimension definition from the layer_SDODIM table.

    Action: Verify that the layer_SDODIM table exists and that the appropriate privileges exist on the table. Address any other errors that might appear with the message.

ORA-13028 Invalid Gtype in the SDO_GEOMETRY object

    Cause: There is an invalid SDO_GTYPE in the SDO_GEOMETRY object.

    Action: Verify that the geometries have valid gtypes.

ORA-13029 Invalid SRID in the SDO_GEOMETRY object

    Cause: There is an invalid SDO_SRID in the SDO_GEOMETRY object. The specified SRID may be outside the valid SRID range.

    Action: Verify that the geometries have valid SRIDs.

ORA-13030 Invalid dimension for the SDO_GEOMETRY object

    Cause: There is a mismatch between the dimension in the SDO_GTYPE and the dimension in the SDO_GEOM_METADATA for the SDO_GEOMETRY object.

    Action: Verify that the geometries have valid dimensionality.

ORA-13031 Invalid Gtype in the SDO_GEOMETRY object for point object

    Cause: There is an invalid SDO_GTYPE in the SDO_GEOMETRY object where the VARRAYs are NULL but the SDO_GTYPE is not of type POINT.

    Action: Verify that the geometries have valid gtypes.

ORA-13032 Invalid NULL SDO_GEOMETRY object

    Cause: There are invalid SDO_POINT_TYPE, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY, or SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY fields in the SDO_GEOMETRY object.

    Action: Verify that the geometries have valid fields. To specify a NULL Geometry, specify the whole SDO_GEOMETRY as NULL instead of setting each field to NULL.

ORA-13033 Invalid data in the SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY in SDO_GEOMETRY object

    Cause: There is invalid data in the SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY field of the SDO_GEOMETRY object. The triplets in this field do not make up a valid geometry.

    Action: Verify that the geometries have valid data.

ORA-13034 Invalid data in the SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY in SDO_GEOMETRY object

    Cause: There is invalid data in the SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY field of the SDO_GEOMETRY object. The coordinates in this field do not make up a valid geometry. There may be NULL values for X, Y, or both.

    Action: Verify that the geometries have valid data.

ORA-13035 Invalid data (arcs in geodetic data) in the SDO_GEOMETRY object

    Cause: There is invalid data in the SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY field of the SDO_GEOMETRY object. There are arcs in a geometry that has geodetic coordinates.

    Action: Verify that the geometries have valid data.

ORA-13036 Operation [string] not supported for Point Data

    Cause: The specified geometry function is not supported for Point data.

    Action: Make sure that the specified geometry function is not called on point data.

ORA-13037 SRIDs do not match for the two geometries

    Cause: A Spatial operation is invoked with two geometries where one geometry has an SRID and the other geometry does not have an SRID.

    Action: Make sure that the spatial operations are invoked between two geometries with compatible SRIDs.

ORA-13039 failed to update spatial index for element string.string.string

    Cause: Another error will accompany this message that will indicate the problem.

    Action: Correct any accompanying errors. If no accompanying error message appears, then contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13040 failed to subdivide tile

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Note any accompanying errors and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13041 failed to compare tile with element string.string.string

    Cause: The spatial relationship between a generated tile and the specified element could not be determined.

    Action: This is an internal error. Verify the geometry using the VALIDATE_GEOMETRY procedure. If the procedure does not return any errors, then note any errors which accompany ORA-13041 and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13042 invalid SDO_LEVEL and SDO_NUMTILES combination

    Cause: An invalid combination of SDO_LEVEL and SDO_NUMTILES values was read from the layer_SDOLAYER table. The most likely cause is that the columns are NULL.

    Action: Verify that the SDO_LEVEL and SDO_NUMTILES columns contain valid integer values as described in the Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference. Retry the operation.

ORA-13043 failed to read meta data from the layer_SDOLAYER table

    Cause: An error was encountered reading the layer meta data from the layer_SDOLAYER table.

    Action: This error is usually the result of an earlier error which should also have been reported. Address this accompanying error and retry the current operation. If no accompanying error was reported, then contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13044 the specified tile size exceeds the maximum resolution

    Cause: The tile size specified for fixed size tessellation exceeds the maximum resolution as computed from the layer meta data.

    Action: See the Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference for an explanation of tiling levels, tile size, and tiling resolution. Ensure that the tiling parameters are set such that any generated tile is always larger than or equal to a tile at the maximum level of resolution. This can be achieved by using a fewer number of tiles per geometric object or specifying a lesser tile size value than the current one.

ORA-13045 invalid compatibility flag

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13046 invalid number of arguments

    Cause: An invalid number of arguments was specified for an SDO_GEOM function.

    Action: Refer to the Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference for a description of the syntax and semantics of the relevant SDO_GEOM function.

ORA-13047 unable to determine ordinate count from table layer_SDOLAYER

    Cause: An SDO_GEOM function was unable to determine the number of ordinates for the SDO layer layer.

    Action: Verify that the layer_SDOLAYER table has a valid value for the column SDO_ORDCNT. Retry the operation.

ORA-13048 recursive SQL fetch error

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13049 unable to determine tolerance value from table layer_SDODIM

    Cause: An SDO_GEOM function was unable to determine the tolerance value for the SDO layer layer.

    Action: Verify that the layer_SDODIM table has a valid value for the column SDO_TOLERANCE.

ORA-13050 unable to construct spatial object

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13051 failed to initialize spatial object

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13052 unsupported geometric type for geometry string.string

    Cause: The geometry type for a specific instance in a layer_SDOGEOM table is not among the set of geometry types supported by the Oracle Spatial Cartridge.

    Action: Check the Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference for the list of supported geometry types and workarounds that permit the storage and retrieval of non-supported geometric types with the SDO schema.

ORA-13053 maximum number of geometric elements in argument list exceeded

    Cause: The maximum number of geometric elements that can be specified in the argument list for an SDO_GEOM function was exceeded.

    Action: Check the Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference for the syntax of the SDO_GEOM function and use fewer arguments to describe the geometry, or check the description of the SDO_WINDOW package for a workaround that permits storing the object in a table and then using it as an argument in a call to the SDO_GEOM function.

ORA-13054 recursive SQL parse error

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13055 Oracle object string does not exist in specified table

    Cause: The requested object is not present in the specified table.

    Action: Verify the syntax of the function or procedure that reported this error and verify that the object does indeed exist in the specified table. Retry the operation.

ORA-13108 spatial table string not found

    Cause: The specified spatial table does not exist.

    Action: Check the Spatial Data option data dictionary to make sure that the table is registered.

ORA-13109 spatial table string exists

    Cause: The specified spatial table is registered in the Spatial Data option data dictionary.

    Action: Remove the existing table from the Spatial Data option data dictionary or use a different name.

ORA-13110 spatial table string is not partitioned

    Cause: The specified spatial table is not partitioned.

    Action: Check the Spatial Data option data dictionary and make sure that a high water mark is set.

ORA-13111 spatial table string has no partition key defined

    Cause: The specified spatial table does not have a partition key defined.

    Action: Check the Spatial Data option data dictionary and make sure that the table is partitioned.

ORA-13112 invalid count mode string

    Cause: The specified count mode is not valid.

    Action: Alter the count mode. Valid count modes are ESTIMATE or EXACT.

ORA-13113 Oracle table string does not exist

    Cause: The specified Oracle table does not exist.

    Action: Check the Oracle7 data dictionary and make sure that the table exists.

ORA-13114 tablespace string not found

    Cause: The specified tablespace does not exist.

    Action: Check the Oracle7 data dictionary and make sure that the specified tablespace exists and that there is a space quota defined on it.

ORA-13115 tablespace string is already allocated

    Cause: The specified tablespace is already allocated to the spatial table.

    Action: Allocate another tablespace name to the table.

ORA-13116 tablespace string is not allocated to table string

    Cause: The specified tablespace is not allocated to the specified spatial table.

    Action: Allocate the tablespace to the spatial table.

ORA-13117 partition string not found

    Cause: The specified partition does not exist.

    Action: Verify the name of the partition by checking the Spatial Data option data dictionary.

ORA-13119 source and target tablespaces are identical

    Cause: Identical source and target tablespaces were specified when trying to move partition.

    Action: Specify different source and target tablespaces if you wish to move a partition.

ORA-13121 failed to create child partition

    Cause: The creation of a child partition failed.

    Action: Check for other errors that accompany this error and correct them first.

ORA-13122 child partition string not found

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13123 column string is already defined

    Cause: The specified column is already defined for the spatial table.

    Action: Use a different column name.

ORA-13124 unable to determine column id for column string

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13125 partition key is already set

    Cause: A partition key is already set for the spatial table.

    Action: Only one partition key can be specified per spatial table.

ORA-13126 unable to determine class for spatial table string

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13127 failed to generate target partition

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13128 current tiling level exceeds user specified tiling level

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13129 HHCODE column string not found

    Cause: The specified spatial column does not exist.

    Action: Verify that the specified column is a spatial column by checking the Spatial Data option data dictionary.

ORA-13135 failed to alter spatial table

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13136 null common code generated

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13137 failed to generate tablespace sequence number

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13138 could not determine name of object string

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13139 could not obtain column definition for string

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13140 invalid target type

    Cause: The specified target type is not valid.

    Action: Substitute a valid target type. Valid target types are TABLE or VIEW.

ORA-13141 invalid RANGE window definition

    Cause: The RANGE window specified is not correctly defined.

    Action: A RANGE window is defined by specifying the lower and upper boundary of each dimension as a pair of values (for example, such as: lower_bound1,upper_bound1,lower_bound2,upper_bound2,...). There should be an even number of values.

ORA-13142 invalid PROXIMITY window definition

    Cause: The PROXIMITY window specified is not correctly defined.

    Action: A PROXIMITY window is defined by specifying a center point and a radius. The center point is defined by ND values. There should be ND+1 values.

ORA-13143 invalid POLYGON window definition

    Cause: The POLYGON window specified is not correctly defined.

    Action: A POLYGON window is defined by specifying N pairs of values that represent the vertices of the polygon. There should be an even number of values.

ORA-13144 target table string not found

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13145 failed to generate range list

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13146 could not find table substitution variable string

    Cause: The partition name substitution variable string was not found in the SQL filter.

    Action: The substitution variable string must be in the SQL filter to indicate where that partition name should be placed.

ORA-13147 failed to generate MBR

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13148 failed to generate SQL filter

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13149 failed to generate next sequence number for spatial table string

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13150 failed to insert exception record

    Cause: Operation failed to insert a record into the exception table.

    Action: Fix any other errors reported.

ORA-13151 failed to remove exception record

    Cause: Operation failed to insert a record into the exception table.

    Action: Fix any other errors reported.

ORA-13152 invalid HHCODE type

    Cause: The specified HHCODE type is not valid.

    Action: Substitute a valid HHCODE type. Valid HHCODE types are POINT and LINE.

ORA-13153 invalid high water mark specified

    Cause: The highwater mark must be greater than or equal to zero.

    Action: Make sure that the highwater mark is an integer greater than or equal to zero.

ORA-13154 invalid precision specified

    Cause: The precision specified is out of range.

    Action: The precision must be an integer greater than or equal to zero.

ORA-13155 invalid number of dimensions specified

    Cause: The number of dimensions specified is out of range.

    Action: The number of dimensions must be between 1 and 32.

ORA-13156 table to be registered string.string is not empty

    Cause: The specified table has rows in it.

    Action: Make sure that the table to be registered is empty.

ORA-13157 Oracle error ORAstring encountered while string

    Cause: The specified Oracle error was encountered.

    Action: Correct the Oracle error.

ORA-13158 Oracle object string does not exist

    Cause: The specified object does not exist.

    Action: Verify that the specified object exists.

ORA-13159 Oracle table string already exists

    Cause: The specified table already exists.

    Action: Drop the specified table.

ORA-13181 unable to determine length of column string_SDOINDEX.SDO_CODE

    Cause: The length of the SDO_CODE column in the layer_SDOINDEX table could not be determined.

    Action: Make sure that the layer_SDOINDEX table exists with the SDO_CODE column. Verify that the appropriate privileges exist on the table. Retry the operation.

ORA-13182 failed to read element string.string.string

    Cause: The specified element could not be read from the layer_SDOGEOM table.

    Action: Verify that the specified element exists in the table. Retry the operation.

ORA-13183 unsupported geometric type for geometry string.string

    Cause: The geometry type in the layer_SDOGEOM table is unsupported.

    Action: Modify the geometry type to be one of the supported types.

ORA-13184 failed to initialize tessellation package

    Cause: Initialization of the tessellation package failed.

    Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13185 failed to generate initial HHCODE

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13186 fixed tile size tessellation failed

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13187 subdivision failed

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13188 cell decode failed

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13189 recursive SQL parse failed

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13190 recursive SQL fetch failed

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13191 failed to read SDO_ORDCNT value

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13192 failed to read number of element rows

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13193 failed to allocate space for geometry

    Cause: There was insufficient memory to read the geometry from the database.

    Action: Validate the geometry. Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13194 failed to decode supercell

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13195 failed to generate maximum tile value

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13196 failed to compute supercell for element string.string.string

    Cause: The system was unable to compute the minimum bounding HHCODE or supercell for the geometry.

    Action: Another error might accompany this error. Correct the accompanying error. Also, validate the geometry for correctness.

ORA-13197 element string.string.string is out of range

    Cause: Tessellation did not generate any tiles for this element. This error could be caused if the geometry definition puts the geometry outside the domain defined in the layer_SDODIM table.

    Action: Verify that the geometry is valid and within the defined domain.

ORA-13198 Spatial Cartridge error: string

    Cause: Internal error in some Spatial Cartridge stored procedure.

    Action: Record the sequence of procedure calls or events that preceeded this error and contact Oracle Support Services if the error message text does not clearly specify the cause of the error.

ORA-13199 string

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13200 internal error [string] in spatial indexing.

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the exact error text.

ORA-13201 invalid parameters supplied in CREATE INDEX statement

    Cause: An error was encountered while trying to parse the parameters clause for the spatial CREATE INDEX statement.

    Action: Check the Spatial Cartridge User Guide for the number, syntax, and semantics of expected parameters for spatial index creation.

ORA-13202 failed to create or insert into the SDO_INDEX_METADATA table

    Cause: An error was encountered while trying to create the SDO_INDEX_METADATA table or insert data into it.

    Action: Verify that the current user has CREATE TABLE privilege and that the user has sufficient quota in the default or specified tablespace.

ORA-13203 failed to read USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA table

    Cause: An error was encountered while trying to read USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA table.

    Action: Check that USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA has an entry for the current geometry table.

ORA-13204 failed to create spatial index table

    Cause: An error was encountered while trying to create the index table.

    Action: Check that user has create table privilege in the current schema and that the user has sufficient quota in the default or specified tablespace.

ORA-13205 internal error while parsing spatial parameters

    Cause: An internal error was encountered while parsing the spatial parameters.

    Action: Check to make sure that the parameters passed in the parameter string are all valid.

ORA-13206 internal error [string] while creating the spatial index

    Cause: An internal error was encountered while creating the spatial index.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the exact error text.

ORA-13207 incorrect use of the [string] operator

    Cause: An error was encountered while evaluating the specified operator.

    Action: Check the parameters and the return type of the specified operator.

ORA-13208 internal error while evaluating [string] operator

    Cause: An internal error was encountered.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the exact error text.

ORA-13209 internal error while reading SDO_INDEX_METADATA table

    Cause: An internal error was encountered while trying to read SDO_INDEX_METADATA table.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. Note this and accompanying error numbers.

ORA-13210 error inserting data into the index table

    Cause: An error was encountered while trying to insert data into the index table. Likely causes are:

        Insufficient quota in the current tablespace
        User does not appropriate privileges

    Action: Check the accompanying error messages.

ORA-13211 failed to tessellate the window object

    Cause: An internal error was encountered while trying to tessellate the window object.

    Action: Verify the geometric integrity of the window object using the VALIDATE_GEOMETRY procedure.

ORA-13212 failed to compare tile with the window object

    Cause: The spatial relationship between a generated tile and the specified window object could not be determined.

    Action: This is an internal error. Verify the geometry using the VALIDATE_GEOMETRY procedure. If the procedure does not return any errors, then note any accompanying errors and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13213 failed to generate spatial index for window object

    Cause: Another error, indicating the real cause of the problem, should accompany this error.

    Action: Correct any accompanying errors. If no accompanying error message appears, then contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13214 failed to compute supercell for window object

    Cause: The system was unable to compute the minimum bounding tile or supercell for the geometry.

    Action: Another error might accompany this error. Correct the accompanying error. Also, validate the geometry for correctness.

ORA-13215 window object is out of range

    Cause: Tessellation did not generate any tiles for this geometry. This error could be caused if the geometry definition puts the geometry outside the domain defined in the USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA view.

    Action: Verify that the geometry is valid and within the defined domain.

ORA-13216 failed to update spatial index

    Cause: Another error will accompany this message that will indicate the problem.

    Action: Correct any accompanying errors. If no accompanying error message appears, then contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13217 invalid parameters supplied in ALTER INDEX statement

    Cause: An error was encountered while trying to parse the parameters clause for the spatial ALTER INDEX statement.

    Action: Check the Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference for the number, syntax, and semantics of expected parameters for spatial alter index command.

ORA-13218 max number of supported index tables reached for [string] index

    Cause: An add_index parameter is passed to ALTER INDEX when the number of existing index tables is already at maximum.

    Action: Delete one of the index tables before adding another index table.

ORA-13219 failed to create spatial index table [string]

    Cause: An error was encountered while trying to create the index table.

    Action: There is a table in the index's schema with the specified name. The create index will try to create an index table with this name. Either rename this table or change the name of the index.

ORA-13220 failed to compare tile with the geometry

    Cause: The spatial relationship between a generated tile and the specified geometry could not be determined.

    Action: This is an internal error. Verify the geometry using the VALIDATE_GEOMETRY procedure. If the procedure does not return any errors, then note any errors which accompany ORA-13220 and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13221 unknown geometry type in the geometry object

    Cause: The SDO_GTYPE attribute in the geometry object contains an invalid value.

    Action: Re-define the geometric type in the geometry table using one of the supported SDO_GTYPE values. See the Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference for an explanation of SDO_GTYPE and its possible values.

ORA-13222 failed to compute supercell for geometry in string

    Cause: The system was unable to compute the minimum bounding tile or supercell for a geometry in the specified table.

    Action: Another error might accompany this error. Correct the accompanying error. Also, validate the geometry for correctness.

ORA-13223 duplicate entry for string in SDO_GEOM_METADATA table

    Cause: There are duplicate entries for the given table and column value pair in the SDO_GEOM_METADATA table

    Action: Check that the specified table and geometry column names are correct. There should be only one entry per table, geometry column pair in the SDO_GEOME_METADATA table.

ORA-13224 specified index name is too long for a spatial index

    Cause: An index name was specified which is longer than the supported length of the spatial index name.

    Action: Check the supported size of the index name and reduce the size of the index name.

ORA-13225 specified index table name is too long for a spatial index

    Cause: An index table name was specified which is longer than the supported length of the spatial index table name.

    Action: Check the supported size of the index table name and reduce the size of the index name.

ORA-13226 interface not supported without a spatial index

    Cause: The geometry table does not have a spatial index.

    Action: Verify that the geometry table referenced in the spatial operator has a spatial index on it.

ORA-13227 SDO_LEVEL values for the two index tables do not match

    Cause: The SDO_LEVEL values for the two index tables used in the spatial join operator do not match.

    Action: Verify that two compatible indexes are used for the spatial join operator. Indexes are compatible if they have the same SDO_LEVEL and SDO_NUMTILES values.

ORA-13228 Spatial index create failed due to invalid type

    Cause: An Attempt was made to create a spatial index on a column of type other than SDO_GEOMETRY.

    Action: Make sure that the index is created on a column of type SDO_GEOMETRY.

ORA-13230 failed to create temporary table [string] during R-tree creation

    Cause: The specified temporary table either already exists or there is not enough tablespace.

    Action: Delete the table if it already exists and verify if the current user has CREATE TABLE privleges and has sufficient space in the default or specified tablespace.

ORA-13231 failed to create index table [string] during R-tree creation

    Cause: The specified index table either already exists or there is not enough tablespace. Otherwise, contact Oracle Support Services.

    Action: Delete the table if it already exists and verify if the current user has CREATE TABLE privleges and has sufficient space in the default or specified tablespace.

ORA-13232 failed to allocate memory during R-tree creation

    Cause: This feature assumes a minimum of 64 KB memory for bulk creation.

    Action: Create the index for a small subset of the data. Then, use transactional inserts for the rest.

ORA-13233 failed to create sequence number [string] for R-tree

    Cause: The specified sequence number exists.

    Action: Delete the sequence object or contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13234 failed to access R-tree-index table [string]

    Cause: The index table is either deleted or corrupted.

    Action: Rebuild the index or contact Oracle Support Services with accompanying error messages.

ORA-13236 internal error in R-tree processing: [string]

    Cause: An internal error occurred in R-tree processing.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with message text.

ORA-13237 internal error during R-tree concurrent updates: [string]

    Cause: An inconsistency was encountered during concurrent updates possibly due to the use of serializable isolation level.

    Action: Change the isolation level to "read committed" using alter session or contact Oracle Support Services with the message text.

ORA-13239 sdo_dimensionality not specified during n-d R-tree creation

    Cause: An error occurred in reading the dimensionality parameter.

    Action: Check the documentation for a valid range and specify the dimensionality as a parameter.

ORA-13240 specified dimensionality greater than that of the query mbr

    Cause: An error occurred because of too few values in query mbr.

    Action: Omit the dimensionality or use the dimensionality of the query.

ORA-13241 specified dimensionality does not match that of the data

    Cause: An error occurred because the dimensionality specified in the CREATE INDEX does not match that of the data.

    Action: Change it to the data dimensionality.

ORA-13242 failed to read tolerance values for n-d R-tree

    Cause: An error occurred in reading the information for the specified table and column in USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA table.

    Action: Insert appropriate row specifying the tolerance.

ORA-13243 specified operator is not supported for n-d R-tree: [string]

    Cause: Currently, an n-d R-tree only supports sdo_filter operator.

    Action: Check the documentation for querytype parameters for sdo_filter or contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13249 string

    Cause: An internal error was encountered in the extensible spatial index component. The text of the message is obtained from some other server component.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the exact error text.

ORA-13250 insufficient privileges to modify metadata table entries

    Cause: The user requesting the operation does not have the appropriate privileges on the referenced tables.

    Action: Check that the specified feature and geometry table names are correct and then verify that the current user has at least SELECT privilege on those tables.

ORA-13251 duplicate entry string in metadata table

    Cause: The specified entry already exists in the metadata table.

    Action: Check that the specified feature and geometry table names are correct. A feature-geometry table association should be registered only once.

ORA-13260 layer table string does not exist

    Cause: Data migration source table layer_SDOGEOM does not exist.

    Action: Ensure that the specified layername is correct and that the corresponding spatial layer tables exist in the current schema.

ORA-13261 geometry table string does not exist

    Cause: The specified geometry table does not exist in the current schema.

    Action: Create a table containing a column of type SDO_GEOMETRY and a column of type NUMBER for the GID values.

ORA-13262 geometry column string does not exist in table string

    Cause: The specified table does not have a column of type SDO_GEOMETRY.

    Action: Alter or recreate the table such that it includes a column of type SDO_GEOMETRY and a column of type NUMBER.

ORA-13263 column string in table string is not of type SDO_GEOMETRY

    Cause: The column intended for storing the geometry is not of type SDO_GEOMETRY.

    Action: Alter the column definition to be of type SDO_GEOMETRY.

ORA-13264 geometry identifier column string does not exist in table string

    Cause: The specified table does not contain a GID column.

    Action: Confirm that the GID columnname was correctly specified and that it exists in the specified table.

ORA-13265 geometry identifier column string in table string is not of type NUMBER.

    Cause: GID column is not of type NUMBER.

    Action: Alter the table definition such that the column containing the geometry identifier (GID) is of type NUMBER.

ORA-13266 error inserting data into table string

    Cause: An OCI error occurred or the user has insufficient quota in the active tablespace or the rollback segments are too small.

    Action: There should be an accompanying error message that indicates the cause of the problem. Take appropriate action to correct the indicated problem.

ORA-13267 error reading data from layer table string

    Cause: There was an error reading the geometry data from the layer_SDOGEOM table.

    Action: Verify that layer_SDOGEOM and layer_SDODIM exist. If they do exist, then run VALIDATE_GEOMETRY on the specified layer.

ORA-13268 error obtaining dimension from USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA

    Cause: There is no entry in USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA for the specified geometry table.

    Action: Insert an entry for the destination geometry table with the dimension information obtained from the source layer_SDODIM table.

ORA-13269 internal error [string] encountered when processing geometry table

    Cause: An internal error occurred.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the exact error message text.

ORA-13270 OCI error string

    Cause: An OCI error occurred while processing the layer or geometry tables.

    Action: Take the appropriate steps to correct the OCI specific error.

ORA-13271 error allocating memory for geometry object

    Cause: Insufficient memory.

    Action: Make more memory available to the current session/process.

ORA-13272 geometric object string in table string is invalid

    Cause: The specified object failed the geometric integrity checks performed by VALIDATE_GEOMETRY.

    Action: Consult the Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference for information on the geometric integrity checks performed by VALIDATE_GEOMETRY and correct the geometry definition if required.

ORA-13273 dimension metadata table string does not exist

    Cause: The layer_SDODIM table does not exist.

    Action: Verify that the specified layer name is correct and that the layer_SDODIM table exists in the current schema.

ORA-13274 Operator invoked with non compatible SRIDs

    Cause: A Spatial operator was invoked with a window geometry with an SRID and the layer without an SRID or window has no SRID and the layer has an SRID.

    Action: Make sure that the layer and window both have an SRID or they both do not have an SRID.

ORA-13275 Spatial index creation failure on unsupported type

    Cause: A spatial index create was invoked on a column that is not of type SDO_GEOMETRY.

    Action: Spatial index can only be created on a column of type SDO_GEOMETRY. Make sure the indexed column has SDO_GEOMETRY type.

ORA-13276 internal error [string] in coordinate transformation

    Cause: OCI internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the exact error message text.

ORA-13278 failure to convert SRID to native format

    Cause: OCI internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the exact error message text.

ORA-13281 failure in execution of sql statement to retrieve WKT

    Cause: OCI internal error or SRID does not match a table entry.

    Action: Check that a valid SRID is being used.

ORA-13282 failure on initialization of coordinate transformation

    Cause: Parsing error on source or destination coordinate system WKT or incompatible coordinate systems.

    Action: Check validity of WKT for table entries and the legitimacy of the requested transformation.

ORA-13283 failure to get new geometry object for conversion in place

    Cause: OCI internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the exact error message text.

ORA-13284 failure to copy geometry object for conversion in place

    Cause: OCI internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the exact error message text.

ORA-13285 Geometry coordinate transformation error

    Cause: A coordinate pair was out of valid range for a conversion/projection.

    Action: Check that data to be transformed is consistent with the desired conversion/projection.

ORA-13287 can't transform unknown gtype

    Cause: A geometry with a gtype of <= 0 was specified for transformation. Only a gtype >= 1 is allowed.


ORA-13288 Point coordinate transformation error

    Cause: An internal error while transforming points.

    Action: Check the accompanying error messages.

ORA-13290 The specified unit is not supported

    Cause: Spatial function called with an unknown UNIT.

    Action: Check the supported units by Spatial and call the spatial function with the correct UNIT parameter.

ORA-13291 Conversion error between the specified unit and standard unit

    Cause: Cannot convert the specified unit from/to standard unit for linear distance, angle, or area.

    Action: Check unit specification and respecify it.

ORA-13292 Incorrect ARC_TOLERANCE specification

    Cause: When a SDO_BUFFER or SDO_AGGR_BUFFER function is called on a Geodetic geometry, or SDO_ARC_DENSIFY is called, ARC_TOLERANCE must be specified and it should not be less than the tolerance specified for the geometry.

    Action: Check ARC_TOLERANCE specification and make sure it is correct.

ORA-13293 Cannot specify unit for geometry without a georeferenced SRID

    Cause: A Spatial function with unit parameter is called on a geometry without a georeferenced SRID.

    Action: Make sure that spatial functions with UNIT parameters are only called on geometries with georeferenced SRIDs.

ORA-13294 Cannot transform geometry containing circular arcs

    Cause: It is impossible to transform a 3-point representation of a circular arc without distortion.

    Action: Make sure a geometry does not contain circular arcs.

ORA-13295 Geometry objects are in different coordinate systems

    Cause: A Spatial function is called with two geometries with two different SRIDs.

    Action: Transform geometry objects to be in the same coordinate system and call the spatial function.

ORA-13296 Incorrect Coordinate System Specification

    Cause: Wrong numbers in WKT for Earth radius or flattening for the current SRID.

    Action: Check WKT in CS_SRS table for Earth radius and inverse flattening.

ORA-13300 Single point transform error

    Cause: Low level coordinate transformation error trap.

    Action: Check the accompanying error messages.

ORA-13303 failure to retrieve a geometry object from a table

    Cause: OCI internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the exact error message text.

ORA-13304 failure to insert a transformed geometry object in a table

    Cause: OCI internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the exact error message text.

ORA-13330 invalid MASK

    Cause: The MASK you passed to RELATE function is not valid.

    Action: Verify that the mask is not NULL. See the Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference for a list of supported masks.

ORA-13331 invalid LRS segment

    Cause: The given LRS segment was not a valid linestring.

    Action: A valid LRS geometric segment is a line string geometry in Oracle Spatial. It could be a simple or compound line string (made of lines or arcs, or both). The dimension information must include the measure dimension as the last element in Oracle Spatial metadata. Currently, the number of dimensions for an LRS segment must be greater than 2 (x/y or latitude/longitude plus measure).

ORA-13332 invalid LRS point

    Cause: Given LRS point was not a point-geometry with measure information.

    Action: Check the given point geometry.A valid LRS point is a point geometry in Oracle Spatial with additional measure dimension.

ORA-13333 invalid LRS measure

    Cause: The given measure for linear referencing was out of range.

    Action: Re-define the given measure.

ORA-13334 LRS segments not connected

    Cause: The given geometric segments were not connected.

    Action: Check the start/end points of the given geometric segments.

ORA-13335 LRS measure information not defined

    Cause: The measure information of a given geometric segments was not assigned (IS NULL).

    Action: Assign/define the measure information. An LRS geometric segment is defined if its start and end measure are assigned (non-null).

ORA-13336 Failure in converting standard diminfo/geometry to LRS dim/geom

    Cause: No room for measure dimension in the given diminfo or the given standard geometry is not a point a linestring.

    Action: Check if the diminfo dimensions are less than 3 or given geometry type is point or linestring.

ORA-13337 failure in concatenating LRS polygons

    Cause: LRS concatenation involving LRS polygons is not supported.

    Action: Check geometry and element type to make sure the concatenate operation is not called with a polygon type.

ORA-13338 failure in reversing LRS polygon/collection geometry

    Cause: Reversing an LRS polygon/collection geometry produces an invalid geometry as this operation is not well defined for polygon geometry.

    Action: Check the geometry type to make sure this operation is called on non polygon type geometry.

ORA-13339 LRS Polygon clipping across multiple rings

    Cause: Clipping (dynseg) a polygon across multiple rings.

    Action: Polygon clipping only allowed for a single ring.

ORA-13340 a point geometry has more than one coordinate

    Cause: A geometry, specified as being a point, has more than one coordinate in its definition.

    Action: A point has only one coordinate. If this geometry is intended to represent a point cluster, line, or polygon, then set the appropriate SDO_GTYPE or SDO_ETYPE value. If this is a single point object, then remove the extraneous coordinates from its definition.

ORA-13341 a line geometry has less than two coordinates

    Cause: A geometry, specified as being a line, has less than two coordinates in its definition.

    Action: A line must consist of at least two distinct coordinates. Correct the geometric definition or set the appropriate SDO_GTYPE or SDO_ETYPE attribute for this geometry.

ORA-13342 an arc geometry has less than three coordinates

    Cause: A geometry, specified as being an arc, has less than three coordinates in its definition.

    Action: An arc must consist of at least three distinct coordinates. Correct the geometric definition or set the appropriate SDO_GTYPE or SDO_ETYPE attribute for this geometry.

ORA-13343 a polygon geometry has less than four coordinates

    Cause: A geometry, specified as being a polygon, has less than four coordinates in its definition.

    Action: A polygon must consist of at least four distinct coordinates. Correct the geometric definition or set the appropriate SDO_GTYPE or SDO_ETYPE attribute for this geometry.

ORA-13344 an arcpolygon geometry has less than five coordinates

    Cause: A geometry, specified as being an arcpolygon, has less than six coordinates in its definition.

    Action: An arcpolygon must consist of at least five coordinates. An arcpolygon consists of an ordered sequence of arcs, each of which must be described using three coordinates. Since arcs are connected, the end-point of the first is the start of the second and does not have to be repeated. Correct the geometric definition or set the appropriate SDO_GTYPE or SDO_ETYPE attribute for this geometry.

ORA-13345 a compound polygon geometry has less than five coordinates

    Cause: A geometry, specified as being a compound polygon, has less than five coordinates in its definition.

    Action: A compound polygon must contain at least five coordinates. A compound polygon consists of at least one arc and one line, each of which must be described using three and at least two distinct coordinates, respectively. Correct the geometric definition or set the appropriate SDO_GTYPE or SDO_ETYPE attribute for this geometry.

ORA-13346 the coordinates defining an arc are collinear

    Cause: Invalid definition of an arc. An arc is defined using three non-collinear coordinates.

    Action: Alter the definition or the arc or set the SDO_ETYPE or SDO_GTYPE to the line type.

ORA-13347 the coordinates defining an arc are not distinct

    Cause: Two or more of the three points defining an arc are the same.

    Action: Alter the definition of the arc, ensuring that three distinct coordinate values are used.

ORA-13348 polygon boundary is not closed

    Cause: The boundary of a polygon does not close.

    Action: Alter the coordinate values or the definition of the SDO_GTYPE or SDO_ETYPE attribute of the geometry.

ORA-13349 polygon boundary crosses itself

    Cause: The boundary of a polygon intersects itself.

    Action: Correct the geometric definition of the object.

ORA-13350 two or more rings of a complex polygon touch

    Cause: The inner or outer rings of a complex polygon touch.

    Action: All rings of a complex polygon must be disjoint. Correct the geometric description of the object.

ORA-13351 two or more rings of a complex polygon overlap

    Cause: The inner or outer rings of a complex polygon overlap.

    Action: All rings of a complex polygon must be disjoint. Correct the geometric description of the object.

ORA-13352 the coordinates do not describe a circle

    Cause: The set of coordinates used to describe a circle are incorrect.

    Action: Confirm that the set of coordinates actually represent points on the circumference of a circle.

ORA-13353 ELEM_INFO_ARRAY not grouped in threes

    Cause: The ELEM_INFO_ARRAY in SDO_GEOMETRY has more or fewer elements than expected.

    Action: Confirm that the number of elements in ELEM_INFO_ARRAY is divisible by 3.

ORA-13354 incorrect offset in ELEM_INFO_ARRAY

    Cause: The offset field in ELEM_INFO_ARRAY of SDO_GEOMETRY references an invalid array subscript in SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY.

    Action: Confirm that the offset is a valid array subscript in SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY.

ORA-13355 SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY not grouped by number of dimensions specified

    Cause: The number of elements in SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY is not a multiple of the number of dimensions supplied by the user.

    Action: Confirm that the number of dimensions is consistent with data representation in SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY.

ORA-13356 adjacent points in a geometry are redundant

    Cause: There are repeated points in the sequence of coordinates.

    Action: Remove the redundant point.

ORA-13357 extent type does not contain 2 points

    Cause: Extent type should be represented by 2 points: lower left and upper right.

    Action: Confirm that there are only 2 points for extent type.

ORA-13358 circle type does not contain 3 points

    Cause: Circle type should be represented by 3 distinct points on the circumference.

    Action: Confirm that there are only 3 points for circle type.

ORA-13359 extent does not have an area

    Cause: The 2 points representing the extent are identical.

    Action: Confirm that the 2 points describing the extent type are distinct.

ORA-13360 invalid subtype in a compound type

    Cause: This subtype is not allowed within the ETYPE specified.

    Action: Refer to Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference for type definitions.

ORA-13361 not enough sub-elements within a compound ETYPE

    Cause: The compound type declare more sub-elements than actually defined.

    Action: Confirm that the number of sub-elements is consistent with the compound type declaration.

ORA-13362 disjoint sub-element in a compound polygon

    Cause: Compound polygon must describe an enclosed area.

    Action: Confirm that all sub-elements are connected.

ORA-13363 no valid ETYPE in the geometry

    Cause: None of the ETYPEs within the geometry is supported.

    Action: Confirm that there is at least one valid ETYPE.

ORA-13364 Layer Dimensionality does not match geometry dimensions

    Cause: Spatial layer has a geometry with a different dimensions than the dimensions specified for the layer.

    Action: Make sure that all geometries in a layer have the same dimensions and they match the dimensions in the SDO_DIM_ARRAY object for the layer in USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA.

ORA-13365 Layer SRID does not match geometry SRID

    Cause: Spatial layer has a geometry with a different SRID than the SRID specified for the layer.

    Action: Make sure that all geometries in a layer have the same SRID and the SRIDs match the SRID in USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA for the layer.

ORA-13366 Invalid combination of interior exterior rings

    Cause: In the Spatial geometry, interior and exterior rings are not used consistently.

    Action: Make sure that the interior rings corresponding to an exterior ring follow the exterior ring in the ordinate array.

ORA-13367 Wrong orientation for interior/exterior rings

    Cause: In a spatial geometry, the exterior and/or interior rings are not oriented correctly.

    Action: The exterior rings should be oriented counter clock-wise and interior rings should be oriented clock wise.

ORA-13368 Simple Polygon type has more than one exterior ring

    Cause: In a polygon type geometry, there is more than one exterior ring.

    Action: Set the type to be multi-polygon if more than one exterior is present in the geometry.

ORA-13369 Invalid value for etype in the 4 digit format

    Cause: A 4 digit etype for non polygon type element is used or the orientation is not a valid orientation for interior/exterior rings of the polygon.

ORA-13370 failure in applying 3D LRS functions

    Cause: Only Non-geodetic 3D linestring geometry (made of line segments) are supported for 3D LRS package.

    Action: Check the geometry and element types and SRID.

ORA-13371 invalid position of measure dimension

    Cause: LRS measure dimension has to be after spatial dimensions. The position has to be either 3rd or 4th in dim_info_array.

    Action: Check geometry gtype and its dim_info_array.

ORA-13372 failure in modifying metadata for a table with spatial index

    Cause: Modifying the metadata after the index is created will cause inconsistency between geometry gtype and diminfo.

    Action: Modify(or Prepare) metadata before creating index on sdo_geometry column.

ORA-13373 Element of type Extent is not supported for Geodetic data

    Cause: Element type extent for a polygon geometry is not supported for geodetic data.

    Action: Convert the extent type polygon to a regular 5 point polygon and set etype accordingly.

ORA-13374 SDO_MBR not supported for geodetic data

    Cause: The SDO_MBR functionality is not supported for geodetic data.

    Action: Find an alternative function that can be used in this context.

ORA-13375 The layer is of type [string] while geometry inserted has type [string]

    Cause: The layer has a type that is different or inconsistent with the type of the current geometry.

    Action: Change the geometry type to agree with the layer type or change the layer type to agree with the geometry type.

ORA-13376 Invalid type name specified for layer_gtype parameter

    Cause: An invalid type name is specified for the layer gtype constraint.

    Action: Consult the Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference to get a list of valid layer gtypes that can be used in defining a layer gtype constraint.

ORA-13377 Invalid combination of elements with orientation

    Cause: An element of the geometry has orientation specified while some other element has no orientation specified (4 digit etype).

    Action: Make sure all the polygon elements have orientation specified using the 4 digit etype notation.

ORA-13378 Invalid index for element to be extracted

    Cause: An invalid (or out of bounds) index was specified for extracting an element from a geometry.

    Action: Make sure the parameters to the extract function are in the valid range for the given geometry.

ORA-13379 Invalid index for sub-element to be extracted

    Cause: An invalid (or out of bounds) index was specified for extracting a sub-element from a geometry.

    Action: Make sure the parameters to the extract function are in the valid range for the given geometry.

ORA-13400 Oracle GeoImage internal error, arguments: [string], [string], [string], [string], [string]

    Cause: This is an internal Oracle GeoImage error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13401 unsupported geoimage format

    Cause: The GeoImage format is not supported.

    Action: Confirm that the GeoImage format is valid and supported.

ORA-13402 NULL destination

    Cause: The object specified as the destination is NULL.

    Action: Confirm that the object specified as the destination is not NULL.

ORA-13403 NULL source geometry

    Cause: The source GeoImage has a NULL geometry.

    Action: Verify that the geometry of the source GeoImage is not NULL.

ORA-13404 not a local source

    Cause: An attempt has been made to modify a GeoImage which is not stored in the database.

    Action: Import the GeoImage in order to modify it.

ORA-13405 NULL source

    Cause: The object specified as the source is NULL.

    Action: Confirm that the object specified as the source is not NULL.

ORA-13406 unsupported image processing command [string]

    Cause: The image processing command specified is not supported for a GeoImage.

    Action: Consult the Oracle interMedia User's Guide and Reference to verify which image processing commands are supported within an Oracle GeoImage method.

ORA-13407 unrecognized space type qualifier [string]

    Cause: The GeoImage space type qualifier is invalid.

    Action: Use a valid space type qualifier (RASTER or MODEL).

ORA-13408 NULL table name

    Cause: The table name parameter is NULL.

    Action: Verify that the parameter used for the table name is not NULL.

ORA-13409 Oracle table "string" does not exist.

    Cause: The table specified does not exist.

    Action: Verify that the table name used is valid and the table exists.

ORA-13410 NULL column name

    Cause: The column name parameter is NULL.

    Action: Verify that the parameter used for the column name is not NULL.

ORA-13411 Oracle column "string" does not exist.

    Cause: The column specified does not exist.

    Action: Verify that the column name used is valid and the column exists.

ORA-13412 invalid ROWID

    Cause: The ROWID value used is not valid.

    Action: Verify that the ROWID value used is valid.

ORA-13413 could not select the GeoImage for initialization

    Cause: The GeoImage in the table could not be selected.

    Action: Verify that the GeoIMage is present in the table and the supplied parameters are valid.

ORA-13414 could not update the table containing the GeoImage

    Cause: The table containing the GeoImage could not be updated.

    Action: Verify that the table exists and is valid.

ORA-13415 invalid domain

    Cause: The SDO_DIMINFO value used is not valid or the SDO_GEOMETRY supplied is not defined in the domain.

    Action: Verify that the SDO_DIMINFO value is valid, and that the SDO_GEOMETRY is defined within the domain specified.

ORA-13416 invalid geometry, arguments [string]

    Cause: The SDO_GEOMETRY value used is not valid.

    Action: Verify that the SDO_GEOMETRY is valid. Consult the Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference for a list of valid geometries.

ORA-13417 undefined raster to model space transformation

    Cause: The raster to model space transformation associated with a GeoImage is undefined.

    Action: Verify that the GeoImage format is valid and that the particular operation is supported for that format.

ORA-13418 undefined model to raster space transformation

    Cause: The model to raster space transformation associated with a GeoImage is undefined.

    Action: Verify that the GeoImage format is valid and that the particular operation is supported for that format.

ORA-13419 invalid latitude value

    Cause: A latitude value outside the valid range [-90,90] has been used.

    Action: Verify that the GeoImage geometry definition is within the domain.

ORA-13420 invalid model to raster space transformation

    Cause: The model to raster space transformation associated with a GeoImage is not valid or cannot be calculated.

    Action: Verify that the transformation is supported and that the GeoImage format is valid.

ORA-13421 invalid raster to model space transformation

    Cause: The raster to model space transformation associated with a GeoImage is not valid or cannot be calculated.

    Action: Verify that the transformation is supported and that the GeoImage format is valid.

ORA-13422 uninitialized source

    Cause: The LOB used for the source is not initialized.

    Action: Verify that the source is properly initialized.

ORA-13423 empty source

    Cause: The LOB used for the source is empty.

    Action: Verify that the source is properly initialized and data has been imported into it.

ORA-13424 uninitialized destination

    Cause: The LOB used for the destination is not initialized.

    Action: Verify that the destination is properly initialized.

ORA-13425 empty destination

    Cause: The LOB used for the destination is empty.

    Action: Verify that the destination is properly initialized and data has been imported into it.

ORA-13426 unsupported raster origin

    Cause: The raster origin specified is not supported.

    Action: Verify that the origin specified is supported.

ORA-13427 unknown raster origin

    Cause: The value specified for the raster origin is invalid.

    Action: Verify that the value used to specify the raster origin is valid and supported.

ORA-13428 source does not exist

    Cause: The source does not exist or cannot be accessed.

    Action: Verify that the source specification is correct and accessible.

ORA-13429 operation "string" not supported on GeoImage type "string"

    Cause: The specified operation is not supported on the particular geoimage type.

    Action: Verify that the operation is supported.

ORA-13430 model coordinate system not supported

    Cause: The model specified for the definition of the coordinate system is not supported.

    Action: Verify that the model value is correct.

ORA-13433 NULL crop geometry

    Cause: The geometry used to crop a GeoImage is NULL.

    Action: Verify that the geometry used for the crop operation is not NULL.

ORA-13442 invalid scaling parameters [string] [string]

    Cause: The parameters used in the scale operation are invalid.

    Action: Verify that the scaling parameters are greater than zero.

ORA-13443 unrecognized scale mode [string]

    Cause: The scale mode used in the scale operation is invalid.

    Action: Consult the Oracle interMedia User's Guide and Reference for a list of valid scale mode qualifiers.

ORA-13451 unsupported conversion format [string]

    Cause: The format specified for conversion is invalid or unsupported.

    Action: Verify that the conversion format specified is valid.

ORA-13461 invalid tag/key [string]

    Cause: The tag or key is invalid.

    Action: Verify that the format version is supported or the format is valid.

ORA-13462 invalid tie point

    Cause: One of the tie points is invalid.

    Action: Verify that the tie points used are valid (for example all raster tie points are >= 0).

ORA-13463 unsupported GeoTIFF geometry definition

    Cause: The combination of keys/tags used to define the geometry footprint of the GeoImage is not supported.

    Action: Verify that the GeoTIFF format version is supported and the format is valid.

ORA-13464 unsupported conversion

    Cause: The format specified for conversion is not supported. In GeoTIFF, only a limited number of tags/keys combinations are supported for conversion.

    Action: Verify that the GeoTIFF format version is supported and conversion to the desired format is available.

ORA-13465 invalid destination window

    Cause: The window specified as destination in the command is not valid.

    Action: Verify that the window definition is correct.

ORA-14000 only one LOCAL clause may be specified

    Cause: CREATE INDEX statement contained more than one LOCAL clause.

    Action: Specify LOCAL option at most once.

ORA-14001 LOCAL clause contradicts previosly specified GLOBAL clause

    Cause: CREATE INDEX statement contained a GLOBAL clause and a LOCAL clause.

    Action: Specify LOCAL or GLOBAL clause, but not both.

ORA-14002 only one GLOBAL clause may be specified

    Cause: CREATE INDEX statement contained more than one GLOBAL clause.

    Action: Specify GLOBAL option at most once.

ORA-14003 GLOBAL clause contradicts previosly specified LOCAL clause

    Cause: CREATE INDEX statement contained a LOCAL clause and a GLOBAL clause.

    Action: Specify GLOBAL or LOCAL clause, but not both.

ORA-14004 missing PARTITION keyword

    Cause: Keyword PARTITION missing.

    Action: Supply missing keyword.

ORA-14005 missing RANGE keyword

    Cause: Keyword RANGE missing.

    Action: Supply missing keyword.

ORA-14006 invalid partition name

    Cause: A partition name of the form identifier is expected but not present.

    Action: Enter an appropriate partition name.

ORA-14007 missing LESS keyword

    Cause: Keyword LESS missing.

    Action: Supply missing keyword.

ORA-14008 missing THAN keyword

    Cause: Keyword THAN missing.

    Action: Supply missing keyword.

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