
Thursday, October 15, 2015

Oracle Browse files

  (directory_name   VARCHAR2,
   file_name        VARCHAR2,
   file_filter      VARCHAR2,
   message          VARCHAR2,
   dialog_type      NUMBER, 
   select_file      BOOLEAN;  
Built-in Type  unrestricted function
Returns  VARCHAR2
Enter Query Mode  yes


directory_name    Specifies the name of the directory containing the file you want to open.  The default value is NULL.  If directory_name is NULL, subsequent invocations of the dialog may open the last directory visited.
file_name    Specifies the name of the file you want to open.  The default value is NULL.
file_filter    Specifies that only particular files be shown.  The default value is NULL.  File filters take on different forms, and currently are ignored on the motif and character mode platforms.  On Windows, they take the form of “Write Files (*.WRI)|*.WRI|” defaulting to “All Files (*.*)|*.*|” if NULL.  On the Macintosh the attribute currently accepts a string such as “Text.”

message    Specifies the type of file that is being selected.  The default value is NULL.
dialog_type    Specifies the intended dialog to OPEN_FILE or SAVE_FILE.  The default value is OPEN_FILE.
select_file    Specifies whether the user is selecting files or directories.  The default value is TRUE.  If dialog_type is set to SAVE_FILE, select_file is internally set to TRUE.


** Built-in:  GET_FILE_NAME
** Example:   Can get an image of type TIFF.
  filename VARCHAR2(256)
  filename := GET_FILE_NAME(File_Filter=> 'TIFF Files (*.tif)|*.tif|');
  READ_IMAGE_FILE(filename, 'TIFF', 'block5.imagefld);

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