- LFI-00000 Normal, successful completion.
Cause: An operation has completed normally, having met no exceptions.
Action: No action required.
LFI-00001 File IO Internal Error #number
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Contact the development organization.
LFI-00002 Out of memory. string
Cause: The file I/O package failed in trying to
dynamically allocate memory. function name is used for additional
comments to indicate where, when and why the error occurred.
Action: Perform whatever actions necessary to make more memory available to the executing program.
LFI-00003 Internal exception code. icode = [string], [string].
Cause: Indicated by the parameters in the message.
The first 'string' gives the internal exception code; the second is for
any other additional comments.
Action: Report to the appropriate development group.
LFI-00004 Call to string failed.
Cause: A function call has failed. This error is a
generic message to show that the exception has occurred in a particular
function name. This allows the client to know the trace runtime calling
sequence by examining the exception stack.
Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information.
LFI-00005 Free some memory failed in string.
Cause: A call to free some memory in function name has failed.
Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information and contact Oracle Support Services immediately.
LFI-00006 Invalid parameter to function string.
Cause: The function was called with an invalid parameter.
Action: Check the function call to make sure that the correct parameters are being passed.
LFI-00007 NLSRTL's call failed. string.
Cause: LX calls return failure.
Action: Check if the parameters are correct. Contact the appropriate group immediately if the parameters are valid.
LFI-00008 SLTS's initializing/terminating mutex failed for string.
Cause: SLTS's call return failure in function 'string'.
Action: Contact the appropriate development group.
LFI-00100 Unable to perform operation, file not opened in string.
Cause: The file has not been successfully opened at the time the operation is attempted.
Action: Check to make sure that the file exists (for
read) or that the program has access to the write a file (for write).
It is also possible that the file was just never opened.
LFI-00101 Write failed, file cannot be written to.
Cause: The buffer write operation failed. Possibly due to incorrect parameters being passed in.
Action: Check the underlying error for more information.
LFI-00102 Unable to seek in sequentially accessed file.
Cause: The file was opened with the flag LFILFA_SEQ
for sequential file operations. Use seek only on files that are opened
with the LFILFA_RANDOM flag for random access.
Action: Check to see how the file is being opened
and accessed and make the two operations consistent (that is, make them
both operations either sequential or random).
LFI-00103 Seek operation failed.
Cause: The buffer seek operation failed. Probably due to incorrect parameters or flags.
Action: Check syntax of the seek command and retry the operation.
LFI-00104 Read operation failed.
Cause: The buffer read operation failed. Probably due to incorrect parameters or flags.
Action: Check syntax of the read command and retry the operation.
LFI-00105 Unable to add path.
Cause: One of the following:
Action: Check the format of the current path and the new directory; check that the name object was initialized properly.
LFI-00106 Path object holds more than one path.
Cause: The path object passed to LFIPPTH() holds more than one path.
Action: Make sure that the path object used in LFIPPTH() holds only one path.
LFI-00107 Open does not expect the file [string][string] to exist.
Cause: The flags specified for the open indicate that the file does not exist. However, the file does exist.
Action: Check to make sure that the options that
were specified for the file are correct and that you do not expect that
the file should exist. If so then find out why the file does exist.
LFI-00108 Open expect the file [string][string] to exist.
Cause: The flags specified for the open indicate that the file is expected to exist and it does not.
Action: Check to make sure that the options that
were specified for the file are correct and that you expect that the
file should exist. If so, then find out why the file does not.
LFI-00109 Unable to open file [string][string]. string.
Cause: Either:
Action: Check to make sure the proper access
permissions are assigned. If they are and the file still cannot be
opened, then contact Oracle Support Services.
LFI-00110 Unable to initialize the Buffer Manager.
Cause: The Buffer Manager initialization routine failed, probably because memory was exhausted.
Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information.
LFI-00111 No other flags allowed in fixed length format.
Cause: Other options are specified with the fixed length format.
Action: Clear other options from flag.
LFI-00112 Invalid Standard File ID Descriptor.
Cause: The function LFIGFO() was called with an
invalid File ID Descriptor. The valid File ID Descriptors are LFISTDIN,
Action: Check the call to LFIGFO() to make sure it is correct.
LFI-00113 Unable to initialize the Standard File object string.
Cause: The call to open the standard file object failed.
Action: Check the underlying errors for more information.
LFI-00114 Append is not allowed with string.
Cause: An attempt was made to append using certain options.
Action: Check the flag options to verify its usage.
LFI-00115 Buffer free failed.
Cause: The buffer flush failed.
Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information.
LFI-00116 Unable to close file in operation string.
Cause: The file close operation failed.
Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information.
LFI-00117 Unable to rename file.
Cause: The rename operation failed. Rename is called when a file is protected by operating on a temporary file.
Action: Check to make sure that the process has the correct access rights to perform a rename.
LFI-00118 Unable to change type to Unknown.
Cause: The function LFICHTY() was called to change the file extension to LFIEXUNK (Unknown). This is not a valid operation.
Action: Check why you are doing this. If the
extension is already unknown then you do not need to do this. If you
just want no extension then use the extension type LFIEXNONE.
LFI-00119 Unable to Abort an Unprotected file.
Cause: The Abort function LFIABT() was called on a
file that was not opened as a protected file. As such the abort
operation is not valid.
Action: Check to see if you intended to open the file as a protected file.
LFI-00120 Unable to parse root filename string.
Cause: The root file name that was given to LFIMKNAM() is not in a format that this platform understands.
Action: Check the format of the file name and retry the operation.
LFI-00121 Only one of REPLACE, or PROT allowed for opty.
Cause: Both of the following open type options were specified for the LFILINI() function: LFILOPTY_REPLACE or LFILOPTY_PROT.
Action: Remove one of the options so that you are only passing in one option.
LFI-00122 Can only delete a file if we create it.
Cause: The delete file flag was specified for a file
that was not created by this file operation. The ability to delete a
file is not portable. As such, the only deletion that is allowed by this
package is if Oracle knows the file should be deleted when Oracle
created it.
Action: You can only delete a file that you create.
If you need to delete a file that you do not create then you will have
to find another means of doing so.
LFI-00123 Cannot access file Sequentially and Randomly.
Cause: Both the LFILFA_SEQ (sequential) and
LFILFA_RANDOM (random) flags were specified during the file object
creation. This is not allowed. Only one of the two may be specified.
Action: Choose how you wish to access the file. If
you choose random you can still access sequentially by just not using
the repositioning functions.
LFI-00124 No access mode was specified, default is sequential.
Cause: Neither LFILFA_SEQ (sequential) or LFILFA_RANDOM (random) were specified during file object creation.
Action: The default is sequential but this should be explicitly set.
LFI-00125 Random access only allowed on fixed length record files.
Cause: The LFILFA_RANDOM flag was specified on a
file that was not organized into fixed-length records. Random access is
only allowed on fixed-length record files.
Action: Determine if the organization of your data
needs to be in variable-length records and if you need to have random
access to the file. If both conditions are true then you might need to
buffer the entire file or enough of it to remove your need for random
access. Another option is to close and rescan the file although this is
not the optimal solution.
LFI-00126 Record format can only be one of Fixed or Variable.
Cause: Both LFILRF_FIXED (fixed) and LFILRF_VAR
(variable) were specified during file object creation. Only one of the
two is allowed for a given file.
Action: Determine how the file is organized and choose the option that matches.
LFI-00127 No Record Format was specified, default is variable.
Cause: Neither LFILRF_FIXED (fixed) or LFILRF_VAR
(variable) were specified for record format. One of the two must be
specified for each file.
Action: The default is LFILRF_VAR, but this should be explicitly set during file object creation.
LFI-00128 Carriage Control is only valid for Standard file objects.
Cause: The Carriage Control option is only valid for
the standard file objects (LFISTDIN, LFISTDOUT, LFISTDERR). You may not
specify this option for any other type of file.
Action: Choose between LFILRF_FIXED and LFILRF_VAR for the record format.
LFI-00129 Invalid option string were specified on an input only file.
Cause: The file was opened as input only but the output mode option LFILRF_WR_ASIS or delete option LFLOPTY_DELETE was specified.
Action: Check to see how you intend to open this file and make the necessary changes.
LFI-00130 Input option specified on output only file.
Cause: The file was opened as output only but one of the input mode options (LFILRF_READ_NL or LFILRF_FORCE_NL) or was specified.
Action: Check to see how you intend to open this file and make the necessary changes.
LFI-00131 No open type specified.
Cause: The file object was created without an open type (that is, LFILOPTY_INPUT, LFILOPTY_OUTPUT, and so on).
Action: Decide how the file should be accessed and specify one of the open types.
LFI-00132 Record length string is greater than max length of string.
Cause: The record length specified for the file is greater than the maximum supported by this platform.
Action: Decrease the record length.
LFI-00133 Trying to create file string that already exists.
Cause: The file object was initialized with LFILOPTY_OUTPUT and without LFILOPTY_REPLACE and yet a file by this name already exists.
Action: Check to make sure that you are creating the
right file. If you intend to overwrite the file if it exists that
specify the replace option LFILOPTY_REPLACE when initializing the file
LFI-00134 Unable to protect a file for an append operation.
were both specified for the file. This is currently not allowed because
it would require copying the entire file at open time.
Action: Decide if you really need to protect the file for append. If so then think about making a copy of it before appending.
LFI-00135 Unable to remove temporary file.
Cause: A temporary file was created to protect a
file. When the temporary file was no longer needed, LFI attempted to
remove it and was unable to do so.
Action: Check the permissions and where the temporary files are being created.
LFI-00136 Unable to change type of open file.
Cause: The function LFICHTY() was called on an opened file.
Action: This is a bug in the client code. LFICHTY() cannot be used in this case.
LFI-00137 Unable to perform string on a file object that is string.
Cause: Unable to perform an LFI operation on a file object for the given reason.
Action: Take the appropriate corrective measure. For
example if a file is supposed to be opened before the operation can be
performed, client code will need to open the file first.
LFI-00138 Unable to perform string on a name object that is string.
Cause: Unable to perform an LFI operation on a name object for the given reason.
Action: Take the appropriate corrective measure.
LFI-00139 Option string cannot be used with option string in calling string.
Cause: First option cannot be used with second option in such a function call.
Action: Re-examine code to determine which option is needed.
LFI-00140 Invalid option string were specified on input-output file.
Cause: The file was opened as input-output and one of the mode options (LFIOPTY_DELETE or non-LFIOPTY_RANDOM) was specified.
Action: Check to see how you intend to open this file and make the necessary changes.
LFI-00141 Unable to abort file in operation string.
Cause: The abort operation failed.
Action: Check the underlying errors for more information.
LFI-00142 Unable to delete an existing file [string][string] not owned by Oracle.
Cause: The file was not created by Oracle.
Action: Change owner of file to Oracle or give Oracle access privileges to delete it.
LFI-00143 Unable to delete non-existent file string.
Cause: The file to be deleted does not exist.
Action: Check the underlying errors for more information.
LFI-00144 File [string][string] does not exist
Cause: The file does not exist.
Action: Check to make sure the file exists and retry the operation.
LFI-00145 User buffer too short.
Cause: The buffer that was passed is not large enough.
Action: Allocate a larger buffer and retry the operation.
LFI-00146 copy does not expect the file string.string to exist
Cause: The destination file was not expected to exist and it does.
Action: Find out why the file does exist.
LFI-00147 File string.string does not exist
Cause: The file does not exist.
Action: Check to make sure the file exists and retry the operation.
LFI-00148 string can be called only on files opened in byte mode
Cause: A routine that should be used only for files in byte mode was called for a file that was opened in record mode.
Action: In order to use this function, the file should be opened in byte mode.
LFI-00149 Error on destroying hash table in function string
Cause: The cache path object was expected and it does not exist.
Action: In order to use this function, the path object should be the cache path object.
LFI-00150 Error on creating hash table in function string
Cause: A routine failed to create path object hash table.
Action: Make sure that the value of STARTSIZE is less than or equal to the value of LHTQMAXSLOTS.
LFI-00151 Error on inserting into hash table in function string
Cause: A routine failed to insert into the hash table.
Action: Make sure there is enough memory for allocation and that the hash table exists.
LFI-00152 Read operation (byte mode) failed.
Cause: Byte mode read operation failed. Probably due to incorrect parameters or flags, or trying to read beyond end of file.
Action: Check syntax of the read command and size of file.
LFI-01000 Unable to write line to file.
Cause: The file being written to may no longer be open or the end of the file may have been reached.
Action: Examine underlying errors for more information.
LFI-01001 Unable to write string bytes to file.
Cause: The file being written to may no longer be open or the end of the file may have been reached.
Action: Examine underlying errors for more information.
LFI-01002 Unable to read line from file.
Cause: The file being read from may no longer be open.
Action: Examine underlying errors for more information.
LFI-01003 Unable to read string bytes from file.
Cause: The file being read from may no longer be open.
Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information.
LFI-01004 Unable to empty buffer.
Cause: The Buffer Manager is probably unable to write to the underlying file.
Action: Examine underlying errors for more information.
LFI-01005 Unable to fill buffer.
Cause: The Buffer Manager is probably unable to read from the underlying file.
Action: See the accompanying error messages for more information.
LFI-01006 File ends in partial character in string.
Cause: A line ends in a partial character.
Action: Examine underlying errors for more information.
LFI-01007 Line is too long; encountered in function string.
Cause: The length of the line exceeds the maximum length.
Action: Examine underlying errors for more information.
LFI-01500 Error condition on call to OSD function string.
Cause: An error condition arises in calling an OSD function. This message occurs if calls to MALLOC or free functions failed.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
LFI-01501 tmpnam() fails to generate temporary file name.
Cause: Operating system was unable to create temporary file name.
Action: Contact the development organization.
LFI-01502 Base filename does not exist.
Cause: The file name that was parsed had no base file. It was either all path or extension.
Action: Check the file name being passed in to make sure it is correct.
LFI-01503 Max filename size exceeded generating filename.
Cause: While building a file name, the buffer allocated to hold the new file name was exceeded.
Action: Contact the development organization.
LFI-01504 fseek() failed(OSD return value = string) in string.
Cause: The function FSEEK() returned an error condition.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
LFI-01505 fclose() failed(OSD return value = string) in string.
Cause: The function FCLOSE() returned an error condition.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
LFI-01506 fflush() failed(OSD return value = string).
Cause: The function FFLUSH() returned an error condition.
Action: Contact the development organization.
LFI-01507 fwrite() failed(OSD return value = string) in string.
Cause: File pointer may be null or may not be opened for write.
Action: Contact the development organization.
LFI-01508 access() failed.
Cause: Call to ACCESS() failed.
Action: Contact the development organization.
LFI-01509 fopen() failed(OSD return value = string).
Cause: Call to FOPEN() failed.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
LFI-01510 fread() failed(OSD return value = string) in string.
Cause: Call to FREAD() failed.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
LFI-01511 unlink() failed(OSD errno = string) in string.
Cause: Call to UNLINK() failed.
Action: Contact the development organization.
LFI-01512 stat() failed
Cause: Call to STAT() failed.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
LFI-01514 ftell() failed in string
Cause: The FTELL() function returned an error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
LFI-01515 truncate() failed.
Cause: The function TRUNCATE() returned an error condition.
Action: Contact the development organization.
LFI-01516 read() failed (OSD return value = string) in string.
Cause: Call to READ() failed.
Action: Contact the development organization.
LFI-01517 open() failed(OSD return value = string).
Cause: Call to OPEN() failed.
Action: Contact the development organization.
LFI-01518 write() failed(OSD return value = string) in string.
Cause: Call to WRITE() failed.
Action: Contact the development organization.
LFI-01519 llseek() failed(OSD return value = string) in string.
Cause: The LLSEEK() function returned an error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
LFI-01520 close() failed(OSD return value = string) in string.
Cause: The function CLOSE() returned an error condition.
Action: Contact the development organization.
LFI-01521 fsync() failed(OSD return value = string) in string.
Cause: The function FSYNC() returned an error condition.
Action: Contact the development organization.
LFI-01522 opendir() failed.
Cause: The function OPENDIR() returned an error condition.
Action: Contact the development organization.
LFI0-01523 rename() failed.
Cause: The function RENAME() returned an error condition.
Action: Contact the development organization.
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Wednesday, May 27, 2015
BFILE-Related Messages (LFI)
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