ORA-33000 to ORA-65535
ORA-33000 (AGOPEN00) %a workspace object string AGGMAP %p cannot be accessed because it was compiled by a more recent version of %p.
Cause: The AGGMAP was already compiled by a more recent version of the product than was being used to execute this command.
Action: Recompile the AGGMAP in the current version.
ORA-33002 (XSAGDNGL00) %a workspace object number number In AGGMAP %p, the FLOOR argument of %p must be less than the CEILING argument of %p.
Cause: A floor argument greater than the ceiling argument was specified.
Action: Adjust the floor and ceiling arguments so that the floor is less than the ceiling.
ORA-33004 (XSAGDNGL01) workspace object is not a relationship array.
Cause: A RELATION clause in the AGGMAP named a workspace object that is not a relation.
Action: Name a valid self-relation in the RELATION statement.
ORA-33006 (XSAGDNGL02) The relation workspace object is not related to itself.
Cause: A relation was named in a RELATION clause of the AGGMAP that is not a self-relation.
Action: Name a valid self-relation in the
ORA-33008 (XSAGDNGL03) %a workspace object workspace object The relation %p is not a relation over a base dimension of AGGMAP %p.
Cause: A relation was named in a RELATION clause of the AGGMAP that is not a relation for a base dimension of the AGGMAP.
Action: Name a valid self-relation in the
statement, that is, one that has a dimension that dimensions the AGGMAP.
ORA-33010 (XSAGDNGL04) %a workspace object workspace object Relation %p is duplicated in the AGGMAP %p.
Cause: Two RELATION statements in the AGGMAP reference the same relation object.
Action: Remove the duplicate RELATION statement.
ORA-33012 (XSAGDNGL05) AGGMAP workspace object contains invalid syntax.
Cause: A line in the AGGMAP contains invalid syntax.
Action: Change the line to have valid syntax.
ORA-33014 (XSAGDNGL06) %a workspace object workspace object workspace object In AGGMAP %p, variable operator %p cannot be dimensioned by rollup dimension %p.
Cause: Operator variables cannot have the rollup dimension as one of their base dimensions.
Action: Modify the definition of the operator variable so that the current rollup dimension is not one of its bases.
ORA-33016 (XSAGDNGL07) %a workspace object workspace object In AGGMAP %p, %p is not a valid operator or variable name.
Cause: An invalid argument was supplied to the OPERATOR clause in the relation statement.
Action: Fix the OPERATOR clause so that it specifies either a valid variable name or a valid operator.
ORA-33018 (XSAGDNGL08) %a workspace object workspace object string In AGGMAP %p, the datatype of %p must be TEXT, not %p.
Cause: An operator variable was supplied whose datatype is not TEXT.
Action: Change the operator clause to reference a TEXT variable.
ORA-33020 (XSAGDNGL09) %a workspace object number number In AGGMAP %p, the MIN argument of %p must be less than the MAX argument of %p.
Cause: The min argument was greater than the max argument.
Action: Adjust the min and max arguments so that min is less than max.
ORA-33022 (XSAGDNGL10) %a workspace object workspace object The measure dimension %p must be a TEXT or ID base dimension that does not dimension AGGMAP %p, but is in the same analytic workspace.
Cause: A MEASUREDIM was supplied in the AGGMAP that was not acceptable.
Action: Modify the MEASUREDIM clause to specify a valid dimension.
ORA-33024 (XSAGDNGL11) AGGMAP workspace object contains duplicate information.
Cause: The aggmap contains multiple instances of a clause that can only be specified once.
Action: Remove the extra clause.
ORA-33030 (XSAGDNGL14) In AGGMAP workspace object, you can have either a single independent PROTECT statement or PROTECT statements in your RELATION statements.
Cause: The AGGMAP either specified multiple PROTECT
statements not on a RELATION line, or specified PROTECT statements both
independently and on RELATION lines.
Action: Correct the AGGMAP to have valid syntax.
ORA-33036 (XSAGDNGL17) ARGS option workspace object must be a TEXT variable.
Cause: An ARGS value had a non-text datatype.
Action: Use a text variable for ARGS.
ORA-33046 (XSAGDNGL22) In AGGMAP workspace object, you can specify only one SCREENBY clause.
Cause: The AGGMAP contained multiple SCREENBY clauses.
Action: Remove one of the SCREENBY clauses from the AGGMAP.
ORA-33048 (XSAGDNGL23) %a workspace object workspace object workspace object In AGGMAP %p, the relation %p and the relation %p are both over the same base dimension.
Cause: The AGGMAP contains incompatible RELATION statements.
Action: Remove one of the RELATION statements from the AGGMAP.
ORA-33050 (XSAGDNGL24) %a workspace object workspace object AGGMAP %p cannot be used to aggregate %p, because %p is defined in a different analytic workspace.
Cause: The user attempted to aggregate a variable in another analytic workspace.
Action: Create an AGGMAP in the other analytic workspace to aggregate that variable.
ORA-33052 (XSAGDNGL25) AGGMAP workspace object is a dimensioned AGGMAP; it can only be used to aggregate like-dimensioned variables.
Cause: The user attempted to aggregate a variable
with different dimensions than the AGGMAP. This is only possible with
undimensioned AGGMAPs.
Action: Create a new undimensioned AGGMAP.
ORA-33054 (XSAGDNGL26) %a workspace object number number In AGGMAP %p, a MIN argument of %p must be less than a FLOOR argument of %p.
Cause: The user specified a MIN argument that was greater than or equal to the FLOOR argument.
Action: Reduce the MIN argument.
ORA-33056 (XSAGDNGL27) %a workspace object number number In AGGMAP %p, the MAX argument of %p must be greater than the CEILING argument of %p.
Cause: The user specified a MAX argument that was less than or equal to the CEILING argument.
Action: Increase the MAX argument.
ORA-33058 (XSAGDNGL28) %a workspace object string number In AGGMAP %p, error code %p is greater than the maximum error code of %p.
Cause: An invalud ERRORMASK value was specified.
Action: Remove the invalid value from the ERRORMASK list.
ORA-33060 (XSAGDNGL29) In AGGMAP workspace object, the value for the ERRORLOG MAX option must be greater than 0.
Cause: The user specified an ERRORLOG MAX of 0 or a negative number.
Action: Adjust the AGGMAP so that it uses a positive number.
ORA-33064 (XSAGDNGL31) %a workspace object workspace object In AGGMAP %p, the hierarchy dimension QDR %p cannot refer to the related dimension of the relation.
Cause: The user specified an invalid hierarchy dimension qualified data reference.
Action: Adjust the AGGMAP so that it uses a valid dimension value qualified data reference.
ORA-33066 (XSAGDNGL32) %a workspace object workspace object In AGGMAP %p, the hierarchy dimension QDR %p must be a hierarchy dimension of the relation.
Cause: The user specified an invalid qualified data reference for the hierarchy dimension.
Action: Adjust the AGGMAP so that it uses a valid dimension value qualified data reference.
ORA-33068 (XSAGDNGL33) %a workspace object workspace object In AGGMAP %p, the hierarchy dimension QDR over dimension %p must specify a positive dimension offset.
Cause: The user specified an invalid qualified data reference for the hierarchy dimension.
Action: Adjust the AGGMAP so that it uses a valid dimension value qualified data reference.
ORA-33070 (XSAGDNGL34) %a workspace object workspace object In AGGMAP %p, all QDRs of dimension %p must map to the same dimension position.
Cause: The user specified two conflicting hierarchy dimension qualified data references.
Action: Adjust the AGGMAP so that it uses a consistent qualified data reference.
ORA-33072 (XSAGDNGL35) %a workspace object workspace object In AGGMAP %p, the hierarchy dimension QDR over dimension %p must be specified for every relation dimensioned by that hierarchy dimension.
Cause: Multiple dimensions share the same hierarchy dimension, but it is only qualified within a subset of the AGGMAP relations.
Action: Adjust the AGGMAP so that it uses consistent qualified data references.
ORA-33074 (XSAGDNGL36) %a workspace object workspace object number In AGGMAP %p, the offset %p is not a valid offset into dimension %p.
Cause: The hierarchy dimension offset is an invalid dimension position.
Action: Adjust the AGGMAP so that it uses valid qualified data references.
ORA-33076 (XSAGDNGL37) %a workspace object workspace object number In AGGMAP %p, the value '%p' is not a valid value of dimension %p.
Cause: The hierarchy dimension offset is an invalid dimension position.
Action: Adjust the AGGMAP so that it uses valid qualified data references.
ORA-33078 (XSAGDNGL39) %a workspace object workspace object In AGGMAP %p, the hierarchy dimension QDR %p must refer to a dimension.
Cause: The user specified an invalid qualified data reference for the hierarchy dimension.
Action: Adjust the AGGMAP so that it uses a valid dimension value qualified data reference.
ORA-33080 (XSAGDNGL40) %a workspace object workspace object In AGGMAP %p, you cannot reference dimension %p with both a RELATION statement and a DIMENSION statement.
Cause: The user included both RELATION and DIMENSION statements in the AGGMAP referring to the same AGGMAP.
Action: Remove one of the conflicting clauses.
ORA-33082 (XSAGDNGL41) %a workspace object workspace object In AGGMAP %p, the non-dimensioned valueset %p must have a parent QDR in its VALUESET statement over the VALUESET's base dimension.
Cause: The VALUESET statement specified a scalar valueset but did not include a qualified data reference to specify the parent.
Action: Add a qualified data reference specifying the parent to the VALUESET statement.
ORA-33084 (XSAGDNGL42) %a workspace object workspace object In AGGMAP %p, you cannot qualify the dimensioned valueset %p.
Cause: The VALUESET line referred to a dimensioned valueset.
Action: Use a non-dimensioned valueset to limit the status of the dimensioned one.
ORA-33086 (XSAGINIT01) %a workspace object workspace object AGGMAP %p cannot be dimensioned by a conjoint dimension.
Cause: The specified AGGMAP was dimensioned by a conjoint dimension.
Action: Use the CHGDFN command to change the conjoint to a composite dimension.
ORA-33092 (XSAGCOMP04) number is not the name of a MODEL in any attached analytic workspace.
Cause: An invalid model name was attached to an AGGMAP.
Action: Remove the model from the AGGMAP or create a model with that name.
ORA-33098 (APABBR01) %a string workspace object A value of '%p' is not valid for the %p option.
Cause: An inappropriate value was specified for the named option.
Action: Set a legal value for the option.
ORA-33100 (APABBR02) %a number workspace object Value '%p' is not valid for the %p option.
Cause: An inappropriate value was specified for the named option.
Action: Set a legal value for the option.
ORA-33218 (CINSERT04) %a value workspace object number number %p is not a valid value for the %p dimension. Values for this dimension can have at most %p significant digits after rounding to %p decimal places.
Cause: The user attempted to insert a value that had
too many digits into a NUMBER dimension. For instance, the user might
have tried to insert the value 99999 (5 digits) into a dimension with
datatype NUMBER(4).
Action: Use a smaller number for the dimension
value, or define a new dimension with a larger precision and replace the
old dimension with the new one.
ORA-33300 (DBERR22) %a string string Analytic workspace %p cannot be opened because it was last modified by an incompatible version of %p.
Cause: The user attempted to attach an old OLAP Services analytic workspace that cannot be converted by this version of OLAP Services.
Action: Either create a new analytic workspace or
try using a version of OLAP Services compatible with the one that
created this analytic workspace.
ORA-33332 (DSSEXIST01) Use the AW command to establish a current analytic workspace. Then start your current activity again.
Cause: There is no currently active analytic
workspace. The command that generated the error requires an active
analytic workspace on which to operate.
Action: Execute an AW ATTACH or AW CREATE command to establish an active workspace.
ORA-33334 (DSSEXIST04) Analytic workspace string is not attached.
Cause: The specified analytic workspace is currently not attached to the session, or the name is misspelled.
Action: Attach the analytic workspace with the AW ATTACH command, or correct the spelling of the name .
ORA-33336 (DSSEXIST04A) Analytic workspace string is not attached.
Cause: The specified analytic workspace is currently not attached to the session, or the name is misspelled.
Action: Attach the analytic workspace with the AW ATTACH command, or correct the spelling of the name .
ORA-33338 (DSSEXIST05) You cannot specify the EXPTEMP analytic workspace.
Cause: The command requires a non-temporary analytic workspace on which to operate.
Action: Specify an analytic workspace other than EXPTEMP.
ORA-33425 (EIFMAKEF15) CAUTION: Exporting NTEXT objects using string
for the EIF file character set can cause loss of data. To preserve all
NTEXT data, export using the UTF8 character set for the EIF file.
Cause: The user exported an object with datatype
NTEXT, but the EIF file that will result from the EXPORT command is not
written in Unicode. Because no non-Unicode file can represent all
possible Unicode data, it is possible that some data will be lost when
converting from the Unicode NTEXT object to the EIF file. The EIF file
will be written in the character set indicated by the "nls_charset"
argument of the EXPORT command, or, if no such argument is present, in
the database character set.
Action: If the user is certain that the contents of
the NTEXT object can be represented in the specified character set, then
no action is necessary. Otherwise, the user can add "nls_charset
'UTF8'" to the EXPORT command string. This will result in the EIF file
being written in UTF8 Unicode, which can represent all the data
contained in NTEXT objects.
ORA-33427 (EIFMAKEF16) CAUTION: NTEXT object workspace object will be exported with type TEXT.
Cause: User attempted to export an object whose
datatype is NTEXT, but the EIFVERSION option indicates a version of
Express / Oracle OLAP that does not support the NTEXT datatype. The
object will be exported as a TEXT object instead.
Action: No action required.
ORA-33429 (EIFMAKEF17) CAUTION: NTEXT expression will be exported with type TEXT.
Cause: User attempted to export an expression whose
datatype is NTEXT, but the EIFVERSION option indicates a version of
Express / Oracle OLAP that does not support the NTEXT datatype. The
expression will be exported as a TEXT object instead.
Action: No action required.
ORA-33443 (ESDREAD14) %a workspace object string Discarding compiled code for %p because analytic workspace %p is not attached.
Cause: A program used an analytic workspace name in a
qualified object name. The named analytic workspace is not attached at
program run time.
Action: No action required. The program will be
automatically recompiled. It is likely that the recompile will fail with
an appropriate exception code, in which case the signaled condition
should be corrected and the program re-run.
ORA-33468 (ESDREAD13) %a workspace object number workspace object Discarding compiled code for %p because %p is no longer a surrogate of dimension %p.
Cause: When the compiled code was saved, the
specified object was a surrogate of a certain dimension. Now the
specified object is a surrogate of a different dimension.
Action: No action required; program automatically recompiles.
ORA-33918 (MAKEDCL33) %a workspace object string You cannot define a surrogate of dimension %p because it is a %p.
Cause: Not all kinds of dimensions can have surrogates. The user attempted to define a surrogate of a prohibited kind of dimension.
Action: Do not attempt to define a surrogate on this dimension.
ORA-33920 (MAKEDCL34) The string SURROGATE must have one of the following datatypes: ID, NTEXT, TEXT, NUMBER, or INTEGER.
Cause: The user attempted to define a surrogate without specifying a valid datatype.
Action: Specify the datatype (ID, NTEXT, TEXT, NUMBER, or INTEGER) in the definition of the surrogate.
ORA-33922 (MAKEDCL35) You cannot define a surrogate of dimension workspace object because it is a date dimension.
Cause: The user attempted to define a surrogate on a dimension that has type DAY, WEEK, MONTH, or YEAR.
Action: Do not attempt to define a surrogate on this dimension.
ORA-33998 (MODCOMP12) %a workspace object workspace object workspace object workspace object You cannot use both %p and %p as model dimensions, because %p is a surrogate of %p.
Cause: The user attempted to include both a dimension and its surrogate in the DIMENSION statement of a model.
Action: Use either the dimension or the surrogate in the DIMENSION statement of the model, but not both.
ORA-34000 (MODCOMP13) %a workspace object workspace object workspace object You cannot use both %p and %p as model dimensions, because they are both surrogates of dimension %p.
Cause: The user attempted to include two dimension surrogates of the same dimension in the DIMENSION statement of a model.
Action: Use either of the two surrogates in the DIMENSION statement of the model, but not both.
ORA-34141 (MXCGPUT00) You cannot use the ASSIGN keyword with DIMENSION workspace object.
Cause: User used the ASSIGN keyword on a DIMENSION target in a FILEREAD or SQL FETCH command.
Action: To create a new dimension value in a FILEREAD or SQL FETCH command, use the APPEND keyword.
ORA-34143 (MXCGPUT02) You cannot assign values to SURROGATE workspace object because it is type INTEGER.
Cause: The user attempted to assign a value to a
dimension surrogate whose datatype is INTEGER. INTEGER surrogates, like
INTEGER dimensions, cannot have values assigned to them. They can only
be referenced by position.
Action: Do not attempt to assign values to an
INTEGER surrogate. Values will automatically appear and disappear from
the INTEGER surrogate as positions are added to or removed from the
underlying dimension.
ORA-34145 (MXCGPUT03) You cannot use the APPEND keyword with SURROGATE workspace object.
Cause: User used the APPEND keyword on a SURROGATE target in a FILEREAD or SQL FETCH command.
Action: To assign a value to a SURROGATE in a FILEREAD or SQL FETCH command, use the ASSIGN keyword.
ORA-34210 (MXCHGDCL18) You cannot change workspace object to a dimension composite because one or more surrogates has been defined for it.
Cause: The user attempted to redefine a conjoint
dimension as a composite, but the conjoint has one or more surrogates
defined. A dimension that has surrogates cannot be redefined as a
Action: Either delete all surrogates for the dimension, or do not attempt to redefine the dimension as a composite.
ORA-34276 (MXDCL33) (Precision, Scale) arguments can only be used with a NUMBER variable or dimension.
Cause: The user attempted to use NUMBER(Precision)
or NUMBER(Precision, Scale) as the datatype in a definition for some
object other than a DIMENSION or VARIABLE, such as a FORMULA or PROGRAM.
This error can also be produced in cases where a NUMBER datatype is not
allowed at all.
Action: Use the NUMBER type without specifying a
precision or scale. If a NUMBER datatype is not allowed at all, then
this fix will only change the exception message to something more
ORA-34296 (MXDCL36) A NUMBER dimension must be defined with a
fixed precision and scale, using the form NUMBER(precision) or
NUMBER(precision, scale).
Cause: The user attempted to define a NUMBER
dimension without specifying a precision. The proper format for
declaring a number dimension is NUMBER(Precision) or NUMBER(Precision,
Scale). NUMBER with no precision or scale is not allowed.
Action: Use NUMBER(Precision) or NUMBER(Precision, Scale) to specify the datatype of a NUMBER dimension.
ORA-34342 (MXDSS01) IMPORTANT: Analytic workspace string is read-only. Therefore, you will not be able to use the UPDATE command to save changes to it.
Cause: This is an informational message that reminds you that you may not save changes to the specified analytic workspace.
Action: No action required, unless it was desired to
save changes to the analytic workspace. In that case, detach and
reattach the analytic workspace read-write.
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