Part 2: Developing the User Interface
JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a standard Java EE technology that simplifies Web development.
In this part of the tutorial you create a JSF page to access the business components that you created in the previous part.
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Step 1: Create a JSF Page
Right-click the ViewController project node in the Application Navigator, and select New...
App Navigator with ViewController project selected and showing right-mouse menu with New option selected.
The Web part of the application is developed in a separate project called the Viewcontroller project, which you created in the previous part of this tutorial when you created the Fusion Web application. Show more or lessRead more...
In the New Gallery, navigate to JSF/Facelets under the Web Tier node, and choose Page in the Items pane. Click OK.
New Gallery with JSF/Facelets selected in Categories pane and Page selected in Items pane
In the Create JSF Page dialog, rename the page to DeptEmpPage.jsf; make sure the Document Type radio button is set to Facelets, and in the Page Layout tab select the Page Template radio button and choose Oracle Three Column Layout.
Create Page dialog with selections as described.
Click OK.
The page displays in the Design Editor. The template has three columns in it, but you only need two in the page, so delete the third one.
Place your cursor in the right-most section called end and right-click to choose Delete.
DeptEmpPage with cursor positioned in the right-hand area and right-mouse menu showing Delete option selected.
With af:pageTemplate selected in the Structure pane, in the Property Inspector set the startColumnSize property to 350.
Structure window with af:pageTemplate selected and in PI the startColumnSize property set to 350.
Add some layout components to the page.
In the Component Palette expand the Layout group of components and locate the Panel Accordion component in the Interactive Containers and Headers section. Drag it into the start facet of your page.
Design Editor showing PanelAccordion component being dragged into the DeptEmpPage page.
Select af:showDetailItem (the panel accordion that you just added to the page in the previous step) in the Structure window and in the Property Inspector change its Text property to Departments.
Structure window with af:showDetailItem selected; PI with Text property set to Departments.
Right-click the new Departments accordion and choose Insert after Show Detail Item - Departments > Show Detail Item. This adds another accordion to your page.
Context menu for showDetailItem, with additional Show Detail Item selected.
Change the Text property to More Info.
Design Editor with new showDetailItem selected and PI with Text property set to More Info.
This is another way of adding components to a page using context menus directly inside the Design Editor (instead of dragging and dropping from the Component Palette).
From the Layout components, click and drag a Panel Splitter component onto the center facet of your page.
Component Palette with Panel Splitter selected and being dragged onto page.
In the Property Inspector change the Orientation property of the new splitter to vertical.
PI for Panel Splitter with 'vertical' option chosen for the Orientation property.
From the Layout components, drag a Panel Collection component into the first facet at the top of the splitter on your page.
Component Palette with Panel Collection property selected and being dragged onto the page in the first facet.
A panel collection is a component that aggregates collection components like table, treeTable and tree to display standard/application menus, toolbars and statusbar items.
Using the Structure window, drag a Panel Tabbed component into the second facet of the splitter on your page.
Component Palette with Panel Tabbed component selected and being dragged onto second facet in the Structure window.
Double-click the tab DeptEmpPage.jsf at the top of the page to view it in its entirety. The page should look like the screenshot below.
Design time view of whole of DeptEmpPage.
Click the Save All icon on the JDeveloper menu bar to save your work.
Step 2: Bind Data Controls to the Page
In this step you bind the business components you created in Part 1 of this tutorial to the user interface. You do this with simple drag and drop operations; behind the scenes the ADF Model layer takes care of binding the data for you.
In the Design Editor click the Departments accordion to expand it.
DeptEmpPage with cursor on the Departments accordion.
In the Application Navigator expand the Data Controls accordion, and in it expand AppModuleDataControl to expose the business services you defined in the first part of this tutorial.
App Navigator with AppModuleDataControl selected in Data Controls accordion.
Drag the DepartmentsView1 data control into the Departments accordion in your JSF page. When prompted to choose the type of component you want to create, choose Form > ADF Read-Only Form.
App Navigator with DepartmentsView1 selected in Data Controls accordion and being dragged onto Departmenst in Design Editor to be created as an ADF Read-only Form.
In the Edit Form Fields dialog, check the Include Navigation Controls checkbox and click OK.
Edit Form Fields dialog with Include Navigation Controls checkbox checked and cursor over OK button.
In the Data Controls accordion expand DepartmentsView1 to expose the fields it contains, as well as the related EmployeesView3 control for the employees in each department. Note that these are the "detail" employees for the "master" departments - they are linked and therefore the employees you see in this view object are the ones who belong to the particular department you are looking at.
Data Controls accordion with EmployeesView3 selected.
Drag the EmployeesView3 data control onto the Panel Collection that you created in the first facet of the PanelSplitter. Create it as an ADF Read-Only Table.
EmployeesView3 selected in Data Controls accordion and being dragged onto the panel collection in the page and created as an ADF Read-only Table.
In the Edit Table Columns dialog, choose Single Row in Row Selection, and check the checkboxes for Sorting and Filtering. Click OK.
Edit Table Columns dialog with Enable Sorting and Enable Filtering checkboxes checked and cursor over the OK button.
Drag the EmployeesView3 data control again but this time onto ShowDetailItem in the panelTabbed component in the second facet of the panelSplitter. Create it as an ADF Form.
Data Controls accordion with EmployeesView3 selected and being dragged onto the panel tabbed component as an ADF Form.
In the Edit Form Fields dialog, check the Include Submit Button check box. Using your mouse and the Shift key select the bottom three fields from the list: CommissionPCT, ManagerId, DepartmentID and delete them by pressing the Delete button Red X icon, indicating Delete at the top right corner of the dialog box. Click OK.
Edit Form Fields dialog with 3 last fields in list selected and cursor over Delete button.
Click the Save All SaveAll icon in JDev toolbar. icon on the JDeveloper menu bar to save your work.
Right-click in the page and choose Run. This will compile your project, build it, and launch the integrated WebLogic Server to run it. Then a Web browser opens up to display the page. You can follow the progress of these steps in the Log window in JDeveloper.
DeptEmpPage with Run option selected in context menu.
Once the page displays in the browser, resize the page area using the splitter to display the department data. Then use the Next button to scroll through the departments. Notice that the employee data changes accordingly in the table and the form beneath it.
Run time view of DeptEmpPage
Close the browser window.
Step 3: Refine the Business Services
In these steps you refine the business services by adding validation rules, formatting and default values.
In the Application Navigator under the Model project, locate the Employees entity object and double-click it to open it for editing.
Employees entity object selected in App Navigator and Employees.xml file open for editing.
In the Employees.xml window, click the Attributes finger tab and locate the Salary attribute, and select it. Scroll down in the page to the Validation Rules tab and click the Add icon to add a new validation rule.
Employees.xml file open with Attributes page displayed. Salary field selected and in Validation Rules tab cursor points to Add icon.
In the Add Validation Rule dialog choose Range from the Rule Type drop down list. Note the various other types of rules you can define here. In the Operator field ensure that the value is set to Between, and type 0 for the minimum value and 99000 for the maximum value fields.
Add Validation Rule dialog with Range selected in drop down box for Rule Type.
Click the Failure Handling tab to define an error message that will display when the validation fails. In the Message Text field type an error message like "Salary out of range 0 to 99,000" and click OK.
Add Validation Rule dialog as before but displaying Failure Handling tab with error message defined.
Next you add a default value to the hire date field - so that when a new employee is created the hire date defaults to the current date.
In the Employees.xml window, locate the HireDate attribute, and select it. In the Value section of the Property Inspector, locate the Default Value Type property and choose Expression, then set the Default Value property to adf.currentDate. This will ensure the default value for a new record is set to today's date.
Employees.xml file with HireDate selected in Attributes tab. In PI Default Date field shows adf:currentDate highlighted in field.
You can also specify UI Hints for attributes to control how they display by default in the forms and pages that use them. In this step you add a default format mask for the hire date field. You can also specify labels and tooltip help here.
In the UI Hints section of the Property Inspector locate the Format Type property and select Simple Date.
As last image but in PI the UI Hints properties node is expanded with Simple Date highlighted in Format Type property.
Set the Format property to dd/MMM/yyyy.
PI with Format property set to dd/MMM/yyyy.
Run the page again to test the refinements you have made.
App Navigator with DeptEmpPage selected and Run selected in context menu.
Test the HireDate field. Notice that as soon as you click in the field you are provided with an example of the format for the date (as you defined it).
Run time view of DeptEmpPage with popup message demonstrating the format for the HireDate field.
Try to update the field for one of the employees with an invalid date such as 11/11/123 and notice the error message when you click the Submit button.
Run time view as before but with invalid date in HireDate field. Error message displays, pointing out the correct format.
Use the Clock/Calendar icon next to the field to display a pop-up calendar and choose a valid date.
Run time view as before with cursor over calendar/clock and calendar displayed for user to choose a date.
Update the Salary field to a value that will break the validation you created earlier (e.g -9) and click the Submit button to see the error message you created.
Run time view as before with -9 in Salary field. Error message displays.
Browse to department 50 and notice that you can now scroll the data in the employees table. Click on one of the column headers in the table to sort the data in the table.
Run time view of Departments table. Cursor over arrow in the LastName field to enable sorting alphabetically.
Click a column heading in the table and drag it to reposition it in the table.
As above with cursor moving Email column to alternative location.
The new column order looks as follows:
Run time view of Departments table with Email column in a different location.
In the Filter field above the LastName column, type B% and press Enter to filter the table to show only those employees whose surname begins with the letter B.
Run time view as before with B% in Filter field at top of LastName column. 3 names are displayed starting with B.
Experiment with the other menus and buttons of the table to see additional functionality. Once you are finished, close the browser and return to JDeveloper.
Step 4: Enhance the JSF Page
In the next steps you enhance the user interface by modifying the table of employees to add the ability to do column selection, by reordering the fields in the Employee details tab, and by binding the business components to a graph representation. You do this with simple drag and drop operations - behind the scenes the ADF Model layer handles the data binding for you.
Click the DeptEmpPage.jsf tab to return to the page in the Design Editor. Select the Employees table in the Design Editor or in the Structure pane. Set the Column Selection property of the table to Single.
Structure window with af:table selected and PI for Table with ColumnSelection property set to single.
In the Structure window select the panelFormLayout that surrounds the employee details fields in the showDetailItem tab.
Structure window with af:panelFormLayout selected.
In the Property Inspector set the Rows property to 5.
PI for panelFormLayout with Rows property set to 5.
When you run the page in a later step you will see that the fields in the tab are now arranged in two columns.Show more or lessRead more...
Next you add a graph representation of the data to the page; this is done using the ADF Data Visualization set of JSF components.
In the Design Editor click the More Info accordion to expand it. Then drag the EmployeesView3 data control into the More Info accordion and create it as a Graph.
Data Controls accordion with EmployeesView3 selected and being dropped onto the page as a Graph.
The graph can be displayed as static PNG image or an interactive Flash component.
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In the Component Gallery choose Pie from the list of graphs on the left and Pie again as the graph type. In the bottom pane, select the third Quick Start Layout.
Component Gallery with Pie selected in Categories pane and Pie selected in Graph Types pane. Third Quick Start Layout is chosen.
Then click the OK button.
In the Create Pie Graph dialog choose Salary in the Pie field and drag and drop LastName into the Slices field. Click OK.
Create Pie Graph dialog with Salary chosen for the Pie field and LastName being dragged from the Available list into the Slices field.
Click the Save All SaveAll icon in JDev main toolbar. icon on the JDeveloper menu bar to save your work and then right-click within the page and select Run from the context menu.
Cursor in DeptEmpPage and Run selected in context menu.
Browse to department 50. Because you set the column selection to single, note the additional behaviors for the table that are available once you choose a column - such as Freeze and Wrap. Select a column, then click the Freeze button. Now use the horizontal scroll bar to view the right-most columns.
Run time view of Departments table with Freeze button clicked. Scroll bar displays at bottom of table to allow the user to scroll across to columns at right end of table and currently out of view.
In department 50 expand the More Info accordion and notice the graph and the popup it displays when you hover over it with your mouse.
Run time view of page with More Info accordion selected, showing the graph and associated information.
Scroll over to the showDetailItem1 tab, and notice how the fields have been reordered into two columns.
Runtime view of page with showDetailItem tab. Fields have been ordered into two columns.
When you are done, close the browser and return to JDeveloper.
Step 5: Add More Complexity to the Business Services
In this step you add a new business service to the application to display a subset of the fields from the Employees table, along with the department name from the Departments table. You also add a calculated field calculating the annual salary of an employee and a list of values field for department names. Oracle ADF Business Components allows you to create such complex updatable components in a declarative way.
In the Application Navigator right-click the demo.model package and choose New View Object.
App Navigator with demo.model package selected and New View Object chosed from context menu.
In the Name page of the Create View Object wizard, type EmpDetails as the Name and retain Entity object as the default data source.
Create View Object wizard Step 1 with EmpDetails in Name field and Entity Object radio button clicked.
Click Next.
In the Entity Objects page of the wizard first select Employees and shuttle it to the right, and then select the Departments entity and add it also to the Selected pane.
Note that only the Employees entity has the updatable checkbox checked - the departments entity is used to read data only.
Create View Object Step 2: Employees and Departments entity objects have been shuttled into Available box
Click Next.
In the Attributes page of the wizard, shuttle the following Employees attributes into the Selected pane:
EmployeeId, FirstName, LastName, Email, Salary, HireDate, JobId.
And from the Departments entity, shuttle the following attributes into the Selected pane:
DepartmentId, DepartmentName.
Attributes page showing listed attributes in Selected pane.
Click Finish to complete the view object creation.
Next you add a calculated attribute to the view object - an attribute that displays the employee's annual salary.
In the Application Navigator double-click EmpDetails to open it.
App Navigator with new EmpDetails view object selected.
Click the Attributes finger tab and from the drop down list choose New Attribute.
EmpDetails.xml file with Attributes tab selected. Drop down menu for green plus with New Attribute selected.
In the New View Object Attribute dialog type AnnualSalary as the name for the new attribute and click OK.
New View Object Attribute dialog with AnnualSalary highlighted in Name field and cursor over OK button.
In the Details tab at the bottom of the attributes list, set the following properties for the AnnualSalary attribute:
Field Value
Name AnnualSalary
Type Number
Default Value Expression (Checked)
Value Salary * 12
Properties for the new attribute..
In the next steps you add a list of values to a field based on a set of values stored in another table. In this case you create a list of values for possible job titles based on the Jobs table.
In the EmpDetails.xml editor click the Attributes finger tab and select the JobId attribute. Click the List Of Values tab at the bottom of the attributes list.
EmpDetails.xml with Attributes tab selected. JobId attribute selected in list with cursor pointing to List of Values tab.
In the List of Values tab click the Add button to create a list of values.
List of Values tab with cursor over the green plus to add a new LOV.
In the Create List of Values dialog click the green plus to the right of the List Data Source field. In the View Accessors dialog, shuttle JobsView into the View Accessors pane.
Create List of Values dialog with View Accessors popup. JobsView is selected in Available View Objects pane and cursor points to arrow ready to shuttle it into View Accessors pane.
Click OK.
Back in the Create List of Values dialog, choose JobId as the List Attribute.
Create List of Values dialog with drop down list for List Attribute with cursor over JobId to select it.
Still in the Create List of Values dialog click the UI Hints tab and choose Combo Box with List of Values as the Default List Type and then shuttle the Job Title attribute into the Selected pane.
Create List of Values dialog as before, but in UI Hints tab. JobTitle is selected in Available pane with cursor over the arrow ready to shuttle it into the Selected pane.
Click OK. Save your work.
Now you add the new object that you've created to the data model.
In the Application Navigator double-click AppModule to open it for editing and choose the Data Model finger tab.
App Navigator with AppModule selected and to the right, AppModule.xml open for editing. Data Model tab is selected.
Click the EmpDetails view object and shuttle it into the Data Model pane.
Save your work.
Data Model tab of AppModule.xml file. EmpDetails is selected in the Available View Objects pane and cursor is pointing to the arrow ready to shuttle it into the Data Model pane.
Use the Business Component Browser to test the new functionality you have just incorporated through the EmpDetails view object. In the Application Navigator right-click AppModel and select Run to invoke the tester.
App Navigator with AppModule selected and Run chosed from context menu.
Double-click the EmpDetails1 view object.
Business Components Browser with EmpDetails1 selected.
Notice that the new calculated AnnualSalary field is displayed, along with DepartmentId and DepartmentName. None of the them are updatable here.
Bus Comps Browser showing Steven King's employee record.
Use the drop down list for the JobId field to choose a new job.
Bus Comps Browser as before with LOV_JobId popup displaying list of job titles. Cursor is over Administration Assistant.
The field is populated with the new job.
Bus Comps Browser: Administration Assistant job title now populates the JobId field.
Close the Business Component Browser window without committing the changes.
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