Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Oracle Error code start from ORA-30464

ORA-30464 no summaries exist
Cause: A call was made to REFRESH_ALL_MVIEWS, but no summaries exist. At least one summary must exist before calling REFRESH_ALL_MVIEWS.
Action: Create one or more summaries.

ORA-30465 supplied run_id is not valid: string
Cause: There are three possible causes: The specified run_id does not exist; the run_id was created by another user other than the current user; the run_id has already been used.
Action: Call DBMS_OLAP.CREATE_ID to create a new id.

ORA-30466 cannot find the specified workload string
Cause: The specified workload_id is not valid.
Action: Use a valid workload_id or DBMS_OLAP.WORKLOAD_ALL.

ORA-30467 internal data for filter number string is inconsistent
Cause: Users should not explicitly modify summary advisor's internal tables. Such modifications may cause inconsistency in the internal tables and result in this error.
Action: Users can call the DBMS_OLAP.PURGE_FILTER subprogram to remove the inconsistent data from summary advisor's internal tables.

ORA-30475 feature not enabled: string
Cause: The specified feature is not enabled.
Action: Do not attempt to use this feature.

ORA-30476 PLAN_TABLE does not exist in the user's schema
Cause: Estimate_Summary_Size uses Oracle SQL "EXPLAIN PLAN" command to estimate cardinality of the specified select-clause. This requires a table called the PLAN_TABLE in the user's schema. For more information, refer to the Oracle9i SQL Reference.
Action: Create the PLAN_TABLE as described for EXPLAIN PLAN. On most systems a script UTLXPLAN.SQL will create this table.

ORA-30477 The input select_clause is incorrectly specified
Cause: The input select-clause parameter to Estimate_Summary_Size is incorrectly specified and cannot be compiled.
Action: Check the syntax of the select-clause.

ORA-30478 Specified dimension does not exist
Cause: The specified dimension to be verified does not exist.
Action: Check the spelling of the dimension name.

ORA-30479 Summary Advisor errorstring
Cause: An error has occurred in the Summary Advisor package. This message will be followed by a second message giving more details about the nature of the error.
Action: See the Summary Advisor documentation for an explanation of the second error message.

ORA-30480 DISTINCT option not allowed with GROUP BY CUBE or ROLLUP

ORA-30481 GROUPING function only supported with GROUP BY CUBE or ROLLUP

ORA-30483 window functions are not allowed here
Cause: Window functions are allowed only in the SELECT list of a query. A window function cannot be a group function.

ORa-30484 missing window specification for this function
Cause: All window functions should be followed by window specification, like <function>(<argument list>) OVER (<window specification>)

ORA-30485 missing ORDER BY expression in the window specification
Cause: Either the ORDER BY expression is mandatory for this function, or there is an aggregation group without any ORDER by expression.

ORA-30486 invalid window aggregation group in the window specification
Cause: If the window specification is specified using RANGE option and there are multiple ORDER BY expressions, then the aggregation group cannot contain any expression (It can only have CURRENT ROW, UNBOUNDED PRECEDING, or UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING). First end point (bound) cannot be UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING and second end point cannot be UNBOUNDED PRECEDING. If the first end point is CURRENT ROW, then second end point can only be CURRENT ROW or <expr> /UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING. If the first end point is <expr> FOLLOWING, then second end point can only be <expr>/UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING.

ORA-30487 ORDER BY not allowed here
Cause: DISTINCT functions and RATIO_TO_REPORT cannot have an ORDER BY clause.

ORA-30488 argument should be a function of expressions in PARTITION BY
Cause: The argument of the window function should be a constant for a partition.

ORA-30489 Cannot have more than one rollup/cube expression list
Cause: GROUP BY clause has more than one rollup/cube expression list.
Action: Modify the query such that only one rollup/cube expression appears per sub-query.

ORA-30490 Ambiguous expression in GROUP BY ROLLUP or CUBE list
Cause: An expression in the GROUP BY ROLLUP or CUBE list matches an expression in the ordinary GROUP BY expression list.
Action: Remove the expression from either ordinary GROUP BY expression list or ROLLUP or CUBE expression list.

ORA-30493 The percentile value should be a number between 0 and 1.
Cause: A percentile value for PERCENTILE_CONT or PERCENTILE_DISC function is specified out of range.
Action: Specify a value from [0,1].

ORA-30500 database open triggers and server error triggers cannot have BEFORE type
Cause: An attempt was made to create a trigger that fires before the database is open or before server errors, but these types of triggers are not supported.
Action: Do not attempt to create a trigger that fires before the database is open or before server errors.

ORA-30501 instance shutdown triggers cannot have AFTER type
Cause: An attempt was made to create a trigger that fires after an instance shutdown, but this type of trigger is not supported.
Action: Do not attempt to create a trigger that fires after an instance shutdown.

ORA-30502 system triggers cannot have INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE as triggering events
Cause: An attempt was made to create a system trigger with INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE triggering events, but this type of trigger is not supported because a system trigger does not have a base table.
Action: Do not attempt to create a system trigger with INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE triggering events.

ORA-30503 system triggers cannot have a REFERENCING clause
Cause: An attempt was made to use a REFERENCING clause with a system trigger, but this type of trigger is not supported because a system triggers does not have a base table.
Action: Do not use a REFERENCING clause with a system trigger.

ORA-30504 system triggers cannot have a FOR EACH ROW clause
Cause: An attempt was made to use a FOR EACH ROW clause with a system trigger, but this type of trigger is not supported because a system triggers does not have a base table.
Action: Do not use a FOR EACH ROW clause with a system trigger.

ORA-30505 system triggers should not reference a column in a WHEN clause
Cause: An attempt was made to use a WHEN clause to reference a column with a system trigger, but this type of trigger is not supported because a system trigger does not have a base table.
Action: Change the WHEN clause to an appropriate clause.

ORA-30506 system triggers cannot be based on tables or views
Cause: An attempt was made to base a system trigger on a table or a view.
Action: Make sure the type of the trigger is compatible with the base object.

ORA-30507 normal triggers cannot be based on a schema or a database
Cause: An attempt was made to base a normal trigger on a schema or a database, but normal triggers can be based only on tables or views.
Action: Make sure the type of the trigger is compatible with the base object.

ORA-30508 client logon triggers cannot have BEFORE type
Cause: An attempt was made to create a trigger that fires before logon. This type of trigger is not supported.
Action: Do not attempt to create a trigger that fires before logon.

ORA-30509 client logoff triggers cannot have AFTER type
Cause: An attempt was made to create a trigger that fires after logoff. This type of trigger is not supported.
Action: Do not attempt to create a trigger that fires after logoff.

ORA-30510 system triggers cannot be defined on the schema of SYS user
Cause: An attempt was made to define a system trigger on the schema of SYS user. This type of trigger is not supported currently.
Action: Do not attempt to create a system trigger defined on the schema of SYS user.

ORA-30511 invalid DDL operation in system triggers
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an invalid DDL operation in a system trigger. Most DDL operations currently are not supported in system triggers. The only currently supported DDL operations are table operations and ALTER?COMPILE operations.
Action: Remove invalid DDL operations in system triggers.

ORA-30512 cannot modify string.string more than once in a transaction
Cause: An attempt was made to modify an object more than once in a transaction. This error is usually caused by a DDL statement that fires a system trigger that tries to modify the same object. It can also happen when an attempt is made to perform more than one DDL operation on a queue table in the same transaction without issuing a commit between operations.
Action: Do not create system triggers that might modify an already modified object. Also, do not specify more than one DDL operation on a queue table in the same transaction.

ORA-30513 cannot create system triggers of INSTEAD OF type
Cause: Only BEFORE or AFTER triggers can be created on system events.
Action: Change the trigger type to BEFORE or AFTER.

ORA-30514 system trigger cannot modify tablespace being made read only
Cause: A beofre trigger tries to modify a tablespace which is being made READ ONLY as the part of DDL oepration.
Action: Modify the trigger to avoid modifications to the objects in the same tablespace as the one which is being made read only, or use autonomous transactions to commit modifications.

ORA-30515 suspend triggers cannot have BEFORE type
Cause: An attempt was made to create a trigger that fires before execution suspended. This type of trigger is not supported.
Action: Do not attempt to create a trigger that fires before execution suspended.

ORA-30550 index depends on a package/function spec/body which is not valid
Cause: The functional indexes depend on some invalid/non-existent package/function specification/body.
Action: Verify that all the package/functions which the index depends on exist and are valid.

ORA-30551 The index depends on a package/type body which does not exist
Cause: The functional indexes depend on a package/type body which does not exist.
Action: Create the package/type body.

ORA-30552 The package/procedure/function cannot be changed
Cause: The package/procedure/function is deterministic and some object depends on it.
Action: Drop the other object which depends on the package/function/procedure you are trying to change.

ORA-30553 The function is not deterministic
Cause: The function on which the index is defined is not deterministic.
Action: Mark the function deterministic.

ORA-30554 function-based index string.string is disabled
Cause: An attempt was made to access a function-based index that has been marked disabled because the function on which the index depends has been changed.
Action: Perform one of the following actions:
  • drop the specified index using the DROP INDEX command
  • rebuild the specified index using the ALTER INDEX REBUILD command
  • enable the specified index using the ALTER INDEX ENABLE command
  • make the specified index usable using the ALTER INDEX UNUSABLE command

ORA-30555 global index partitioning key is an expression
Cause: An attempt was made to use an expression as a partitioning key in an index.
Action: Do not attempt to use an expression as index partitioning key.

ORA-30556 functional index is defined on the column to be modified
Cause: An ALTER TABLE MODIFY COLUMN was issued on a column on which a functional index exists.
Action: Drop the functional index before attempting to modify the column.

ORA-30557 function based index could not be properly maintained
Cause: The user updated a column on which a function based index is present which was not successfully updated.
Action: Determine the error in updating the index and fix the problem.

ORA-30558 internal error [string] in function based index
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with the exact error text.

ORA-30560 SAMPLE option not allowed with index-organized tables

ORA-30561 SAMPLE option not allowed in statement with multiple table references

ORA-30562 SAMPLE percentage must be in the range [0.000001,100)

ORA-30563 outer join operator (+) not allowed in select-list
Cause: An attempt was made to reference (+) in select-list.
Action: Do not use the operator in select-list.

ORA-30564 Index maintainence clause not allowed for ADD partition to RANGE partitioned tables
Cause: The clause INVALIDATE or UPDATE GLOBAL INDEXES is allowed only for ADD partition to a HASH partitioned table or ADD subpartition to a composite partitioned table.
Action: Remove the clause and reissue the operation.

ORA-30565 Only one INVALIDATE or UPDATE GLOBAL INDEXES clause may be specified
Cause: The clause INVALIDATE or UPDATE GLOBAL INDEXES was specified more than once.
Action: Remove all but one of the INVALIDATE or UPDATE GLOBAL INDEXES clauses and reissue the statement.

ORA-30566 Index maintainence clause not allowed for this command
Cause: The clause INVALIDATE or UPDATE GLOBAL INDEXES is not allowed for this command.
Action: Remove the clause and reissue the operation.

ORA-30567 name already used by an existing log group
Cause: The specified log group name has to be unique.
Action: Specify a unique name for the log group. The name cannot be the same as any other log group, constraint, or cluster hash expression.

ORA-30568 cannot drop log group - nonexistent log group
Cause: The <log_group_name> specified in alter table drop log group is incorrect or nonexistent.
Action: Reenter the statement using the correct log group name.

ORA-30569 data type of given column is not supported in a log group
Cause: An attempt was made to include a column with one of these unsupported data types: LONG, VARRAY, nested table, object, LOB, FILE, or REF in a log group.
Action: Change the column data type or remove the log group. Retry the operation.

ORA-30570 SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT option already specified
Cause: In CREATE TABLESPACE, the SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT option was specified more than once.
Action: Remove all but one of the SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT specifications.

Cause: An invalid option appears for SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT clause.
Action: Specify one of the valid options:
  • AUTO

ORA-30572 AUTO segment space management not valid with DICTIONARY extent management
Cause: In CREATE TABLESPACE, the AUTO SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT was used with a DICTIONARY extent management clause.
Action: Either specify LOCAL extent management or remove the AUTO SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT specification.

ORA-30573 AUTO segment space management not valid for this type of tablespace
Cause: In CREATE TABLESPACE, the AUTO SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT was used while creating an UNDO or TEMPORARY tablespace.
Action: Remove the AUTO SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT clause.

ORA-30574 Cannot create rollback segment in tablespace with AUTO segment space management
Cause: A rollback segment is being created in a tablespace that was created with AUTO segment space management.
Action: Create the rollback segment in a different tablespace.

ORA-30575 ConText Option not installed
Cause: Oracle executable does not have ConText Option linked in.
Action: Get the correct version of Oracle.

ORA-30576 ConText Option dictionary loading error
Cause: ConText dictionary tables may be corrupted. This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-30625 method dispatch on NULL SELF argument is disallowed
Cause: A member method of a type is being invoked with a NULL SELF argument.
Action: Change the method invocation to pass in a valid self argument.

ORA-30645 reject limit out of range
Cause: Reject limit specifies the number of records rejected before terminating a table scan. The range is either a number between 1..100000 or UNLIMITED if no limit is intended.
Action: Change the token representing the reject limit to either a number in the range of 0 and 100000 or the keyword UNLIMITED.

ORA-30646 schema for external table type must be SYS
Cause: A schema other then SYS was specified for the TYPE.
Action: For this version of the oracle server, always use schema name SYS.

ORA-30647 error retrieving access parameters for external table string.string
Cause: an error occurred when fetching the access parameters for the specified external table.
Action: If the access parameter is a query which returns a CLOB, check EXTERNAL_TAB$ to make sure the query is correct.

ORA-30649 missing DIRECTORY keyword
Cause: DEFAULT DIRECTORY clause missing or incorrect.
Action: Provide the DEFAULT DIRECTORY.

ORA-30653 reject limit reached
Cause: The reject limit has been reached.
Action: Either cleanse the data, or increase the reject limit.

ORA-30654 missing DEFAULT keyword
Cause: DEFAULT DIRECTORY clause not specified or incorrect.
Action: Provide the DEFAULT DIRECTORY.

ORA-30655 cannot select FOR UPDATE from external organized table
Cause: A select for update on an external table was attempted.
Action: Do not select for update on an external table.

ORA-30656 column type not supported on external organized table
Cause: An attempt was made to create an external organized table with a column of type LONG, LOB, BFILE, ADT, or VARRAY.
Action: These column types are not supported, change the DDL.

ORA-30657 operation not supported on external organized table
Cause: User attempted on operation on an external table which is not supported.
Action: Do not attempt the operation.

ORA-30658 attempt was made to create a temporary table with EXTERNAL organization
Cause: An attempt was made to create an External Organized Temporary table. This is not supported.
Action: Do not attempt to create External Organized Temporary tables.

ORA-30676 socket read or write failed
Cause: A problem kept a socket from reading or writing the expected amount of data. More specific information is not available.
Action: Try re-establishing a connection. You may need to restart whatever program is at the other end of the socket that failed, or you may need to have some problem on your network fixed.

ORA-30677 session is already connected to a debugger
Cause: An attempt to connect a session to a debugger could not proceed because the session is already connected to some debugger.
Action: Either use the option to force a connection or first disconnect the session from it's existing debugger.

ORA-30678 too many open connections
Cause: An attempt to open a connection failed because too many are already open by this session. The number of allowed connections varies as some may be in use through other components which share the same pool of allowed connections.
Action: Retry after closing some other connection. The number of connections supported is currently not adjustable.

ORA-30679 JDWP-based debugging not supported in this configuration
Cause: An attempt to open a debugging connection failed because this server configuration cannot support the required asynchronous socket traffic detection.
Action: This feature will not work under this server configuration. Either the feature is not supported on this platform at all, or is available only through use of a protocol=tcp dispatcher in shared-server configurations. Please consult the platform-specific documentation and "readme" material.

ORA-30680 debugger connection handshake failed
Cause: A problem occurred when trying to establish a debugger connection. This might indicate that the port specified as the location of the debugger is actually being used by some other type of application.
Action: Correct the host or port specifications if they are incorrect, and verify that the debugger is properly waiting for a connection.

ORA-30681 improper value for argument EXTENSIONS_CMD_SET
Cause: An improper parameter value was provided in a call to DBMS_DEBUG_JDWP.CONNECT_TCP.
Action: Correct the indicated parameter value and try again.

ORA-30682 improper value for argument OPTION_FLAGS
Cause: An improper parameter value was provided in a call to DBMS_DEBUG_JDWP.CONNECT_TCP.
Action: Correct the indicated parameter value and try again.

ORA-30683 failure establishing connection to debugger
Cause: An error was indicated when trying to establish a connection to a debugger. Usually a TNS error will display along with this message to further explain the problem, although this TNS error will likely be hidden if you choose to trap the error.
Action: Correct the indicated parameter value and try again.

ORA-30684 specified role could not be enabled
Cause: The role specified for use by the debugger could not be enabled. The role may not exist or may not be granted to this user, the password specified may be incorrect, or the authenticating routine for the role is not currently active.
Action: Correct or remove the role or password argument in the debugger connection request.

ORA-30685 versions of DBMS_DEBUG_JDWP and Oracle are inconsistent
Cause: The installed version of the DBMS_DEBUG_JDWP package is not compatible with the release of Oracle that is being used.
Action: Install the correct version of the DBMS_DEBUG_JDWP package.

ORA-30686 no dispatcher accepted TCP/IP connection request
Cause: rather than a dispatcher. When this occurs, shared servers are less beneficial because the session that owns the socket cannot relinquish the process until the socket is closed. The most likely cause is that no dispatcher is configured for protocol=tcp.
Action: To improve the scalability of your configuration, configure a dispatcher for protocol=tcp. To route these particular connections through a particular set of dispatchers, you can specify presentation=kgas. However, if you haven't done so, any protocol=tcp dispatcher will be used.

ORA-30687 session terminated by debugger
Cause: Your program's execution has been stopped by the debugger. This can occur because of an explicit request to do so sent by the debugger, or because the debugger disconnected without first telling Oracle to let your program continue to run after the disconnection. To stop your program completely, Oracle needs to fully terminate the process.
Action: This is in response to a debugger request; it is not an error. No action required.

ORA-30688 maximum program calling depth exceeded
Cause: Your program contains a set of calls that are too deep to be handled. Only transitions between the different execution engines (SQL, PL/SQL, and Java) count in reaching this limit; calls within the same engine don't count.
Action: Restructure your program so as to not call so deeply. Perhaps some recursion can be replaced with iteration.

ORA-30689 improper value for ORA_DEBUG_JDWP
Cause: An improper value was used for ORA_DEBUG_JDWP when trying to establish a connection to a debugger. The value either did not conform to the format of ORA_DEBUG_JDWP or was too long.
Action: Correct the value for ORA_DEBUG_JDWP and try again.

ORA-30690 timeout occurred while registering a TCP/IP connection for data traffic detection
Cause: A timeout occurred while registering a TCP/IP connection for data traffic detection.
Action: Retry the operation later.

ORA-30691 failed to allocate system resources while registering a TCP/IP connection for data traffic detection
Cause: System resources ran out while registering a TCP/IP connection for data traffic detection.
Action: Retry the operation later.

ORA-30695 JDWP message format problem
Cause: A message passed from one software subcomponent to another using the JDWP protocol appears invalidly formatted.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-30725 JDWP-based debugging is not yet available
Cause: This feature is not yet available for use.
Action: Please wait for a future release.

ORA-30726 cannot specify referenced column list here
Cause: An attempt was made to specify a referenced column list for a referential constraint involving a REF column.
Action: Remove the referenced column list specification.

ORA-30727 duplicate referential constraint for a REF column
Cause: Multiple referential constraints were specified for a single REF column.
Action: Remove the duplicate referential constraint and retry the operation.

ORA-30728 maximum number of columns exceeded
Cause: Adding referential constraint on a REF column requires the creation of an additional column.
Action: Drop some columns and retry the operation.

ORA-30729 maximum number of columns exceeded
Cause: Adding scope or referential constraint on a REF column requires the creation of additional columns if the target table's object identifier is primary key based.
Action: Drop some columns and retry the operation.

ORA-30730 referential constraint not allowed on nested table column
Cause: An attempt was made to define a referential constraint on a nested table column.
Action: Do not specify referential constraints on nested table columns.

ORA-30731 scope constraint not allowed on nested table column when the nested table is being created
Cause: An attempt was made to define a scope constraint on a nested table column when the nested table is being created.
Action: Do not specify a scope constraint on a nested table column when creating it. Instead, specify it using the ALTER TABLE statement.

ORA-30732 table contains no user-visible columns
Cause: An attempt was made to query on a system table which has no user-visible columns.
Action: Do not query on a system table that has no user-visible columns.

ORA-30733 cannot specify rowid constraint on scoped ref column
Cause: An attempt was made to specify ROWID constraint on a scoped REF column.
Action: Remove the ROWID constraint and then retry the operation.

ORA-30734 cannot specify scope constraint on ref column with rowid
Cause: An attempt was made to specify scope constraint on a REF column with the ROWID constraint.
Action: Remove the scope constraint and then retry the operation.

ORA-30735 cannot create multiple subtables of the same type under a supertable
Cause: An attempt was made to create under a supertable (superview), a subtable(subview) of the same type as another existing subtable (subview).
Action: Drop the existing subtable(subview) and retry the operation.

ORA-30736 objects in a table or view hierarchy have to be in the same schema
Cause: An attempt was made to create a subtable(subview) under a supertable(superview) located in another schema.
Action: Connect as schema owner of the superobject and retry the operation.

ORA-30737 cannot create subtable of a type which is not a subtype of the type of the supertable
Cause: An attempt was made to create a subtable(subview) of a type which is not a subtype of the type of the super object.
Action: Change the type of the subtable to be a subtype of the superobject's type and then retry the operation.

ORA-30738 object "string" does not exist in schema "string"
Cause: The specified object does not exist.
Action: Ensure that the specified object exists and retry the operation.

ORA-30739 cannot drop a table that has subtables
Cause: The user tried to drop a table that has subtables defined under it.
Action: Drop all subtables before trying this operation.

ORA-30740 cannot grant UNDER privilege on this object
Cause: The user tried to grant UNDER privilege on an object that is not one of the following : non final object type, object table of non final type, object view of non final type.
Action: Ensure that the UNDER privilege is granted on a valid object.

ORA-30741 WITH HIERARCHY OPTION can be specified only for SELECT privilege
Cause: The user tried to specify WITH HIERARCHY OPTION for a privilege other than SELECT privilege.
Action: Ensure that the HIERARCHY OPTION is specified only with the SELECT privilege.

ORA-30742 cannot grant SELECT privilege WITH HIERARCHY OPTION on this object
Cause: The user tried to grant SELECT privilege WITH HIERARCHY OPTION on an object that is not one of the following : object table of non final type or object view of non final type.
Action: Ensure that the SELECT privilege WITH HIERARCHY OPTION is granted on a valid object.

ORA-30743 "string" is not an object view
Cause: The specified object is not an object view.
Action: Specify an object view and retry the operation.

ORA-30744 "string" is not an object table
Cause: The specified object is not an object table.
Action: Specify an object table and retry the operation.

ORA-30745 error occurred while trying to add column "string" in table "string"
Cause: The user tried to add a subtype which tried to alter the tables dependent on the supertype.
Action: Ensure that the table will not exceed the columnlimit on adding this subtype.

ORA-30746 error occurred while trying to drop column "string" in table "string"
Cause: The user tried to drop a subtype with VALIDATE option which tried to check for stored instances of the type in the stated table.
Action: Delete all instances of this subtype and then drop the type.

ORA-30747 cannot create substitutable tables or columns of non final type string.string
Cause: The user tried to create substitutable table or column of a non final type. This operation is not currently supported.
Action: Change the statement to create a non substitutable table/column.

ORA-30748 column string already enabled to store objects of type string.string
Cause: The user is trying to enable a column to store instances of a type for which it is already enabled.
Action: No action required.

ORA-30749 column string not enabled to store objects of type string.string
Cause: The user is trying to disable a column from storing instances of a type for which it is already enabled.
Action: No action required.

ORA-30750 cannot enable column string to store objects of type string.string
Cause: The user is trying to enable a column to store instances of a subtype. The error is raised due to one of the following:
Action: Fix the cause of the error and retry the operation.

ORA-30751 cannot disable column string from storing objects of type string.string
Cause: The user is trying to drop a type from being stored in a substitutable column or table. This error is raised due to one of the following reasons :
  • the column is enabled to store instances of some subtype of the type being dropped.
  • the column is enabled to store instances of only one type.
Action: Fix the cause of the error and retry the operation.

ORA-30752 column or table string is not substitutable
Cause: The user is performing an operation that is not allowed on non substitutable column or table.
Action: No action required.

ORA-30753 column or table string is substitutable
Cause: The user is performing an operation that is not allowed on a substitutable column or table.
Action: No action required.

ORA-30754 column or table string stores objects of only one type
Cause: The user is trying to perform an operation that is not allowed on an object column or table that is enabled to store instances of a single type.
Action: No action required.

ORA-30755 error during expansion of view hierarchy
Cause: There was an error while trying to expand a view hierarchy. This could be due to invalid subviews (or subviews with errors).
Action: Ensure that all subviews are valid. For example alter view ... compile and retry the operation.

ORA-30756 cannot create column or table of type that contains a supertype attribute
Cause: The user tried to create a column or table of an object type that contains a supertype attribute. This is not supported because it leads to infinite recursion in the current storage model. Note that creating a column of a type implies that we create columns corresponding to all subtype attributes as well.
Action: Change the type definition to contain a supertype REF attribute instead of the supertype object attribute.

ORA-30757 cannot access type information
Cause: Either a subtype was created and operations performed with this new type while the session was in progress, or the type information was unpinned from the object cache.
Action: Commit necessary changes, end the user session, reconnect again and re-try the object operations. If the problem persists, then contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-30765 cannot modify scope for an unscoped REF column
Cause: An attempt was made to modify the scope for an unscoped REF column.
Action: Use an ALTER TABLE ADD SCOPE FOR command instead.

ORA-30766 cannot modify scope for a REF column with a REFERENCES constraint
Cause: An attempt was made to modify the scope for a REF column with a REFERENCES constraint.
Action: Drop the REFERENCES constraint, and retry the operation.

ORA-30767 OID type mismatch
Cause: An attempt was made to modify the scope for a REF column to a table whose object identifier's type is different from that of the original scoped table.

ORA-30768 Cannot evaluate pipelined function
Cause: Pipelined functions can only be used in a TABLE expression in the FROM clause.
Action: Use a non-pipelined function instead.

ORA-30770 Cannot specify storage options for fixed size opaque type
Cause: Storage clause was specified during table creation for a fixed size opaque type.
Action: Do not provide storage option clause.

ORA-30771 Cannot add more than one referential constraint on REF column "string"
Cause: Multiple referential constraints were specified for a single REF column.
Action: Remove the additional referential constraints and retry the operation.

ORA-30772 opaque types do not have default constructors
Cause: Constructor invocation did not succeed, since no user-defined constructors were defined for the opaque type, and since opaque types do not have default constructors.
Action: Add user-defined constructors to opaque type, or specify a member or static method for the opaque type.

ORA-30926 unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables
Cause: A stable set of rows could not be got because of a large amount of DML activity or a non-deterministic where clause.
Action: Remove any non-deterministic where clauses and reissue the DML.

ORA-30927 Unable to complete execution due to failure in temporary table transformation
Cause: In memory temporary tables we create are aged out of shared pool before we are able to grab them again.
Action: Reduce activities that use a lot of shared pool space or wait for a while, then retry.

ORA-30928 Connect by filtering phase runs out of temp tablespace
Cause: It is probably caused by the fact that there is a loop in the data.
Action: Retry the query with the NO_FILTERING hint. If the same error still occurs, then increase temp tablespace.

ORA-30929 ORDER SIBLINGS BY clause not allowed here
Cause: ORDER SIBLINGS BY clause is specified in a query which doesn't have CONNECT BY clause.
Action: Remove ORDER SIBLINGS BY clause or add CONNECT BY clause.

ORA-31000 Resource 'string' is not an XDB schema document
Cause: The given schema URL does not refer to a registered XDB schema.
Action: Make sure the specified schema has been registered in XDB.

ORA-31001 Invalid resource handle or path name "string"
Cause: An invalid resource handle or path name was passed to the XDB hierarchical resolver.
Action: Pass a valid resource handle or path name to the hierarchical resolver.

ORA-31002 Path name string is not a container
Cause: XDB expected the given path name to represent a container.
Action: Pass a path name or resource handle that represents a container.

ORA-31003 Parent string already contains child entry string
Cause: An attempt was made to insert a duplicate child into the XDB hierarchical resolver.
Action: Insert a unique name into the container.

ORA-31004 Length string of the BLOB in XDB$H_INDEX is below the minimum string
Cause: In the XDB$H_INDEX table, the CHILDREN column, a BLOB, must have a certain minimum length without being chained. The calculated length of the LOB was less than the stated minimum.
Action: Set the value of the DB_BLOCK_SIZE initialization parameter to at least 2 KB. For XDB to run at its fastest, set DB_BLOCK_SIZE to 8 KB.

ORA-31005 Path name length string exceeds maximum length string
Cause: The length of a path name passed to the XDB hierarchical resolver exceeded the maximum length.
Action: Choose a shorter path name.

ORA-31006 Path name segment length string exceeds maximum length string
Cause: The length of a path name segment passed to the XDB hierarchical resolver exceeded the maximum length of a path name segment.
Action: Choose a shorter path name segment.

ORA-31007 Attempted to delete non-empty container string/string
Cause: An attempt was made to delete a non-empty container in the XDB hierarchical resolver.
Action: Either perform a recursive deletion or first delete the contents of the container.

ORA-31008 stream error in XDB, error code [string], stream type [string]
Cause: A stream error occurred in XDB.

ORA-31010 XML element index string exceeds maximum insertion index string
Cause: An attempt was made to insert an XML element at an invalid index location in the node.
Action: Choose a new index that falls within the allowed range.

ORA-31011 XML parsing failed
Cause: The XML parser returned an error while trying to parse the document.
Action: Check if the document to be parsed is valid.

ORA-31012 Given XPATH expression not supported
Cause: XPATH expression passed to the function is currently unsupported.
Action: Check the xpath expression and change it to use a supported expression.

ORA-31013 Invalid XPATH expression
Cause: XPATH expression passed to the function is invalid.
Action: Check the xpath expression for possible syntax errors.

ORA-31014 Attempted to delete the root container
Cause: An attempt was made to delete the root container in the hierarchical index.
Action: Do not delete the root container.

ORA-31015 Attempted to insert entry without name
Cause: An attempt was made to insert an entry into the hierarchical resolver without a child name.
Action: Supply a child name and try inserting again.

ORA-31016 Attempted to delete entry without name
Cause: An attempt was made to delete an entry from the hierarchical resolver without a child name.
Action: Supply a child name and try deleting again.

ORA-31017 Error generating unique OID for XML document
Cause: An error occurred while generating a globally unique OID for storing an XML document.

ORA-31018 Error deleting XML document
Cause: The XMLType object pointed to by the given REF could not be deleted because either the REF was invalid or it pointed to a non-existent table.
Action: Either use FORCE deletion or supply a valid REF.

ORA-31019 Recursive deletion snapshot too old for string/string
Cause: Changes were made to the structure of a directory while it was being recursively deleted.
Action: Try deleting the directory again.

ORA-31020 The operation is not allowed, Reason: string
Cause: The attempted operation is not allowed.
Action: See reason and change to a valid operation.

ORA-31021 Element definition not found
Cause: The element definition was not found.
Action: Supply the definition for the element or use a defined element.

ORA-31022 Element not found
Cause: The element was not found.
Action: Make sure the specified element exists.

ORA-31023 Index size error
Cause: The index is greater than the allowed value.
Action: Make sure the index is less than the allowed value.

ORA-31024 Exceeded maximum number string of XML node elements
Cause: An attempt was made to insert more than the allowed number of elements into an XML document node.
Action: Do not attempt to add more than the maximum number of elements to XML document nodes that maintain order.

ORA-31025 Invalid document element
Cause: An attempt was made to replace the data at an invalid index number in the XML document.
Action: Supply a correct occurrence number and try again.

ORA-31026 XML maxoccurs value string exceeded
Cause: An attempt was made to insert more than maxoccurs values into a schema-based XML document.
Action: Do not insert more than maxoccurs values into the document.

ORA-31027 Path name or handle string does not point to a resource
Cause: An attempt was made to retrieve a resource based on a path name or resource handle that points to an entity other than a resource.
Action: Do not attempt to retrieve a resource based on that path name or resource handle.

ORA-31028 XML node string has length string, exceeding maximum string
Cause: An attempt was made to store an XML text or attribute node whose length exceeded the maximum specified by the XML schema.
Action: Shorten the data so that it conforms to its XML schema definition.

ORA-31029 Cannot bind to unsaved resource
Cause: An attempt was made to bind to a resource that had not been saved to disk.
Action: Bind only to saved resources.

ORA-31030 Unable to retrieve XML document
Cause: The resource had an invalid (dangling) REF to an XML document.
Action: Rebind the resource using a valid XMLType REF.

ORA-31031 Cannot insert non-schema data into unordered XML nodes
Cause: An attempt was made to insert non-schema-based XML data (for example, such as a comment or processing instruction) into an XML node that did not maintain ordering.
Action: In the schema, define the element with maintainOrder=true in order to add non-schema data.

ORA-31032 XML element index string out-of-range for string-element node
Cause: An attempt was made to access an out-of-range element in an XML document node.
Action: Access data only at indexes that do not exceed the maximum value.

ORA-31033 Requested number of XML children string exceeds maximum string
Cause: An attempt was made to add more than the maximum number of allowable children in an XML element.
Action: Redefine the schema to allow breaking up of the children among siblings.

ORA-31034 Could not delete at index string in a string-element node
Cause: An attempt was made to delete an XML element at an index that exceeds the node's total number of elements.
Action: Delete data only at valid indexes.

ORA-31035 Could not bind locked resource to path string/string
Cause: An attempt was made to bind an existing resource to a new location in the hierarchy, but a lock could not be obtained on the resource.
Action: Commit or roll back the transaction that has the lock on the resource.

ORA-31036 Cannot store an XML prefix without an associated namespace
Cause: An attempt was made to store an XML prefix without supplying the namespace to which it should be associated.
Action: Store prefixes only with their associated namespaces.

ORA-31037 Invalid XML attribute name string
Cause: The attribute name in the XML document did not match anything in the associated schema.
Action: Supply only schema-defined or XML standard attributes.

ORA-31038 Invalid string value string
Cause: The text in the XML document did not represent a valid value given the datatype and other constraints in the schema.
Action: Ensure that the specified value in XML documents is valid with respect to the datatype and other constraints in the schema.

ORA-31039 XML namespace length string exceeds maximum string
Cause: The length of the disk-formatted XML namespace exceeded the maximum.
Action: Keep XML namespace declarations below the maximum length.

ORA-31040 Property string: XML type (string) not compatible with internal memory type (string)
Cause: The XML datatype given is inconsistent with the database datatype and a conversion cannot be made.
Action: This is an internal error, generally resulting from corruption of the compiled XML schema. Re-register schemas or contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31041 Property string: Memory type (string) not compatible with database type (string)
Cause: The memory type associated with this property is mapped to an incompatible database type and a conversion cannot be made.
Action: This is an internal error, generally resulting from corruption of the compiled XML schema. Re-register schemas or contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31042 Too many properties in type 'string'
Cause: The type can only have the same number of properties (elements and attributes) as a table can have columns.
Action: Modify the XML schema to move properties into subelements that are not inlined.

ORA-31043 Element 'string' not globally defined in schema 'string'
Cause: The specified element name has not been defined at the top level of the XML schema (that is, globally). Elements must be defined globally to be the root of an XMLType object.
Action: Check the XML schema definition to make sure the specified element name has been defined at the top level.

ORA-31044 Top-level prefix length string exceeds maximum string
Cause: An attempt was made to save to disk a top-level XML namespace prefix whose length exceeded the maximum.
Action: Do not define XML namespace prefixes that exceed the maximum length.

ORA-31045 Cannot store more than string extras outside the root XML node
Cause: An attempt was made to store more than the maximum number of XML extras (for example, such as comments and processing instructions) either before or after the document's root node.
Action: Keep the number of extras outside the root node below the maximum.

ORA-31046 Incorrect argument(s) specified in the operator
Cause: One or more of the arguments specified in the operator in the query are incorrect.
Action: Correct the arguments specified in the operator.

ORA-31047 Could not retrieve resource data at path string
Cause: An error occurred while retrieving the contents of a resource, the metadata of a resource, or both.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31048 Unsaved resources cannot be updated
Cause: An attempt was made to update a resource that was never saved to disk.
Action: Perform a resource insertion instead.

ORA-31050 Access denied
Cause: The requested access privileges have not been granted to the current user. Users must be granted privileges prior to resource access.
Action: Check the set of requested access privileges to make sure that they are included in the set of access privileges granted to the user.

ORA-31051 Requested access privileges not supported
Cause: The requested access privileges are not supported for the specified resource.
Action: Ensure that the set of requested access privileges are valid access privileges for the specified resource.

ORA-31052 Cannot delete ACL with other references
Cause: The requested deletion of an ACL resource cannot proceed. The ACL is in use by other resources.
Action: Remove the resources that are making reference to the ACL in question and try again.

ORA-31053 The value of the depth argument in the operator cannot be negative
Cause: The value of the depth argument passed to the primary operator was not a positive integer.
Action: Pass a positive value in the depth argument.

ORA-31054 The string operator cannot have an ancillary operator
Cause: An ancillary operator was used with an operator which does not support ancillary operators.
Action: Remove the ancillary operator in the query.

ORA-31055 A null XMLType element cannot be inserted into RESOURCE_VIEW
Cause: The element which is being inserted into the RESOURCE_VIEW is NULL.
Action: Specify a non-null XMLType element to insert into RESOURCE_VIEW.

ORA-31056 The document being inserted does not conform to Resource Schema
Cause: The XMLType element being inserted into the RESOURCE_VIEW does not conform to the Resource Schema.
Action: Insert an element which conforms to the Resource Schema.

ORA-31057 Display Name of the element being inserted is null
Cause: The Display Name of the element which is being inserted into the RESOURCE_VIEW is null.
Action: Specify the Display Name and insert the element into RESOURCE_VIEW.

ORA-31058 cannot modify read-only XOBs
Cause: Read-Only XOBs cannot be modified.
Action: Use only read operations on such a XOB.

ORA-31059 Cannot insert root XML document node if it already exists
Cause: An attempt was made to insert a root node into an XML document that already had a root node.
Action: Call the appropriate replace function to replace the node instead of inserting it anew.

ORA-31060 Resource at path string could not be deleted
Cause: An error occurred while deleting the named resource. The specific error can be found one lower on the error stack.
Action: Look at the next error on the stack and take approprate action.

ORA-31062 Cannot delete an unsaved resource
Cause: An attempt was made to delete a resource that has not been saved to disk.
Action: Delete only saved resources.

ORA-31065 Cannot modify read-only property [string]
Cause: An attempt was made to modify an immutable XML node.
Action: Use only read operations on such properties.

ORA-31066 Insertion of string into string creates a cycle
Cause: An attempt was made to insert a link into the XDB hierarchy that would create a cycle in the tree.
Action: Ensure that links to existing resources do not cause cycles.

ORA-31067 XML nodes must be updated with nodes of the same type
Cause: An attempt was made to use updateXML to update an XML node with a node of another type.
Action: Ensure that the node specified by the XPath matches the type of the new data provided.

ORA-31068 updateXML expected data format [string] instead of [string]
Cause: An attempt was made to use updateXML to update data with a node of the incorrect type. Text and attribute nodes must be updated with string data, whereas element nodes must be updated with XMLType data.
Action: Use CREATEXML or getStringVal to coerce the new data to the proper format.

ORA-31069 Cannot apply typed changes to non-schema-based XMLType nodes
Cause: An attempt was made to insert, delete, or update a non-schema-based XMLType node using an XML schema definition.
Action: Make changes to non-typed nodes only by referencing their tag names.

ORA-31070 Invalid database user ID string
Cause: An attempt was made to set an invalid user ID into an XDB resource metadata property.
Action: Verify the validity of the user ID and try again.

ORA-31071 Invalid database username or GUID string
Cause: An attempt was made to set an invalid username or GUID into an XDB resource metadata property.
Action: Verify the validity of the username or GUID and try again.

ORA-31072 Too many child nodes in XMLType fragment for updateXML
Cause: An attempt was made to pass an XMLType fragment with multiple children as new data for the updateXML operator.
Action: Extract the desired child from the XMLType before passing it to updateXML as the desired new XML node.

ORA-31073 Resource not retrieved using path name
Cause: An attempt was made to access the path name of a resource that was either never saved to disk or was loaded using a method other than with its path name.
Action: Perform path name operations only on resources obtained using a path name.

ORA-31075 invalid string declaration in XML Schema
Cause: The XML schema contains an invalid declaration identified by the message.
Action: Fix the identified error and try again.

ORA-31076 required attribute "string" not specified
Cause: The XML schema does not specify a required attribute.
Action: Specify a value for the required attribute.

ORA-31077 invalid attribute "string" specified
Cause: The XML schema specifies an invalid attribute.
Action: Remove the specification of the invalid attribute.

ORA-31078 error in SQL mapping information
Cause: There is an error in the SQL type and table specification within the XML Schema.
Action: Ensure that all specified SQL types and tables are valid and compatible with the corresponding XML types.

ORA-31079 unable to resolve reference to string "string"
Cause: The identified type, attribute, or element could not be resolved.
Action: Make sure that the name corresponds to a valid XML (simple/complex) type or attribute or element and try again.

ORA-31080 type not specified for attribute or element "string"
Cause: The identified attribute or element does not have a type.
Action: Make sure that every attribute and element has a valid type specification.

ORA-31081 name not specified for global declaration
Cause: The XML schema does not specify the name for the global declaration of attribute, element, simpleType, or complexType.
Action: Specify names for all global declarations.

ORA-31082 invalid attribute "string" specified in declaration of "string"
Cause: The XML schema specifies an invalid attribute.
Action: Remove the specification of the invalid attribute.

ORA-31083 error while creating SQL type "string"."string"
Cause: An error occurred while trying to create the SQL type based on the specification of a complex type.
Action: Fix the identified error and try again.

ORA-31084 error while creating table "string"."string" for element "string"
Cause: An error occurred while trying to create the table based on the declaration of the identified element.
Action: Fix the identified error and try again.

ORA-31085 schema "string" already registered
Cause: An attempt was made to register a schema with the same URL as a previously registered schema.
Action: Register the schema with a different URL.

ORA-31086 insufficient privileges to register global schema "string"
Cause: An attempt was made to register a global schema without sufficient privileges.
Action: Make sure that the user has sufficient privileges to register a global schema.

ORA-31087 insufficient privileges to delete schema "string"
Cause: An attempt was made to delete a schema resource without sufficient privileges.
Action: Make sure that the user has sufficient privileges to delete the schema.

ORA-31088 object "string"."string" depends on the schema
Cause: An attempt was made to delete a schema which has dependent objects.
Action: Either drop the dependent objects prior to deleting the schema or use the CASCADE or FORCE options.

ORA-31089 schema "string" does not target namespace "string"
Cause: The schema document contains references (through include and import definitions) to other schemas that do not belong to valid namespaces.
Action: Make sure that all schemas referenced through include definitions target the same namespace as the parent schema. Further more, make sure that the namespace specified in the import definition matches the actual target namespace of the specified schema.

ORA-31090 invalid database schema name "string"
Cause: The XML schema document contains an invalid database schema name For example, the value of attribute SQLSchema.
Action: Make sure that all database user/schema names specified in the XML schema document refer to existing database users/schemas.

ORA-31091 empty string specified as a SQL name
Cause: The XML schema document contains a null SQL name. For example, the values of attributes SQLName, SQLType, defaultTable.
Action: Make sure that all names of SQL schema objects specified in the XML schema document are valid SQL names. Otherwise, remove such attributes from the schema and try again.

ORA-31092 invalid SQL name "string"
Cause: The XML schema document contains an invalid SQL name. For example, the values of attributes SQLName, SQLType, defaultTable.
Action: Make sure that all names of SQL schema objects specified in the XML schema document are valid SQL names. This implies that the database length and other restrictions on names be satisfied.

ORA-31093 null or invalid value specified for parameter : string
Cause: The argument value passed for the given parameter is null or invalid.
Action: Make sure that all the input argument values are valid.

ORA-31094 incompatible SQL type "string" for attribute or element "string"
Cause: The SQL type information provided in the XML schema is not compatible with the XML datatype for the specified attribute or element.
Action: Make sure that the specified SQL types are compatible with the declared XML datatypes.

ORA-31095 cannot generate string : "string.string" already exists
Cause: The type/table name specified in the XML schema document cannot be generated because it is already being used.
Action: Use different names for types/tables or use the NOGEN mode so that schema compiler does not generate new types/tables.

ORA-31096 validation failed for schema
Cause: The XML Schema could not be validated.
Action: Make sure that the SQLType and other datatype mapping is valid.

ORA-31097 Hierarchical Index not empty
Cause: An attempt was made to rebuild the hierarchical index which is not empty.
Action: Delete all rows in the hierarchical index and then rebuild it.

ORA-31099 XDB Security Internal Error
Cause: An XDB Security internal error has occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31100 XDB Locking Internal Error
Cause: An XDB Locking Internal error has occurred.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31101 Token "string" not given while locking resource "string"
Cause: Locking attempted on resource when the principal already owns a lock given by the token above.
Action: Reattempt the lock with the token.

ORA-31102 Already locked in exclusive mode. Cannot add lock.
Cause: The resource is already locked in exclusive mode. Cannot add another lock.
Action: Unlock the existing lock.

ORA-31103 Resource locked in shared mode. Cannot add exclusive lock.
Cause: The resource is locked in shared mode. Cannot add a shared lock.
Action: Try locking in shared mode or unlocking the existing lock.

ORA-31104 Cannot find lock with token "string" on "string" for unlock
Cause: The lock may have been unlocked or it may have expired.
Action: No action required. Unlock already successful.

ORA-31105 User does not own lock "string"
Cause: The lock to be unlocked is not owned by the user.

ORA-31106 Action failed as the parent container is locked
Action: Supply the lock token on parent container or unlock it.

ORA-31107 Action failed as resource "string" is locked by name lock
Cause: Lock requests cause the whole request URI to be locked.
Action: Supply lock token or unlock the lock.

ORA-31108 Action failed as resource string is locked
Cause: Delete/Rename failed because of an existing lock.
Action: Do lockdiscovery to find the lock and delete it.

ORA-31109 Action failed as parent resource string is locked
Cause: Delete/Rename failed because of a lock on parent resource.
Action: Do lockdiscovery to find the lock and delete it.

ORA-31110 Action failed as resource string is locked by name
Cause: Delete/Rename failed because one of the children is locked.
Action: Do lockdiscovery to find the lock and delete it.

ORA-31111 table string cannot be hierarchically enabled
Cause: Trigger <tabname>_xdb_pitrigger already exists.
Action: Either the table is already hierarchically enabled or the user trigger <tabname>_xdb_pitrigger needs to be dropped. Delete all rows in the hierarchical index and then rebuild it.

ORA-31112 fail to string for string port using xdb configuration
Cause: port number for the defined presentation is not valid.
Action: Either the port number is already in use or it is protected. Specify another port number.

ORA-31113 XDB configuration may not be updated with non-schema compliant data
Cause: An attempt was made to update the XDB configuration resource with non-schema or non-schema compliant data.
Action: Check the document to make sure it is schema based and schema compliant.

ORA-31114 XDB configuration has been deleted or is corrupted
Cause: The XDB configuration resource has been deleted or corrupted.
Action: Reinstall XDB, or reinsert a valid configuration document.

ORA-31115 XDB configuration error: string
Cause: An error related to XDB configuration has occurred.
Action: Make sure the configuration resource contains valid data.

ORA-31121 The string operator can not be FALSE
Cause: The value of the operator that is specified is FALSE.
Action: Specify an operator that evaluates to TRUE.

ORA-31122 The string operator has incorrect RHS value
Cause: The right hand side value that has been specified for the operator does not evaluate to TRUE.
Action: Specify a value on the right hand side that evaluates to TRUE.

ORA-31151 Cyclic definition encountered for string: "string"
Cause: The schema definition for this type has cycles.
Action: Remove the cyclic definition and re-compile schema.

ORA-31153 Cannot create schema URL with reserved prefix ""
Cause: This prefix is reserved for XDB extended schema URLs and cannot be used in a user specified URL.
Action: Modify the prefix to a different one.

ORA-31154 invalid XML document
Cause: The XML document is invalid with respect to its XML Schema.
Action: Fix the errors identified and try again.

ORA-31155 attribute string not in XDB namespace
Cause: The specified attribute should be prefixed with XDB's namespace.
Action: Ensure that all XDB specified attributes are prefixed with XDB's namespace and try again.

ORA-31190 Resource string is not a version-controlled resource
Cause: Either one of the following is the cause:
  • Checkout is requested for a resource that isn't under version control.
    Only version-controlled resources can be checked out.
  • Checkout is requested for a row of a non-versioned table.
Action: Put the resource under version-control before checking out.

ORA-31191 Resource string is already checked out
Cause: Checkout is requested for a resource that is already checked out to the workspace by the same or different user.
Action: Checked in the resource from the workspace before checking out.

ORA-31192 Resource string has not been checked out
Cause: Checkin or uncheckout is requested for a resource that has not been checked out to the workspace by any user in a workspace.
Action: Checked in the resource from the workspace before checking out.

ORA-31193 This versioning feature isn't supported for resource string
Cause: Container cannot be put under version-controlled.
Action: Avoid using these features.

ORA-31194 Resource string is already deleted
Cause: Accessed a version-controlled resource that is already deleted.
Action: Re-create the resource.

ORA-31201 DBMS_LDAP: generic error: string
Cause: There has been an error in the DBMS_LDAP package.
Action: Please report the error number and description to Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31202 DBMS_LDAP: LDAP client/server error: string
Cause: There is a problem either on the LDAP server or on the client.
Action: Please report this error to the LDAP server administrator or your Database administrator.

ORA-31203 DBMS_LDAP: PL/SQL - Init Failed
Cause: There has been an error in the DBMS_LDAP Init operation.
Action: Please check the host name and port number, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31204 DBMS_LDAP: PL/SQL - Invalid LDAP Session
Cause: There has been an error in the DBMS_LDAP bind operation.
Action: Please check the session handler that you use for binding, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31205 DBMS_LDAP: PL/SQL - Invalid LDAP Auth method
Cause: There has been an error in the DBMS_LDAP bind operation.
Action: Please check the authentication credentials that you used for binding, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31206 DBMS_LDAP: PL/SQL - Invalid LDAP search scope
Cause: There has been an error in the DBMS_LDAP search operation.
Action: Please check the search scope that you use for search, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31207 DBMS_LDAP: PL/SQL - Invalid LDAP search time value
Cause: There has been an error in the DBMS_LDAP search operation.
Action: Please check the search time value that you use for search, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31208 DBMS_LDAP: PL/SQL - Invalid LDAP Message
Cause: There has been an error in the DBMS_LDAP operation.
Action: Please check the LDAP message that you use for LDAP operation, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31209 DBMS_LDAP: PL/SQL - LDAP count_entry error
Cause: There has been an error in the DBMS_LDAP count_entry operation.
Action: Please check the LDAP count_operation, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31210 DBMS_LDAP: PL/SQL - LDAP get_dn error
Cause: There has been an error in the DBMS_LDAP get_dn operation.
Action: Please check the LDAP get_dn, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31211 DBMS_LDAP: PL/SQL - Invalid LDAP entry dn
Cause: There has been an error in the DBMS_LDAP operation.
Action: Please check the entry dn that you use for LDAP operation, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31212 DBMS_LDAP: PL/SQL - Invalid LDAP mod_array
Cause: There has been an error in the DBMS_LDAP operation.
Action: Please check the LDAP mod_array that you use for LDAP operation, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31213 DBMS_LDAP: PL/SQL - Invalid LDAP mod option
Cause: There has been an error in the DBMS_LDAP populate_mod_array operation.
Action: Please check the LDAP mod option that you use for LDAP populate_mod_array operation, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31214 DBMS_LDAP: PL/SQL - Invalid LDAP mod type
Cause: There has been an error in the DBMS_LDAP populate_mod_array operation.
Action: Please check the LDAP mod type that you use for LDAP populate_mod_array operation, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31215 DBMS_LDAP: PL/SQL - Invalid LDAP mod value
Cause: There has been an error in the DBMS_LDAP populate_mod_array operation.
Action: Please check the LDAP mod value that you use for LDAP populate_mod_array operation, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31216 DBMS_LDAP: PL/SQL - Invalid LDAP rdn
Cause: There has been an error in the DBMS_LDAP operation.
Action: Please check the LDAP rdn value that you use for LDAP operation, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31217 DBMS_LDAP: PL/SQL - Invalid LDAP newparent
Cause: There has been an error in the DBMS_LDAP rename_s operation.
Action: Please check the LDAP newparent value that you use for LDAP rename_s operation, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31218 DBMS_LDAP: PL/SQL - Invalid LDAP deleteoldrdn
Cause: There has been an error in the DBMS_LDAP rename_s operation.
Action: Please check the LDAP deleteoldrdn value that you use for LDAP rename_s operation, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31219 DBMS_LDAP: PL/SQL - Invalid LDAP notypes
Cause: There has been an error in the DBMS_LDAP explode_dn or explode_rdn operation.
Action: Please check the LDAP notypes value that you use for LDAP explode_dn or explode_rdn operation, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31220 DBMS_LDAP: PL/SQL - Invalid LDAP SSL wallet location
Cause: There has been an error in the DBMS_LDAP operation.
Action: Please check the LDAP sslwrl value that you use for LDAP operation, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31221 DBMS_LDAP: PL/SQL - Invalid LDAP SSL wallet passwd
Cause: There has been an error in the DBMS_LDAP operation.
Action: Please check the LDAP sslpasswd value that you use for LDAP operation, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31222 DBMS_LDAP: PL/SQL - Invalid LDAP SSL authentication mode
Cause: There has been an error in the DBMS_LDAP operation.
Action: Please check the LDAP sslauth value that you use for LDAP operation, or report the error number and description to Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31398 DBMS_LDAP: Shared servers are not supported.
Cause: The session executing functions from the DBMS_LDAP package is being handled by a shared server in the Database.
Action: Use dedicated database sessions to execute functions in the DBMS_LDAP package.

ORA-31399 Cannot contact LDAP server string at port number
Cause: The specified LDAP server could not be contacted. This can happen if the server is down or inaccessible.
Action: Contact the administrator of the LDAP server.

ORA-31401 change source string is not an existing asynchronous change source
Cause: The caller did not use the name of an existing asynchronous change source. The name given does not match the name of any existing asynchronous change source.
Action: Check the spelling of the change source name. Choose an existing change source.

ORA-31402 unrecognized parameter string
Cause: An unrecognized parameter was detected.
Action: Check for too many parameters in the call.

ORA-31403 change table string already contains a column string
Cause: Issued ALTER_CHANGE_TABLE with an add operation but a column with this name already exists in the specified table.
Action: Check the names and call the procedure again.

ORA-31404 all input parameters are null
Cause: All input parameters are null. At least one property must be altered.
Action: Call the procedure again, making sure that all the required parameters have been specified. Ensure that at least one parameter is not null. Refer to the documentation for the correct method of calling this procedure.

ORA-31405 cannot make changes while change set string is advancing
Cause: The change set is currently advancing. Change sources related to an advancing change set cannot be altered. Change tables related to the advancing change set cannot be created, altered, or dropped. Some or all of the parameters of the change set cannot be altered while the set is advancing.
Action: Wait until the change set has finished advancing, then reissue the command. If altering the change set, only the advance_enable parameter can be altered during an advance.

ORA-31406 change source string is referenced by a change set
Cause: The operation cannot complete because this change source is referenced by one or more change sets.
Action: Drop the change sets first, then re-issue the command. May have to drop some change tables before the change sets are dropped.

ORA-31407 end_date must be greater than the begin_date
Cause: The end data of the change set is earlier than the begin date. The end date must always be later in time than the begin date, so that the duration between the begin and end dates is a positive amount of time.
Action: Change the begin date and/or the end date, so that the end date is later than the begin date.

ORA-31408 illegal value specified for begin_scn or end_scn
Cause: The begin_scn is not greater than zero. The end_scn is less than zero. The end_scn is less than the begin_scn.
Action: Check the values of both begin_scn and end_scn. Correct them to make sure that they form a legal SCN range. An end_scn value of zero indicates an infinite scn range.

ORA-31409 one or more values for input parameters are incorrect
Cause: One or more of the inputs to the procedure had illegal values.
Action: Identify the bad parameter(s) and supply correct values to the procedure.

ORA-31410 change set string is not an asynchronous change set
Cause: Could not find an asynchronous change set by this name.
Action: Check the spelling of the change set name. Call the procedure again, passing the correct change set name.

ORA-31411 change set string is referenced by a change table
Cause: The operation cannot be performed because the change set contains one or more change tables.
Action: You will need to drop the change table(s) first, then repeat the operation.

ORA-31412 change set string is disabled and cannot be advanced
Cause: The specified change set is disabled. The change set needs to be enabled for the operation to succeed.
Action: Determine why the change set is disabled and correct this condition. Alter the change set specifying 'y' for advance_enable then retry the operation.

ORA-31413 change set string is currently being advanced
Cause: An advance operation is in progress for this change set when only one is allowed at a time.
Action: Since the change set is currently being advanced, the best action is to wait for it to finish advancing. Only one caller at a time can advance the change set. Check for the cause of long running advance operations.

ORA-31414 error(s) occurred during change table advance
Cause: One or more errors occurred during the advance operation.
Action: Check the log file(s) for a more detailed report of the underlying errors.

ORA-31415 change set string does not exist
Cause: The specified change set does not exist or the user does not have access to the publications in that change set. The specified name did not match the name of any existing change set. Certain privileges are required to access the publications within that change set.
Action: Check the name and call the procedure again, with the name of an existing change set. Contact the publisher or database administrator if user privileges are required to access the publications in the change set.

ORA-31416 illegal SOURCE_COLMAP value
Cause: Cannot specify a source_colmap value of 'y' for asynchronous.
Action: Specify 'n' for the source_colmap option and call the procedure again.

ORA-31417 column list contains control column string
Cause: Reserved column name was specified in a column list or column type parameter.
Action: Control columns are selected with separate parameters. If you did not want a control column, then change the name of the specified column so that it does not conflict with a reserved column name.

ORA-31418 source schema string does not exist
Cause: Tried to create a synchronous change table and the source schema did not match any existing schema names in the database.
Action: Specify the name of an existing schema.

ORA-31419 source table string does not exist
Cause: When creating a synchronous change table, the underlying source table must exist when the procedure is called. In this case, the source table did not exist.
Action: Specify the name of an existing table.

ORA-31420 unable to submit the purge job
Cause: When creating the first change table, a purge job is submitted to the job queue. Submission of this purge job failed.
Action: Make sure that job queue processes are enabled and are currently running. If this does not solve the problem, then contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31421 change table does not exist
Cause: The specified change table does not exist.
Action: Recheck the name and call the procedure again using an existing change table.

ORA-31422 owner schema string does not exist
Cause: The value specified for the owner parameter does not contain the name of an existing schema in the database.
Action: Recheck the name and call the procedure again using an existing schema name.

ORA-31423 change table string does not contain column string
Cause: Issued ALTER_CHANGE_TABLE with a drop operation and the specified column does not exist in the change table.
Action: Recheck the names and call the procedure again.

ORA-31424 change table has active subscriptions
Cause: The change table is subscribed to, so it cannot be dropped.
Action: Do not drop a change table while there are active subscribers. If this is an emergency, use the FORCE parameter. This will forcibly drop the change table out from under all subscribers.

ORA-31425 subscription handle does not exist
Cause: The subscription handle does not exist or does not belong to this user.
Action: Call the function again with a valid subscription handle.

ORA-31426 cannot modify active subscriptions
Cause: The subscription handle has been activated; additional calls to SUBSCRIBE are prohibited.
Action: Subscribe to all the desired tables and columns before activating the subscription. Ensure that the correct subscription handle was specified.

ORA-31427 source table string already subscribed
Cause: The subscription represented by the subscription handle already contains source_schema.source_table.
Action: Check the values of the subscription_handle, source_schema, and source_table. Do not attempt to subscribe to the same table more than once using the same subscription handle.

ORA-31428 no publication contains all the specified columns
Cause: One or more of the specified columns cannot be found in a single publication.
Action: Change the subscription request to select only columns that are in the same publication. Consult the USER_PUBLISHED_COLUMNS view to see current publications.

ORA-31429 subscription handle has not been activated
Cause: The called procedure requires an activated subscription.
Action: Check the subscription handle and correct if necessary. Call the ACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION procedure for this subscription handle and then reissue the original command.

ORA-31430 change view exists
Cause: The change view was not dropped prior to making this call.
Action: Call the DROP_SUBSCRIBER_VIEW procedure and then retry the original command.

ORA-31431 all source tables must belong to the synchronous change set
Cause: Not all of the source tables belong to the synchronous change set.
Action: Check the spelling of the source tables. Make sure that all of the source tables belong to the synchronous change set.

ORA-31432 invalid source table
Cause: The schema_name.source_table does not exist or does not belong to this subscription.
Action: Check the spelling of the schema_name and source_table. Verify that the specified table exists in the specified schema and is subscribed to by the subscription handle.

ORA-31433 change view does not exist
Cause: Specified an incorrect change view or the view is already dropped.
Action: Recheck the name and specify the name of an existing change view.

ORA-31434 purge is currently running
Cause: Called the PURGE procedure while a purge job was currently running.
Action: Wait for purge to complete before reissuing this command.

ORA-31435 an error occurred during the purge operation
Cause: An error occurred during the purge operation.
Action: Check the logfile for a more detailed report of the underlying errors.

ORA-31436 duplicate change source string
Cause: A change source by the specified name already exists.
Action: Recreate the change source with a unique name.

ORA-31437 duplicate change set string
Cause: A change set by the specified name already exists.
Action: Recreate the change set with a unique name.

ORA-31438 duplicate change table string
Cause: A change table by the specified name already exists.
Action: Recreate the change table with a unique name.

ORA-31439 subscription is already active
Cause: The subscription is already active.
Action: Check name and retry.

ORA-31440 change set string is empty and cannot be advanced
Cause: User attempted to advance a change set which does not contain any change tables. Without change tables, a change set cannot be advanced.
Action: Create change tables in the change set, then retry the advance.

ORA-31441 table is not a change table
Cause: User attempted to execute the DROP_CHANGE_TABLE procedure on a table that is not a CHANGE table. This can also occur when a CHANGE table object has been orphaned. CHANGE tables can become orphaned after a CREATE_CHANGE_TABLE failure or an incomplete DROP_CHANGE_TABLE.
Action: Check spelling. If error was due to an incorrect name, then retry the procedure using the correct name. To drop a table that is not a CHANGE table, or an orphaned CHANGE table, use the DROP TABLE DDL command instead.

ORA-31442 operation timed out while acquiring lock on string
Cause: CDC attempted to acquire a lock on the resource, but the operation timed out.
Action: Retry the operation later.

ORA-31443 deadlock detected while acquiring lock on string
Cause: CDC attempted to acquire a lock on the resource, but encountered a deadlock.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31444 parameter error while acquiring lock on string
Cause: CDC attempted to acquire a lock on the resource, but encountered a problem passing parameters to the lock manager.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31445 invalid lock handle while acquiring lock on string
Cause: CDC attempted to acquire a lock on the resource, but encountered an invalid lock handle, which did not correspond to any existing handle.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31447 cannot create change tables in the SYS schema
Cause: Attempted to create a change table in the SYS schema. This is not allowed.
Action: Use a different, existing schema and retry the command.

ORA-31448 illegal value for change_source
Cause: The specified value is not a valid name for a Change Source.
Action: Specify a valid name and retry the command.

ORA-31449 illegal value for set_name
Cause: The specified value is not a valid name for a Change Set.
Action: Specify a valid name and retry the command.

ORA-31450 illegal value for change_table_name
Cause: The specified value is not a valid name for a Change Table.
Action: Specify a valid name and retry the command.

ORA-31451 illegal value string for capture_values, expecting: OLD, NEW, or BOTH
Cause: The specified value is not a valid option for a capture_values.
Action: Specify a valid option and retry the command.

ORA-31452 illegal value string for parameter, expecting: Y or N
Cause: The specified value is not Y or N.
Action: Specify Y or N for the parameter and retry the command.

ORA-31453 illegal value string for parameter, expecting: Y, N, or NULL
Cause: The specified value is not Y, N, or NULL.
Action: Specify Y, N, or NULL for the parameter and retry the command.

ORA-31454 illegal value string for operation parameter, expecting: ADD or DROP
Cause: The specified value is not ADD or DROP.
Action: Specify ADD or DROP and retry the command.

ORA-31455 nothing to ALTER
Cause: The specified column list is NULL and all optional control columns are 'N'.
Action: Specify one or more columns to ALTER.

ORA-31456 error executing a procedure in the DBMS_CDC_UTILITY package
Cause: An internal attempt to invoke a procedure within the DBMS_CDC_UTILITY package failed.
Action: Check the trace logs for more information. Ensure that the package has been installed successfully. Try issuing a DESCRIBE command from SQL on the package. If it fails, then try reinstalling the package. If it succeeds, try invoking one of the procedures from SQL.

ORA-31457 maximum length of description field exceeded
Cause: The maximum number of characters permitted in the description field was exceeded.
Action: The maximum length of the description field is 30 characters. Ensure the length does not exceed this value and retry the command.

ORA-31459 system triggers for DBMS_CDC_PUBLISH package are not installed
Cause: One or more required system triggers are not installed. These triggers are required for the proper operation of Change Data Capture. Operations on Change tables cannot continue.
Action: Install or reenable the triggers, or reinstall the package.

ORA-31460 logfile location string is not an existing directory
Cause: The directory specification for logfile location for the change source, does not correspond with an existing directory, or the directory was not accessible.
Action: Create the directory if it does not exist. If the directory does exist, change the file system permissions so the directory can be accessed. Alternatively, perform ALTER CHANGE SOURCE and change the logfile_location to be an existing directory that contains the logfiles.

ORA-31461 logfile location string contains no files that match pattern string
Cause: The directory specification for logfile location for the change source, does not contain any files whose names pattern-match the logfile_suffix.
Action: Make sure that the logfile location contains logfiles whose names match the logfile_suffix pattern for the change set. Alternatively, perform ALTER CHANGE SOURCE and change the logfile_suffix such that it matches the names of existing logfiles in the directory.

ORA-31462 internal error while accessing metadata
Cause: An unexpected internal error occurred while CDC was accessing its internal Metadata.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31463 logfile location string is an empty directory
Cause: The directory specification for logfile location for the change source, is an empty directory.
Action: Make sure it is the correct location of the logfiles. If it is, make sure the directory contains logfiles. Alternatively, perform ALTER CHANGE SOURCE and change the logfile_location to be an existing directory that contains the logfiles.

ORA-31464 target table for the change table no longer exists
Cause: User tried to drop a change table but its underlying storage table (that contains the change data) has been dropped.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31465 cannot obtain a lock on the subscription handle
Cause: A timeout occurred while trying to place a lock on the subscription handle. Another session has already aquired the lock on the subscription handle.
Action: Ensure the subscription handle is correct and correct it if necessary. If it was correct, retry the operation after the session holding the lock has released it.

ORA-31466 no publications found
Cause: Did not find any publications that matched the input parameters or the user does not have the privileges to access the specified publication.
Action: Check the input parameters on the call to SUBSCRIBE. Validate that the proposed source table has been published by checking the USER_PUBLICATIONS view for that source table. Contact the publisher if user privileges are required to access the publication. Retry the command with correct security or publication information.

ORA-31467 no column found in the source table
Cause: The OBJECT_ID flag was set to 'Y' on the call to CREATE_CHANGE_TABLE and change table belongs to the synchronous change set. The corresponding object column was not detected in the source table.
Action: Create the change table with the OBJECT_ID flag set to 'N' or investigate why the object column is not in the source table and add it to the source table.

ORA-31470 asynchronous change tables must contain the RSID$ column
Cause: If creating an asynchronous change table, the RSID was set to 'N'. If altering an asynchronous change table with an operation parameter of 'DROP' RSID was set to 'Y'.
Action: When creating asynchronous change tables, always specify 'Y' for the RSID parameter. When altering asynchronous change tables, always specify 'N' for RSID.

ORA-31471 illegal OBJECT_ID value
Cause: Cannot specify an object_id value of 'y' for asynchronous change tables.
Action: Specify 'n' for the object_id option and call the procedure again.

ORA-31472 Importing Change Data Capture version string.string is too new
Cause: An attempt was made to Import a file that was exported by a newer version of Oracle than the target instance.
Action: If possible, re-export the file using a version of export that matches the import target. Objects can not be imported into previous versions of Oracle that did not support them.

ORA-31475 redo log catalog contains no metadata for the source table
Cause: While advancing a change set, a CDC attempted to query the LogMiner dictionary system tables to obtain the columns from the source table. The query returned no rows. This may be because none of the redo logs contains a catalog, or it may be an internal error.
Action: First, verify that the source system contains the source table. execute procedure to populate the redos log with logminer dictionary information. If this has been done and the problem persists, then contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-31476 a change table data column is missing from the source table
Cause: While advancing a change set, a CDC determined that at least one of the data columns in a change table does not match the name of any of the columns in the source table. The source table column list is stored in dictionary table SYSTEM.LOGMNR_OBJ$.
Action: Make sure that all of the data columns of the change table have the same names as the corresponding columns in the source table, and that all the columns exist in the source table.

ORA-31495 error in synchronous change table on "string"."string"
Cause: There was an error originating from this synchronous change table. One possible cause is that schema redefinition has occurred on the source table and one or more columns in the change table are now a different type than the corresponding source columns. Another possible cause is that there is a problem accessing the synchronous change table.
Action: Check further error messages in the stack for more detail about the cause. If there has been schema redefinition, drop and recreate the synchronous change table.

ORA-31496 must use DBMS_CDC_PUBLISH.DROP_CHANGE_TABLE to drop change tables
Cause: An attempt was made to use the SQL command DROP TABLE for change tables, but DROP TABLE is not supported for change tables.
Action: Use the DBMS_CDC_PUBLISH.DROP_CHANGE_TABLE procedure instead of the DROP TABLE command.

ORA-31600 invalid input value string for parameter string in function string
Cause: A NULL or invalid value was supplied for the parameter.
Action: Correct the input value and try the call again.

ORA-31601 Function string cannot be called now that fetch has begun
Cause: The function was called after the first call to FETCH_xxx.
Action: Correct the program.

ORA-31602 parameter string value "string" in function string inconsistent with string
Cause: The parameter value is inconsistent with another value specified by the program. It may be inconsistent with the object type associated with the OPEN context, or it may be of the wrong datatype (a boolean rather than a text string or vice versa).
Action: Correct the program.

ORA-31603 object "string" of type string not found in schema "string"
Cause: The specified object was not found in the database.
Action: Correct the object specification and try the call again.

ORA-31604 invalid string parameter "string" for object type string in function string
Cause: The specified parameter value is not valid for this object type.
Action: Correct the parameter and try the call again.

ORA-31605 the following was returned from string in routine string: LPX-number: string
Cause: An LPX routine (XML/XSL processing) returned an internal error number to its PL/SQL wrapper routine in facility KUX which provides the implementation for package UTL_XML.
Action: Look up the LPX error number and follow its corrective action.

ORA-31606 XML context number does not match any previously allocated context
Cause: A method in package UTL_XML was called with an invalid XML context handle. All handles must have previously been allocated by UTL_XML.XMLINIT.
Action: Always call XMLINIT before any other methods in pkg. UTL_XML.

ORA-31607 Function string is inconsistent with transform.
Cause: Either FETCH_XML was called when the "DDL" transform was specified or FETCH_DDL was called when the "DDL" transform was omitted.
Action: Correct the program.

ORA-31608 specified object of type string not found
Cause: The specified object was not found in the database.
Action: Correct the object specification and try the call again.

ORA-31609 error loading file "string" from file system directory "string"
Cause: The installation script initmeta.sql failed to load the named file from the file system directory into the database.
Action: Examine the directory and see if the file is present and can be read.

ORA-32001 write to SPFILE requested but no SPFILE specified at startup
Cause: An alter system command or an internal self tuning mechanism requested a write to the SPFILE but no SPFILE was used to startup the instance.
Action: Create an SPFILE and re-start the instance using the SPFILE.

ORA-32002 cannot create SPFILE already being used by the instance
Cause: A create spfile command is trying to write to an SPFILE that was used to startup the instance.
Action: Specify a different SPFILE name.

ORA-32004 obsolete and/or deprecated parameter(s) specified
Cause: One or more obsolete parameters were specified in the SPFILE or the PFILE on the server side.
Action: See alert log for a list of parameters that are obsolete or deprecated. Remove them from the SPFILE or the server side PFILE.

ORA-32005 error while parsing size specification [string]
Cause: The value specified for an alter operation on a size parameter is not valid.
Action: Correct the value and retry the operation.

ORA-32006 string initialization parameter has been deprecated
Cause: A deprecated parameter was specified at startup.
Action: Consult Oracle documentation to find new parameters to use instead.

ORA-32008 error while processing parameter update at instance string
Cause: An error occurred while processing a parameter on a remote instance.
Action: See accompanying error messages.

ORA-32009 cannot reset the memory value for instance string from instance string
Cause: Memory resets of local parameters are only allowed.
Action: Retry the query for the local instance if needed.

ORA-32010 cannot find entry to delete in SPFILE
Cause: The SPFILE did not contain the sid.parameter entry.
Action: Change the sid and/or the parameter.

ORA-32011 cannot restore SPFILE to location already being used by the instance
Cause: A restore operation trying to write to an SPFILE that was used to startup the instance.
Action: Specify a different SPFILE name.

ORA-32012 failure in processing system parameters from restored SPFILE
Cause: Failure during processing of parameters from restored SPFILE.
Action: Further diagnostic information should be in the error stack.

ORA-32013 failure in verifying parameters from the restored SPFILE
Cause: Failure during processing of parameters from restored SPFILE. It could be that the restored image of the SPFILE is corrupted.
Action: Further diagnostic information should be in the error stack.

ORA-32014 error processing parameter "string" from the SPFILE restore image
Cause: Failure during processing of parameters from restored SPFILE. It could be that the restored image of the SPFILE is corrupted.
Action: Further diagnostic information should be in the error stack.

ORA-32015 unable to restore SPFILE
Cause: Failure during SPFILE restore. It could be that the restore destination is not valid.
Action: Further diagnostic information should be in the error stack.

ORA-32016 parameter "string" cannot be updated in SPFILE
Cause: The database is mounted.
Action: Unmount the database to update the parameter in the SPFILE.

ORA-32017 failure in updating SPFILE
Cause: A failure occurred while updating the SPFILE.
Action: See associated errors.

ORA-32031 illegal reference of a query name in WITH clause
Cause: Forward or recursive reference of a query name in WITH clause is not allowed.
Action: Correct the query statement and retry.

ORA-32032 free temporary object number not available
Cause: Too many queries using temp table transformation are currently being run to use up all temporay object numbers.
Action: Turn off temporary table transformation or wait, then retry.

ORA-32033 unsupported column aliasing
Cause: Column aliasing in WITH clause is not supported.
Action: Specify aliasing in definition subquery and retry.

ORA-32034 unsupported use of WITH clause
Cause: Improper use of WITH clause due to one of the following:
  1. Nesting of WITH clause within WITH clause not supported.
  2. For a set query, WITH clause can't be specified for a branch.
  3. WITH clause cantbespecifiedwithinparentheses.'
Action: correct the query and retry.

ORA-32035 unreferenced query name defined in WITH clause
Cause: There is at least one WITH clause query name that is not referenced in any place.
Action: remove the unreferenced query name and retry.

ORA-32036 unsupported case for inlining of query name in WITH clause
Cause: There is at least one query name which is inlined more than once because its definition query is too simple and references another query name. This is not currently supported.
Action: remove such a query name and retry.

ORA-32037 unsupported use of LEVEL in membership condition
Cause: An attempt was made to use LEVEL in membership condition with subquery that is not supported.
Action: Rewrite query to avoid using LEVEL in membership condition.

ORA-32050 string operation failed
Cause: A mapping operation failed.
Action: Check FMON trace files for errors.

ORA-32051 mapping service not available
Cause: The mapping service was never started or previously failed to start properly.
Action: Set FILE_MAPPING to true if it is not currently set. Otherwise, check FMON trace files for an ORA-32052 error.

ORA-32052 failed to start mapping service
Cause: The mapping service failed to start properly.
Action: Check FMON trace files for errors.

ORA-32053 operation not supported
Cause: Mapping libraries do not support this operation.
Action: Check whether mapping libraries are available and whether the operation is supported by the libraries.

ORA-32054 lost communication with FMPUTL process
Cause: Lost communication with mapping utility.
Action: Check FMON and FMPUTL trace files for errors.

ORA-32055 invalid file type
Cause: Invalid file type used when mapping files.
Action: Specify one of the expected file types.

ORA-32056 invalid number of extents
Cause: Invalid number of extents were used for a map operation.
Action: Specify a non-negative number of extents.

ORA-32057 invalid lock mode
Cause: An invalid mode was used for a lock operation.
Action: Specify one of the expected lock modes.

ORA-32058 operation restricted to SYSDBA users
Cause: This operation requires SYSDBA priviliges.
Action: Connect to the database as a user with SYSDBA privileges.

ORA-32059 deadlock detected on mapping structures
Cause: Mapping structures are already locked by the same session.
Action: Unlock mapping structures before proceeding with the current operation.

ORA-32060 channel failure
Cause: Channel failure between foreground and background process.
Action: Check foreground trace files for errors.

ORA-32100 operation invalid on transient object
Cause: Trying to perform an operation on transient object which is valid only on persistent objects.
Action: Make sure object is persistent.

ORA-32101 cannot create OCI Environment
Cause: An OCI Environment could not be created for OCCI.
Action: Ensure that the parameters to the creatEnvironment method are valid.

ORA-32105 invalid connection passed to the migrate method
Cause: An invalid Connection was passed to the Session::migrate method.
Action: Pass a valid Connection to the migrate method.

ORA-32106 array fetch not allowed without setBuffer on all columns
Cause: The setBuffer method was not called for all column positions and the next method was called to fetch more than one row.
Action: Call the setBuffer method for all column positions if next is to be called to fetch more than one row.

ORA-32107 internal OCI memory allocation failure
Cause: Memory could not be allocated from an OCI heap.
Action: Increase the process memory size.

ORA-32108 max column or parameter size not specified
Cause: The max column or parameter size is not specified.
Action: Specify the max size by setMaxColumnSize or setMaxParamSize.

ORA-32109 invalid column or parameter position
Cause: An invalid column or parameter position was specified.
Action: Specify a valid column or position number.

ORA-32110 Connection not specified
Cause: A null connection was passed.
Action: Pass a valid, non-null connection.

ORA-32111 The size of the vector does not match the size of the VARRAY
Cause: The number of elements in the vector passed to the setVector method was not equal to the size of the VARRAY.
Action: Pass a vector of size equal to the size of the VARRAY.

ORA-32112 Call not applicable until an attribute has been fetched
Cause: An attribute was fetched after a call to wasLastAttrNull().
Action: Fetch an attribute value before making this call.

ORA-32113 Null object passed
Cause: A Null object was passed.
Action: Pass a non-null object.

ORA-32114 Cannot perform operation on a null LOB
Cause: The LOB instance on which the operation was attempted was null.
Action: Use a valid, non-null LOB instance to perform this operation.

ORA-32115 LOBs do not belong to any connection
Cause: Neither of the LOBs being compared had associated connection information.
Action: At least one of the LOBs being compared must be associated with a valid connection.

ORA-32116 Buffer size is less than amount specified
Cause: The buffer size specified for the LOB read or write operation was less than the amount to be read or written.
Action: The buffer size must be equal to or greater than than the amount to be read from or written to the LOB.

ORA-32117 Source LOB is null
Cause: The source LOB instance on which the operation was attempted was null.
Action: Use a valid, non-null source LOB instance for this operation.

ORA-32118 Cannot perform operation on a null FILE
Cause: The FILE instance on which the operation was attempted was null.
Action: Use a valid, non-null FILE instance to perform this operation.

ORA-32119 FILEs do not belong to any connection
Cause: Neither of the FILEs being compared had associated connection information.
Action: At least one of the FILEs being compared must be associated with a valid connection.

ORA-32120 Buffer size is less than amount specified
Cause: The buffer size specified for the FILE read or write operation was less than the amount to be read or written.
Action: The buffer size must be equal to or greater than than the amount to be read from or written to the FILE.

ORA-32121 Source FILE is null
Cause: The source FILE instance on which the operation was attempted was null.
Action: Use a valid, non-null source FILE instance for this operation.

ORA-32122 Statement invalidated, cannot get metadata
Cause: An attempt was made to get metadata for a terminated statement.
Action: No action required.

ORA-32123 Attribute number is out of range
Cause: The attribute number passed is greater than the total number of attributes of the described object.
Action: Pass the attribute number within the allowable range.

ORA-32124 Illegal attribute passed
Cause: The attribute passed is not applicable for the described object.
Action: Pass a valid attribute.

ORA-32125 Attribute type is not appropriate
Cause: The return type of the get method does not match the type of the attribute being passed.
Action: Call the appropriate get method.

ORA-32126 Cannot perform operations on a null REF
Cause: The REF instance on which the operation was attempted was null.
Action: Use a valid, non-null REF instance to perform this operation.

ORA-32127 REFs do not belong to any connection
Cause: Neither of the REFs being compared had associated connection information.
Action: At least one of the REFs being compared must be associated with a valid connection.

ORA-32128 setDataBuffer called after fetch has started
Cause: Fetch from result set has already started and the setDataBuffer call was made.
Action: Call the setDataBuffer method before calling the next() method.

ORA-32129 cannot get information about this column
Cause: The setDataBuffer method was called to get information about this column. Therefore, the current method cannot be called.
Action: Use the information from the buffers specified in the setDataBuffer call.

ORA-32130 invalid offset/index referenced in Bytes
Cause: The offset/index is out of range of valid data locations in Bytes offsets.
Action: Ensure that offsets or index is within the range of Bytes object.

ORA-32131 bind data type cannot be changed
Cause: The setXXX method is called again with a different data type than originally specified, or the setXXX method is called for a subsequent iteration without being called before the first iteration.
Action: Call the setXXX method with the same data type as done before the first iteration. If no setXXX method was called for this parameter, position the first iteration and make sure that a setXXX method is called before the first addIteration method is called.

ORA-32132 maximum iterations cannot be changed
Cause: The setMaxIterations was called after a setXXX method has been called.
Action: Call the setMaxIterations method before calling any setXXX methods.

ORA-32133 Cannot get stream from LOB/FILE
Cause: An open stream exists on the LOB/FILE on which the operation was attempted.
Action: Close the stream before getting another.

ORA-32134 Cannot assign LOBs
Cause: An open stream exists on the target LOB.
Action: Close the stream on the target LOB before assigning the LOBs.

ORA-32135 Cannot assign FILEs
Cause: An open stream exists on the target FILE.
Action: Close the stream on the target FILE before assigning the FILEs.

ORA-32136 Cannot perform operation on an invalid stream
Cause: The LOB/FILE from which the stream was obtained had been nullified or destroyed.
Action: Use a valid stream.

ORA-32137 Cannot perform read/write operation on stream
Cause: The readBuffer() or the writeBuffer() method was called on a UTF16 character set stream.
Action: Use the readUBuffer() or the writeUBuffer() method.

ORA-32138 Cannot perform read/write operation on stream
Cause: The readUBuffer() or the writeUBuffer() method was called on a non-UTF16 character set stream.
Action: Use the readBuffer() or the writeBuffer() method.

ORA-32139 Cannot write to the stream
Cause: A write was performed after the last buffer was written.
Action: Close this stream and get a new stream to perform the write.

ORA-32140 cannot perform this operation on stream
Cause: Either a read is attempted from a stream in write mode, or a write is attempted on a stream in read mode.
Action: Check the status of the stream to find out the valid operations that can be performed.

ORA-32141 get method does not match the type of the parameter
Cause: The getXXX method called on the Statement object does not match the type of the bind parameter.
Action: Call the getXXX method that is the same as the type of the parameter.

ORA-32142 maximum number of iterations exceeded
Cause: The addIteration exceeds the maximum number of iterations set by the setMaxIterations method.
Action: Increase the maximum number of allowed iterations.

ORA-32143 Environment not specified
Cause: A null environment was passed.
Action: Pass a valid, non-null environment.

ORA-32144 Cannot perform operation on a null interval
Cause: The interval involved in this operation is null.
Action: Use a valid, non-null interval instance to perform this operation.

ORA-32145 Environment not specified
Cause: The interval on which the operation was attempted was null and no environment was specified.
Action: Specify a non-null environment or perform the operation on a non null instance.

ORA-32146 Cannot perform operation on a null date
Cause: The date involved in this operation is null.
Action: Use a valid, non-null date instance to perform this operation.

ORA-32147 Environment not specified
Cause: The date on which the operation was attempted was null and no environment was specified.
Action: Specify a non-null environment or perform the operation on a non null instance.

ORA-32148 Cannot perform operation on a null time
Cause: The time involved in this operation is null.
Action: Use a valid, non-null time instance to perform this operation.

ORA-32149 Environment not specified
Cause: The time on which the operation was attempted was null and no environment was specified.
Action: Specify a non-null environment or perform the operation on a non null instance.

ORA-32150 Cannot perform operation on a null timestamp
Cause: The timestamp involved in this operation is null.
Action: Use a valid, non-null timestamp instance to perform this operation.

ORA-32151 Environment not specified
Cause: The timestamp on which the operation was attempted was null and no environment was specified.
Action: Specify a non-null environment or perform the operation on a non null instance.

ORA-32152 Cannot perform operation on a null number
Cause: The number involved in this operation was null.
Action: Use a valid, non-null number instance to perform this operation.

ORA-32153 Environment not specified
Cause: The number on which the operation was attempted was null and no environment was specified.
Action: Specify a non-null environment or perform the operation on a non null instance.

ORA-32154 Anydata context not specified
Cause: A null anydata context was passed.
Action: Pass a valid, non-null anydata context.

ORA-32155 Anydata not specified
Cause: A null anydata was passed.
Action: Pass a valid, non-null anydata.

ORA-32156 Cannot perform operation on stream
Cause: This operation is not applicable to streams obtained from LOBs.

ORA-32158 Invalid type passed
Cause: An inapplicable type was passed to this call.
Action: Pass an applicable type.

ORA-32159 Cannot set prefetch options for a null Type
Cause: A null Type name was passed.
Action: Pass an non-null Type name.

ORA-32160 Argument out of range
Cause: A zero or negative value was passed.
Action: Pass a positive value.

ORA-32161 Cannot perform piecewise fetch
Cause: Zero amount was passed and buffer size was less than LOB size.
Action: Specify a larger buffer or use Stream.

ORA-32162 Read/Write SQL method not registered
Cause: readSQL/writeSQL method was NULL or was not registered.
Action: Register readSQL/writeSQL by calling put method in Map.

ORA-32300 cannot drop a secondary materialized view "string"."string"
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a materialized view of a nested table column's storage table.
Action: Drop the materialized view that contains the nested table column. This will implicitly drop all materialized views.

ORA-32301 object-relational materialized views must be primary key based
Cause: An attempt was made to create an object-relational materialized view that is not primary key based.
Action: Create the materialized view with the PRIMARY KEY keyword.

ORA-32302 object materialized views must be object ID based
Cause: An attempt was made to create an object materialized view that is not object ID based.
Action: Create the materialized view using the OF clause but omit any ROWID or PRIMARY KEY clauses.

ORA-32303 mviews with user-defined types cannot reference multiple master sites
Cause: For materialized views with user-defined types, the definition query cannot reference tables from different master sites.
Action: Do not create materialized views with user-defined types referencing multiple master sites.

ORA-32304 materialized views with user-defined types cannot use prebuilt table
Cause: An attempt was made to create a materialized view with the ON PREBUILT TABLE option.
Action: Do not create the materialized view with the ON PREBUILT TABLE option.

ORA-32305 RepAPI materialized views with user-defined types are not supported
Cause: An attempt was made to create a RepAPI materialized view with user-defined types.
Action: Do not create a RepAPI materialized view with user-defined types.

ORA-32306 updatable materialized views with user-defined types must use SELECT *
Cause: An attempt was made to create an updatable materialized view with user-defined types where the definition query did not use SELECT * at the topmost level.
Action: Rewrite the definition query so that SELECT * is used at the topmost level.

ORA-32307 must use FROM ONLY clause when referencing an object table
Cause: An attempt was made to create a materialized view whose definition query references object tables without the FROM ONLY clause.
Action: Rewrite the definition query to use the FROM ONLY clause for all the object tables in the query.

ORA-32308 object materialized views must use SELECT *
Cause: An attempt was made to create an object materialized view where the definition query did not use SELECT * at the topmost level.
Action: Rewrite the definition query so that SELECT * is used at the topmost level.

ORA-32309 object mview type "string"."string" does not match the master table type
Cause: An attempt was made to create an object materialized view whose type does not match the type of the master object table.
Action: Redefine the type so that it matches the type of the master object table.

ORA-32310 object materialized views must select from an object table
Cause: An attempt was made to create an object materialized view whose definition query did not select from an object table.
Action: Rewrite the definition query to select from an object table.

ORA-32311 materialized view definition query selects an unsupported user-defined type
Cause: An attempt was made in the definition query to select an embedded user-defined type function, returning a user-defined type, or a function whose arguments are user-defined types.
Action: Rewrite the definition query to exclude these unsupported user-defined types.

ORA-32312 cannot refresh a secondary materialized view "string"."string"
Cause: An attempt was made to refresh a materialized view of a nested table column's storage table.
Action: Refresh the materialized view that contains the nested table column. This will implicitly refresh all secondary materialized views.

ORA-32313 REFRESH FAST of "string"."string" unsupported after PMOPs
Cause: A Partition Maintenance Operation (PMOP) has been performed on a detail table, and the specified materialized view does not support fast refersh after PMOPs.
Action: Use REFRESH COMPLETE. You can determine why your materialized view does not support fast refresh after PMOPs using the DBMS_MVIEW.EXPLAIN_MVIEW() API.

ORA-32314 REFRESH FAST of "string"."string" unsupported after deletes/updates
Cause: One or more deletions or updates has been performed on one or more of the detail tables referenced by the specified materialized view. This materialized view does not support fast refresh after deletions or updates.
Action: Use REFRESH COMPLETE. You can determine why your materialized view does not support fast refresh after deletions or updates using the DBMS_MVIEW.EXPLAIN_MVIEW() API.

ORA-32315 REFRESH FAST of "string"."string" unsupported after mixed DML and Direct Load
Cause: One or more of the materialized view logs on the detail tables referenced by the specified materialized view omits the sequence number option. Such a log cannot be used to refresh a materialized view after deletions or updates and direct path insert.
Action: Use REFRESH COMPLETE. You can use the DBMS_MVIEW.EXPLAIN_MVIEW() API to determine which materialized view logs omit the sequence number option.

ORA-32316 REFRESH FAST of "string"."string" unsupported after mixed DML
Cause: One or more of the materialized view logs on the detail tables referenced by the specified materialized view omits the sequence number option. Such a log cannot be used to refresh a materialized view after deletions or updates have been performed on multiple detail tables.
Action: Use REFRESH COMPLETE. You can use the DBMS_MVIEW.EXPLAIN_MVIEW() API to determine which materialized view logs omit the sequence number option.

ORA-32317 cannot run a job from a job
Cause: An attempt was made to execute a job from within another job.
Action: Do not submit jobs that run other jobs.

ORA-32318 cannot rename a materialized view
Cause: Renaming a materialized view or its base table is not supported.
Action: Do not rename the base table of a materialized view.

ORA-32319 Cannot use direct loader log to FAST REFRESH materialized view "string"."string"
Cause: The direct loader log might have been dropped.
Action: Need to perform a complete refresh.

ORA-32320 REFRESH FAST of "string"."string" unsupported after container table PMOPs
Cause: A Partition Maintenance Operation (PMOP) has been performed on the materialized view, and no materialized view supports fast refersh after container table PMOPs.
Action: Use REFRESH COMPLETE. Note: you can determine why your materialized view does not support fast refresh after PMOPs using the DBMS_MVIEW.EXPLAIN_MVIEW() API.

ORA-32321 REFRESH FAST of "string"."string" unsupported after detail table TRUNCATE
Cause: A detail table has been truncated and no materialized view supports fast refersh after a detail table has been truncated.
Action: Use REFRESH COMPLETE. Note: you can determine why your materialized view does not support fast refresh after TRUNCATE using the DBMS_MVIEW.EXPLAIN_MVIEW() API.

ORA-32330 invalid operation on online redefinition interim table "string"."string"
Cause: An invalid operation was performed on an interim table which was being used for online redefinition of a table.
Action: Do not perform any unsupported operation on the interim table.

ORA-32331 type "string"."string" is incompatible with the master site
Cause: A type used by the materialized view was found to be incompatible with it's coressponding type on the master site. This could be because the type does not exist on the master site or has been evolved to a different version from that on the materialized view site.
Action: Make sure that the types used by the materialized view are the same on both the materialized view and master sites.

ORA-32332 cannot refresh materialized view "string"."string" as type evolution has occurred
Cause: The types used by the materialized view or its master tables have been evolved.
Action: Ensure that the types used by the materialized view have been evolved to the same version at both the master and materialized sites. Before refreshing the materialized view, evolve the materialized view using ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW.

ORA-32333 disable table scn update for Materialized view
Cause: An event is set for disabling table scn update to prevent deadlock situation.
Action: Disable null refresh and/or base table scn update for Materialized view.

ORA-32334 cannot create prebuilt materialized view on a table already referenced by a materialized view
Cause: The table on which the materialized view is created as prebuilt is already referenced by a materialized view.
Action: Create the materialized view on a different table.

ORA-32335 dimension must have at least one level
Cause: A level-less dimension is not allowed.
Action: Do not drop the only level of a dimension.

ORA-32336 cannot use USING NO INDEX to create materialized view "string"."string"
Cause: The USING NO INDEX option was specified to create an updatable primary key based materialized view, an index-organized materialized view, or an object-id materialized view.
Action: Do not use the USING NO INDEX option to create an updatable primary key based materialized view, an index-organized materialized view, or an object-id materialized view.

ORA-32337 cannot alter materialized view with pending changes refresh on commit
Cause: There are some pending changes in the detail tables.
Action: Execute an on-demand refresh on the materialized view to synchronize the data between the materialized view and the detail tables and then issue an ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW statement.

ORA-32400 cannot use object id columns from materialized view log on "string"."string"
Cause: The materialized view log either does not have object id columns logged, or the timestamp associated with the object id columns is more recent than the last refresh time.
Action: A complete refresh is required before the next fast refresh. Add object id columns to the materialized view log, if required.

ORA-32401 materialized view log on "string"."string" does not have new values
Cause: The materialized view log on the indicated table does not have new values information.
Action: Add new values to the materialized view log using the ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG command.

ORA-32403 cannot use new values from mv log on "string"."string"
Cause: The materialized view log either does not have new values logged, or the timestamp associated with the new values columns is more recent than the last refresh time.
Action: Perform a complete refresh is required before the next fast refresh.

ORA-32404 snapshot log uses Change Data Capture which is not enabled for this database
Cause: A snapshot log that utilizes Change Data Capture is being imported to a database where Change Data Capture has not been enabled.
Action: First enable Change Data Capture on the database then retry the import.

ORA-32500 Dirname 'string' cannot exceed 'number' characters
Cause: Path name too long.
Action: Use shorter pathname than maximum specified for dirname.

ORA-32501 Writing SGA to file failed
Cause: Underlying OSDs encountered an error.
Action: Check additional information. slercerrno contains errno.

ORA-32502 Cannot execute command. Flash Freeze is not in effect
Cause: This command can only be issued after a flash freeze.
Action: Refer to instructions for flash freeze and Oracle diagnostics.

ORA-32503 Mapping SGA from file failed
Cause: Underlying OSDs encountered an error.
Action: Check additional information. slercerrno contains errno.

ORA-32504 expecting one of string, string, string, or string but found string
Cause: An illegal value was specified for create watchpoint mode.
Action: Specify one of the expected modes.

ORA-32505 too many watchpoints
Cause: Too many watchpoints created.
Action: Increase appropriate initialization parameters.

ORA-32506 expecting one of string, string, or string but found string
Cause: Invalid arguments were provided.
Action: Provide one of the expected arguments.

ORA-32507 expecting string but found string
Cause: Invalid arguments to the command were provided.
Action: Provide one of the expected arguments.

ORA-32508 no such watchpoint id
Cause: Invalid watchpoint ID.
Action: Use oradebug show to list valid watchpoint IDs.

ORA-32509 watchpoint was already deleted
Cause: An attempt was made to delete an already deleted watchpoint.
Action: Use oradebug show to list valid watchpoint IDs.

ORA-32510 cannot create watchpoint on unreadable memory
Cause: An attempt was made to create a watchpoint on an invalid address.
Action: Provide a different valid address.

ORA-32511 cannot create watchpoint in memory needed by watchpointing code
Cause: Overlap exists between requested memory range to watch and internal memory structures that watchpointing operations need.
Action: Provide a different address range.

ORA-32550 Replacement occurred despite hint to the contrary
Cause: This is an internal error.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-32575 Explicit column default is not supported for modifying views
Cause: Default keyword was used to modify views.
Action: Use implicit default - omitting column-value pair.

ORA-32576 missing TYPE keyword
Cause: keyword TYPE is missing.
Action: Use TYPE keyword.

ORA-32577 username must be SYS or SYSTEM
Cause: A user name of SYS or SYSTEM was not specified when providing a password in the CREATE DATABASE statement.
Action: Only passwords for the SYS and SYSTEM users can be provided in the CREATE DATABASE statement. Re-issue the statement with passwords for users SYS or SYSTEM.

ORA-32578 password for SYS already specified
Cause: A password for the SYS user was specified twice in the CREATE DATABASE statement.
Action: Re-issue the CREATE DATABASE statement with only one password for the SYS user.

ORA-32579 password for SYSTEM already specified
Cause: A password for the SYSTEM user was specified twice in the CREATE DATABASE statement.
Action: Re-issue the CREATE DATABASE statement with only one password for the SYSTEM user.

ORA-32580 both SYS and SYSTEM passwords must be provided
Cause: Passwords for both the SYS and SYSTEM users were not provided in the CREATE DATABASE statement. If one of the passwords was provided, then both should be provided.
Action: Re-issue the CREATE DATABASE statement with a password for both the SYS and SYSTEM users.

ORA-32581 missing or invalid password
Cause: An incorrect password was provided for the SYS or SYSTEM users in the CREATE DATABASE statement.
Action: Re-issue the CREATE DATABASE statement with a valid password.

ORA-32582 table function with left correlation to a table cannot also be left outer-joined to the table
Cause: A table function T2 contains a reference to a table T1. Table function T2 is also left outer-joined to T1. This is not allowed.
Action: Remove the reference to T1 from T2 or remove the left outer-join specification.

ORA-32600 RETENTION and PCTVERSION cannot be used together
Cause: cannot use both RETENTION and PCTVERSION together.
Action: Use either RETENTION or PCTVERSION.

ORA-32601 value for retention cannot be provided
Cause: cannot give a value for Retention Period.
Action: do not provide the value for parameter.

ORA-32602 FREEPOOLS and FREELIST GROUPS cannot be used together
Cause: cannot use both FREEPOOLS and FREELIST GROUPS together.

ORA-32603 invalid FREEPOOLS LOB storage option value
Cause: The specified FREEPOOLS LOB storage option value must be an integer.
Action: Choose an appropriate integer value and retry the operation.

ORA-32604 invalid REBUILD option
Cause: Keyword FREEPOOLS expected after the REBUILD keyword.
Action: User must specify FREEPOOLS keyword.

ORA-32605 invalid REBUILD option
Cause: Cannot rebuild freepools while creating table with lob column.
Action: User must not specify REBUILD ... in this context.

ORA-32700 error occurred in DIAG Group Service
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while performing a DIAG Group Service operation.
Action: Verify that the DIAG process is still active. Also, check the Oracle DIAG trace files for errors.

ORA-32730 Command cannot be executed on remote instance
Cause: DIAG is not registered with DIAG Group Service.
Action: Issue the command without the cluster database syntax.

ORA-32731 Another Parallel Oradebug session is in progress
Cause: Another session for Parallel Oradebug is in progress with the database.
Action: Issue the command later when the current session has finished.

ORA-32732 Parallel Oradebug session is aborted
Cause: Group reconfiguration is occurring among DIAGs.
Action: Issue the command later when group reconfiguration completes.

ORA-32733 Error occurred when executing Parallel Oradebug
Cause: Error is encountered during executing command at local node.
Action: Check alert log and DIAG trace file for error detail.

ORA-32734 Error occurred when sending Oradebug command to remote DIAGs
Cause: IPC communication problem encountered.
Action: Check IPC communication between DIAGs and issue the command again at a later time.

ORA-32735 DIAG process is not running in the instance
Cause: DIAG process is not alive.
Action: Check error in DIAG trace file and issue the command again when DIAG is restarted.

ORA-32736 Hang analysis aborted due to wrong message type
Cause: DIAG received wrong message.
Action: Check DIAG trace files for errors.

ORA-32737 Hang analysis aborted due to failed memory allocation
Cause: DIAG couldn't allocate buffer for remote copy.
Action: Check DIAG trace files for errors.

ORA-32738 Hang analysis aborted due to failed memory copy
Cause: DIAG couldn't copy buffer to remote node.
Action: Check DIAG trace files for errors.

ORA-32739 Hang analysis aborted due to failed heap re-grow
Cause: DIAG couldn't re-grow the heap for wait-for-graphs.
Action: Check DIAG trace files for errors.

ORA-32766 instr with negative offset: use varchar semantics on LOBs
Cause: The current varchar behavior is different. That is, instr('abcd', 'cd', -2, 1) returns 3, whereas instr(to_clob('abcd'), 'cd', -2, 1) returns 0, (for example, no match), because the reverse search starts from offset -2, which points to 'c' and moving backward, 'd' is ignored. This is symmetric to instr('dcba','dc',2,1), which returns 0.
Action: ORACLE uses the same varchar semantics on LOBs (instr). Using the same example, instr(to_clob('abcd'), 'cd', -2, 1) will return 3 as in the varchar case.

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