
Monday, May 25, 2015

Oracle Error Code ORA-02100 to ORA-04099

ORA-02100 to ORA-04099

ORA-02100 PCC: out of memory (i.e., could not allocate)

    Cause: SQLLIB was unable to allocate enough memory to execute the program.

    Action: Allocate more memory to the user session and then rerun the program. If the error persists, contact Oracle Support Services for assistance.

ORA-02101 PCC: inconsistent cursor cache (uce/cuc mismatch)

    Cause: This internal error typically indicates a memory-related error.

    Action: Check the program for memory-related errors, such as invalid pointers or array-bounds violations.

ORA-02102 PCC: inconsistent cursor cache (no cuc entry for this uce)

    Cause: This internal error typically indicates a memory-related error.

    Action: Check the program for memory-related errors, such as invalid pointers or array-bounds violations.

ORA-02103 PCC: inconsistent cursor cache (out-of-range cuc ref)

    Cause: This internal error typically indicates a memory-related error.

    Action: Check the program for memory-related errors, such as invalid pointers or array-bounds violations.

ORA-02104 PCC: inconsistent host cache (no cuc available)

    Cause: This internal error typically indicates a memory-related error.

    Action: Check the program for memory-related errors, such as invalid pointers or array-bounds violations.

ORA-02105 PCC: inconsistent cursor cache (no cuc entry in cache)

    Cause: This internal error typically indicates a memory-related error.

    Action: Check the program for memory-related errors, such as invalid pointers or array-bounds violations.

ORA-02106 PCC: inconsistent cursor cache (OraCursor nr is bad)

    Cause: This internal error typically indicates a memory-related error.

    Action: Check the program for memory-related errors, such as invalid pointers or array-bounds violations.

ORA-02107 PCC: this pgm too old for run-time library: please re-PCC it

    Cause: The program was precompiled by an older version of the Oracle Precompilers, which is incompatible with this release of SQLLIB.

    Action: Precompile the program with a newer version of the Oracle Precompilers.

ORA-02108 PCC: invalid descriptor passed to run-time library

    Cause: This internal error typically indicates a memory-related error.

    Action: Check the program for memory-related errors, such as invalid pointers or array-bounds violations.

ORA-02109 PCC: inconsistent host cache (out-of-range sit ref)

    Cause: This internal error typically indicates a memory-related error.

    Action: Check the program for memory-related errors, such as invalid pointers or array-bounds violations.

ORA-02110 PCC: inconsistent host cache (invalid sqi type)

    Cause: This internal error typically indicates a memory-related error.

    Action: Check the program for memory-related errors, such as invalid pointers or array-bounds violations.

ORA-02111 PCC: heap consistency error

    Cause: This internal error typically indicates a memory-related error.

    Action: Check the program for memory-related errors, such as invalid pointers or array-bounds violations.

ORA-02112 PCC: SELECT..INTO returns too many rows

    Cause: A SELECT...INTO statement returned more rows than can be stored in the host variable provided.

    Action: There are three possible solutions:

        Use the precompiler option SELECT_ERROR=NO.
        Declare a host variable with a larger array dimension.
        Declare a cursor or cursor variable for the select statement.

ORA-02140 invalid tablespace name

    Cause: An identifier does not follow ALTER TABLESPACE.

    Action: Specify a tablespace name following ALTER TABLESPACE.

ORA-02141 invalid OFFLINE option

    Cause: An option other than NORMAL or IMMEDIATE follows OFFLINE.

    Action: The user must either specify no option following OFFLINE or one of the options NORMAL or IMMEDIATE.

ORA-02142 missing or invalid ALTER TABLESPACE option

    Cause: A valid option is not present.

    Action: Use one of the valid options: add, rename, default, online, offline, read only, read write, begin, end, no, or force.

ORA-02143 invalid STORAGE option

    Cause: An option other than INITIAL, NEXT, MINEXTENTS, MAXEXTENTS, or PCTINCREASE was specified in the STORAGE clause.

    Action: Specify only valid options.

ORA-02144 no option specified for ALTER CLUSTER

    Cause: No ALTER CLUSTER options are specified.

    Action: Specify one or more of the following options: PCTFREE, PCTUSED, SIZE, STORAGE.

ORA-02145 missing STORAGE option

    Cause: No STORAGE options were specified following STORAGE (.

    Action: Specify one or more STORAGE option between the parentheses.

ORA-02146 SHARED specified multiple times

    Cause: The SHARED option was specified in a CREATE DATABASE statement multiple times.

    Action: Only specify the SHARED option once.

ORA-02147 conflicting SHARED/EXCLUSIVE options

    Cause: Both the SHARED and EXCLUSIVE options were specified in a CREATE DATABASE statement.

    Action: Specify SHARED or EXCLUSIVE, but not both.

ORA-02148 EXCLUSIVE specified multiple times

    Cause: The EXCLUSIVE option was specified in a CREATE DATABASE statement multiple times.

    Action: Only specify the EXCLUSIVE option once.

ORA-02149 Specified partition does not exist

    Cause: Partition not found for the object.

    Action: Retry with correct partition name.

ORA-02153 invalid VALUES password string

    Cause: An encoded password string does not follow the VALUES clause.

    Action: Place a proper encoded password string after the VALUES clause.

ORA-02155 invalid DEFAULT tablespace identifier

    Cause: An identifier does not follow DEFAULT TABLESPACE.

    Action: Place a tablespace name after DEFAULT TABLESPACE.

ORA-02156 invalid TEMPORARY tablespace identifier

    Cause: An identifier does not follow TEMPORARY TABLESPACE.

    Action: Place a tablespace name after TEMPORARY TABLESPACE.

ORA-02157 no options specified for ALTER USER

    Cause: No options were specified.

    Action: Specify at least one ALTER USER option.

ORA-02158 invalid CREATE INDEX option


    Action: Choose one of the valid CREATE INDEX options.

ORA-02159 installed DLM does not support releasable locking mode

    Cause: The parameter file specified GC_* parameters that allow locks to be release by the LCK process when not in use. This mode requires additional support from the DLM that is not available.

    Action: Specify configuration parameters that do not require the additional function.

ORA-02160 index-organized table can not contain columns of type LONG

    Cause: A column of type LONG defined for index-organized table.

    Action: Do not use columns of type LONG in index-organized tables.

ORA-02161 invalid value for MAXLOGFILES

    Cause: A number does not follow MAXLOGFILES.

    Action: Specify a number after MAXLOGFILES.

ORA-02162 invalid value for MAXDATAFILES

    Cause: A number does not follow MAXDATAFILES.

    Action: Specify a number after MAXDATAFILES.

ORA-02163 invalid value for FREELIST GROUPS

    Cause: A number does not follow FREELIST GROUPS.

    Action: Specify a number after FREELIST GROUPS.

ORA-02164 DATAFILE clause specified more than once

    Cause: The CREATE DATABASE command contains more than one DATAFILE clause.

    Action: Specify at most one DATAFILE clause.

ORA-02165 invalid option for CREATE DATABASE

    Cause: An invalid CREATE DATABASE option is present.

    Action: Specify only valid CREATE DATABASE options.


    Cause: Both ARCHIVELOG and NOARCHIVELOG are specified in a CREATE DATABASE statement.

    Action: Specify at most one of these two options.

ORA-02167 LOGFILE clause specified more than once

    Cause: The CREATE DATABASE command contains more than one LOGFILE clause.

    Action: Specify at most one LOGFILE clause.

ORA-02168 invalid value for FREELISTS

    Cause: A number does not follow FREELISTS.

    Action: Specify a number after FREELISTS.

ORA-02169 FREELISTS storage option not allowed

    Cause: An attempt was made to specify the FREELISTS storage option. This option may only be specified during create table or create index.

    Action: Remove these options and retry the statement.

ORA-02170 FREELIST GROUPS storage option not allowed

    Cause: An attempt was made to specify the FREELIST GROUPS storage option. This option may be specified only when using the CREATE TABLE command and when the ALLOW_FREELIST_GROUPS parameter is specified in the initialization parameter file.

    Action: Retry the statement without the FREELIST GROUPS storage option or set the ALLOW_FREELIST_GROUPS parameter in the initialization parameter file.

ORA-02171 invalid value for MAXLOGHISTORY

    Cause: A number does not follow MAXLOGHISTORY.

    Action: Specify a number after MAXLOGHISTORY.

ORA-02172 The PUBLIC keyword is not appropriate for a disable thread

    Cause: The PUBLIC keyword was specified for a disable.

    Action: Remove the keyword and resubmit.

ORA-02173 invalid option for DROP TABLESPACE

    Cause: Either a token other than INCLUDING was found following the tablespace name or some text was found following INCLUDING CONTENTS.

    Action: Place nothing or only INCLUDING CONTENTS after the tablespace name.

ORA-02174 Missing required thread number

    Cause: A thread number must be specified after THREAD keyword.

    Action: Use correct syntax.

ORA-02175 invalid rollback segment name

    Cause: In the CREATE or DROP ROLLBACK SEGMENT statements, an identifier was not found following ROLLBACK SEGMENT.

    Action: Place the segment name following ROLLBACK SEGMENT.

ORA-02176 invalid option for CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT

    Cause: An invalid option was specified in a CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT statement.

    Action: Specify one of the valid options: TABLESPACE and STORAGE.

ORA-02177 Missing required group number

    Cause: A group number must be specified after GROUP keyword.

    Action: Check the syntax of the command, specify a group number after GROUP, and retry it.

ORA-02178 correct syntax is: SET TRANSACTION READ { ONLY | WRITE }

    Cause: There is a syntax error in the user's statement.

    Action: Correct the syntax as indicated.


    Cause: There is a syntax error in the user's statement.

    Action: Correct the syntax as indicated.

ORA-02180 invalid option for CREATE TABLESPACE

    Cause: An invalid option appears.

    Action: Specify one of the valid options: DATAFILE, DEFAULT STORAGE, ONLINE, OFFLINE, or FORCE.

ORA-02181 invalid option to ROLLBACK WORK

    Cause: A token other than TO follows ROLLBACK [WORK].

    Action: Place nothing or TO SAVEPOINT name after ROLLBACK [WORK].

ORA-02182 savepoint name expected

    Cause: An identifier does not follow ROLLBACK [WORK] TO [SAVEPOINT].

    Action: Place a savepoint name following TO [SAVEPOINT].


    Cause: There is a syntax error in the user's statement.

    Action: Correct the syntax as indicated.

ORA-02184 resource quotas are not allowed in REVOKE

    Cause: In a revoke statement, a resource quota was specified.

    Action: Specify resource privilege without the quota.

ORA-02185 a token other than WORK follows COMMIT

    Cause: A token other than WORK follows COMMIT.

    Action: Place either nothing or WORK after COMMIT.

ORA-02186 tablespace resource privilege may not appear with other privileges

    Cause: An attempt was made to grant or revoke a resource quota in the same statement in which other privileges are granted or revoked.

    Action: Use a separate grant or revoke statement for the resource quota privilege.

ORA-02187 invalid quota specification

    Cause: In a grant or revoke statement, an attempt was made to grant a tablespace quota above the upper limit.

    Action: Grant a smaller tablespace quota.

ORA-02189 ON tablespace required

    Cause: In a grant or revoke statement, the user specified a tablespace quota but did not follow it with the ON tablespace clause.

    Action: Specify the tablespace on which the quota is to be applied with the ON tablespace clause.

ORA-02190 keyword TABLES expected

    Cause: The keyword TABLES is expected following DROP CLUSTER name INCLUDING.

    Action: Place TABLES after INCLUDING.


    Cause: There is a syntax error in the user's statement.

    Action: Correct the syntax as indicated.

ORA-02192 PCTINCREASE not allowed for rollback segment storage clauses

    Cause: The storage parameter PCTINCREASE was specified in a CREATE or ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT command.

    Action: Retry the command without the PCTINCREASE clause.

ORA-02194 event specification syntax error string (minor error string) near 'string'

    Cause: There is a syntax error in an event specification.

    Action: Check syntax and spelling and try again.

ORA-02195 Attempt to create string object in a string tablespace

    Cause: The object type is inconsistent with a tablespace contents.

    Action: Create an object in a different tablespace, or change the user defaults.

ORA-02196 PERMANENT/TEMPORARY option already specified

    Cause: In CREATE TABLESPACE, the PERMANENT and/or TEMPORARY options were specified more than once.

    Action: Specify at least one of REBUILD, INITRANS, MAXTRANS, or STORAGE.

    For more information about the parameters of CREATE TABLESPACE, see the Oracle9i SQL Reference.

ORA-02197 file list already specified

    Cause: In CREATE TABLESPACE, more than one DATAFILE/TEMPFILE clause was specified.

    Action: Merge the DATAFILE/TEMPFILE clauses into a single clause.

ORA-02198 ONLINE/OFFLINE option already specified

    Cause: In CREATE TABLESPACE, the ONLINE and/or OFFLINE options were specified more than once.

    Action: Specify at most one of ONLINE or OFFLINE.

ORA-02199 missing DATAFILE/TEMPFILE clause

    Cause: A CREATE TABLESPACE statement has no DATAFILE/TEMPFILE clause.

    Action: Specify a DATAFILE/TEMPFILE clause.

ORA-02200 WITH GRANT OPTION not allowed for PUBLIC

    Cause: An attempt was made to GRANT to PUBLIC WITH GRANT OPTION.

    Action: Remove the WITH GRANT OPTION clause.

ORA-02201 sequence not allowed here

    Cause: An attempt was made to reference a sequence in a from-list.

    Action: A sequence can only be referenced in a select-list.

ORA-02202 no more tables permitted in this cluster

    Cause: An attempt was made to create a table in a cluster which already contains 32 tables.

    Action: Up to 32 tables may be stored per cluster.

ORA-02203 INITIAL storage options not allowed

    Cause: An attempt was made to alter the INITIAL storage option of a table, cluster, index, or rollback segment. These options may only be specified when the object is created.

    Action: Remove these options and retry the statement.

ORA-02204 ALTER, INDEX and EXECUTE not allowed for views

    Cause: An attempt was made to grant or revoke an invalid privilege on a view.

    Action: Do not attempt to grant or revoke any of ALTER, INDEX, or EXECUTE privileges on views.

ORA-02205 only SELECT and ALTER privileges are valid for sequences

    Cause: An attempt was made to grant or revoke an invalid privilege on a sequence.

    Action: Do not attempt to grant or revoke DELETE, INDEX, INSERT, UPDATE, REFERENCES or EXECUTE privilege on sequences.

ORA-02206 duplicate INITRANS option specification

    Cause: INITRANS is specified more than once.

    Action: Specify INITRANS at most once.

ORA-02207 invalid INITRANS option value

    Cause: The INITRANS value is not an integer between 1 and 255 and less than or equal to the MAXTRANS value.

    Action: Choose a valid INITRANS value.

ORA-02208 duplicate MAXTRANS option specification

    Cause: MAXTRANS is specified more than once.

    Action: Specify MAXTRANS at most once.

ORA-02209 invalid MAXTRANS option value

    Cause: The MAXTRANS value is not an integer between 1 and 255 and greater than or equal to the INITRANS value.

    Action: Choose a valid MAXTRANS value.

ORA-02210 no options specified for ALTER TABLE

    Cause: No ALTER TABLE option was specified.

    Action: Specify at least one alter table option.

ORA-02211 invalid value for PCTFREE or PCTUSED

    Cause: The specified value for PCTFREE or PCTUSED is not an integer between 0 and 100.

    Action: Choose an appropriate value for the option.

ORA-02212 duplicate PCTFREE option specification

    Cause: PCTFREE option specified more than once.

    Action: Specify PCTFREE at most once.

ORA-02213 duplicate PCTUSED option specification

    Cause: PCTUSED option specified more than once.

    Action: Specify PCTUSED at most once.

ORA-02214 duplicate BACKUP option specification

    Cause: The BACKUP option to ALTER TABLE is specified more than once.

    Action: Specify the option at most once.

ORA-02215 duplicate tablespace name clause

    Cause: There is more than one TABLESPACE clause in the CREATE TABLE, CREATE INDEX, or CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT statement.

    Action: Specify at most one TABLESPACE clause.

ORA-02216 tablespace name expected

    Cause: A tablespace name is not present where required by the syntax for one of the following statements: CREATE/DROP TABLESPACE, CREATE TABLE, CREATE INDEX, or CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT.

    Action: Specify a tablespace name where required by the syntax.

ORA-02217 duplicate storage option specification

    Cause: A storage option (INIITAL, NEXT, MINEXTENTS, MAXEXTENTS, PCTINCREASE) is specified more than once.

    Action: Specify all storage options at most once.

ORA-02218 invalid INITIAL storage option value

    Cause: The specified value must be an integer.

    Action: Choose an appropriate integer value.

ORA-02219 invalid NEXT storage option value

    Cause: The specified value must be an integer.

    Action: Choose an appropriate integer value.

ORA-02220 invalid MINEXTENTS storage option value

    Cause: The specified value must be a positive integer less than or equal to MAXEXTENTS.

    Action: Specify an appropriate value.

ORA-02221 invalid MAXEXTENTS storage option value

    Cause: The specified value must be a positive integer greater than or equal to MINEXTENTS.

    Action: Specify an appropriate value.

ORA-02222 invalid PCTINCREASE storage option value

    Cause: The specified value must be a positive integer.

    Action: Specify an appropriate value.

ORA-02223 invalid OPTIMAL storage option value

    Cause: The specified value must be an integer.

    Action: Choose an appropriate integer value.

ORA-02224 EXECUTE privilege not allowed for tables

    Cause: An attempt was made to grant or revoke an invalid privilege on a table.

    Action: Do not attempt to grant or revoke EXECUTE privilege on tables.

ORA-02225 only EXECUTE and DEBUG privileges are valid for procedures

    Cause: An attempt was made to grant or revoke an invalid privilege on a procedure, function or package.

    Action: Do not attempt to grant or revoke any privilege besides EXECUTE or DEBUG on procedures, functions or packages.

ORA-02226 invalid MAXEXTENTS value (max allowed: string)

    Cause: The MAXEXTENTS specified is too large for the database block size. This applies only to SYSTEM rollback segment.

    Action: Specify a smaller value.

ORA-02227 invalid cluster name

    Cause: A cluster name was not properly formed.

    Action: Check the rules for forming object names and enter an appropriate cluster name.

ORA-02228 duplicate SIZE specification

    Cause: The SIZE option is specified more than once.

    Action: Specify the SIZE option at most once.

ORA-02229 invalid SIZE option value

    Cause: The specified value must be an integer number of bytes.

    Action: Specify an appropriate value.

ORA-02230 invalid ALTER CLUSTER option

    Cause: An option other than PCTFREE, PCTUSED, INITRANS, MAXTRANS, STORAGE, or SIZE is specified in an ALTER CLUSTER statement.

    Action: Specify only legal options.

ORA-02231 missing or invalid option to ALTER DATABASE

    Cause: An option other than ADD, DROP, RENAME, ARCHIVELOG, NOARCHIVELOG, MOUNT, DISMOUNT, OPEN, or CLOSE is specified in the statement.

    Action: Specify only legal options.

ORA-02232 invalid MOUNT mode

    Cause: A mode other than SHARED or EXCLUSIVE follows the MOUNT keyword in an ALTER DATABASE statement.

    Action: Specify either SHARED, EXCLUSIVE, or nothing following MOUNT.

ORA-02233 invalid CLOSE mode

    Cause: A mode other than NORMAL or IMMEDIATE follows the CLOSE keyword in an ALTER DATABASE statement.

    Action: Specify either NORMAL, IMMEDIATE, or nothing following CLOSE.

ORA-02234 changes to this table are already logged

    Cause: The log table to be added is a duplicate of another.

    Action: Do not add this change log to the system; check that the replication product's system tables are consistent.

ORA-02235 this table logs changes to another table already

    Cause: The table to be altered is already a change log for another table.

    Action: Do not log changes to the specified base table to this table; check that the replication product's system tables are consistent.

ORA-02236 invalid file name

    Cause: A character string literal was not used in the file name list of a LOGFILE, DATAFILE, or RENAME clause.

    Action: Use correct syntax.

ORA-02237 invalid file size

    Cause: A non-integer value was specified in the SIZE or RESIZE clause.

    Action: Use correct syntax.

ORA-02238 filename lists have different numbers of files

    Cause: In a RENAME clause in ALTER DATABASE or TABLESPACE, the number of existing file names does not equal the number of new file names.

    Action: Make sure there is a new file name to correspond to each existing file name.

ORA-02239 there are objects which reference this sequence

    Cause: The sequence to be dropped is still referenced by other objects.

    Action: Make sure the sequence name is correct or drop the constraint or object that references the sequence.

ORA-02240 invalid value for OBJNO or TABNO

    Cause: A number does not follow either OBJNO or TABNO.

    Action: Specify a number after OBJNO or TABNO.

ORA-02241 must of form EXTENTS (FILE n BLOCK n SIZE n, ...)

    Cause: There was an error in the extent storage clause.

    Action: Respecify the storage clause using the correct syntax and retry the command.

ORA-02242 no options specified for ALTER INDEX

    Cause: No options specified.

    Action: Specify at least one of REBUILD, INITRANS, MAXTRANS, or STORAGE.


    Cause: An option other than INITRANS, MAXTRANS, or STORAGE is specified in an ALTER INDEX statement or in the USING INDEX clause of an ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW statement.

    Action: Specify only legal options.

ORA-02244 invalid ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT option

    Cause: The STORAGE option is expected but not found.

    Action: Specify the STORAGE option.

ORA-02245 invalid ROLLBACK SEGMENT name

    Cause: An identifier was expected, but not found, following ALTER [PUBLIC] ROLLBACK SEGMENT.

    Action: Place a rollback segment name following SEGMENT.

ORA-02246 missing EVENTS text

    Cause: A character string literal was expected, but not found, following ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS.

    Action: Place the string literal containing the events text after EVENTS.

ORA-02247 no option specified for ALTER SESSION

    Cause: The option SET EVENTS was expected, but not found, following ALTER SESSION.

    Action: Place the SET EVENTS option after ALTER SESSION.

ORA-02248 invalid option for ALTER SESSION

    Cause: An option other than SET EVENTS was found following the ALTER SESSION command.

    Action: Specify the SET EVENTS option after the ALTER SESSION command and try again.

ORA-02249 missing or invalid value for MAXLOGMEMBERS

    Cause: A valid number does not follow MAXLOGMEMBERS. The value specified must be between 1 and the port-specific maximum number of log file members.

    Action: Specify a valid number after MAXLOGMEMBERS.

ORA-02250 missing or invalid constraint name

    Cause: The constraint name is missing or invalid.

    Action: Specify a valid identifier name for the constraint name.

ORA-02251 subquery not allowed here

    Cause: Subquery is not allowed here in the statement.

    Action: Remove the subquery from the statement.

ORA-02252 check constraint condition not properly ended

    Cause: The specified search condition for the check constraint is not properly ended.

    Action: End the condition properly.

ORA-02253 constraint specification not allowed here

    Cause: Constraint specification is not allowed here in the statement.

    Action: Remove the constraint specification from the statement.

ORA-02254 DEFAULT expression not allowed here

    Cause: Default value expression is not allowed for the column here in the statement.

    Action: Remove the default value expression from the statement.

ORA-02255: NOT NULL not allowed after DEFAULT NULL

    Cause: A NOT NULL specification conflicts with the NULL default value.

    Action: Remove either the NOT NULL or the DEFAULT NULL specification and try again.

ORA-02256 number of referencing columns must match referenced columns

    Cause: The number of columns in the foreign-key referencing list is not equal to the number of columns in the referenced list.

    Action: Make sure that the referencing columns match the referenced columns.

ORA-02257 maximum number of columns exceeded

    Cause: The number of columns in the key list exceeds the maximum number.

    Action: Reduce the number columns in the list.

ORA-02258 duplicate or conflicting NULL and/or NOT NULL specifications

    Cause: A duplicate or conflicting NULL and/or NOT NULL was specified.

    Action: Remove one of the conflicting specifications and try again.

ORA-02259 duplicate UNIQUE/PRIMARY KEY specifications

    Cause: A duplicate unique or primary key was specified.

    Action: Remove the duplicate specification and try again.

ORA-02260 table can have only one primary key

    Cause: Two or more primary keys were specified for the same table.

    Action: Remove the extra primary keys and try again.

ORA-02261 such unique or primary key already exists in the table

    Cause: A unique or primary key was specified that already exists for the table.

    Action: Remove the extra key and try again.

ORA-02262 ORA-string occurs while type-checking column default value expressionexpression

    Cause: New column datatype causes type-checking error for existing column default value expression.

    Action: Remove the default value expression or do not alter the column datatype.

ORA-02263 need to specify the datatype for this column

    Cause: The required datatype for the column is missing.

    Action: Specify the required datatype.

ORA-02264 name already used by an existing constraint

    Cause: The specified constraint name has to be unique.

    Action: Specify a unique constraint name for the constraint.

ORA-02265 cannot derive the datatype of the referencing column

    Cause: The datatype of the referenced column is not defined as yet.

    Action: Make sure that the datatype of the referenced column is defined before referencing it.

ORA-02266 unique/primary keys in table referenced by enabled foreign keys

    Cause: An attempt was made to drop or truncate a table with unique or primary keys referenced by foreign keys enabled in another table.

    Action: Before dropping or truncating the table, disable the foreign key constraints in other tables. You can see what constraints are referencing a table by issuing the following command:

    select constraint_name, table_name, status
    from user_constraints
    where r_constraint_name in (
    select constraint_name from user_constraints where table_name

ORA-02267 column type incompatible with referenced column type

    Cause: The datatype of the referencing column is incompatible with the datatype of the referenced column.

    Action: Select a compatible datatype for the referencing column.

ORA-02268 referenced table does not have a primary key

    Cause: The referenced table does not have a primary key.

    Action: Specify explicitly the referenced table unique key.

ORA-02269 key column cannot be of LONG datatype

    Cause: An attempt was made to define a key column of datatype LONG. This is not allowed.

    Action: Change the datatype of the column or remove the LONG column from the key, and try again.

ORA-02270 no matching unique or primary key for this column-list

    Cause: An attempt was made to reference a unique or primary key in a table with a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement when no such key exists in the referenced table.

    Action: Add the unique or primary key to the table or find the correct names of the columns with the primary or unique key, and try again.

ORA-02271 table does not have such constraint

    Cause: An attempt was made to reference a table using a constraint that does not exist.

    Action: Check the spelling of the constraint name or add the constraint to the table, and try again.

ORA-02272 constrained column cannot be of LONG datatype

    Cause: A constrained column cannot be defined as datatype LONG. This is not allowed.

    Action: Change the datatype of the column or remove the constraint on the column, and try again.

ORA-02273 this unique/primary key is referenced by some foreign keys

    Cause: A unique or primary key referenced by foreign keys cannot be dropped.

    Action: Remove all references to the key before dropping it.

ORA-02274 duplicate referential constraint specifications

    Cause: A referential constraint was specified more than once. This is not allowed.

    Action: Remove the duplicate specification.

ORA-02275 such a referential constraint already exists in the table

    Cause: An attempt was made to specify a referential constraint that already exists. This would result in duplicate specifications and so is not allowed.

    Action: Be sure to specify a constraint only once.

ORA-02276 default value type incompatible with column type

    Cause: The type of the evaluated default expression is incompatible with the datatype of the column.

    Action: Change the type of the column, or modify the default expression.

ORA-02277 invalid sequence name

    Cause: The specified sequence name is not a valid identifier name.

    Action: Specify a valid identifier name for the sequence name.

ORA-02278 duplicate or conflicting MAXVALUE/NOMAXVALUE specifications

    Cause: Duplicate or conflicting MAXVALUE and/or NOMAXVALUE specifications.

    Action: Remove one of the conflicting specifications and try again.

ORA-02279 duplicate or conflicting MINVALUE/NOMINVALUE specifications

    Cause: Duplicate or conflicting MINVALUE and/or NOMINVALUE clauses were specified.

    Action: Remove one of the conflicting specifications and try again.

ORA-02280 duplicate or conflicting CYCLE/NOCYCLE specifications

    Cause: Duplicate or conflicting CYCLE and/or NOCYCLE clauses were specified.

    Action: Remove one of the conflicting specifications and try again.

ORA-02281 duplicate or conflicting CACHE/NOCACHE specifications

    Cause: Duplicate or conflicting CACHE and/or NOCACHE clauses were specified.

    Action: Remove one of the conflicting specifications and try again.

ORA-02282 duplicate or conflicting ORDER/NOORDER specifications

    Cause: Duplicate or conflicting ORDER and/or NOORDER clauses were specified.

    Action: Remove one of the conflicting specifications and try again.

ORA-02283 cannot alter starting sequence number

    Cause: An attempt was made to alter a starting sequence number. This is not allowed.

    Action: Do not try to alter a starting sequence number.

ORA-02284 duplicate INCREMENT BY specifications

    Cause: A duplicate INCREMENT BY clause was specified.

    Action: Remove the duplicate specification and try again.

ORA-02285 duplicate START WITH specifications

    Cause: A duplicate START WITH clause was specified.

    Action: Remove the duplicate specification and try again.

ORA-02286 no options specified for ALTER SEQUENCE

    Cause: No ALTER SEQUENCE option was specified.

    Action: Check the syntax. Then specify at least one ALTER SEQUENCE option.

ORA-02287 sequence number not allowed here

    Cause: The specified sequence number reference, CURRVAL or NEXTVAL, is inappropriate at this point in the statement.

    Action: Check the syntax. Then remove or relocate the sequence number.

ORA-02288 invalid OPEN mode

    Cause: A mode other than RESETLOGS was specified in an ALTER DATABASE OPEN statement. RESETLOGS is the only valid OPEN mode.

    Action: Remove the invalid mode from the statement or replace it with the keyword RESETLOGS, and try again.

ORA-02289 sequence does not exist

    Cause: The specified sequence does not exist, or the user does not have the required privilege to perform this operation.

    Action: Make sure the sequence name is correct, and that you have the right to perform the desired operation on this sequence.

ORA-02290 check constraint (string.string) violated

    Cause: The value or values attempted to be entered in a field or fields violate a defined check constraint.

    Action: Enter values that satisfy the constraint.

ORA-02291 integrity constraint (string.string) violated - parent key not found

    Cause: A foreign key value has no matching primary key value.

    Action: Delete the foreign key or add a matching primary key.

ORA-02292 integrity constraint (string.string) violated - child record found

    Cause: An attempt was made to delete a row that is referenced by a foreign key.

    Action: It is necessary to DELETE or UPDATE the foreign key before changing this row.

ORA-02293 cannot validate (string.string) - check constraint violated

    Cause: An attempt was made via an ALTERTABLE statement to add a check constraint to a populated table that had no complying values.

    Action: Retry the ALTER TABLE statement, specifying a check constraint on a table containing complying values. For more information about ALTER TABLE, see the Oracle9i SQL Reference.

ORA-02294 cannot enable (string.string) - constraint changed during validation

    Cause: While one DDL statement was attempting to enable this constraint, another DDL changed this same constraint.

    Action: Try again, with only one DDL changing the constraint this time.

ORA-02295 found more than one enable/disable clause for constraint

    Cause: An attempt was made via a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement to specify more than one ENABLE and/or DISABLE clause for a given constraint.

    Action: Only one ENABLE or DISABLE clause may be specified for a given constraint.

ORA-02296 cannot enable (string.string) - null values found

    Cause: An ALTER TABLE command with an ENABLE CONSTRAINT clause failed because the table contains values that do not satisfy the constraint.

    Action: Make sure that all values in the table satisfy the constraint before issuing an ALTER TABLE command with an ENABLE CONSTRAINT clause. For more information about ALTER TABLE and ENABLE CONSTRAINT, see the Oracle9i SQL Reference.

ORA-02297 cannot disable constraint (string.string) - dependencies exist

    Cause: An alter table disable constraint failed because the table has foreign keys that are dependent on the constraint.

    Action: Either disable the foreign key constraints or use a DISABLE CASCADE command.

ORA-02298 cannot validate (string.string) - parent keys not found

    Cause: An ALTER TABLE ENABLE CONSTRAINT command failed because the table has orphaned child records.

    Action: Make sure that the table has no orphaned child records before issuing an ALTER TABLE ENABLE CONSTRAINT command. For more information about ALTER TABLE and ENABLE CONSTRAINT, see the Oracle9i SQL Reference.

ORA-02299 cannot validate (string.string) - duplicate keys found

    Cause: An ALTER TABLE ENABLE CONSTRAINT command failed because the table has duplicate key values.

    Action: Make sure that the table has no duplicate key values before issuing an ALTER TABLE ENABLE CONSTRAINT command. For more information about ALTER TABLE and ENABLE CONSTRAINT, see the Oracle9i SQL Reference.

ORA-02300 invalid value for OIDGENERATORS

    Cause: A number was not specified for the value of OIDGENERATORS.

    Action: Specify a number for OIDGENERATORS.

ORA-02301 maximum number of OIDGENERATORS is 255

    Cause: A number greater than 255 was specified for the value of OIDGENERATORS.

    Action: Make sure the number specified for OIDGENERATORS does not exceed 255.

ORA-02302 invalid or missing type name

    Cause: An invalid or missing type name was entered in a statement.

    Action: Enter a valid type name in the statement and retry the operation.

ORA-02303 cannot drop or replace a type with type or table dependents

    Cause: An attempt was made to drop or replace a type that has dependents. There could be a substitutable column of a supertype of the type being dropped.

    Action: Drop all types and tables depending on the type, then retry the operation using the VALIDATE option, or use the FORCE option.

ORA-02304 invalid object identifier literal

    Cause: An attempt was made to enter an object identifier literal for CREATE TYPE that is either:

        Not a string of 32 hexadecimal characters
        An object identifier that already identifies an existing object
        An object identifier different from the original object identifier already assigned to the type

    Action: Do not specify the object identifier clause or specify a 32 hexadecimal-character object identifier literal that is unique or identical to the originally assigned object identifier. Then retry the operation.

ORA-02305 only EXECUTE, DEBUG, and UNDER privileges are valid for types

    Cause: An attempt was made to GRANT or REVOKE an invalid privilege (not EXECUTE, DEBUG, or UNDER) on a type.

    Action: GRANT or REVOKE only the EXECUTE, DEBUG, or UNDER privilege on types.

ORA-02306 cannot create a type that already has valid dependent(s)

    Cause: An attempt was made to create a type that already has some valid dependent(s) (these dependents depend on the fact that the type does not exist).

    Action: Drop the dependents first before creating the type, or do not create the type.

ORA-02307 cannot alter with REPLACE option a type that is not valid

    Cause: An attempt was made to ALTER with REPLACE option a type that is not valid.

    Action: Use the CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE command to modify the type.

ORA-02308 invalid option string for object type column

    Cause: An attempt was made to specify an invalid option, such as PACKED or UNPACKED, for the object type column.

    Action: Remove the invalid option from column specification and retry the operation.

ORA-02309 atomic NULL violation

    Cause: An attempt was made to access the attributes of a NULL object instance.

    Action: Ensure that the object instance is non-NULL before accessing.

ORA-02310 exceeded maximum number of allowable columns in table

    Cause: The attributes in the object type column exceeded the maximum number of columns allowed in a table.

    Action: Specify fewer attributes for the object type and retry the operation.

ORA-02311 cannot alter with COMPILE option a valid type with type or table dependents

    Cause: An attempt was made to ALTER with COMPILE option a type that is valid and has type or table dependents.

    Action: No need to perform this operation.

ORA-02313 object type contains non-queryable type string attribute

    Cause: The specified object type contains a nested attribute whose type is non-queryable.

    Action: Use an object type with queryable attribute types.

ORA-02315 incorrect number of arguments for default constructor

    Cause: The number of arguments specified for the default constructor does not match the number of attributes of the object type.

    Action: Specify the correct number of arguments for the default constructor and retry the operation.

ORA-02320 failure in creating storage table for nested table column string

    Cause: An error occurred while creating the storage table for the specified nested table column.

    Action: See the messages that follow for more details. If the situation they describe can be corrected, do so; otherwise contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02322 failure in accessing storage table of the nested table column

    Cause: An error occurred while performing DML on the storage table of the nested table column.

    Action: If the situation described in the following messages can be corrected, do so; otherwise contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02324 more than one column in the SELECT list of THE subquery

    Cause: More than one column was selected in the THE subquery.

    Action: Specify only one column in the SELECT list of the THE subquery and retry the operation.

ORA-02327 cannot create index on expression with datatype string

    Cause: An attempt was made to create an index on a non-indexable expression.

    Action: Change the column datatype or do not create the index on an expression whose datatype is one of VARRAY, nested table, object, LOB, or REF.

ORA-02329 column of datatype string cannot be unique or a primary key

    Cause: An attempt was made to place a UNIQUE or a PRIMARY KEY constraint on a column of datatype VARRAY, nested table, object, LOB, FILE or REF.

    Action: Change the column datatype or remove the constraint. Then retry the operation.

ORA-02330 datatype specification not allowed

    Cause: An attempt was made to specify the data type in the column constraint specification of an object table.

    Action: Remove data type specification and retry the operation.

ORA-02331 cannot create constraint on column of datatype string

    Cause: An attempt was made to create a constraint on a column possessing a non-constrainable datatype: VARRAY, nested table, object, LOB, FILE, or REF.

    Action: Change the column datatype, or remove the constraint.

ORA-02332 cannot create index on attributes of this column

    Cause: An attempt was made to create an index on an attributes of an object type column.

    Action: Do not specify the index on the attribute.

ORA-02333 cannot create constraints on attributes of this column

    Cause: An attempt was made to create a constraint on an attribute of an object type column.

    Action: Remove the constraint or change the object type.

ORA-02334 cannot infer type for column

    Cause: A datatype was not declared for this column (in the CREATE TABLE) and an attempt was made to create a constraint on an attribute of this column.

    Action: Declare a datatype for the column.

ORA-02335 invalid datatype for cluster column

    Cause: An attempt was made to declare a CLUSTER column of datatype object, REF, nested table, VARRAY, LOB, or FILE.

    Action: Remove the CLUSTER column or change the datatype of the column.

ORA-02336 column attribute cannot be accessed

    Cause: An attempt was made to extract an attribute of an object type column.

    Action: Change the object type for the column and retry the operation.

ORA-02337 not an object type column

    Cause: An attempt was made to use dotted notation on a non-ADT column; that is, "a.b.c" where "a" is not an object type.

    Action: Either change the column type to an object type or do not perform this operation.

ORA-02338 missing or invalid column constraint specification

    Cause: A column constraint was not specified.

    Action: Remove the column specification or specify a column constraint. Then retry the operation.

ORA-02339 invalid column specification

    Cause: An attempt was made to specify the PACKED or UNPACKED keyword for a non-object type column.

    Action: Remove the PACKED or UNPACKED keyword in the column specification and retry the operation.

ORA-02340 invalid column specification

    Cause: An attempt was made to specify an UNPACKED column within a packed table.

    Action: Remove the UNPACKED keyword in the column specification.

ORA-02342 replacement type has compilation errors

    Cause: The use of the ALTER...REPLACE statement on a valid type caused a compilation error.

    Action: Use the ALTER...REPLACE statement to replace the type with a valid type which does not cause compilation errors.

ORA-02344 cannot revoke execute on a type with table dependents

    Cause: An attempt was made to revoke execute on a type that has dependents.

    Action: Drop all table(s) depending on the type, then retry the operation, or use the FORCE option.

ORA-02345 cannot create a view with column based on CURSOR operator

    Cause: A CURSOR operator was used as one of the SELECT elements in the subquery of a CREATE VIEW or CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT statement.

    Action: Remove the CURSOR operator and replace it with the CAST operator.

ORA-02347 cannot grant privileges on columns of an object table

    Cause: An attempt was made to grant privileges on the columns of an object table.

    Action: Choose another table. Privileges cannot be granted on columns of an object table.

ORA-02348 cannot create VARRAY column with embedded LOB

    Cause: An attempt was made to create a column of a VARRAY type which has an embedded LOB attribute. The LOB could be an attribute of a subtype of the declared type of VARRAY's element.

    Action: Remove the offending attribute from the type. If it is a subtype attribute then declare the VARRAY column NOT SUBSTITUTABLE.

ORA-02349 invalid user-defined type - type is incomplete

    Cause: An attempt was made to use an incomplete type definition as a column or table datatype.

    Action: Complete the type definition and retry the operation.

ORA-02351 Record string: Rejected - Error on table string, column string

    Cause: The record indicated caused an Oracle error on insert.

    Action: Determine the Oracle error and correct the record.

ORA-02352 Direct path connection must be homogeneous

    Cause: The user-side to kernel-side connection is heterogeneous.

    Action: In versions prior to 9.0.0, the connection must be between identical hardware and operating systems. In addition, the SQL*Loader and RDBMS versions must be the same.

ORA-02353 Multibyte character error

    Cause: Text specified by POSITION or terminated by newlines is invalid.

    Action: Edit the control file or the datafile to fix alignment of column.

ORA-02354 Conversion initialization error occurred on field string

    Cause: An error occurred during conversion initialization for a field. This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02355 Conversion error occurred on CONSTANT field string

    Cause: A CONSTANT field caused an Oracle error; all rows will be rejected.

    Action: Determine the Oracle error and correct the record.

ORA-02356 The database is out of space. The load cannot continue

    Cause: The load was discontinued due to space exhaustion in the database.

    Action: Add space for the specified table.

ORA-02357 Packed Decimal conversion error

    Cause: The column could not be converted from packed decimal to character.

    Action: Check the column and make it conform to packed decimal format.

ORA-02358 Zoned Decimal conversion error

    Cause: The column could not be converted from packed decimal to character.

    Action: Check the column and make it conform to packed decimal format.

ORA-02359 Field in data file exceeded maximum specified length

    Cause: The field is too long for the specified column.

    Action: Shorten the field so that its length is less than or equal to the column length.

ORA-02360 Column not found before end of logical record (use TRAILING NULLCOLS)

    Cause: A column started after the end of the logical record had been reached.

    Action: Use the TRAILING NULLCOLS option or supply data for the column.

ORA-02361 Initial enclosing character not found

    Cause: The initial enclosing character of an enclosed field was not found.

    Action: Supply the character before the start of the field.

ORA-02362 Logical record ended - second enclosing character not present

    Cause: The second enclosing character of an enclosed field was not found.

    Action: Supply the character after the end of the field.

ORA-02363 No terminator found after TERMINATED and ENCLOSED field

    Cause: No terminator was found after a terminated and enclosed field.

    Action: Supply the character after the end of the field.

ORA-02364 Record string: Discarded - failed all WHEN clauses

    Cause: The record was not loaded because it failed the WHEN clauses of all the tables.

    Action: No action required.

ORA-02365 Index string was made Index Unusable due to

    Cause: The index was not loaded. The cause of the error is stated after the message.

    Action: Correct the cause of the error, then reload.

ORA-02366 The following index(es) on table string were processed:

    Cause: The indexes listed for the named table were loaded.

    Action: No action required.

ORA-02367 Index string was loaded.

    Cause: The index specified in the message was loaded.

    Action: No action required.

ORA-02368 Record string: Discarded - all columns null.

    Cause: The record was not loaded because all of the columns in the table were null for that record.

    Action: No action required.

ORA-02369 Warning: Variable length field was truncated.

    Cause: A variable length field was truncated by the end of the logical record.

    Action: This is just a warning, but since a variable length field has the length embedded in the data for each row, you may want to check your data.

ORA-02370 Record string - Warning on table string, column string

    Cause: The record indicated caused an warning.

    Action: Determine the warning and correct the record if necessary.

ORA-02371 Loader must be at least version string.string.string.string.string for direct path

    Cause: The loader being used is incompatible with this version of the kernel.

    Action: Upgrade your loader to at least the specified version or use the conventional path.

ORA-02372 Relative start position > absolute field end position.

    Cause: A field specified as POSITION(*+n:y) had its relative start occur after the absolute position y.

    Action: Check that you are not missing a delimiter and that the values of n and y are correct.

ORA-02373 Error parsing insert statement for table string.

    Cause: A parsing error occurred.

    Action: Check the message following this parsing error message.

ORA-02374 No more slots for read buffer queue.

    Cause: There are no free read buffers.

    Action: Use the READBUFFERS keyword in the loader to increase the number of read buffers.

ORA-02375 Record string: Rejected - Error on table string

    Cause: The record indicated caused an Oracle error on insert.

    Action: Determine the Oracle error and correct the record. The offending column(s) are not known.

ORA-02376 invalid or redundant resource

    Cause: A resource that is not defined or that is specified twice appears in the CREATE or ALTER PROFILE statement.

    Action: Define the resource before issuing a CREATE or ALTER PROFILE command. Also check the statement to see that each resource is listed only once.

ORA-02377 invalid resource limit

    Cause: An invalid resource limit of 0 was specified.

    Action: Specify a resource limit greater than 0.

ORA-02378 duplicate resource name string

    Cause: The same resource was specified twice in a CREATE or ALTER PROFILE statement.

    Action: Issue the statement again, carefully checking that each resource is used only once.

ORA-02379 profile string already exists

    Cause: An attempt was made to create a profile that already exists.

    Action: Create the profile with a name not already used by another profile.

ORA-02380 profile string does not exist

    Cause: An attempt was made to assign a user to a non-existent profile.

    Action: Assign the user to an existing profile.

ORA-02381 cannot drop PUBLIC_DEFAULT profile

    Cause: An attempt was made to drop the PUBLIC_DEFAULT profile.

    Action: The PUBLIC_DEFAULT profile cannot be dropped.

ORA-02382 profile string has users assigned, cannot drop without CASCADE

    Cause: An attempt was made to drop a profile that had users assigned to it without using the CASCADE option of the DROP PROFILE statement. A profile that has users assigned to it cannot be dropped, unless the CASCADE option is specified. CASCADE reassigns users to the PUBLIC_DEFAULT profile before dropping the profile.

    Action: To reassign all users to the PUBLIC_DEFAULT profile, issue the DROP PROFILE statement with the CASCADE option.

ORA-02383 illegal cost factor

    Cause: A negative value or UNLIMITED cost was specified for this resource in the ALTER RESOURCE COST statement.

    Action: Only positive integer values can be specified for resources in the ALTER RESOURCE COST statement. Issue the statement again, using a positive integer value for each resource specified.

ORA-02390 exceeded COMPOSITE_LIMIT, you are being logged off

    Cause: The COMPOSITE_LIMIT for the profile is exceeded. That is, the weighted sum of the connection time, logical reads per session, CPU usage per session, and private SGA space used during the session exceeded the limit set by the COMPOSITE_LIMIT clause set in the user profile.

    Action: If this happens often, ask the database administrator to raise the COMPOSITE_LIMIT of the user profile, or determine which resource is used the most and raise the limit on that resource.

ORA-02391 exceeded simultaneous SESSIONS_PER_USER limit

    Cause: An attempt was made to exceed the maximum number of concurrent sessions allowed by the SESSIONS_PER_USER clause of the user profile.

    Action: End one or more concurrent sessions or ask the database administrator to increase the SESSIONS_PER_USER limit of the user profile. For more information about SESSIONS_PER_USER and the database administrator's specific tasks of adjusting concurrent sessions, see the Oracle9i SQL Reference and the Oracle9i Database Administrator's Guide.

ORA-02392 exceeded session limit on CPU usage, you are being logged off

    Cause: An attempt was made to exceed the maximum CPU usage allowed by the CPU_PER_SESSION clause of the user profile.

    Action: If this happens often, ask the database administrator to increase the CPU_PER_SESSION limit of the user profile.

ORA-02393 exceeded call limit on CPU usage

    Cause: An attempt was made to exceed the maximum CPU time for a call, a parse, execute, or fetch, allowed by the CPU_PER_CALL clause of the user profile.

    Action: If this happens often, ask the database administrator to increase the CPU_PER_CALL limit of the user profile.

ORA-02394 exceeded session limit on IO usage, you are being logged off

    Cause: An attempt was made to exceed the maximum I/O allowed by the LOGICAL_READS_PER_SESSION clause of the user profile.

    Action: If this happens often, ask the database administrator to increase the LOGICAL_READS_PER_SESSION limit of the user profile.

ORA-02395 exceeded call limit on IO usage

    Cause: An attempt was made to exceed the maximum I/O for a call, a parse, execute, or fetch, allowed by the LOGICAL_READS_PER_CALL clause of the user profile.

    Action: If this happens often, ask the database administrator to increase the LOGICAL_READS_PER_CALL limit of the user profile.

ORA-02396 exceeded maximum idle time, please connect again

    Cause: A user has exceeded the maximum time allowed to remain idle.

    Action: The user must reconnect to the database.

ORA-02397 exceeded PRIVATE_SGA limit, you are being logged off

    Cause: This error occurs only when using a multi-threaded server.

    Action: Contact the database administrator to expand the PRIVATE_SGA limit.

ORA-02398 exceeded procedure space usage

    Cause: Stored procedures used up too much space in the SYSTEM tablespace.

    Action: Use fewer stored procedures or add an additional file to the system tablespace.

ORA-02399 exceeded maximum connect time, you are being logged off

    Cause: A user has exceeded the maximum time allowed to be connected to the database.

    Action: The user must reconnect to the database.

ORA-02401 cannot EXPLAIN view owned by another user

    Cause: The view specified in the SQL statement belongs to another user and cannot be explained.

    Action: Create a view with the same definition that belongs to current user.

ORA-02402 PLAN_TABLE not found

    Cause: The table used by EXPLAIN to store row source information does not exist in the current schema.

    Action: Create a plan table in the current schema or use the INTO clause of the statement to put the results of the explain command in an existing plan table.

ORA-02403 plan table does not have correct format

    Cause: The explicit plan table does not have the appropriate field definitions.

    Action: Redefine the plan table to have the appropriate field definitions.

ORA-02404 specified plan table not found

    Cause: The specified plan table does cannot be found.

    Action: Create the specified plan table or use an existing plan table.

ORA-02420 missing schema authorization clause

    Cause: The AUTHORIZATION clause is missing from a create schema statement.

    Action: Proceed the schema authorization identifier with the AUTHORIZATION keyword.

ORA-02421 missing or invalid schema authorization identifier

    Cause: One of the following:

        The schema authorization identifier is not recognized.
        An attempt was made to use a schema authorization identifier for a user while not connected as that user.

    Action: If the cause is

        an unrecognized identifier, then use an existing identifier.
        connected with a different user name, then disconnect and connect to the correct user name.

ORA-02422 missing or invalid schema element

    Cause: A statement other than a CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW, or GRANT appears in a CREATE SCHEMA statement.

    Action: See the Oracle9i SQL Reference or the valid elements of the CREATE SCHEMA statement.

ORA-02423 schema name does not match schema authorization identifier

    Cause: A table definition with a schema name prepended to the table name does not match the schema name provided in the AUTHORIZATION clause of a CREATE SCHEMA STATEMENT.

    Action: Check that the schema names match the one given in the CREATE SCHEMA statement.

ORA-02424 potential circular view references or unknown referenced tables

    Cause: The CREATE SCHEMA statement contains a view that depends on other views contained in the CREATE SCHEMA statement, or they contain references to non-existing tables.

    Action: Create the dependent views in a separate CREATE SCHEMA statement and ensure that all referenced tables are either defined in the CREATE SCHEMA statement or exist outside the statement.

ORA-02425 create table failed

    Cause: A CREATE TABLE statement failed in the CREATE SCHEMA statement.

    Action: The cause for failure will be presented below this message. Follow the appropriate actions as suggested by the subsequent messages.

ORA-02426 privilege grant failed

    Cause: A GRANT statement failed in the CREATE SCHEMA statement.

    Action: The cause for failure will be presented below this message. Follow appropriate actions, as suggested by the subsequent messages.

ORA-02427 create view failed

    Cause: A CREATE VIEW statement failed in the CREATE SCHEMA statement.

    Action: The cause for failure will be presented below this message. Follow appropriate actions, as suggested by the subsequent messages.

ORA-02428 could not add foreign key reference

    Cause: Oracle could not add a foreign key reference because of an error in the declaration. Either the referenced table does not exist or the table does not have a unique key.

    Action: Check that the referenced table exists and/or has a unique key.

ORA-02429 cannot drop index used for enforcement of unique/primary key

    Cause: An attempt was made to drop an index that is being used as the enforcement mechanism for a unique or primary key.

    Action: Drop the integrity constraint instead of dropping the index.

ORA-02430 cannot enable constraint (string) - no such constraint

    Cause: The named constraint does not exist for this table.

    Action: Check that a constraint exists before trying to enable it.

ORA-02431 cannot disable constraint (string) - no such constraint

    Cause: The named constraint does not exist for this table.

    Action: Check that a constraint exists before trying to disable it.

ORA-02432 cannot enable primary key - primary key not defined for table

    Cause: An attempt was made to enable a primary key that is not defined for the table.

    Action: Add a primary key definition for the table.

ORA-02433 cannot disable primary key - primary key not defined for table

    Cause: An attempt was made to disable a primary key that is not defined for the table.

    Action: Check that a primary key exists before trying to disable it.

ORA-02434 cannot enable unique(string) - unique key not defined for table

    Cause: An attempt was made to enable a unique key that is not defined for the table.

    Action: Check that a unique key exists before trying to enable it.

ORA-02435 cannot disable unique(string) - unique key not defined for table

    Cause: An attempt was made to disable a unique key that is not defined for the table.

    Action: Check that a unique key exists before trying to disable it.

ORA-02436 date or system variable wrongly specified in CHECK constraint

    Cause: An attempt was made to use a date constant or system variable, such as USER, in a check constraint that was not completely specified in a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement. For example, a date was specified without the century.

    Action: Completely specify the date constant or system variable.

ORA-02437 cannot validate (string.string) - primary key violated

    Cause: An attempt was made to validate a primary key with duplicate values or null values.

    Action: Remove the duplicates and null values before enabling a primary key.

ORA-02438 Column check constraint cannot reference other columns

    Cause: An attempt was made to define a column check constraint that references another column.

    Action: Define it as a table check constraint.

ORA-02439 Unique index on a deferrable constraint is not allowed

    Cause: An attempt was made to enable a deferrable primary key/unique constraint that has an existing unique index on the constraint columns.

    Action: Drop the index on the constraint columns or make the constraint not deferrable.

ORA-02440 Create as select with referential constraints not allowed

    Cause: Integrity constraints on a table cannot be created when creating the table using the CREATE TABLE... AS SELECT... form.

    Action: First, create the table, and then alter the table to add the desired integrity constraints.

ORA-02441 Cannot drop nonexistent primary key

    Cause: An attempt was made to drop the primary key constraint on a table, but there is no primary key constraint on this table.

    Action: Ensure the correct table name is entered in the statement. Otherwise, no action required.

ORA-02442 Cannot drop nonexistent unique key

    Cause: An attempt was made to drop a unique key constraint for a column that does not have a unique key constraint.

    Action: Make certain the correct column name was entered. Otherwise, no action required.

ORA-02443 Cannot drop constraint - nonexistent constraint

    Cause: An attempt was made to drop a constraint that does not exist.

    Action: Make certain the constraint and table name are correct and attempt the procedure again.

ORA-02444 Cannot resolve referenced object in referential constraints

    Cause: An attempt was made to define a foreign key with a reference to a schema object that cannot be resolved to a base table reference.

    Action: Define referential constraints only with schema objects resolving to a base table.

ORA-02445 Exceptions table not found

    Cause: The explicitly or implicitly declared exceptions table does not exist.

    Action: If the correct exceptions table name was used, then create the table and retry the enable command.

ORA-02446 CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT failed - check constraint violated

    Cause: An attempt was made to use a CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT statement when some rows violated one or more CHECK constraints.

    Action: Do not select rows that violate constraints.

ORA-02447 cannot defer a constraint that is not deferrable

    Cause: An attempt was made to defer a nondeferrable constraint.

    Action: Drop the constraint and create a new one that is deferrable.

ORA-02448 constraint does not exist

    Cause: The named constraint does not exist.

    Action: Choose a constraint that does exist or do not perform this operation.

ORA-02449 unique/primary keys in table referenced by foreign keys

    Cause: An attempt was made to drop a table with unique or primary keys referenced by foreign keys in another table.

    Action: Before performing the above operations the table, drop the foreign key constraints in other tables. You can see what constraints are referencing a table by issuing the following command:


ORA-02450 Invalid hash option - missing keyword IS

    Cause: Missing IS keyword.

    Action: Specify HASH IS option.

ORA-02451 duplicate HASHKEYS specification

    Cause: The HASHKEYS option is specified more than once.

    Action: Only specify the HASHKEYS option once.

ORA-02452 invalid HASHKEYS option value

    Cause: The specified HASHKEYS option must be an integer value.

    Action: Specify an appropriate value.

ORA-02453 duplicate HASH IS specification

    Cause: The HASH IS option is specified more than once.

    Action: only specify the HASH IS option once.

ORA-02454 Number of hash keys per block (string) exceeds maximum of string

    Cause: The SIZE argument is too small.

    Action: Increase the SIZE argument.

ORA-02455 The number of cluster key column must be 1

    Cause: When specifying the HASH IS option, the number of key columns must be 1.

    Action: Either do not specify the HASH IS option or reduce the number of key columns.

ORA-02456 The HASH IS column specification must be NUMBER(*,0)

    Cause: The column specification must specify an integer.

    Action: Specify the column definition as type NUMBER(precision, 0).

ORA-02457 The HASH IS option must specify a valid column

    Cause: The HASH IS column name is not specified in the cluster definition.

    Action: Specify a valid column name.

ORA-02458 HASHKEYS must be specified for a HASH CLUSTER

    Cause: The HASHKEYS option must be specified when creating a HASH CLUSTER.

    Action: Specify the HASHKEYS option.

ORA-02459 Hashkey value must be a positive integer

    Cause: The value of the hash key was not a positive number.

    Action: Specify a positive integer.

ORA-02460 Inappropriate index operation on a hash cluster

    Cause: An attempt to create a cluster index was issued on a hash cluster.

    Action: Do not attempt to create such an index.

ORA-02461 Inappropriate use of the INDEX option

    Cause: This option is only valid for non hash clusters.

    Action: Do not specify this option.

ORA-02462 Duplicate INDEX option specified

    Cause: The INDEX option is specified more than once.

    Action: Only specify the INDEX option once.

ORA-02463 Duplicate HASH IS option specified

    Cause: The HASH IS option is specified more than once.

    Action: Only specify the HASH IS option once.

ORA-02464 Cluster definition can not be both HASH and INDEX

    Cause: The cluster can either be a hash or indexed cluster, not both.

    Action: Remove either the HASH IS or INDEX options.

ORA-02465 Inappropriate use of the HASH IS option

    Cause: This option is only valid for clusters.

    Action: Do not specify this option.

ORA-02466 The SIZE option is not allow to be altered for HASH CLUSTERS

    Cause: The SIZE cannot be changed once the hash cluster has been created.

    Action: Do not specify this option.

ORA-02467 Column referenced in expression not found in cluster definition

    Cause: A column in the hash is expression was not present in cluster definition.

    Action: Re-create the cluster and correct the error in hash expression.

ORA-02468 Constant or system variable wrongly specified in expression

    Cause: A constant or system variable was specified in the hash expression.

    Action: Re-create the cluster and correct the error in hash expression.

ORA-02469 Hash expression does not return an Oracle Number.

    Cause: Result of evaluating hash expression is not an Oracle Number.

    Action: Re-create the cluster and correct the error in hash expression.

ORA-02470 TO_DATE, USERENV, or SYSDATE incorrectly used in hash expression.

    Cause: TO_DATE, USERENV and SYSDATE are not allowed in hash expressions.

    Action: Re-create the cluster and correct the error in hash expression.

ORA-02471 SYSDATE, UID, USER, ROWNUM, or LEVEL incorrectly used in hash expression.

    Cause: SYSDATE, UID, USER, ROWNUM, or LEVEL are not allowed in hash expressions.

    Action: Re-create the cluster and remove the offending keywords.

ORA-02472 PL/SQL functions not allowed in hash expressions

    Cause: A PL/SQL function was used in the hash expression.

    Action: Re-create the cluster and remove the PL/SQL function.

ORA-02473 Error while evaluating the cluster's hash expression.

    Cause: An error occurred while evaluating the clusters hash expression.

    Action: Correct the query and retry.

ORA-02474 Fixed hash area extents used (string) exceeds maximum allowed (string)

    Cause: The number of extents required for creating the fixed hash area exceeds the maximum number allowed.

    Action: Reduce the number of extents required by increasing the extent allocation sizes within the STORAGE clause.

ORA-02475 maximum cluster chain block count of string has been exceeded

    Cause: The number of blocks in a cluster chain exceeds the maximum number allowed.

    Action: Increase SIZE parameter in CREATE CLUSTER statement or reconsider suitability of cluster key.

ORA-02476 can not create index due to parallel direct load on table

    Cause: A parallel direct load is occurring to the specified table.

    Action: Retry statement after load is complete.

ORA-02477 can not perform parallel direct load on object string

    Cause: A parallel direct load is not possible because an index is being created on the table.

    Action: Retry load after index creation is complete.

ORA-02478 merge into base segment would overflow MAXEXTENTS limit

    Cause: Merge of temporary segment into base segment failed because MAXEXTENTS was larger than the total in the temporary and base segments.

    Action: Use a larger value for MAXEXTENTS on the base segment or make the extents in the temporary segments larger.

ORA-02479 error while translating file name for parallel load

    Cause: An invalid file name was specified to load data into.

    Action: Specify a valid database file.

ORA-02481 Too many processes specified for events (max string)

    Cause: Too many processes specified than allowed per event.

    Action: Enter fewer processes by using ranges or wildcards if possible.

ORA-02482 Syntax error in event specification (string)

    Cause: Illegal event string.

    Action: Enter a legal event string.

ORA-02483 Syntax error in process specification (string)

    Cause: Illegal process string.

    Action: Enter a legal process string.

ORA-02486 Error in writing trace file string

    Cause: Error occurred in creating/writing the file.

    Action: Check the file name and make sure it is constructed properly. Also, check permissions for directories.

ORA-02490 missing required file size in RESIZE clause

    Cause: No value was specified for the RESIZE clause.

    Action: Use the correct syntax.

ORA-02491 missing required keyword ON or OFF in AUTOEXTEND clause

    Cause: The keyword ON or OFF was not specified for the AUTOEXTEND clause.

    Action: Use the correct syntax.

ORA-02492 missing required file block increment size in NEXT clause

    Cause: No value was specified for the NEXT clause.

    Action: Use the correct syntax.

ORA-02493 invalid file increment size in NEXT clause

    Cause: A non-integer value was used for the NEXT clause of the DATAFILE list.

    Action: Use the correct syntax.

ORA-02494 invalid or missing maximum file size in MAXSIZE clause

    Cause: UNLIMITED was not specified, or an invalid integer value was specified, for the MAXSIZE clause in the DATAFILE file list. The MAXSIZE value cannot be smaller than the SIZE value.

    Action: Use the correct syntax.

ORA-02495 cannot resize file string, tablespace string is read only

    Cause: An attempt was made to resize a datafile in a tablespace that is read only.

    Action: Change the tablespace to read/write and retry the resize operation.

ORA-02700 osnoraenv: error translating ORACLE_SID

    Cause: Two-task driver could not find the value of ORACLE_SID in the environment.

    Action: Make sure that the ORACLE_SID environment variable has been properly set and exported.

ORA-02701 osnoraenv: error translating oracle image name

    Cause: ORACLE_HOME environment variable not set.

    Action: Make sure that the ORACLE_HOME environment variable has been properly set and exported.

ORA-02702 osnoraenv: error translating orapop image name

    Cause: ORACLE_HOME environment variable not set.

    Action: Make sure that the ORACLE_HOME environment variable has been properly set and exported.

ORA-02703 osnpopipe: pipe creation failed

    Cause: The pipe driver failed to create pipes for communications with the ORAPOP process.

    Action: You have probably exceeded the maximum number of open file descriptors per user or the system file table is full. Note the operating system error code and contact your system administrator.

ORA-02704 osndopop: fork failed

    Cause: The two-task driver could not fork ORAPOP.

    Action: Verify that there are enough system resources to support another process. The user or system process limit may have been exceeded, or the amount of free memory or swap space may be temporarily insufficient.

ORA-02705 osnpol: polling of communication channel failed

    Cause: The pipe driver failed while polling the communications channel.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02706 osnshs: host name too long

    Cause: The length of your host-string specified by the TWO_TASK environment variable exceeds the Oracle system-imposed limit.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02707 osnacx: cannot allocate context area

    Cause: The invoked UNIX two-task driver could not allocate heap space for the context area.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02708 osnrntab: connect to host failed, unknown ORACLE_SID

    Cause: The invoked UNIX two-task driver failed to find an entry in ORATAB for the SID you supplied.

    Action: First, check whether you have read access to ORATAB, and see if the desired sid is there. Add an entry to ORATAB for the desired SID, if necessary.

ORA-02709 osnpop: pipe creation failed

    Cause: The pipe driver failed to create pipes for two-task communications with the Oracle shadow process.

    Action: You have probably exceeded the maximum number of open file descriptors per user or the system file table is full. Note the operating system error code and contact your system administrator.

ORA-02710 osnpop: fork failed

    Cause: The pipe driver could not fork the Oracle shadow process.

    Action: Verify that there are enough system resources to support another process. The user or system process limit may have been exceeded, or the amount of free memory or swap space may be temporarily insufficient.

ORA-02711 osnpvalid: write to validation channel failed

    Cause: The pipe driver failed to write to the ORAPOP process.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02712 osnpop: malloc failed

    Cause: The pipe driver failed to allocate enough heap space for its context area buffers.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02713 osnprd: message receive failure

    Cause: The pipe driver failed to read a message from the communications channel.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02714 osnpwr: message send failure

    Cause: The pipe driver failed to write a message to the communications channel.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02715 osnpgetbrkmsg: message from host had incorrect message type

    Cause: The pipe driver received a message having an unrecognizable message type.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02716 osnpgetdatmsg: message from host had incorrect message type

    Cause: The Pipe driver received a message having an unrecognizable message type.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02717 osnpfs: incorrect number of bytes written

    Cause: The Pipe driver sent a message that was apparently successful, but the number of bytes transmitted did not match the number of bytes furnished to the driver.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02718 osnprs: reset protocol error

    Cause: The two-task driver could not reset the connection.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02719 osnfop: fork failed

    Cause: The fast driver could not fork the Oracle shadow process.

    Action: Verify that there are enough system resources to support another process. The user or system process limit may have been exceeded, or the amount of free memory or swap space may be temporarily insufficient.

ORA-02720 osnfop: shmat failed

    Cause: When the fast driver was invoked, processes failed to attach to the shared memory buffer. You probably supplied an illegal shared memory attach address, or the system ran out of data space to accommodate the buffer.

    Action: Try invoking the Fast driver later, or use the default attach address.

ORA-02721 osnseminit: cannot create semaphore set

    Cause: The Fast driver failed to get a semaphore set.

    Action: The system-imposed limit on semaphores or semaphore identifiers may have been exceeded. Read the returned operating system error code and check with your system administrator.

ORA-02722 osnpui: cannot send break message to orapop

    Cause: The Pipe driver could not send a break message to ORAPOP.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02723 osnpui: cannot send break signal

    Cause: The Pipe driver could not send a break message to the Oracle shadow process.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02724 osnpbr: cannot send break message to orapop

    Cause: The Pipe driver could not send a break message to ORAPOP.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02725 osnpbr: cannot send break signal

    Cause: The Pipe driver could not send a break message to the Oracle shadow process.

    Action: Kill system call failed. Check the error code (errno) and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02726 osnpop: access error on oracle executable

    Cause: The Pipe driver could not access the Oracle executable.

    Action: Check the permissions on the Oracle executable and each component of the ORACLE_HOME/bin path.

ORA-02727 osnpop: access error on orapop executable

    Cause: The Pipe driver could not access the ORAPOP executable.

    Action: Check the permissions on the ORAPOP executable and each component of the ORACLE_HOME/bin path.

ORA-02728 osnfop: access error on oracle executable

    Cause: The Fast driver could not access the Oracle executable.

    Action: Check the permissions on the Oracle executable and each component of the ORACLE_HOME/bin path.

ORA-02729 osncon: driver not in osntab

    Cause: The driver you have specified is not supported.

    Action: Check with your database administrator which drivers are supported.

ORA-02730 osnrnf: cannot find user logon directory

    Cause: The driver you have specified could not find your logon directory while searching for your local .SQLNET file.

    Action: Set and export the HOME environment variable to identify your home directory. Check with your system administrator to make sure that your UID and home directory are correct in the /etc/passwd file.

ORA-02731 osnrnf: malloc of buffer failed

    Cause: The specified driver could not find enough heap space to MALLOC a buffer.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02732 osnrnf: cannot find a matching database alias

    Cause: Database alias specified was not identified in either $HOME/.sqlnet or /etc/sqlnet.

    Action: Create the alias in a file called .sqlnet in the home directory for personal use, or have system administrator create the alias in /etc/sqlnet for system-wide use.

ORA-02733 osnsnf: database string too long

    Cause: While converting a database alias to a database ID, the resulting database ID string exceeded the Oracle system-imposed limit.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02734 osnftt: cannot reset shared memory permission

    Cause: The Fast driver was unable to reset shared memory permissions.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02735 osnfpm: cannot create shared memory segment

    Cause: The Fast driver failed to create a shared memory segment for two-task communication.

    Action: Check whether the system-imposed limit on shared memory identifiers has already been reached for your system.

ORA-02736 osnfpm: illegal default shared memory address

    Cause: The Fast driver failed to establish a default shared memory address.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02737 osnpcl: cannot tell orapop to exit

    Cause: The Pipe driver failed to send ORAPOP the command to exit.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02738 osnpwrtbrkmsg: incorrect number of bytes written

    Cause: The pipe driver apparently sent an incomplete break message.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02739 osncon: host alias is too long

    Cause: The alias used for a SQLNET host is longer than 161 characters.

    Action: Use a shorter alias.

ORA-02750 osnfsmmap: cannot open shared memory file ?/dbs/ftt_pid.dbf

    Cause: The Fast driver failed to create a shared memory file for two-task communication.

    Action: Check the permissions on the directory ?/dbs.

ORA-02751 osnfsmmap: cannot map shared memory file

    Cause: The Fast driver failed to map a shared memory file for two-task communication.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02752 osnfsmmap: illegal shared memory address

    Cause: The Fast driver failed to attach shared memory at the expected location.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02753 osnfsmmap: cannot close shared memory file

    Cause: The Fast driver cannot close the shared memory file.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02754 osnfsmmap: cannot change shared memory inheritence

    Cause: The Fast driver could not alter the inheritance attributes of the shared memory.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02755 osnfsmcre: cannot create chared memory file ?/dbs/ftt_pid.dbf

    Cause: The Fast driver failed to create a file for shared memory.

    Action: Check the permissions on the directory ?/dbs.

ORA-02756 osnfsmnam: name translation failure

    Cause: The Fast driver encountered an error translating the shared memory file name ?/dbs/ftt_pid.dbf.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02757 osnfop: fork_and_bind failed

    Cause: The Fast driver failed to fork a process onto the desired cluster and node number.

    Action: Check the desired node number in sercose[0] and cluster ID in sercose[1]. If these seem valid, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02758 Allocation of internal array failed

    Cause: The package was unable to allocate memory for an array because the system ran out of memory.

    Action: Either reclaim memory by killing other processes or restart the machine with more memory.

ORA-02759 Not enough request descriptors available

    Cause: All of the package's request descriptors are in use performing other requests.

    Action: Either wait until enough requests are done, or shut the package down and re-initialize it with more request descriptors.

ORA-02760 Client close of file failed.

    Cause: The client was unable to close a file after forking the servers.

    Action: This is a system problem; contact your System Administrator.

ORA-02761 File number to be canceled is negative.

    Cause: The file number contained with the SFIOV structure is less than zero.

    Action: This may be a programming error. If it is not, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02762 file number to be cancelled is greater than the maximum.

    Cause: The file number contained with the SFIOV structure is greater than the maximum.

    Action: This may be a programming error. If it is not, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02763 Unable to cancel at least one request

    Cause: No requests were found that could be cancelled.

    Action: This error can occur if all the requests dealing with that file number have already been filled.

ORA-02764 Invalid package mode

    Cause: The mode of the package can only be parallel or duplex.

    Action: See SFA.H for the correct values.

ORA-02765 Invalid maximum number of servers

    Cause: The number of servers given was less than or equal to zero.

    Action: Use a number greater than zero.

ORA-02766 Invalid maximum of request descriptors

    Cause: The number of request descriptors was less than or equal to zero.

    Action: Use a number greater than zero.

ORA-02767 Less than one request descriptor was allocated per server

    Cause: The package requires that the number of request descriptors be greater than or equal to the number of servers used.

    Action: Use a higher number

ORA-02768 Maximum number of files is invalid

    Cause: The maximum number of files to be used by the package was less than or equal to zero.

    Action: Use a positive number.

ORA-02769 Setting of handler for SIGTERM failed

    Cause: The package was unable to set up handling by the server for the termination signal. This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02770 Total number of blocks is invalid

    Cause: The total number of blocks to be allocated for use by the package was not greater than zero.

    Action: Use a positive number.

ORA-02771 Illegal request time out value

    Cause: The number was not a positive number.

    Action: Use a positive number.

ORA-02772 Invalid maximum server idle time

    Cause: The time given was not a positive number.

    Action: Use a positive number.

ORA-02773 Invalid maximum client wait time

    Cause: The time given was not a positive number.

    Action: Use a positive number.

ORA-02774 Invalid request list latch time out value

    Cause: The time given was not a positive number.

    Action: Use a positive number.

ORA-02775 Invalid request done signal

    Cause: The signal number was not a positive number.

    Action: Use a positive number.

ORA-02776 Value for request done signal exceeds maximum

    Cause: The value sent to the package for use as the "request done" signal exceeds the maximum allowed by the operating system.

    Action: Contact your system administrator.

ORA-02777 Stat failed on log directory

    Cause: The package was unable to get information about the directory in which the log files are to reside.

    Action: Check the permissions on the directory or use a different directory name.

ORA-02778 Name given for the log directory is invalid

    Cause: The name given for the directory in which the logs are to be kept does not correspond to a directory.

    Action: Use a different name.

ORA-02779 Stat failed on core dump directory

    Cause: The package was unable to get information about the directory into which the servers are to dump core in the event of an exception.

    Action: Check the permissions on the directory or use a different directory name.

ORA-02780 Name given for the core dump directory is invalid

    Cause: The name given for the directory in which the server processes are to dump core in the event of an exception does not correspond to a directory.

    Action: Use a different name.

ORA-02781 Invalid value given for the timing wanted flag

    Cause: The value given was not TRUE or FALSE.

    Action: Specify TRUE or FALSE for the timing wanted flag.

ORA-02782 Both read and write functions were not specified

    Cause: To ensure that the functions act symmetrically, pointers to both the read and write functions must be given.

    Action: Either specify both functions or specify neither. The package will supply its own functions.

ORA-02783 Both post and wait functions were not specified

    Cause: To ensure that the functions act symmetrically, pointers to both the posting and waiting functions must be given.

    Action: Either specify both functions or specify neither. The package will supply its own functions.

ORA-02784 Invalid shared memory ID specified

    Cause: The ID of the segment specified for use as the shared buffer region was invalid.

    Action: Use a different ID, or let the package specify its own.

ORA-02785 Invalid shared memory buffer size

    Cause: The size given for the shared memory segment to be used as the shared buffer region was less than or equal to zero.

    Action: Use a positive number.

ORA-02786 Size needed for shared region is greater than segment size

    Cause: The size of the shared segment that was specified for the shared buffer region is less than the number of bytes required. The first field of the "additional information" field is the size needed. The second is the size of the segment.

    Action: Use a larger size segment or let the package allocate its own.

ORA-02787 Unable to allocate memory for segment list

    Cause: The package cannot allocate memory for an internal segment list because the system has run out of memory. The "additional information" field is the amount of memory that the package attempted to allocate.

    Action: Close some processes or contact your system administrator.

ORA-02788 Unable to find kernel process pointer in async process array

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02789 Maximum number of files reached

    Cause: The maximum number of files that can be used for asynchronous I/O has been reached.

    Action: Shut down the servers and re-initialize the package with a higher number.

ORA-02790 File name is too long

    Cause: The length of the name of a file that is being opened for asynchronous I/O is longer than the maximum. The "additional information" field is the maximum length.

    Action: Use a shorter name.

ORA-02791 Unable to open file for use with asynchronous I/O

    Cause: The package could not open file for some reason.

    Action: Check the file name.

ORA-02792 Unable to fstat() a file being used for asynchronous I/O.

    Cause: The fstat(2) call on a file being used for asynchronous I/O failed.

    Action: Check the file name.

ORA-02793 Close of asynchronous I/O failed.

    Cause: The client was unable to close a file being used for asynchronous I/O.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02794 Client unable to get key for shared memory

    Cause: The client was unable to get a key so that it obtain shared memory for use with shared memory. This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02795 Request list is empty

    Cause: The client was signalled by a server that it was done with a request but the "done" list was empty. This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02796 Done request is not in correct state

    Cause: A request is not in the right state. This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02797 No requests available

    Cause: No free request descriptors are available.

    Action: Wait until some requests are filled and then retry the request, or shut down the servers and initialize the package with a higher number of requests.

ORA-02798 Invalid number of requests

    Cause: The number of operations sent to either SFARD() or SFAWRITE() is less than zero. This is a user programming error.

    Action: Check the calling program.

ORA-02799 Unable to arm signal handler

    Cause: The arming of a signal handler for the "done" signal failed. This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02800 Requests timed out

    Cause: Some of the requests for asynchronous input or output were not serviced in the required amount of time.

    Action: If the load on the system is high, it is possible that the timeout limit is too low. Reset it with SFAINIT(). If the server processes are dying due to unexpected signals, this is an internal error, and Oracle Support Services should be contacted.

ORA-02801 Operations timed out

    Cause: Some asynchronous operations timed out in kernel mode. This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02802 No idle servers available in parallel mode

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02803 Retrieval of current time failed

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02804 Allocation of memory failed for log file name

    Cause: The client was unable to allocated a buffer for the name of the log file.

    Action: Contact your system administrator.

ORA-02805 Unable to set handler for SIGTPA

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02806 Unable to set handler for SIGALRM

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02807 Allocation of memory for I/O vectors failed.

    Cause: The client was unable to allocate memory for the array of I/O vectors that the servers are to use.

    Action: Contact your system administrator.

ORA-02808 Allocation of memory of open files array failed.

    Cause: The client was unable to allocate memory for an array of flags that the servers are to use.

    Action: Contact your system administrator.

ORA-02809 Jump buffer not valid

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02810 Unable to make temporary file name for memory mapped file

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02811 Unable to attach shared memory segment

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02812 Bad attach address

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02813 Unable to make temporary file name in order to get key

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02814 Unable to get shared memory

    Cause: SHMGET(2) failed.

    Action: Check the UNIX number. If you are unsure about what it means, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02815 Unable to attach shared memory

    Cause: SHMAT(2) failed.

    Action: Check the UNIX number. If you are unsure about what it means, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02816 Unable to kill a process

    Cause: A server did not die after being sent a kill signal.

    Action: The process may be a runaway; contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02817 Read failed

    Cause: A server could not read a requested amount of data.

    Action: Check the call to SFARD(). An incorrect file descriptor may have been sent to SFARD(). The number in the "additional information" field is the starting block number of the data segment being read in.

ORA-02818 Less than the number of blocks requested was read in

    Cause: A server could not read in the request amount of data. The first number in the "additional information" field is the block number being read in. The second is the actual number of bytes that was read in. This is a programming error.

    Action: Check the calling program.

ORA-02819 Write failed

    Cause: A server was unable to perform a write. The number in the "additional information" field is the starting block number of the data segment being written out. The first number in the "additional information" field is the block number being written out. The second is the actual number of bytes that was written out. The disk may have filled up.

    Action: Check the UNIX error number.

ORA-02820 Unable to write the requested number of blocks

    Cause: A server could not write the requested amount of data out to disk. The disk may have run out of space.

    Action: Check the UNIX error number.

ORA-02821 Unable to read the requested number of blocks.

    Cause: A server could not read the number of blocks that was requested. The end of the file may have been read.

    Action: Check the file on disk.

ORA-02822 Invalid block offset

    Cause: A server was unable to seek to the designated block.

    Action: Check the UNIX error number.

ORA-02823 Buffer is not aligned.

    Cause: The buffer on which an I/O is being done is not on the correct boundary.

    Action: Check the calling program.

ORA-02824 Request free list is empty

    Cause: The list from which the package allocates request descriptors is empty because all of the descriptors is in use.

    Action: Wait until some become free, or initialize the package with a higher number of request descriptors.

ORA-02825 Request on free list was not free

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02826 Illegal block size

    Cause: A negative number was given for the I/O block size to be used by the asynchronous I/O package. This is a programming error.

    Action: Use either a positive number or zero to get the default value.

ORA-02827 Invalid file number

    Cause: The file number upon which an operation is to done is either less than zero or greater than the maximum number of files than can be open.

    Action: Since the calling program should not touch this number, this is a programming error.

ORA-02828 Segment free list is empty

    Cause: No segments are available to allocated.

    Action: Free some segments or shut down the package and re-initialize it with a higher number of segments.

ORA-02829 No segment of the proper size is available

    Cause: No segment of the proper size is ready for use by the caller.

    Action: Free some segments and try again.

ORA-02830 Segment could not be split - no free segments available

    Cause: A segment that is larger than that desired could not be split because no free segment was available.

    Action: Free some segments and try again.

ORA-02831 Segment deallocation failed - empty segment list

    Cause: The caller attempted to deallocate a segment but the "in use" list was empty. This is a programming error.

    Action: Check the calling program.

ORA-02832 Segment deallocation failed - segment not on list

    Cause: The caller attempted to deallocate a segment that was not on the "in use" list. This is a programming error.

    Action: Check the calling program.

ORA-02833 Server was unable to close file

    Cause: A server was unable to close a file being used for asynchronous I/O.

    Action: See the UNIX error number for more information.

ORA-02834 Server unable to open file

    Cause: The server was unable to open a file for use with asynchronous I/O.

    Action: Check the UNIX error number for more information.

ORA-02835 Server unable to send signal to client

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02836 Unable to create temporary key file

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02837 Unable to unlink temporary file

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02838 Unable to arm signal handler for the alarm signal

    Cause: The arming of a signal handler for the alarm signal failed. This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02839 Sync of blocks to disk failed.

    Cause: The server was unable to flush its writes out to disk.

    Action: Check the UNIX error number.

ORA-02840 Open of log file by client failed

    Cause: The client process was unable to open its log file.

    Action: Check the UNIX error number for more information.

ORA-02841 Server died on start up

    Cause: A server exited during its initialization process.

    Action: Check the servers' logs for more information.

ORA-02842 Client unable to fork a server

    Cause: The client could not spawn a server. A possible reason is that the operating system has reached its limit on the number of processes that it can spawn.

    Action: Either reduce the number of servers that are to be used, or reconfigure the operating system so that it can handle more processes.

ORA-02843 Invalid value for kernel flag

    Cause: An illegal value was given for the kernel flag in the information structure. Only TRUE and FALSE are permitted. This is a programming error.

    Action: Check the calling routine.

ORA-02844 Invalid value for the leave open flag

    Cause: A value was given for the flag that determines whether a file is to be left open after the client checks it to see if the servers can use it. Only TRUE and FALSE are supported. This is a programming error.

    Action: Check the calling routine.

ORA-02845 Invalid value for the timing wanted flag

    Cause: A value was given for the flag that indicates that operations are to be timed out. Only TRUE and FALSE are supported. This is a programming error.

    Action: Check the calling routine.

ORA-02846 Unkillable server

    Cause: A server failed to respond to the termination signal. The first number is the number of the server. The second is its UNIX process number. This is an internal problem.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02847 Server did not terminate when posted

    Cause: A server did not respond to a posted request to shut down. The first number is the number of the server. The second is its UNIX process number. This is an internal problem.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02848 Asynchronous I/O package is not running

    Cause: An operation using the asynchronous I/O package was attempted without first initializing the package using SFAINIT().

    Action: Call SFAINIT() before using the package.

ORA-02849 Read failed because of an error

    Cause: A server could not read the requested amount of data from disk.

    Action: Check the UNIX error number.

ORA-02850 File is closed

    Cause: A file upon which an asynchronous I/O operation is to be performed has already been closed by the package. This is a programming error.

    Action: Check the calling program.

ORA-02851 Request list is empty when it should not be

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02852 Invalid critical-section time out value

    Cause: The time given was not a positive number.

    Action: Use a positive number.

ORA-02853 Invalid server list latch time out value

    Cause: The time given was not a positive number.

    Action: Use a positive number.

ORA-02854 Invalid number of request buffers

    Cause: The value given for DB_SLAVE_BUFFERS in your INIT.ORA file is less than 0.

    Action: Use a number that is greater than or equal to 0.

ORA-02855 Number of requests is less than the number of slaves

    Cause: The value given for DB_SLAVE_BUFFERS in your INIT.ORA file is less than the number specified for the number of slaves, DB_SLAVES.

    Action: Specify a number that is greater than that given for DB_SLAVES Alternatively, specify 0. The kernel will supply the appropriate number.

ORA-02875 smpini: Unable to get shared memory for PGA

    Cause: Stated in error code (errno).

    Action: Resolve the problem.

ORA-02876 smpini: Unable to attach to shared memory for PGA

    Cause: Stated in error code (errno).

    Action: Resolve the problem.

ORA-02877 smpini: Unable to initialize memory protection

    Cause: The ADSPCINIT program has not been executed.

    Action: Execute the ADSCPINIT program as shown in your Installation and Users' Guide. If the problem persists, try restarting your computer.

ORA-02878 sou2o: Variable smpdidini overwritten

    Cause: The variable SMPDIDINI was overwritten, probably by client code.

    Action: Verify client code (for example, in Pro*C check for illegal memory access). If the problem occurs outside Single Task operation, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02879 sou2o: Could not gain access to protected memory

    Cause: This is an internal error, note error code in errno.

    Action: Restarting your application or your computer may cure the problem. If not, report the error to Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02880 smpini: Could not register PGA for protection

    Cause: This is an internal error, note error code in errno.

    Action: Restarting your application or your computer may cure the problem. If not, report the error to Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02881 sou2o: Could not revoke access to protected memory

    Cause: This is an internal error, note error code in errno.

    Action: Restarting your application or your computer may cure the problem. If not, report the error to Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02882 sou2o: Could not register SGA for protection

    Cause: This is an internal error, note error code in errno.

    Action: Restarting your application or your computer may cure the problem. If not, report the error to Oracle Support Services.

ORA-02899 smscre: Cannot create SGA with Extended Shared Memory feature

    Cause: The environment variable EXTSHM was set before starting Oracle.

    Action: Unset the environment variable EXTSHM and restart Oracle.

ORA-03001 unimplemented feature

    Cause: At attempt was made to use a feature that is not currently implemented.

    Action: Do not attempt to use this feature at this time.

ORA-03002 operator not implemented

    Cause: At attempt was made to use an operator that is not currently implemented.

    Action: Do not attempt to use this operator at this time.

ORA-03007 obsolete feature

    Cause: An attempt was made to use a feature that is no longer supported.

    Action: No action required.

ORA-03008 parameter COMPATIBLE >= string needed for string

    Cause: An attempt was made to use a feature for a later Oracle version than the setting of the initialization parameter, COMPATIBLE.

    Action: Set COMPATIBLE to the value in the message (or higher), and retry the command, but be aware that this will limit your downgrade options.

ORA-03100 communication area cannot be allocated; insufficient memory

    Cause: An attempt to allocate stack space for communication purposes failed. This is an internal error message not usually issued.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-03105 internal protocol error

ORA-03106 fatal two-task communication protocol error

    Cause: The communication path between Oracle and the user task has stopped. This is an internal error message not usually issued.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-03107 oranet buffer underflow

    Cause: This is an internal error message not usually issued.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-03108 oranet: ORACLE does not support this interface version

    Cause: The version of Oracle connected to via Net8 does not support this version of the Net8 protocol.

    Action: Upgrade the older version of Oracle and try again.

ORA-03109 oranet buffer overflow

    Cause: Data being transferred between the user program and Oracle overflowed the buffer space available. This is an internal error message not usually issued.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-03110 oranet: ORACLE does not support this SQL version

    Cause: The version of Oracle connected to via Net8 does not support the version of the Net8 protocol.

    Action: Upgrade the older version of Oracle and try again.

ORA-03111 break received on communication channel

    Cause: A break was processed on the communications channel, but was not properly handled by Net8 software. This is an internal error message not usually issued.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-03112 a server linked as single-task cannot use SQL*Net

    Cause: A statement containing a Net8t connect string was issued to the single-task server. For example, a database link was used in a SQL statement.

    Action: Do not use Net8t connect strings in a single-task environment.

ORA-03113 end-of-file on communication channel

    Cause: An unexpected end-of-file was processed on the communication channel. The problem could not be handled by the Net8 two-task software. This message could occur if the shadow two-task process associated with a Net8 connect has terminated abnormally, or if there is a physical failure of the interprocess communication vehicle, that is, the network or server machine went down.

    In addition, this message could occur when any of the following statements/commands have been issued:


    Action: If this message occurs during a connection attempt, check the setup files for the appropriate Net8 driver and confirm Net8 software is correctly installed on the server. If the message occurs after a connection is well established, and the error is not due to a physical failure, check if a trace file was generated on the server at failure time. Existence of a trace file may suggest an Oracle internal error that requires the assistance of Oracle Support Services.

ORA-03114 not connected to ORACLE

    Cause: A call to Oracle was attempted when no connection was established. Usually this happens because a user-written program has not logged on. It may happen if communication trouble causes a disconnection. In addition, this message could occur when ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION or ALTER SYSTEM DISCONNECT SESSION were issued with the IMMEDIATE qualifier because, in those cases, the client's connection to the database is terminated without waiting for the client to issue a request.

    Action: Try again. If the message recurs and the program is user written, check the program.

ORA-03115 unsupported network datatype or representation

    Cause: A user bind or define, or an Oracle function, is not supported by this heterogeneous Net8 connection.

    Action: Upgrade the older version of Oracle and try again.

ORA-03116 invalid buffer length passed to a conversion routine

    Cause: This is an internal error message not usually issued.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-03117 two-task save area overflow

    Cause: This is an internal error message not usually issued.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-03118 two-task coroutine has invalid state

    Cause: This is an internal error message not usually issued.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-03119 two-task detected inconsistent datatype specification

    Cause: Found both a datatype, and an anonymous datatype, declaration.

    Action: Correct the specification.

ORA-03120 two-task conversion routine: integer overflow

    Cause: An integer value in an internal Oracle structure overflowed when being sent or received over a heterogeneous connection. This can happen when an invalid buffer length or too great a row count is specified. It usually indicates a bug in the user application.

    Action: Check parameters to Oracle calls. If the problem recurs, reduce all integer parameters, column values not included, to less than 32767.

ORA-03121 no interface driver connected - function not performed

    Cause: This message occurs usually because the Net8 driver is not loaded into memory or there is a mismatch of the version of the driver. A user program linked with an obsolete library may also cause this message. Only programs provided by Oracle Corporation should use this interface.

    Action: If the message occurred during use of a program provided by Oracle Corporation, contact Oracle Support Services. If a user program caused the message, relink the program with current versions of the Oracle libraries.

ORA-03122 attempt to close ORACLE-side window on user side

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-03123 operation would block

    Cause: The attempted operation cannot complete now.

    Action: Retry the operation later.

ORA-03124 two-task internal error

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-03125 client-server protocol violation

    Cause: The application received a bad escape sequence from the server and may indicate a problem with the client application user code.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-03126 network driver does not support non-blocking operations

    Cause: A non-blocking operation was attempted and the network driver does not support non-blocking operations.

    Action: Use default blocking operations or use a driver supporting non-blocking operations.

ORA-03127 no new operations allowed until the active operation ends

    Cause: An attempt was made to execute a new operation before the active non-blocking operation completed or a new operation was attempted before all the pieces of a column were inserted or fetched.

    Action: Execute the new operation after the non-blocking operation completes. If piecewise binds/defines were done, execute the new operation after all the pieces have been inserted or fetched.

ORA-03128 connection is in blocking mode

    Cause: The OCI test for non-blocking mode on a connection indicates that the connection is in blocking mode.

    Action: If non-blocking mode is required use appropriate OCI calls to change the mode.

ORA-03129 the next piece to be inserted is required

    Cause: The application performed a piecewise bind on a column.

    Action: Provide the next piece of this bind variable.

ORA-03130 the buffer for the next piece to be fetched is required

    Cause: The application performed a piecewise define on the column.

    Action: Provide the next buffer for the next piece to be retrieved.

ORA-03131 an invalid buffer was provided for the next piece

    Cause: The application either provided the length of the buffer for the next piece to be zero or provided a null pointer.

    Action: Verify if the buffer pointer for the next piece is null or if the length is zero.

ORA-03132 two-task default value overflow

    Cause: The default value specified for a record field was too large.

    Action: Change the default value to fit the field size.

ORA-03200 the segment type specification is invalid

    Cause: The segment type is not TABLE, INDEX, or CLUSTER.

    Action: Use a correct segment type.

ORA-03201 the group number specification is invalid

    Cause: The freelist group number is either negative or larger than the number of freelist groups in the segment.

    Action: Use a correct group number.

ORA-03202 the scan limit specification is invalid

    Cause: The scan limit does not have a positive integer value greater than the number of freelist groups in the segment.

    Action: Use a correct scan limit.

ORA-03203 concurrent update activity makes space analysis impossible

    Cause: High volume of user updates interfere with the space analysis.

    Action: Retry the command or lock the underlying objects.

ORA-03204 the segment type specification should indicate partitioning

    Cause: A partition name was specified for the space analysis, but the object type does not indicate partitioning.

    Action: Specify PARTITION in the segment type if the object is partitioned, Otherwise, omit the partition name.

ORA-03205 partition name is required when partitioned type is specified

    Cause: A partition name was not specified for the space analysis, but the object type indicates partitioning.

    Action: Specify a partition name if the object is partitioned. Otherwise, specify a non-partitioned type.

ORA-03206 maximum file size of (string) blocks in AUTOEXTEND clause is out of range

    Cause: The maximum file size for an autoextendable file has exceeded the maximum number of blocks allowed.

    Action: Reduce the size and retry.

ORA-03207 subpartitioned type must be specified for composite object

    Cause: A partition type is specified for the space analysis, but the object type indicates composite partitioning.

    Action: Specify a subpartition name and a subpartition type.

ORA-03208 partitioned type must be specified for a non-composite object

    Cause: A subpartition type is specified for the space analysis, but the object type indicates non-composite partitioning.

    Action: Specify a partition name and a partition type.

ORA-03209 DBMS_ADMIN_PACKAGE invalid file/block specification

    Cause: The value of file number or block number is outside of limits or inconsistent.

    Action: Fix the file number/block number value.

ORA-03210 DBMS_ADMIN_PACKAGE invalid option specification

    Cause: The value of one of the option parameters is incorrect.

    Action: Fix the option value.

ORA-03211 The segment does not exist or is not in a valid state

    Cause: The segment specified in the DBMS_SPACE_ADMIN or DBMS_SPACE operation does not exist or is not in a state appropriate for this operation.

    Action: Fix the segment specification, or put the segment in the appropriate state.

ORA-03212 Temporary Segment cannot be created in locally-managed tablespace

    Cause: An attempt was made to create a temporary segment for SORT/HASH/LOBS in a locally-managed permanent tablespace.

    Action: Alter temporary tablespace of user to a temporary tablespace or a dictionary-managed permanent tablespace.

ORA-03213 Invalid Lob Segment Name for DBMS_SPACE package

    Cause: The LOB segment specified in the DBMS_SPACE operation does not exist.

    Action: Fix the segment specification.

ORA-03214 File Size specified is smaller than minimum required

    Cause: File size specified for add/resize datafile/temporary file does not allow for the minimum required of one allocation unit.

    Action: Increase the specification for the file size.

ORA-03215 File Size specified for resize is too small

    Cause: File size specified for resize datafile/temporary file causes bitmap control structures to overlap.

    Action: Increase the specification for the file size.

ORA-03216 Tablespace/Segment Verification cannot proceed

    Cause: Corruption was detected during verification which cannot be dealt with

    Action: Do manual verification.

ORA-03217 invalid option for alter of TEMPORARY TABLESPACE

    Cause: Invalid option for alter of temporary tablespace was specified.

    Action: Specify one of the valid options: ADD TEMPFILE, TEMPFILE ONLINE, TEMPFILE OFFLINE.

ORA-03218 invalid option for CREATE/ALTER TABLESPACE

    Cause: Invalid option for create/alter tablespace of type locally-managed.

    Action: Specify one of the valid options.

ORA-03219 Tablespace 'string' is dictionary managed, offline, or temporary.

    Cause: An operation which is only applicable to permanent, online, locally managed tablespaces is specified for a tablespace that is either dictionary managed, offline, or temporary.

    Action: Reissue the operation for a different tablespace, mount the tablespace, or do not issue it at all since it does not apply for the given tablespace.

ORA-03220 DBMS_ADMIN_PACKAGE required parameter is NULL or missing

    Cause: Some of the procedures were called with missing or NULL parameters.

    Action: Specify the missing parameter.

ORA-03221 temporary tablespaces and temporary segments must have standard block size

    Cause: An attempt was made to do one of the following:

        Create a temporary tablespace with a non-standard block size
        Alter an existing permanent tablespace of non-standard block size to a temporary tablespace
        Issue a DDL statement that would result in the creation of a temporary segment in a tablespace of non-standard block size

    Action: There are three possible solutions:

If creating a temporary tablespace, do not specify a block size different from the standard block size.

    If altering an existing permanent tablespace to a temporary tablespace, ensure that it is of standard block size.
    Ensure that the user's temporary tablespace is a tablespace having the standard block size.

ORA-03230 segment only contains string blocks of unused space above high water mark

    Cause: Attempt to preserve too many blocks.

    Action: Reduce the KEEP amount.

ORA-03231 the INITIAL extent may not be deallocated

    Cause: Attempt to deallocate space from the segment which was truncated prior to the 7.3 release.

    Action: Increase the KEEP amount, or truncate the segment, and reissue the command.

ORA-03233 unable to extend table string.string subpartition string by string in tablespace string

    Cause: Failed to allocate an extent for table subpartition segment in tablespace.

    Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the tablespace indicated.

ORA-03234 unable to extend index string.string subpartition string by string in tablespace string

    Cause: Failed to allocate an extent for index subpartition segment in tablespace.

    Action: Use ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the tablespace indicated.

ORA-03235 max # extents (string) reached in table string.string subpartition string

    Cause: A table subpartition tried to extend past MAXEXTENTS.

    Action: If the value of MAXEXTENTS is less than the system maximum, raise it. Otherwise, you must re-create with larger initial, next or PCTINCREASE parameters.

ORA-03236 max # extents (string) reached in index string.string subpartition string

    Cause: An index subpartition tried to extend past MAXEXTENTS.

    Action: If the value of MAXEXTENTS is less than the system maximum, raise it. Otherwise, you must re-create with larger initial, next or PCTINCREASE parameters.

ORA-03237 Initial Extent of specified size cannot be allocated in tablespace (string)

    Cause: Too large a size for an initial extent due to freelist group specification.

    Action: Reduce number of freelist groups specified for the segment.

ORA-03238 unable to extend LOB segment string.string subpartition string by string in tablespace string

    Cause: An attempt was made to allocate an extent for LOB subpartition segment in tablespace, but the extent could not be allocated because there is not enough space in the tablespace indicated.

    Action: Use the ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE statement to add one or more files to the tablespace indicated.

ORA-03239 maxextents (string) reached in LOB segment string.string subpartition string

    Cause: A LOB subpartition segment tried to extend past MAXEXTENTS.

    Action: If the value of MAXEXTENTS is less than the system maximum, raise it. Otherwise, re-create the subpartition with larger INITIAL, NEXT, or PCTINCREASE parameters.

ORA-03240 User's temporary tablespace same as tablespace being migrated

    Cause: Users default temporary tablespace must be different from the tablespace being migrated.

    Action: alter users default temporary tablespace to be different.

ORA-03241 Invalid unit size

    Cause: User specified an invalid unit size for the tablespace.

    Action: Specify the correct unit size. To estimate unit size, refer to the Oracle9i Database Administrator's Guide.

ORA-03242 Tablespace migration retried 500 times

    Cause: For migration to complete, temporary segments should not be present in the tablespace at the time of migration.

    Action: Avoid migrating the tablespace when there is heavy temporary segment creation going on as with object drops.

ORA-03243 destination dba overlaps with existing control information

    Cause: Cannot overlap control information during relocation.

    Action: Choose another destination address.

ORA-03244 No free space found to place the control information

    Cause: During migration of tablespace found no place to put the control information. If during bitmaps relocation, found no space at the specified destination.

    Action: If during migration, add more space to the tablespace and retry migration. If during bitmaps relocation, specify a destination address where there is enough free space.

ORA-03245 Tablespace has to be dictionary managed, online and permanent to be able to migrate

    Cause: Tablespace was not dictionary managed, online, or permanent.

    Action: Make sure the tablespace is online, permanent, or dictionary managed.

ORA-03246 Invalid block number specified

    Cause: Control information cannot be placed at the specified DBA either because the block number specified is beyond the file end or the file is not large enough to accomodate the control information at that location.

    Action: specify a correct block number.

ORA-03247 Invalid block number specified

    Cause: Relocation of bitmaps to the said destination will make the tablespace self descriptive.

    Action: Choose another destination DBA.

ORA-03248 Too much of segment creation activity during migration

    Cause: Temporary segments were attempted to be created during migration.

    Action: The error is signalled after retrying migration for 500 times. Run migration when there is less segment creation activity going on.

ORA-03249 Uniform size for auto segment space managed tablespace should have atleast string blocks.

    Cause: For the given blocksize, the specified uniform size is insufficient.

    Action: Specify a larger extent size and retry.

ORA-03250 Cannot mark this segment corrupt

    Cause: This segment cannot be marked corrupt because it contains data dictionary objects.

    Action: Check the segment information and re-issue the command.

ORA-03251 Cannot issue this command on SYSTEM tablespace

    Cause: It is not permitted to migrate SYSTEM tablespace from locally managed format to dictionary managed format or relocate bitmaps.

    Action: Check the tablespace name and procedure name.

ORA-03274 both ALLOCATE EXTENT and DEALLOCATE UNUSED options are specified

    Cause: The DEALLOCATE option and the ALLOCATE option are specified in the same command.

    Action: Choose one of the options or issue two separate commands.

ORA-03275 duplicate DEALLOCATE option specification

    Cause: The DEALLOCATE UNUSED option to ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX is specified more than once.

    Action: Specify the option at most once.

ORA-03276 duplicate ALLOCATE EXTENT option specification

    Cause: The ALLOCATE EXTENT option to ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX is specified more than once.

    Action: Specify the option at most once.

ORA-03277 invalid SIZE specified

    Cause: The specified value must be an integer.

    Action: Choose an appropriate integer value.

ORA-03278 duplicate ALLOCATE EXTENT option specification

    Cause: An option (DATAFILE, SIZE or INSTANCE) was specified more than once.

    Action: Specify each option at most once.

ORA-03279 invalid INSTANCE specified

    Cause: The specified value is not recognized as a valid instance name.

    Action: Use a valid name.

ORA-03280 invalid DATAFILE filename specified

    Cause: A character string literal is expected, but not found.

    Action: Specify file names using character string literals.

ORA-03281 invalid ALLOCATE EXTENT option

    Cause: An option other than DATAFILE, SIZE or INSTANCE was specified.

    Action: Remove invalid option and retry the command.

ORA-03282 missing ALLOCATE EXTENT option

    Cause: No ALLOCATE EXTENT options were specified.

    Action: Specified one or more of the following options: DATAFILE, SIZE or INSTANCE.

ORA-03283 specified datafile string does not exist

    Cause: The datafile does not exist.

    Action: Retry the option with the correct datafile.

ORA-03284 datafile string is not a member of tablespace string

    Cause: The specified datafile does not belong to the tablespace that the object resides in.

    Action: Retry the option with the correct datafile.


    Cause: The cluster cannot use the allocate extent option because it is a hash cluster.

    Action: Do not use this command on a hash cluster.

ORA-03287 invalid FREELIST GROUP specified

    Cause: The specified FREELIST GROUP number is invalid.

    Action: Choose a number between 1 and the number of freelist groups for this object.

ORA-03288 both FREELIST GROUP and INSTANCE parameters may not be specified

    Cause: Both FREELIST GROUP and INSTANCE were specified in clause.

    Action: Remove one of the two parameters.

ORA-03289 partition name and segment type do not match

    Cause: Partition name and segment type specified for space analysis do not match.

    Action: Specify type PARTITION if the object is partitioned, specify SUBPARTITION if the object is composite.

ORA-03290 Invalid truncate command - missing CLUSTER or TABLE keyword

    Cause: Invalid object specification given.

    Action: Either specify TRUNCATE CLUSTER or TRUNCATE TABLE.

ORA-03291 Invalid truncate option - missing STORAGE keyword

    Cause: Expected STORAGE keyword.

    Action: Either specify DROP STORAGE or REUSE STORAGE.

ORA-03292 Table to be truncated is part of a cluster

    Cause: The table being truncated is a member of a cluster.

    Action: Either use TRUNCATE CLUSTER or DROP TABLE.

ORA-03293 Cluster to be truncated is a HASH CLUSTER

    Cause: Only INDEX CLUSTERS can be truncated.

    Action: Drop and re-create the HASH CLUSTER instead of using truncate.

ORA-03296 cannot resize datafile - file string not found

    Cause: The specified datafile is not available for resizing.

    Action: Ensure that the datafile name is valid, and if so, ensure the file is accessible.

ORA-03297 file contains used data beyond requested RESIZE value

    Cause: Some portion of the file in the region to be trimmed is currently in use by a database object.

    Action: Drop or move segments containing extents in this region prior to resizing the file, or choose a resize value such that only free space is in the trimmed.

ORA-03298 cannot shrink datafile - file string is under hot backup

    Cause: Attempt to shrink a datafile while it is under hot backup. This is not allowed.

    Action: Retry shrinking the file after the hot backup completes.

ORA-03299 cannot create dictionary table string

    Cause: A dictionary table is created upon the first execution of the command ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE AUTOEXTEND ON for a database. This operation did not succeed. The most probable cause for this is insufficient space in the system tablespace.

    Action: See action for next error message in error stack.

ORA-04000 the sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE cannot exceed 100

    Cause: The sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE for a cluster or table exceeds 100.

    Action: Create the table/cluster specifying values whose sum is less than or equal to 100.

ORA-04001 sequence parameter string must be an integer

    Cause: string (a sequence parameter) specified was not an integer.

    Action: Create the sequence, giving the specified parameter an integer value.

ORA-04002 INCREMENT must be a non-zero integer

    Cause: A sequence increment was specified to be zero.

    Action: Specify the increment to be a non-zero value.

ORA-04003 sequence parameter string exceeds maximum size allowed (string digits)

    Cause: string (a sequencer parameter) had too many digits.

    Action: Specify the parameter with the allowed number of digits.

ORA-04004 MINVALUE must be less than MAXVALUE

    Cause: MINVALUE was specified to be greater than or equal to MAXVALUE.

    Action: Specify a MINVALUE that is less than MAXVALUE.

ORA-04005 INCREMENT must be less than MAXVALUE minus MINVALUE

    Cause: The INCREMENT specified is greater than or equal to MAXVALUE-MINVALUE.

    Action: Specify an INCREMENT that is less than MAXVALUE-MINVALUE.

ORA-04006 START WITH cannot be less than MINVALUE

    Cause: The given starting value is less than MINVALUE.

    Action: Make sure that the starting value is greater than or equal to MINVALUE.

ORA-04007 MINVALUE cannot be made to exceed the current value

    Cause: The given MINVALUE would be greater than the current value.

    Action: Always make sure that MINVALUE is less than or equal to the current value.

ORA-04008 START WITH cannot be more than MAXVALUE

    Cause: The starting value would be larger than MAXVALUE.

    Action: Make sure that the starting value is less than MAXVALUE.

ORA-04009 MAXVALUE cannot be made to be less than the current value

    Cause: The current value exceeds the given MAXVALUE.

    Action: Make sure that the new MAXVALUE is larger than the current value.

ORA-04010 the number of values to CACHE must be greater than 1

    Cause: The value in the CACHE clause was one.

    Action: Specify NOCACHE, or a value larger than one.

ORA-04011 sequence string must range between string and string

    Cause: The value specified for one of the sequence parameters exceeds limits.

    Action: Specify a parameter within these limits.

ORA-04012 object is not a sequence

    Cause: The object specified cannot have sequence DDLs performed on it.

    Action: Re-enter the statement being careful with the spelling of the name.

ORA-04013 number to CACHE must be less than one cycle

    Cause: The number to CACHE specified in a CREATE SEQUENCE statement exceeds the number of values in a cycle.

    Action: Enlarge the cycle or cache fewer values, and try again.

ORA-04014 descending sequences that CYCLE must specify MINVALUE

    Cause: A value was not specified in the CREATE SEQUENCE statement. Sequences that cycle must specify a value at which to begin again.

    Action: Re-create the sequence, specifying the value at which it is to begin.

ORA-04015 ascending sequences that CYCLE must specify MAXVALUE

    Cause: A value was not specified in the CREATE SEQUENCE statement. Sequences that cycle must specify a value at which to begin again.

    Action: Recreate the sequence, specifying the value at which it is to begin.

ORA-04016 sequence string no longer exists

    Cause: Sequence was dropped while processing its next value.

    Action: Re-create the sequence.

ORA-04017 invalid value string (length = string) for parameter max_dump_file_ size

    Cause: Neither did the string supplied for MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE parameter match the "UNLIMITED" string value nor did it represent a base 10 integer.

    Action: Reassign a proper value to this parameter.

ORA-04018 invalid value string for parameter _scn_scheme

    Cause: The value specified for initialization parameter _SCN_SCHEME is not recognized as one of the defined schemes.

    Action: Reassign a proper value.

ORA-04019 SCN scheme incompatible with other instances

    Cause: Either different instances are running incompatible Oracle releases or different values have been assigned to the _SCN_SCHEME initialization parameter on different instances.

    Action: Make sure the _SCN_SCHEME initialization parameter is set to the same value on all instances.

ORA-04020 deadlock detected while trying to lock object stringstringstringstringstring

    Cause: While trying to lock a library object, a deadlock is detected.

    Action: Retry the operation later.

ORA-04021 timeout occurred while waiting to lock object stringstringstringstringstring

    Cause: While waiting to lock a library object, a timeout is occurred.

    Action: Retry the operation later.

ORA-04022 nowait requested, but had to wait to lock dictionary object

    Cause: Had to wait to lock a library object during a nowait request.

    Action: Retry the operation later.

ORA-04028 cannot generate diana for object stringstringstringstringstring

    Cause: Cannot generate diana for an object because of lock conflict.

    Action: Report this error to your support representative.

ORA-04029 error ORA-string occurred when querying stringstringstring

    Cause: The table or view being queried might be missing. The error number indicates the error.

    Action: Fix the error.

ORA-04030 out of process memory when trying to allocate string bytes (string,string)

    Cause: Operating system process private memory has been exhausted.

    Action: See the database administrator or operating system administrator to increase process memory quota. There may be a bug in the application that causes excessive allocations of process memory space.

ORA-04031 unable to allocate string bytes of shared memory ("string","string","string","string")

    Cause: More shared memory is needed than was allocated in the shared pool.

    Action: If the shared pool is out of memory, either use the DBMS_SHARED_ POOL package to pin large packages, reduce your use of shared memory, or increase the amount of available shared memory by increasing the value of the initialization parameters SHARED_POOL_RESERVED_SIZE and SHARED_ POOL_SIZE. If the large pool is out of memory, increase the initialization parameter LARGE_POOL_SIZE.

ORA-04032 pga_aggregate_target must be set before switching to auto mode

    Cause: An attempt was made to set WORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY to AUTO while PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET is not specified.

    Action: Before setting WORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY, set PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET to a value representing the total private memory available to the instance. This total is generally the total physical memory available in the system minus what is needed for the SGA minus what is needed for the operating system (for example, such as 500 MB).

ORA-04033 insufficient memory to grow pool

    Cause: The system had insufficient memory to grow the pool to the specified size.

    Action: Specify a smaller value to grow the pool.

ORA-04041 package specification must be created first before creating package body

    Cause: Attempt to create a package body before creating its package specification.

    Action: Create the package specification first before creating the package body.

ORA-04042 procedure, function, package, or package body does not exist

    Cause: Attempt to access a procedure, function, package, or package body that does not exist.

    Action: Make sure the name is correct.

ORA-04043 object string does not exist

    Cause: An object name was specified that was not recognized by the system. Following are possible causes:

        An invalid name for a table, view, sequence, procedure, function, package, or package body was entered. Since the system could not recognize the invalid name, it responded with the message that the named object does not exist.
        An attempt was made to rename an index or a cluster, or some other object that cannot be renamed.

    Action: Check the spelling of the named object and rerun the code. (Valid names of tables, views, functions, etc. can be listed by querying the data dictionary.)

ORA-04044 procedure, function, package, or type is not allowed here

    Cause: A procedure, function, or package was specified in an inappropriate place in a statement.

    Action: Make sure the name is correct or remove it.

ORA-04045 errors during recompilation/revalidation of string.string

    Cause: This message indicates the object to which the following errors apply. The errors occurred during implicit recompilation/revalidation of the object.

    Action: Check the following errors for more information, and make the necessary corrections to the object.

ORA-04046 results of compilation are too large to support

    Cause: Attempt to compile and store a large stored procedure that results in compilation data that is too large for the system to support or store.

    Action: Reduce the size of the store procedure by splitting it into smaller stored procedures.

ORA-04047 object specified is incompatible with the flag specified

    Cause: The object type implied by the flag does not match the type of object specified.

    Action: Specify the correct object, or use the appropriate flag.

ORA-04050 invalid or missing procedure, function, or package name

    Cause: The required procedure, function, or package name is invalid or missing.

    Action: Specify a valid name.

ORA-04051 user string cannot use database link string.string

    Cause: During forwarding of a remote object access, an attempt was made to use a non-existent database link or one owned by a user other than the logon user or PUBLIC.

    Action: Change your database link structure so that all indirect remote accesses are done from the same userid that originates the request.

ORA-04052 error occurred when looking up remote object stringstringstringstringstring

    Cause: An error has occurred when trying to look up a remote object.

    Action: Fix the error. Make sure the remote database system has run KGLR.SQL to create necessary views used for querying/looking up objects stored in the database.

ORA-04053 error occurred when validating remote object stringstringstringstringstring

    Cause: An error has occurred when trying to validate a remote object.

    Action: Fix the error. Make sure the remote database system has run KGLR.SQL to create necessary views used for querying/looking up objects stored in the database.

ORA-04054 database link string does not exist

    Cause: During compilation of a PL/SQL block, an attempt was made to use a non-existent database link.

    Action: Either use a different database link or create the database link.

ORA-04055 Aborted: "string" formed a non-REF mutually-dependent cycle with "string".

    Cause: This compilation was aborted because the library unit that was compiled would have formed a non-REF mutually-dependent cycle with some other library units. This happens when an attempt is made to compile types that have attributes of other types that may participate in a cycle with this type. Example:

    create type t1; create type t2 (a t1); create type t1 (a t2);

    Action: Break the cycle (possibly by adding a REF or by using another type).

ORA-04060 insufficient privileges to execute string

    Cause: Attempt to execute a stored procedure without sufficient privileges.

    Action: Get necessary privileges.

ORA-04061 existing state of string has been invalidated

    Cause: Attempt to resume the execution of a stored procedure using the existing state which has become invalid or inconsistent with the stored procedure because the procedure has been altered or dropped.

    Action: Try again; this error should have caused the existing state of all packages to be re-initialized.

ORA-04062 string of string has been changed

    Cause: Attempt to execute a stored procedure to serve an RPC stub which specifies a timestamp or signature that is different from the current timestamp/signature of the procedure.

    Action: Recompile the caller in order to pick up the new timestamp.

ORA-04063 string has errors

    Cause: Attempt to execute a stored procedure or use a view that has errors. For stored procedures, the problem could be syntax errors or references to other, non-existent procedures. For views, the problem could be a reference in the view's defining query to a non-existent table. Can also be a table which has references to non-existent or inaccessible types.

    Action: Fix the errors and/or create referenced objects as necessary.

ORA-04064 not executed, invalidated string

    Cause: Attempt to execute a stored procedure that has been invalidated.

    Action: Recompile the stored procedure.

ORA-04065 not executed, altered or dropped string

    Cause: Attempt to execute a stored procedure that has been altered or dropped thus making it not callable from the calling procedure.

    Action: Recompile its dependents.

ORA-04066 non-executable object, string

    Cause: Attempt to execute a non-procedure.

    Action: Make sure that a correct name is given.

ORA-04067 not executed, string does not exist

    Cause: Attempt to execute a non-existent stored procedure.

    Action: Make sure that a correct name is given.

ORA-04068 existing state of packagesstringstringstring has been discarded

    Cause: An error occurred when attempting to execute a stored procedure.

    Action: Refer to the accompanying messages and fix the error mentioned. Try the procedure again after proper reinitialization of any application's state.

ORA-04070 invalid trigger name

    Cause: An invalid trigger name was specified.

    Action: Verify that trigger name is not a reserved keyword.

ORA-04071 missing BEFORE, AFTER or INSTEAD OF keyword

    Cause: The trigger statement is missing the BEFORE/AFTER/INSTEAD OF clause.

    Action: Specify either BEFORE, AFTER or INSTEAD OF.

ORA-04072 invalid trigger type

    Cause: An invalid trigger type was given.

    Action: Specify either INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE.

ORA-04073 column list not valid for this trigger type

    Cause: A column list was specified for a non-update trigger type.

    Action: Remove the column list.

ORA-04074 invalid REFERENCING name

    Cause: An invalid name was given in the referencing clause.

    Action: Verify the referencing name is not a reserved word.

ORA-04075 invalid trigger action

    Cause: An statement was given for the trigger action.

    Action: Re-specify the trigger action.

ORA-04076 invalid NEW or OLD specification

    Cause: An invalid NEW or OLD specification was given for a column.

    Action: Re-specify the column using the correct NEW or OLD specification.

ORA-04077 WHEN clause cannot be used with table level triggers

    Cause: The when clause can only be specified for row level triggers.

    Action: Remove the when clause or specify for each row.

ORA-04078 OLD and NEW values cannot be identical

    Cause: The referencing clause specifies identical values for NEW and OLD.

    Action: Re-specify either the OLD or NEW referencing value.

ORA-04079 invalid trigger specification

    Cause: The create TRIGGER statement is invalid.

    Action: Check the statement for correct syntax.

ORA-04080 trigger 'string' does not exist

    Cause: The TRIGGER name is invalid.

    Action: Check the trigger name.

ORA-04081 trigger 'string' already exists

    Cause: The TRIGGER name or type already exists.

    Action: Use a different trigger name or drop the trigger which is of the same name.

ORA-04082 NEW or OLD references not allowed in table level triggers

    Cause: The trigger is accessing "new" or "old" values in a table trigger.

    Action: Remove any new or old references.

ORA-04083 invalid trigger variable 'string'

    Cause: The variable referenced in the trigger body is invalid.

    Action: See the Oracle9i SQL Reference for valid trigger variable types.

ORA-04084 cannot change NEW values for this trigger type

    Cause: New trigger variables can only be changed in before row insert or update triggers.

    Action: Change the trigger type or remove the variable reference.

ORA-04085 cannot change the value of an OLD reference variable

    Cause: Old values can only be read and not changed.

    Action: Do not attempt to change an old variable.

ORA-04086 trigger description too long, move comments into triggering code

    Cause: The trigger description is limited to 2000 characters (for dictionary storage reasons). The description does not include the text of the "when" clause or the text of the PL/SQL code executed for the trigger.

    Action: If the trigger description contains a large comment, move that comment into the PL/SQL code for the trigger.

ORA-04087 cannot change the value of ROWID reference variable

    Cause: ROWIDs can only be read and not changed.

    Action: Do not attempt to change an ROWID value.

ORA-04088 error during execution of trigger 'string.string'

    Cause: A runtime error occurred during execution of a trigger.

    Action: Check the triggers which were involved in the operation.

ORA-04089 cannot create triggers on objects owned by SYS

    Cause: An attempt was made to create a trigger on an object owned by SYS.

    Action: Do not create triggers on objects owned by SYS.

ORA-04090 'string' specifies same table, event and trigger time as 'string'

    Cause: Trigger is of duplicate event and trigger time.

    Action: Combine the triggering information into one trigger which is fired at the given time.

ORA-04091 table string.string is mutating, trigger/function may not see it

    Cause: A trigger (or a user defined PL/SQL function that is referenced in this statement) attempted to look at (or modify) a table that was in the middle of being modified by the statement which fired it.

    Action: Rewrite the trigger (or function) so it does not read that table.

ORA-04092 cannot string in a trigger

    Cause: A trigger attempted to commit or roll back.

    Action: Rewrite the trigger so it does not commit or roll back.

ORA-04093 references to columns of type LONG are not allowed in triggers

    Cause: A trigger attempted to reference a long column in the triggering table.

    Action: Do not reference the long column.

ORA-04094 table string.string is constraining, trigger may not modify it

    Cause: A trigger attempted to modify a table that was constraining for some referential constraint of a parent SQL statement.

    Action: Rewrite the trigger so that it does not modify that table.

ORA-04095 trigger 'string' already exists on another table, cannot replace it

    Cause: Cannot replace a trigger which already exists on a different table than the one being replaced.

    Action: Drop the trigger with the same name and re-create it.

ORA-04096 trigger 'string' has a WHEN clause which is too large, limit 2K

    Cause: A trigger's WHEN clause is limited to 2K for dictionary storage reasons. The trigger being created exceeded that size.

    Action: Use a smaller WHEN clause. Note, the trigger body could be used to perform the same limiting action as the WHEN clause.

ORA-04097 DDL conflict while trying to drop or alter a trigger

    Cause: An attempt was made to concurrently perform two DDL operations on a trigger or trigger table.

    Action: Investigate the new state of the trigger and retry the DDL operation, if still appropriate.

ORA-04098 trigger 'string.string' is invalid and failed re-validation

    Cause: A trigger was attempted to be retrieved for execution and was found to be invalid. This also means that compilation/authorization failed for the trigger.

    Action: Options are to resolve the compilation/authorization errors, disable the trigger, or drop the trigger.

ORA-04099 trigger 'string' is valid but not stored in compiled form

    Cause: A trigger was attempted to be retrieved for execution and was found to be valid, but not stored. This may mean the an upgrade was done improperly from a non-stored trigger release.

    Action: Alter compile the trigger to create the trigger in stored form. Also, you may want to review that a proper upgrade was done.

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