
Monday, May 25, 2015

Oracle Error Code ORA-04100 to ORA-07499

ORA-04100 to ORA-07499

ORA-04930 open sequence number failed or initial state is valid

    Cause: Either Shared Sequence Number operating system component was not installed properly, or an MC hardware failure may have occurred or a previous instance was not shut down properly.

    Action: Verify that there are no background or foreground Oracle processes from a previous instance on this node using the operating system command ps -ef | grep instance_name. Verify that there are no shared memory segments belonging to the user which owns the Oracle installation by issuing the ipcs -b operating system command. If there are shared memory segments or processes still on the system, use SVRMGRL to shut down the instance with the abort option. If the instance is not up, verify that the cluster software and/or the hardware is installed and working. Log in as superuser and issue the CNXSHOW command. Are all of the nodes in the cluster listed? Are they members of the cluster? Is the communications between nodes okay? If the answer to any of these questions is false, contact Digital's customer support organization.

ORA-04931 unable to set initial sequence number value

    Cause: A call to the SSN failed to set the sequence number to its initial value, possibly caused by an MC hardware problem.

    Action: Verify that the MC hardware is functioning properly. If it is not, contact Digital's customer support organization. If it is, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-04932 increment or adjust of sequence number failed

    Cause: A call to the SSN failed to increment the sequence number.

    Action: Verify that the MC hardware is functioning properly. If it is not, contact Digital's customer support organization. If it is, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-04933 initial service identifier is non-zero

    Cause: A valid service identifier existed before the sequence number service was opened.

    Action: Verify that the instance is completely shut down.

ORA-04934 unable to obtain the current sequence number

    Cause: A call to the SSN failed to return its current value. Either there are many errors occurring on the MC hardware, or the sequence number has become invalid and cannot be validated.

    Action: Verify that the MC hardware is functioning properly. If it is, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-04935 unable to get/convert SCN recovery lock

    Cause: A process has timed out trying to get or convert the SCN recovery lock. Another process probably has the lock in EX or SHR mode, but is not releasing it.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-04940 unsupported optimization of Oracle binary, check alert log for more info

    Cause: ORACLE binary has been optimized with unsupported options or a required option has not been used.

    Action: Check the documentation for a list of supported and required flags for the optimizing utility that you used to optimize ORACLE. Shutdown the instance, optimize ORACLE again with a supported combination of options, and restart the instance.

ORA-06000 NETASY: port open failure

    Cause: Autologin unable to open port.

    Action: Check log file for operating system-specific error code.

ORA-06001 NETASY: port set-up failure

    Cause: Autologin unable to change port attributes.

    Action: Check log file for operating system-specific error code.

ORA-06002 NETASY: port read failure

    Cause: Autologin unable to read from port.

    Action: Check log file for operating system-specific error code.

ORA-06003 NETASY: port write failure

    Cause: Autologin unable to write to port.

    Action: Check log file for operating system-specific error code.

ORA-06004 NETASY: dialogue file open failure

    Cause: Autologin unable to open dialogue file.

    Action: Check connect string for accuracy/typos.

ORA-06005 NETASY: dialogue file read failure

    Cause: Autologin unable to read dialogue file.

    Action: Check log file for operating system-specific error code.

ORA-06006 NETASY: dialogue execute failure

    Cause: Expected response never received.

    Action: Check log file for operating system-specific error code.

ORA-06007 NETASY: bad dialogue format

    Cause: Dialogue file contains syntax error.

    Action: Correct the dialogue file.

ORA-06009 NETASY: dialogue filename too long

    Cause: Full file specification for dialogue file exceeds 64 bytes.

    Action: Amend connect string accordingly.

ORA-06010 NETASY: dialogue file too long

    Cause: Dialogue file exceeds 768 bytes in length.

    Action: Simplify dialogue (for example, such as remove comments, redundant white space), or split into two and link with the MORE command.

ORA-06011 NETASY: dialogue too long

    Cause: One of the following:

        Dialogue contains more than 24 exchange blocks
        Dialogue send string exceeds 84 bytes in length

    Action: Simplify dialogue or split into two and link with the MORE command.

ORA-06017 NETASY: message receive failure

    Cause: Asynchronous driver gets I/O error while doing network read operation.

    Action: Check log file for operating system-specific error code and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06018 NETASY: message send failure

    Cause: Asynchronous driver gets I/O error while doing network write operation.

    Action: Check log file for operating system-specific error code and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06019 NETASY: invalid login (connect) string

    Cause: Syntax error in login string.

    Action: Resubmit with correct string.

ORA-06020 NETASY: initialisation failure

    Cause: Asynchronous driver unable to complete initialization.

    Action: Check log file for operating system-specific error code.

ORA-06021 NETASY: connect failed

    Cause: Asynchronous driver unable to establish connection with partner.

    Action: Check log file for operating system-specific error code.

ORA-06022 NETASY: channel open failure

    Cause: No free channel.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06023 NETASY: port open failure

    Cause: Asynchronous driver unable to open port.

    Action: Check log file for operating system-specific error code.

ORA-06024 NETASY: VTM error

    Cause: Virtual Terminal Manager unable to read/write to port.

    Action: Check log file for operating system-specific error code.

ORA-06025 NETASY: Configuration error

    Cause: Asynchronous driver generated for server-only, but client service requested.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06026 NETASY: port close failure

    Cause: Asynchronous driver unable to close port.

    Action: Check log file for operating system-specific error code.

ORA-06027 NETASY: channel close failure

    Cause: Asynchronous driver unable to close channel.

    Action: Check log file for operating system-specific error code.

ORA-06028 NETASY: unable to intialise for logging

    Cause: Asynchronous driver unable to initialize for logging I/O.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06029 NETASY: port assignment failure

    Cause: Asynchronous driver unable to assign port to channel.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06030 NETDNT: connect failed, unrecognized node name

    Cause: Node name specified in host string is unknown (probably misspelled).

    Action: Retry with correct node name.

ORA-06031 NETDNT: connect failed, unrecognized object name

    Cause: Host string contains reference to object (which does not exist):

    @d:node-obj => object is ORDNobj;

        When node is VMS, the object is ORDNobj.COM
        When node is UNIX, the object is ORDNobj @d:node::"task=obj" => object is obj;
        When node is VMS, the object is obj.COM
        When node is UNIX, the object is obj

    Action: Retry with correct object name or create the required object on host node.

ORA-06032 NETDNT: connect failed, access control data rejected

    Cause: Host string contains invalid username/password.

    Action: Retry with correct username/password.

ORA-06033 NETDNT: connect failed, partner rejected connection

    Cause: Connection with partner was made but was rejected.

    Action: Contact your network administrator.

ORA-06034 NETDNT: connect failed, partner exited unexpectedly

    Cause: Connection with host node was made but partner aborted.

    Action: Make sure object (see 06031, above) is working (for VMS run the command file and make sure that the Oracle server process starts up); sometimes happens when the network/node is under stress; in this case, a retry often works.

ORA-06035 NETDNT: connect failed, insufficient resources

    Cause: Insufficient system resources are available to complete the connection; for example, all DECnet channels are in use.

    Action: Contact your network administrator.

ORA-06037 NETDNT: connect failed, node unreachable

    Cause: Host node is down.

    Action: Contact your network administrator.

ORA-06039 NETDNT: connect failed

    Cause: Connect failed for unexpected reason (see OSD error).

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06040 NETDNT: invalid login (connect) string

    Cause: Syntax error in login string.

    Action: Resubmit with correct string.

ORA-06041 NETDNT: disconnect failed

    Cause: Driver gets error while doing network close operation.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06042 NETDNT: message receive failure

    Cause: Driver gets I/O error while doing network read operation.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06043 NETDNT: message send failure

    Cause: Driver gets I/O error while doing network write operation.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06044 NETDNT: connect failed, byte count quota exceeded

    Cause: Connect failed because of insufficient byte count quota.

    Action: Increase byte count quota.

ORA-06102 NETTCP: cannot allocate context area

    Cause: Insufficient dynamic memory available for connection context area.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06105 NETTCP: remote host is unknown

    Cause: Host name specified in the login (connect) string is unknown.

    Action: Check spelling; make sure name is in the TCP/IP HOST file.

ORA-06106 NETTCP: socket creation failure

    Cause: Process open file quota probably exceeded.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06107 NETTCP: ORACLE network server not found

    Cause: No entry in SERVICES file for Oracle server.

    Action: Add (ORASRV) entry to the TCP/IP SERVICES file.

ORA-06108 NETTCP: connect to host failed

    Cause: Connection attempt to remote host has failed. Probably means that the SQL*Net TCP/IP server on the remote host is not up, or the host itself is not up (check the latter by targeting it with Telnet).

    Action: Start the SQL*Net TCP/IP server process on the remote host.

ORA-06109 NETTCP: message receive failure

    Cause: I/O error occurred while attempting network read operation.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06110 NETTCP: message send failure

    Cause: I/O error occurred while attempting network write operation.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06111 NETTCP: disconnect failure

    Cause: Error occurred while closing a socket.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06112 NETTCP: invalid buffer size

    Cause: The buffer size specified in the login string exceeds the allowed maximum (of 4096).

    Action: Re-submit with valid buffer size.

ORA-06113 NETTCP: Too many connections

    Cause: The maximum no. of concurrently open connections has been reached.

    Action: Exit an application with an open connection which is no longer required.

ORA-06114 NETTCP: SID lookup failure

    Cause: From the remote host's SQL*Net TCP/IP server: the database SID, specified in the login (connect) string, was not recognized.

    Action: Add the appropriate SID entry to the CONFIG.ORA file on the remote host (and restart the SQL*Net TCP/IP server).

ORA-06115 NETTCP: unable to create ORACLE logicals

    Cause: The host's SQL*Net TCP/IP server was unable to create the necessary logical names required by the Oracle server process. See the SQL*Net TCP/IP server log file for more details.

    Action: Contact your system administrator.

ORA-06116 NETTCP: unable to create ORASRV process

    Cause: The host's SQL*Net TCP/IP server was unable to create the Oracle server process. See the SQL*Net TCP/IP server log file for more details.

    Action: Contact your system administrator.

ORA-06117 NETTCP: unable to create ORASRV: quota exceeded

    Cause: The host's SQL*Net TCP/IP server was unable to create the Oracle server process because of quota depletion.

    Action: Increase quota allocations to the SQL*Net TCP/IP server process.

ORA-06118 NETTCP: unable to complete handshake with ORASRV

    Cause: The Oracle server process was started but failed to complete its initialization.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06119 NETTCP: spurious client request

    Cause: The host's SQL*Net TCP/IP server was unable to recognize this connection request. See the SQL*Net TCP/IP server log file for more details.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06120 NETTCP: network driver not loaded

    Cause: The TCP/IP network driver is not loaded.

    Action: Check that the TCP/IP driver is loaded correctly.

ORA-06121 NETTCP: access failure

    Cause: The host's SQL*Net TCP/IP server was unable to test the accessibility of the SID mapping file (specified in CONFIG.ORA) associated with this connection request. See the SQL*Net TCP/IP server log file for more details.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06122 NETTCP: setup failure

    Cause: The host's SQL*Net TCP/IP server was unable to set up the appropriate environment to service this connection request. See the SQL*Net TCP/IP server log file for more details.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06123 NETTCP: cannot set KEEPALIVE

    Cause: The host's SQL*Net TCP/IP server was unable to set the socket KEEPLIVE option. See the SQL*Net TCP/IP server log file for more details.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06124 NETTCP: timeout waiting for ORASRV

    Cause: The Oracle server process was started but failed to respond after N seconds.

    Action: For heavily loaded systems this is not an uncommon occurrence. Increase the value of N (the default is 30) by placing the following entry in the CONFIG.ORA file: SQLNET ORASRV_WAIT = no_of_secs which will come into effect the next time the SQL*Net TCP/IP server is started.

ORA-06125 NETTCP: ORASRV exited unexpectedly

    Cause: The Oracle server process was started but exited unexpectedly. Possible causes:

        Insufficient quotas to run ORASRV
        Oracle is not installed See the ORASRV output file for more details; the file will be in the ORA_SQLNET directory and will have a name of the form: ORA_SRVTnn_sid.OUT

    Action: If appropriate action is not obvious from the ORASRV output file, then contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06126 NETTCP: ORASRV unable to open network connection

    Cause: The Oracle server process was started but was unable to open the socket passed to it by ORASRV.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06127 NETTCP: unable to change username

    Cause: The host's SQL*Net TCP/IP server could not establish a PROXY LOGIN connection because the client username is unknown (to the host operating system).

    Action: Create new user account on host.

ORA-06128 NETTCP: unable to create mailbox

    Cause: The host's SQL*Net TCP/IP server was unable to create a mailbox (needed for IPC communication with the Oracle server process). See the SQL*Net TCP/IP server log file for more details.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06129 NETTCP: unable to transfer socket ownership to ORASRV

    Cause: The host's SQL*Net TCP/IP server was unable to transfer the network communication handle to the Oracle server process. See the SQL*Net TCP/IP server log file for more details.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06130 NETTCP: host access denied

    Cause: The host's SQL*Net TCP/IP server rejected this connection request because the client node does not have access privilege - as determined by the contents of the Valid Node Table (VNT), a component of the host's CONFIG.ORA.

    Action: To grant access, add appropriate entry to the host's VNT.

ORA-06131 NETTCP: user access denied

    Cause: The host's SQL*Net TCP/IP server rejected this connection request because the client user(name) does not have access privilege, as determined by the contents of the Username Mapping Table (UMT), a component of the host's CONFIG.ORA.

    Action: To grant access, add appropriate entry to the host's UMT.

ORA-06132 NETTCP: access denied, wrong password

    Cause: The host SQL*Net TCP/IP server rejected this connection request because the client password did not match the host password.

    Action: To grant access, get passwords in sync.

ORA-06133 NETTCP: file not found

    Cause: The host's SQL*Net TCP/IP server could not find the SID mapping file (specified in CONFIG.ORA) associated with this connection request.

    Action: Check CONFIG.ORA for spelling; make correct entry.

ORA-06134 NETTCP: file access privilege violation

    Cause: The host's SQL*Net TCP/IP server did not have READ/ EXECUTE permission for the SID mapping file (specified in CONFIG.ORA) associated with this connection request.

    Action: Change protection on SID mapping file.

ORA-06135 NETTCP: connection rejected; server is stopping

    Cause: The host's SQL*Net TCP/IP server rejected this connection request because it is in the process of stopping.

    Action: Restart SQL*Net TCP/IP server.

ORA-06136 NETTCP: error during connection handshake

    Cause: Network I/O failure occurred while communicating with the host's SQL*Net TCP/IP server. See the SQL*Net TCP/IP server log file for more details.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06137 NETTCP: error during connection handshake

    Cause: Network I/O failure occurred while communicating with the host's SQL*Net TCP/IP server. See the SQL*Net TCP/IP server log file for more details.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06138 NETTCP: error during connection handshake

    Cause: Network I/O failure occurred while communicating with the host's SQL*Net TCP/IP server. See the SQL*Net TCP/IP server log file for more details.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06140 NETTCP: no such user

    Cause: A proxy login connect attempt failed because the client username has no counterpart on the host.

    Action: Try again with a user that has a counterpart on the host.

ORA-06141 NETTCP: no privilege for user

    Cause: A proxy login connect attempt failed because the SQL*Net TCP/IP server had insufficient privileges to access the proxy account.

    Action: Change account protection; change server privileges.

ORA-06142 NETTCP: error getting user information

    Cause: A proxy login connect attempt failed because the SQL*Net TCP/IP server was unable to access the proxy account. See the SQL*Net TCP/IP server log file for more details.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06143 NETTCP: maximum connections exceeded

    Cause: The connect failed because the maximum concurrent connections supported by the host's SQL*Net TCP/IP server has already been reached.

    Action: Wait for a short period and retry.

ORA-06144 NETTCP: SID (database) is unavailable

    Cause: The database administrator on the host has varied the SID offline.

    Action: Wait for it to be varied back online.

ORA-06145 NETTCP: unable to start ORASRV: images not installed

    Cause: The host's SQL*Net TCP/IP server was unable to start the Oracle server process because the Oracle protected images were not installed.

    Action: Install the images.

ORA-06200 TWOTASK: connect failed, can't create mailbox

ORA-06201 TWOTASK: connect failed, can't attach to mailbox

ORA-06202 TWOTASK: connect failed, can't spawn ORASRV process

ORA-06203 TWOTASK: connect failed, handshake failure

ORA-06204 TWOTASK: connect failed, can't access ORASRV2.COM

ORA-06205 TWOTASK: connect failed, can't create logical name

ORA-06206 TWOTASK: message receive failure

ORA-06207 TWOTASK: message send failure

ORA-06208 TWOTASK: invalid login (connect) string

ORA-06209 TWOTASK: connect failed, mailbox already exists

ORA-06210 TWOTASK: connect failed, ORASRV exited unexpectedly

ORA-06211 TWOTASK: connect failed, timeout waiting for ORASRV

ORA-06212 TWOTASK: connect failed, logical name table is full

ORA-06213 TWOTASK: connect failed

ORA-06214 TWOTASK: connect failed, insufficient quotas to create ORASRV

ORA-06215 TWOTASK: connect failed, ORASRV protected image not installed

ORA-06216 TWOTASK: connect failed, can't find ORASRV image file

ORA-06250 NETNTT: cannot allocate send and receive buffers

    Cause: Two-task driver could not allocate data buffers.

    Action: There is insufficient memory to run your program. Kill off other processes to free up memory.

ORA-06251 NETNTT: cannot translate address file name

    Cause: ORACLE_HOME environment variable not set.

    Action: Make sure that the ORACLE_HOME environment variable has been properly set and exported.

ORA-06252 NETNTT: cannot open address file

    Cause: The NTT two-task driver could not open a file containing address information.

    Action: Make sure that the ORACLE_HOME environment variable has been properly set and exported. Make sure the instance you are attempting to connect to is actually up and running.

ORA-06253 NETNTT: cannot read arguments from address file

    Cause: The NTT two-task driver could not read addressing information from its addressing file.

    Action: Make sure that the ORACLE_HOME environment variable has been properly set and exported. Make sure the instance you are attempting to connect to is actually up and running.

ORA-06254 NETNTT: cannot share connection to cube

    Cause: The NTT two-task driver could not share a connection to the cube.

    Action: Make sure that the ORACLE_HOME environment variable has been properly set and exported. Make sure the instance you are attempting to connect to is actually up and running.

ORA-06255 NETNTT: cannot read pid of remote process

    Cause: An error occurred while reading the NTT communications link.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06256 NETNTT: remote fork failed

    Cause: The Oracle listener process on the cube could not fork off a shadow process.

    Action: The instance you are trying to connect to probably does not have enough memory to run another shadow process. Ask someone else to log off, or connect to a different instance.

ORA-06257 NETNTT: cannot send command line to shadow process

    Cause: An error occurred while writing the NTT communications link.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06258 NETNTT: cannot allocate context area

    Cause: Two-task driver could not allocate data buffers.

    Action: There is insufficient memory to run your program. Kill off other processes to free up memory.

ORA-06259 NETNTT: cannot read from remote process

    Cause: An error occurred while reading the NTT communications link.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06260 NETNTT: cannot write to remote process

    Cause: An error occurred while writing the NTT communications link.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06261 NETNTT: nrange() failed

    Cause: The call to NRANGE() failed while attempting to establish a connection.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06262 NETNTT: nfconn() failed

    Cause: The call to NFCONN() failed while attempting to establish a connection.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06263 NETNTT: out of memory in pi_connect

    Cause: Two-task driver could not allocate data buffers.

    Action: There is insufficient memory to run your program. Kill off other processes to free up memory.

ORA-06264 NETNTT: data protocol error

    Cause: The NTT two-task driver received an unexpected message type.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06265 NETNTT: break protocol error

    Cause: The NTT two-task driver received an unexpected message type.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06266 NETNTT: bad write length

    Cause: The NTT two-task driver failed on an internal consistency check.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06267 NETNTT: bad state

    Cause: The NTT two-task driver failed on an internal consistency check.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06268 NETNTT: cannot read /etc/oratab

    Cause: The NTT two-task driver could not read configuration information from /etc/oratab.

    Action: Make sure /etc/oratab exists and is readable. This error may occur if the file is incorrectly formatted. It also may occur if the driver has run out of memory.

ORA-06300 IPA: Disconnect failure

    Cause: A fatal error occurred during the disconnect from the server. This was probably caused by inaccessible message queues.

    Action: If there is no message queue, restart the SQL*Net IPA servers using IPACTL. Otherwise contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06301 IPA: Cannot allocate driver context

    Cause: The memory pool is exhausted.

    Action: Check the circumstances and try to allocate less memory in your program or adjust the parameters in your initialization parameter file and retry.

ORA-06302 IPA: Cannot connect to remote host

    Cause: One of the following:

        There is no ADI server defined to reflect a connection to the specified host.
        The remote host is not known by the local system.
        The Oracle kernel on the remote host is not generated with the IPA driver

    Action: Check sequentially for the above causes and eliminate the actual cause found.

ORA-06303 IPA: Message send error

    Cause: The SQL*Net IPA driver could not write the message into the message queue.

    Action: Make sure that the message queue exists and is accessible. If necessary rerun IPACTL.

ORA-06304 IPA: Message receive error

    Cause: The SQL*Net IPA driver could not read a message from the message queue.

    Action: Make sure that the message queue exists and is accessible. If necessary rerun IPACTL.

ORA-06305 IPA: Illegal message type

    Cause: The communication between user and Oracle is out of synchronization. This message should not normally be issued.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06306 IPA: Message write length error

    Cause: The IPA driver tried to write a message in the queue that was too big for the queue.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06307 IPA: Cannot reset connection

    Cause: A fatal error occurred during the resetting of the connection.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06308 IPA: No more connections available

    Cause: You have exhausted all your connections.

    Action: Try again when some of the current users have logged off.

ORA-06309 IPA: No message queue available

    Cause: The SQL*Net IPA servers have not been started.

    Action: Run IPACTL.

ORA-06310 IPA: Environment variable(s) not set

    Cause: Environment variable(s) not set correctly.

    Action: Check and correct.

ORA-06311 IPA: Maximum number of servers reached

    Cause: Maximum number of servers reached.

    Action: Shut down and restart with an increased maximum number of servers. Note that database links consume one server per link. Be sure to start enough servers to support database links.

ORA-06312 IPA: Incorrect outgoing service name supplied

    Cause: Incorrect outgoing service name supplied.

    Action: Check and correct the service name.

ORA-06313 IPA: Shared memory failed to initialise

    Cause: The shared memory has not been set up correctly.

    Action: Contact your system administrator.

ORA-06314 IPA: Event set up failure

    Cause: Fatal interprocess communication error.

    Action: Contact your system administrator.

ORA-06315 IPA: Invalid connect string

    Cause: The connect string is malformed.

    Action: Check and correct.

ORA-06316 IPA: Invalid database SID

    Cause: The SID is unknown at the remote side.

    Action: Either the database does not exist, is not running, or there are no reserved servers for that SID.

ORA-06317 IPA: Local maximum number of users exceeded

    Cause: The maximum number of simultaneous users of SQL*Net IPA has been exceeded on the local side.

    Action: Wait for free connections to become available. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.

ORA-06318 IPA: Local maximum number of connections exceeded

    Cause: The maximum number of simultaneous connections that SQL*Net IPA can handle to different hosts has been exceeded on the local side.

    Action: Wait for free connections to become available. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.

ORA-06319 IPA: Remote maximum number of users exceeded

    Cause: The maximum number of simultaneous users of SQL*Net IPA has been exceeded on the remote side.

    Action: Wait for free connections to become available. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.

ORA-06320 IPA: Remote maximum number of connections exceeded

    Cause: The maximum number of simultaneous connections that SQL*Net IPA can handle from different hosts has been exceeded on the remote side.

    Action: Wait for free connections to become available. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.

ORA-06321 IPA: Cannot reach the remote side

    Cause: There has been a timeout on an attempt to connect to a remote server the reason for which is most likely to be the remote SQL*Net IPA software is not running. An alternative reason could be that the remote initiator service name is incorrect.

    Action: Check and start the remote SQL*Net software. Check that it is started with the correct service names supplied.

ORA-06322 IPA: Fatal shared memory error

    Cause: An internal error has occurred in the shared memory handling.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06323 IPA: Cause event error

    Cause: Fatal interprocess communication error.

    Action: Contact your system administrator.

ORA-06400 NETCMN: No default host string specified

    Cause: There was no default host string specified in the configuration and the user did not specify any explicit connect string.

    Action: Either reconfigure the system specifying a default connect string or use an explicit connect string.

ORA-06401 NETCMN: invalid driver designator

    Cause: The login (connect) string contains an invalid driver designator.

    Action: Correct the string and re-submit.

ORA-06402 NETCMN: error receiving break message

    Cause: Error occurred while attempting to read a break message.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06403 Unable to allocate memory.

    Cause: System unable to allocate needed virtual memory.

    Action: Configure more memory, reduce load, or try again.

ORA-06404 NETCMN: invalid login (connect) string

    Cause: Syntax error in login string.

    Action: Correct string and re-submit.

ORA-06405 NETCMN: reset protocol error

    Cause: Unable to reset out of break state.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06406 NETCMN: error sending break message

    Cause: Error occurred while attempting to send a break message.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06407 NETCMN: unable to set up break handling environment

    Cause: Error occurred while attempting to set up asynchronous handlers for in-coming, out-of-band break messages.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06408 NETCMN: incorrect message format

    Cause: Message from partner contains bad header.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06413 Connection not open.

    Cause: Unable to establish connection.

    Action: Use diagnostic procedures to ascertain exact problem.

ORA-06416 NETCMN: error on test

    Cause: Error occurred while testing I/O status of the network connection.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06419 NETCMN: server can not start oracle

    Cause: The remote server was unable to start an Oracle process on behalf of the client.

    Action: Make sure permissions on the remote Oracle program are correctly set. Contact your system administrator.

ORA-06420 NETCMN: SID lookup failure

    Cause: From the remote host's server: the database SID, specified in the login (connect) string, was not recognized.

    Action: Add the appropriate SID entry to the CONFIG.ORA or ORATAB file on the remote host (restarting the remote server may be needed).

ORA-06421 NETCMN: Error detected in the read-in data

    Cause: Error found during recomputation of checksum or CRC.

    Action: Possible hardware failures of communication nodes. Contact system administrator immediately.

ORA-06422 NETCMN: Error in sending data

    Cause: Unable to transmit data to remote host.

    Action: Try reconnect to remote host, and contact your system administrator.

ORA-06423 NETCMN: Error in receiving data

    Cause: Unable to receive data from remote host.

    Action: Try reconnect to remote host, and contact your system administrator.

ORA-06430 ssaio: Seals do not match

    Cause: A function was called with an invalid argument.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06431 ssaio: Invalid Block number

    Cause: The file block number is out of range of the file. The additional information returns the block number.

    Action: Verify that the block number is correct. Run DBFSIZE and check if the block number is in that range. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06432 ssaio: Buffer Not Aligned

    Cause: The I/O buffer was not aligned on a 2K boundary.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06433 ssaio: LSEEK error, unable to seek to requested block.

    Cause: The additional information returns the block number.

    Action: Look up the additional information returned in your operating system reference manual. Verify that the block number is correct.

ORA-06434 ssaio: read error, unable to read requested block from database file.

    Cause: The read system call returned an error.

    Action: The additional information indicates the block number. Look up the additional information returned in your operating system manual.

ORA-06435 ssaio: write error, unable to write requested block to database file.

    Cause: The write system call returned an error.

    Action: The additional information indicates the block number. Look up the additional information returned in your operating system manual.

ORA-06436 ssaio: asynchronous I/O failed due to incorrect parameters.

    Cause: The Asynchronous I/O system call returned an error.

    Action: The additional information indicates the block number. Look up the additional information returned in your operating system manual.

ORA-06437 ssaio: the asynchronous write was unable to write to the database file.

    Cause: The Asynchronous I/O system call returned an error.

    Action: The additional information indicates the block number. Look up the additional information returned in your operating system manual.

ORA-06438 ssaio: the asynchronous read was unable to read from the database file.

    Cause: The Asynchronous I/O system call returned an error.

    Action: The additional information indicates the block number. Look up the additional information returned in your operating system manual.

ORA-06439 ssaio: the asynchronous write returned incorrect number of bytes

    Cause: This write call may have been truncated. The additional information returns the block number and number of bytes.

    Action: Verify that the block number and the number of bytes written are correct.

ORA-06440 ssaio: the asynchronous read returned incorrect number of bytes

    Cause: This read call may have been truncated. The additional information returns the block number and number of bytes.

    Action: Verify that the block number and the number of bytes read are correct.

ORA-06441 ssvwatev: Incorrect parameter passed to function call

    Cause: Either the Oracle process ID, or wait time or event ID is invalid.

    Action: The additional information indicates the process ID, time and event ID.

ORA-06442 ssvwatev: Failed with unexpected error number.

    Cause: Some system problems may exist on your system; check the error logs.

    Action: The additional information indicates the error number. Look up the additional information returned in your operating system manual.

ORA-06443 ssvpstev: Incorrect parameter passed to function call

    Cause: An invalid event ID is passed in to this routine.

    Action: The additional information indicates the event ID.

ORA-06444 ssvpstev: Failed with unexpected error number.

    Cause: Some system problems may exist on your system; check the error logs.

    Action: The additional information indicates the error number. Look up the additional information returned in your operating system manual.

ORA-06445 ssvpstevrg: Incorrect parameters passed to function call

    Cause: An invalid event ID, or the low and high event ID do not exist.

    Action: The additional information indicates the error number. It also contains the event ID, low boundary and high boundary.

ORA-06446 ssvpstevrg: Failed with unexpected error number.

    Cause: Some system problems may exist on your system; check the error logs.

    Action: The additional information indicates the error number. Look up the additional information returned in your operating system manual.

ORA-06447 ssvpstp: Incorrect parameter passed to function call

    Cause: Invalid Oracle process ID is passed in to this routine.

    Action: The additional information indicates the process ID.

ORA-06448 ssvpstp: Failed with unexpected error number.

    Cause: Some system problems may exist on your system; check the error logs.

    Action: The additional information indicates the error number. Look up the additional information returned in your operating system manual.

ORA-06449 The list IO or the sysvendor is not installed.

    Cause: Oracle tries to use the SYSVENDOR interface (INIT.ORA parameter USE_SYSVENDOR=TRUE) but the UNIX kernel does not have the Oracle SYSVENDOR interface linked in.

    Action: Set USE_SYSVENDOR=FALSE in INIT.ORA, if you do not want to use this interface or link the UNIX kernel with this interface so that Oracle can use it.

ORA-06500 PL/SQL: storage error

    Cause: This is a rare internal error message. Memory has been exhausted or corrupted.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06501 PL/SQL: program error

    Cause: This is an internal error message. An error has been detected in a PL/SQL program.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06502 PL/SQL: numeric or value error string

    Cause: An arithmetic, numeric, string, conversion, or constraint error occurred. For example, this error occurs if an attempt is made to assign the value NULL to a variable declared NOT NULL, or if an attempt is made to assign an integer larger than 99 to a variable declared NUMBER(2).

    Action: Change the data, how it is manipulated, or how it is declared so that values do not violate constraints.

ORA-06503 PL/SQL: Function returned without value

    Cause: A call to PL/SQL function completed, but no RETURN statement was executed.

    Action: Rewrite PL/SQL function, making sure that it always returns a value of a proper type.

ORA-06504 PL/SQL: Return types of Result Set variables or query do not match

    Cause: Number and/or types of columns in a query does not match declared return type of a result set variable, or declared types of two Result Set variables do not match.

    Action: Change the program statement or declaration. Verify what query the variable actually refers to during execution.

ORA-06505 PL/SQL: variable requires more than 32767 bytes of contiguous memory

    Cause: A PL/SQL variable was declared with a constraint which required more than 32767 bytes of memory. PL/SQL does not currently support allocations of contiguous memory greater than 32767 bytes.

    Action: Consider reducing the constraint in the variable declaration. If that is not possible, try changing the database or national character set to such, that requires less memory for the same constraint. Note: changing the character set will impact execution of all PL/SQL code.

ORA-06508 PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called

    Cause: An attempt was made to call a stored program that could not be found. The program may have been dropped or incompatibly modified, or have compiled with errors.

    Action: Check that all referenced programs, including their package bodies, exist and are compatible.

ORA-06509 PL/SQL: ICD vector missing for this package

    Cause: This indicates a version clash between some package distributed with an Oracle product and the product executable.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06510 PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exception

    Cause: A user-defined exception was raised by PL/SQL code, but not handled.

    Action: Fix the problem causing the exception or write an exception handler for this condition. Or you may need to contact your application administrator or database administrator.

ORA-06511 PL/SQL: cursor already open

    Cause: An attempt was made to open a cursor that was already open.

    Action: Close cursor first before reopening.

ORA-06512 at string line string

    Cause: Backtrace message as the stack is unwound by unhandled exceptions.

    Action: Fix the problem causing the exception or write an exception handler for this condition. Or you may need to contact your application administrator or database administrator.

ORA-06513 PL/SQL: index for PL/SQL table out of range for host language array

    Cause: An attempt is being made to copy a PL/SQL table to a host language array. But an index in the table is either less than one or greater than the maximum size of the host language array. When copying PL/SQL tables to host language arrays, the table entry at index 1 is placed in the first element of the array, the entry at index 2 is placed in the second element of the array, etc. If an table entry has not been assigned then the corresponding element in the host language array is set to null.

    Action: Increase size of host language array, or decrease size of PL/SQL table. Also make sure that you do not use index values less than 1.

ORA-06514 PL/SQL: The remote call cannot be handled by the server

    Cause: The remote call has parameters that are cursor variables or lob variables. This cannot be handled by stored procedures on your server.

    Action: Avoid using cursor variables or lob variables as parameters for stored procedures on this server or upgrade your server to a release that supports this.

ORA-06515 PL/SQL: unhandled exception string

    Cause: An exception was raised by PL/SQL code, but not handled. The exception number is outside the legal range of Oracle errors.

    Action: Fix the problem causing the exception or write an exception handler for this condition. Or you may need to contact your application administrator or database administrator.

ORA-06516 PL/SQL: the Probe packages do not exist or are invalid

    Cause: A Probe operation, probably an attempt to initialize the Oracle server to debug PL/SQL, could not be completed because the Probe packages were not loaded or have become invalid.

    Action: DBA should load the Probe packages. This can be done by running the PBLOAD.SQL script supplied with the RDBMS.

ORA-06517 PL/SQL: Probe error - string

    Cause: An error occurred while passing a Probe operation to the server for execution.

    Action: Refer to the entry for the embedded error message.

ORA-06518 PL/SQL: Probe version string incompatible with version string

    Cause: The current version of Probe is incompatible with the version on the Oracle server.

    Action: Refer to the documentation to ensure that this degree of compatibility is supported.

ORA-06519 active autonomous transaction detected and rolled back

    Cause: Before returning from an autonomous PL/SQL block, all autonomous transactions started within the block must be completed (either committed or rolled back). If not, the active autonomous transaction is implicitly rolled back and this error is raised.

    Action: Ensure that before returning from an autonomous PL/SQL block, any active autonomous transactions are explicitly committed or rolled back.

ORA-06520 PL/SQL: Error loading external library

    Cause: An error was detected by PL/SQL trying to load the external library dynamically.

    Action: Check the stacked error (if any) for more details.

ORA-06521 PL/SQL: Error mapping function

    Cause: An error was detected by PL/SQL trying to map the mentioned function dynamically.

    Action: Check the stacked error (if any) for more details.

ORA-06522 string

    Cause: ORA-06520 or ORA-06521could stack this error with a system-specific error string.

    Action: This error string should give the cause for errors ORA-06520 or ORA-06521

ORA-06523 Maximum number of arguments exceeded

    Cause: There is an upper limit on the number of arguments that one can pass to the external function.

    Action: Check the port-specific documentation on how to calculate the upper limit.

ORA-06524 Unsupported option : string

    Cause: The option specified is an unsupported feature for external procedures.

    Action: Correct the syntax in the external specification.

ORA-06525 Length Mismatch for CHAR or RAW data

    Cause: The length specified in the length variable has an illegal value. This can happen if you have requested a PL/SQL INOUT, OUT or RETURN raw variable to be passed as a RAW with no corresponding length variable. This error can also happen if there is a mismatch in the length value set in the length variable and the length in the ORLVSTR or ORLRAW.

    Action: Correct the external procedure code and set the length variable correctly.

ORA-06526 Unable to load PL/SQL library

    Cause: PL/SQL was unable to instantiate the library referenced by this referenced in the EXTERNAL syntax. This is a serious error and should normally not happen.

    Action: Report this problem to Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06527 External procedure SQLLIB error: string

    Cause: An error occurred in SQLLIB during execution of a Pro* external procedure.

    Action: The message text indicates the actual SQLLIB error that occurred.

ORA-06528 Error executing PL/SQL profiler

    Cause: An error occurred during execution of a PL/SQL profiler procedure.

    Action: Check the stacked errors for more details.

ORA-06529 Version mismatch - PL/SQL profiler

    Cause: The PL/SQL profiler package (DBMSPB.SQL, PRVTPBP.PLB) does not match the version of the code in the server implementing the profiler.

    Action: Run the package PROFLOAD.SQL in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin to load the correct version of the PL/SQL profiler packages.

ORA-06530 Reference to uninitialized composite

    Cause: An object, LOB, or other composite was referenced as a left hand side without having been initialized.

    Action: Initialize the composite with an appropriate constructor or whole-object assignment.

ORA-06531 Reference to uninitialized collection

    Cause: An element or member function of a nested table or VARRAY was referenced (where an initialized collection is needed) without the collection having been initialized.

    Action: Initialize the collection with an appropriate constructor or whole-object assignment.

ORA-06532 Subscript outside of limit

    Cause: A subscript was greater than the limit of a VARRAY or non-positive for a VARRAY or nested table.

    Action: Check the program logic and increase the VARRAY limit if necessary.

ORA-06533 Subscript beyond count

    Cause: An in-limit subscript was greater than the count of a VARRAY or too large for a nested table.

    Action: Check the program logic and explicitly extend if necessary.

ORA-06534 cannot access Serially Reusable package string in the context of a trigger

    Cause: The program attempted to access a Serially Reusable package in the context of a trigger. Such an access is currently unsupported.

    Action: Check the program logic and remove any references to Serially Reusable packages (procedure, function or variable references) which might happen in the context of a trigger.

ORA-06535 statement string in string is NULL or 0 length

    Cause: The program attempted to use a dynamic statement string that was either NULL or 0 length.

    Action: Check the program logic and ensure that the dynamic statement string is properly initialized.

ORA-06536 IN bind variable bound to an OUT position

    Cause: The program attempted to bind an IN bind variable to a statement that was expecting an OUT bind variable at that position.

    Action: Make sure that an OUT or IN OUT bind mode is specified for the bind argument.

ORA-06537 OUT bind variable bound to an IN position

    Cause: The program attempted to bind an OUT bind variable to a statement that was expecting an IN bind variable at that position.

    Action: Make sure that an IN or IN OUT bind mode is specified for the bind argument.

ORA-06538 statement violates string RESTRICT_REFERENCES pragma

    Cause: The program attempted to execute a dynamic statement which does not meet the purity level specified (in the pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES directive) for the module executing the statement.

    Action: Ensure that the dynamic statement meets the purity level specified for the module executing the statement.

ORA-06539 target of OPEN must be a query

    Cause: The program attempted to perform an OPEN cursor operation on a dynamic statement that was not a query.

    Action: Ensure that the OPEN cursor operation is done on a dynamic query statement.

ORA-06540 PL/SQL: compilation error

    Cause: A PL/SQL compilation error occurred. However, the user generally will not see this error message. Instead, there will be accompanying PLS-nnnnn error messages.

    Action: See accompanying PLS-nnnnn error messages.

ORA-06541 PL/SQL: compilation error - compilation aborted

    Cause: A PL/SQL compilation error occurred and the compilation was aborted; but the compilation unit was written out to the backing store. However, unlike ORA-06545, the user generally will not see this error message. Instead, there will be accompanying PLS-nnnnn error messages.

    Action: See accompanying PLS-nnnnn error messages.

ORA-06544 PL/SQL: internal error, arguments: [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string]

    Cause: A PL/SQL internal error occurred.

    Action: Report as a bug; the first argument is the internal error number.

ORA-06545 PL/SQL: compilation error - compilation aborted

    Cause: A PL/SQL compilation error occurred and the compilation was aborted completely without the compilation unit being written out to the backing store. Unlike ORA-06541, the user will always see this error along with the accompanying PLS-nnnnn error messages.

    Action: See accompanying PLS-nnnnn error messages.

ORA-06546 DDL statement is executed in an illegal context

    Cause: DDL statement is executed dynamically in illegal PL/SQL context.

        Dynamic OPEN cursor for a DDL in PL/SQL
        Bind variables used in the USING clause to EXECUTE IMMEDIATE a DDL
        Define variables used in the INTO clause to EXECUTE IMMEDIATE a DDL

    Action: Use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE without USING and INTO clauses to execute the DDL statement.

ORA-06547 RETURNING clause must be used with INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements

    Cause: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE with a RETURNING clause is used to execute dynamic UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statements only.

    Action: Use the RETURNING clause in EXECUTE IMMEDIATE for INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements only. For other statements, use the USING clause instead.

ORA-06548 no more rows needed

    Cause: The caller of a pipelined function does not need more rows to be produced by the pipelined function.

    Action: Catch the NO_DATA_NEEDED exception is an exception handling block.

ORA-06549 PL/SQL: failed to dynamically open shared object (DLL): string

    Cause: One possible cause might be that there are too many DLLs open at the same time.

ORA-06550 line string, column string:string

    Cause: A PL/SQL compilation error has occurred. The numbers given for line and column are the location in the PL/SQL block where the error occurred.

    Action: Refer to the following PL/SQL messages for more information about the error.

ORA-06551 PL/SQL: Unhandled exception

ORA-06552 PL/SQL: string

ORA-06553 PLS-string: string

ORA-06554 package DBMS_STANDARD must be created before using PL/SQL

    Cause: The DBMS-specific extensions to PL/SQL's package STANDARD are in package DBMS_STANDARD. This package must be created before using PL/SQL.

    Action: Create package DBMS_STANDARD. The source for this PL/SQL stored package is provided with the distribution.

ORA-06555 this name is currently reserved for use by user SYS

    Cause: An attempt was made to create a package named STANDARD, DBMS_STANDARD or DEBUG_IO. These are currently reserved for use by user SYS.

    Action: Choose another name for your package.

ORA-06556 the pipe is empty, cannot fulfill the unpack_message request

    Cause: There are no more items in the pipe.

    Action: Check that the sender and receiver agree on the number and types of items placed on the pipe.

ORA-06557 null values are not allowed for any parameters to pipe icd's

    Cause: Internal error from the DBMS_PIPE package.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06558 buffer in dbms_pipe package is full. No more items allowed

    Cause: The pipe buffer size has been exceeded.

    Action: Inspect the program to analyze the rate of input and output to the pipe. You might need to take items out of the pipe by executing RECEIVE_MESSAGE, or empty the entire pipe by executing PURGE on the pipe.

ORA-06559 wrong datatype requested, string, actual datatype is string

    Cause: The sender put different datatype on the pipe than that being requested (package DBMS_PIPE). The numbers are:

        6 - number
        9 - char
        12 - date

    Action: Check that the sender and receiver agree on the number and types of items placed on the pipe.

ORA-06560 pos, string, is negative or larger than the buffer size, string

    Cause: Internal error from the DBMS_PIPE package.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06561 given statement is not supported by package DBMS_SQL

    Cause: An attempt was made to parse an unsupported statement using procedure PARSE provided by package DBMS_SQL.

    Action: Only statements which begin with SELECT, DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE, LOCK, BEGIN, DECLARE, or << (PL/SQL label delimiter) are supported.

ORA-06562 type of out argument must match type of column or bind variable

    Cause: An attempt was made to get the value of a column or a bind variable by calling procedure COLUMN_VALUE or VARIABLE_VALUE of package DBMS_SQL but the type of the given out argument where to place the value is different from the type of the column or bind variable that was previously defined by calling procedure DEFINE_COLUMN (for defining a column) or BIND_VARIABLE (for binding a bind variable) of package DBMS_SQL.

    Action: Pass in an out argument of the correct type when calling procedure COLUMN_VALUE or VARIABLE_VALUE. The right type is the type that was provided when defining the column or binding the bind variable.

ORA-06563 top level procedure/function specified, cannot have subparts

    Cause: The name to be resolved was specified with three parts (a.b.c) but the a.b part resolves to a top level procedure or function (which do not have nested procedures). This can also happen with a two-part name, a.b, where a is a synonym for a top level package or procedure.

    Action: Specify a procedure/function within a package, or a top level procedure/function.

ORA-06564 object string does not exist

    Cause: The named object could not be found. Either it does not exist or you do not have permission to access it.

    Action: Create the object or get permission to access it.

ORA-06565 cannot execute string from within stored procedure

    Cause: The named procedure cannot be executed from within a stored procedure, function or package. This function can only be used from PL/SQL anonymous blocks.

    Action: Remove the procedure from the calling stored procedure.

ORA-06566 invalid number of rows specified

    Cause: An invalid number of rows was specified in a call to the procedure DEFINE_COLUMN in the package DBMS_SQL. For a given parsed statement in a given cursor, all columns must be defined to have the same number of rows, so all the calls to DEFINE_COLUMN must specify the same number of rows.

    Action: Specify a number that matches that for previously defined columns.

ORA-06567 invalid number of values specified

    Cause: An invalid number of values to be bound was specified in a call to the procedure BIND_VARIABLE in the package DBMS_SQL. In order to execute a given parsed statement in a given cursor, the same number of values must have been bound for all bind variables, so when EXECUTE is called, the latest calls to BIND_VARIABLE must have specified the same number of values to be bound for all bind variables.

    Action: Make sure that the same number of values have been bound for all of the bind variables.

ORA-06568 obsolete ICD procedure called

    Cause: An obsolete ICD procedure was called by a PL/SQL program. The PL/SQL program was probably written for an earlier release of RDBMS.

    Action: Make sure that all PL/SQL programs have been upgraded to the latest release of the RDBMS. This can be accomplished by following upgrade instructions in the README file, or by running the CATPROC.SQL script supplied with the RDBMS.

ORA-06569 Collection bound by bind_array contains no elements

    Cause: A collection with zero elements was bound to a bind variable in a call to procedure BIND_ARRAY in the package DBMS_SQL. In order to execute a bind of a collection, the collection must contain at least one element. If no elements are present, at execute time, there will be no value for this bind and the statement is meaningless.

    Action: Fill the collection with the elements you want to bind and try the bind call again.

ORA-06570 shared pool object does not exist, cannot be pinned

    Cause: The specified shared pool shared cursor could not be found, therefore it cannot be pinned.

    Action: Make sure that a correct shared cursor name is given. Names are a string of the form 'HHHHHHHH,SDDDDDDDDDD' where the H's are an 8 digit hex number from the 'address' column of V$SQLAREA, and the D's are a 1 to 10 digit decimal number with an optional leading sign (from the HASH_VALUE column) Remove the procedure from the calling stored procedure.

ORA-06571 Function string does not guarantee not to update database

    Cause: One of the following:

        A SQL statement references a packaged, PL/SQL function that does not contain a pragma that prevents the database from being updated.
        A SQL statement references a standalone, PL/SQL function that contains an instruction to update the database.

    Action: If the referenced function is a packaged, PL/SQL function, re-create the PL/SQL function with the required pragma; be certain to include the 'Write No Database State' (WNDS) argument in the argument list of the pragma. If the referenced function is standalone, PL/SQL function, do not use the function.

ORA-06572 Function string has out arguments

    Cause: A SQL statement references either a packaged or standalone PL/SQL function that contains an OUT parameter in its argument list. PL/SQL functions referenced by SQL statements must not contain the OUT parameter.

    Action: Re-create the PL/SQL function without the OUT parameter in the argument list.

ORA-06573 Function string modifies package state, cannot be used here

    Cause: One of the following:

        A SQL statement references a packaged, PL/SQL function that does not contain a pragma containing the 'Write no Package State' (WNPS).
        A SQL statement references a standalone, PL/SQL function that modifies a package state. A standalone, PL/SQL function referenced by a SQL statement cannot modify a package state.

    Action: If the function is a packaged, PL/SQL function: Re-create the function and include a pragma containing the 'Write no Package State' (WNPS). If the function is standalone PL/SQL function, delete the function from the SQL statement.

ORA-06574 Function string references package state, cannot execute remotely

    Cause: One of the following:

        A remote, packaged function or a remote-mapped, local, packaged function that does not contain a pragma with the 'Write no Package State' (WNPS) and 'Read no Package State' (RNPS) arguments references a package state.
        A remote, standalone function or a remote-mapped, local, standalone function contains a reference to a package state (reads or writes a package variable). Only local functions that are referenced in a SELECT list, VALUES clause of an INSERT statement, or SET clause of an UPDATE statement can modify a package state.

    Action: If the function is a packaged function: Re-create the function and include a pragma containing the 'Write no Package State' (WNPS) and 'Read no Package State' (RNPS) arguments. If the function is a standalone function: Do not call the function.

ORA-06575 Package or function string is in an invalid state

    Cause: A SQL statement references a PL/SQL function that is in an invalid state. Oracle attempted to compile the function, but detected errors.

    Action: Check the SQL statement and the PL/SQL function for syntax errors or incorrectly assigned, or missing, privileges for a referenced object.

ORA-06576 not a valid function or procedure name

    Cause: Could not find a function (if an INTO clause was present) or a procedure (if the statement did not have an INTO clause) to call.

    Action: Change the statement to invoke a function or procedure.

ORA-06577 output parameter not a bind variable

    Cause: The argument corresponding to an IN/OUT or OUT parameter for a function or a procedure or a function return value in a CALL statement must be a bind variable.

    Action: Change the argument to a bind variable.

ORA-06578 output parameter cannot be a duplicate bind

    Cause: The bind variable corresponding to an IN/OUT or OUT parameter for a function or a procedure or a function return value in a CALL statement cannot be a duplicate bind variable.

    Action: Change the bind variable to be unique.

ORA-06580 Hash Join ran out of memory while keeping large rows in memory

    Cause: Hash Join reserves 3 slots (each slot size = DB_BLOCK_SIZE * HASH_MULTIBLOCK_IO_COUNT) for a row. If a row is larger than that, this error will be raised.

    Action: Increase HASH_MULTIBLOCK_IO_COUNT so that each joined row fits in a slot. HASH_AREA_SIZE may also need to be increased.

ORA-06592 CASE not found while executing CASE statement

    Cause: A CASE statement must either list all possible cases or have an else clause.

    Action: Add all missing cases or an ELSE clause.

ORA-06593 string is not supported with natively compiled PL/SQL modules

    Cause: The specified feature is not yet supported for natively compiled PL/SQL modules.

    Action: Recompile the relevant PL/SQL modules in non-native mode by setting the PLSQL_COMPILER_FLAGS parameter to INTERPRETED.

ORA-06600 LU6.2 Driver: SNA software is not loaded

    Cause: The SNA software is not running.

    Action: Start the SNA software and try again.

ORA-06601 LU6.2 Driver: Invalid database ID string

    Cause: The database string in the connect was invalid.

    Action: Provide a valid database string, as defined in documentation.

ORA-06602 LU6.2 Driver: Error allocating context area

    Cause: Context area failure.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06603 LU6.2 Driver: Error allocating memory

    Cause: Operating system refused request for memory.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06604 LU6.2 Driver: Unable to allocate session with remote LU

    Cause: Allocate system call failed.

    Action: Ensure that the SNA software is running and that sessions are free. If this is the case, then check your SNA configuration data for errors. You may have entered an incorrect parameter.

ORA-06605 LU6.2 Driver: Unexpected line turnaround

    Cause: SNA software switched from send to receive unexpectedly.

    Action: Check the SNA configuration data, particularly parameters associated with a session.

ORA-06606 LU6.2 Driver: Unexpected response from SNA

    Cause: A parameter in an SNA call returned an unexpected value.

    Action: Attempt to reproduce problem, debug and record the value of the 'what' data parameter at the time of error. Then contact your service representative.

ORA-06607 LU6.2 Driver: Reset occurred in send state

    Cause: A reset was issued while in send state.

    Action: Check the SNA LOG data, if relevant, for further information.

ORA-06608 LU6.2 Driver: Reset occurred in receive state

    Cause: A reset was received from the partner while in receive state. This may be because the partner deallocated.

    Action: Check the SNA LOG data, if relevant, for further information.

ORA-06610 LU6.2 Driver: Failed during deallocation

    Cause: LU6.2 driver was unable to deallocate gracefully.

    Action: Check the reason for deallocation. Consult the SNA LOG data.

ORA-06611 LU6.2 Driver: Request to send error

ORA-06612 LU6.2 Driver: Send data error

ORA-06613 LU6.2 Driver: Receive and wait error

ORA-06614 LU6.2 Driver: Receive Immediate error

ORA-06615 LU6.2 Driver: Send error

ORA-06616 LU6.2 Driver: Attach to LU failed

    Cause: The SQL*Net LU6.2 driver was unable to attach to the LU specified in the connect string, or was unable to attach to the default LU.

    Action: Check that the LU name specified in the connect string, or the default LU name if no LU was specified, is correctly configured and operational.

ORA-06617 LU6.2 Driver: Attach to PU failed

ORA-06618 LU6.2 Driver: Activation of subnetwork failed

ORA-06619 LU6.2 Driver: Unable to activate remote partner

ORA-06620 LU6.2 Driver: Invalid remote partner

ORA-06621 LU6.2 Driver: Allocation error

ORA-06622 LU6.2 Driver: Unable to attach to SNA

    Cause: The SQL*Net LU6.2 driver could not attach to the SNA software on your machine. The most likely cause is that the SNA software is not operational.

    Action: Check the status of the SNA software, ensure that it is operational and then try again.

ORA-06700 TLI Driver: incorrect message type from host

    Cause: TLI received a message with an unrecognizable message type.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06701 TLI Driver: incorrect number of bytes written

    Cause: TLI sent a message that was apparently successful, but the number of bytes transmitted did not match the number of bytes supplied to the driver.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06702 TLI Driver: cannot allocate context area

    Cause: TLI could not allocate heap space for the context area.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06703 TLI Driver: send break message failed

    Cause: TLI failed to send a break message across the connection.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06704 TLI Driver: receive break message failed

    Cause: TLI failed to receive an expected break message.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06705 TLI Driver: remote node is unknown

    Cause: TLI could not find your remote host information.

    Action: Make sure you specified the host name correctly on the command line. (Also, check your capitalization and spelling.)

ORA-06706 TLI Driver: service not found

    Cause: TLI could not find service information for the specified service name.

    Action: If you specified the service name on the command line or with the environment variable TLI_SERVER, make sure you specified it correctly. If the service name is not in the SERVICES file for your protocol, ask your system administrator to add it.

ORA-06707 TLI Driver: connection failed

    Cause: TLI failed to establish the connection to a SQL*Net TCP/IP server due to an error encountered by the remote server, which has supplied a string describing the remote error.

    Action: See the SQL*Net TCP/IP User's Guide or the Oracle9i Net Services Administrator's Guide for the specific cause and action.

ORA-06708 TLI Driver: message receive failure

    Cause: TLI encountered an error receiving a message from the communication channel.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06709 TLI Driver: message send failure

    Cause: TLI encountered an error sending a message across the communication channel.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06710 TLI Driver: send interrupt break message failed

    Cause: TLI failed to send a break message while handling an interrupt signal from the user.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06711 TLI Driver: error on bind

    Cause: TLI failed to assign a network address to the communication channel.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06712 TLI Driver: error on accept

    Cause: TLI failed to accept a connection request from the client.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06713 TLI Driver: error on connect

    Cause: TLI failed to connect the client to the remote server. The network line to the remote host may be down.

    Action: Use other network login programs to make sure that the remote host is accessible.

ORA-06720 TLI Driver: SID lookup failure

    Cause: The database SID supplied in the database login string was not recognized by the remote host.

    Action: Ask your system administrator to add the appropriate SID entry to ORATAB on the remote host.

ORA-06721 TLI Driver: spurious client req

    Cause: The remote TLI server received an undefined request.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06722 TLI Driver: connection setup failure

    Cause: The remote TLI server rejected the connection request, and the client was unable to retrieve an error code or message.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06730 TLI Driver: unable to open clone device

    Cause: TLI failed to open the Streams clone device associated with the transport provider.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06731 TLI Driver: cannot alloc t_call

    Cause: TLI cannot allocate space for the client's connection information.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06732 TLI Driver: cannot alloc t_discon

    Cause: TLI cannot allocate space for the client's disconnection information.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06733 TLI Driver: failed to receive disconnect

    Cause: TLI failed to receive an expected disconnection message during connection release.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06734 TLI Driver: cannot connect

    Cause: TLI failed to connect the client to the remote server.

    Action: Check that the remote TLI server is running.

ORA-06735 TLI Driver: client failed to close error conn

    Cause: TLI failed to properly close a connection after an error was received.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06736 TLI Driver: server not running

    Cause: TLI timed out while attempting to connect to the remote TLI server.

    Action: Check that the remote TLI server is running with the status utility for the transport provider you are using. If it is not, ask your system administrator to start it.

ORA-06737 TLI Driver: connection failed

    Cause: TLI could not establish a connection to the remote TLI server.

    Action: Check that the remote TLI server is running with the status utility for the transport provider you are using.

ORA-06741 TLI Driver: unable to open protocol device

    Cause: The TLI server failed to open the Streams device associated with the transport provider.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06742 TLI Driver: cannot alloc t_bind

    Cause: The TLI server cannot allocate space for its requested network address.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06743 TLI Driver: cannot alloc t_bind

    Cause: The TLI server cannot allocate space for its actual network address.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06744 TLI Driver: listener cannot bind

    Cause: The TLI server failed to assign the correct network address on which to listen for connections.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06745 TLI Driver: listener already running

    Cause: The network address on which the TLI server awaits connection requests is in use, possibly because the server is already running.

    Action: Ensure that the TLI server is not already running. If it is not running and this error message recurs, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06746 TLI Driver: cannot alloc t_call

    Cause: TLI cannot allocate space for the TLI server's connection information.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06747 TLI Driver: error in listen

    Cause: The TLI server encountered an error while listening for connection requests.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06748 TLI Driver: cannot allocate t_discon

    Cause: TLI cannot allocate space for the TLI server's disconnection information.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06749 TLI Driver: option not allowed across network

    Cause: The requested TLI server command must be issued from the same host on which the server is running.

    Action: Log in to the remote host and try again.

ORA-06750 TLI Driver: sync failed

    Cause: The Oracle process started by the TLI server was unable to synchronize its inherited connection.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06751 TLI Driver: bound addresses unequal

    Cause: The OSN check server address failed. The bound server address was not the same as the requested binding address.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06752 TLI: error in signal setup

    Cause: A call to SIGACTION() returned with a system error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06753 TLI Driver: name-to-address mapping failed

    Cause: For SVR4, the NETDIR_GETBYNAME() call failed for some unknown reason.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06754 TLI Driver: unable to get local host address

    Cause: The name of the remote host to connect to was not specified, and the name of the local host cannot be retrieved from the HOSTS file.

    Action: Contact your system administrator.

ORA-06755 TLI Driver: cannot close transport endpoint

    Cause: The TLI server was unable to close a connection after passing it to an Oracle process.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06756 TLI Driver: cannot open oratab

    Cause: The TLI server could not open the file used to define the locations of remotely accessible databases.

    Action: Ask your system administrator to check that the file exists and has the correct permissions.

ORA-06757 TLI Driver: server got bad command

    Cause: The TLI server received an invalid command.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06760 TLI Driver: timeout reading orderly release

    Cause: TLI was not able to retrieve an expected disconnect message while closing the communication channel.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06761 TLI Driver: error sending orderly release

    Cause: TLI encountered an error sending a disconnect message closing the communication channel.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06762 TLI Driver: error reading orderly release

    Cause: TLI encountered an error receiving an expected disconnect message while closing the communication channel.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06763 TLI Driver: error sending disconnect

    Cause: TLI encountered an error sending a disconnect message closing the communication channel.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06764 TLI Driver: error reading disconnect

    Cause: TLI was not able to retrieve an expected disconnect message while closing the communication channel.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06765 TLI Driver: error awaiting orderly release

    Cause: TLI encountered an error awaiting a disconnect message while closing the communication channel.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06766 TLI Driver: close failed during release

    Cause: TLI failed to close the communication channel after receiving a disconnect message.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06767 TLI Driver: alloc failed during release

    Cause: TLI cannot allocate space for disconnection information while closing the communication channel.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06770 TLI Driver: error sending version

    Cause: TLI encountered an error while sending its version information during connection establishment.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06771 TLI Driver: error reading version

    Cause: TLI encountered an error while awaiting the expected version information during connection establishment.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06772 TLI Driver: error sending command

    Cause: TLI encountered an error while sending a command message during connection establishment.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06773 TLI Driver: error reading command

    Cause: TLI encountered an error while awaiting the expected command message during connection establishment.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06774 TLI Driver: error sending break mode

    Cause: TLI encountered an error while sending break-mode message during connection establishment.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06775 TLI Driver: error reading break mode

    Cause: TLI encountered an error while awaiting the expected break-mode message during connection establishment.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06776 TLI Driver: error sending parms

    Cause: TLI encountered an error while sending the connection parameters during connection establishment.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06777 TLI Driver: error reading parms

    Cause: TLI encountered an error while awaiting the expected connection parameter message during connection establishment.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06778 TLI Driver: error sending ccode

    Cause: TLI encountered an error while sending the completion status message during connection establishment.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06779 TLI Driver: error reading ccode

    Cause: TLI encountered an error while awaiting the expected completion status message during connection establishment.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06780 TLI Driver: recv error code failed

    Cause: TLI encountered an error while awaiting an expected error message during connection establishment.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06781 TLI Driver: error reading negotation string

    Cause: TLI encountered an error while awaiting the expected negotiation message during connection establishment.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06790 TLI Driver: poll failed

    Cause: TLI was unable to poll the communication channel for possible incoming messages.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06791 TLI Driver: poll returned error event

    Cause: TLI received an unexpected event while polling the communication channel for possible incoming messages.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06792 TLI Driver: server cannot exec oracle

    Cause: The remote TLI server was unable to start an Oracle process on behalf of the client.

    Action: Note the operating system error message or number and contact your system administrator. The permissions on the remote Oracle program may be set incorrectly.

ORA-06793 TLI Driver: server cannot create new process

    Cause: The remote TLI server was unable to start an Oracle process on behalf of the client.

    Action: Note the operating system error message or number and contact your system administrator. The remote host may be unable to create any new processes due to a full process table.

ORA-06794 TLI Driver: shadow process could not retrieve protocol info

    Cause: The Oracle process either failed to allocate memory to store the protocol information record, or the protocol rejected the request for some unknown reason.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06800 TLI Driver: SQL*Net SPX client went away during reconnect

    Cause: The client process was aborted by the system or the user, and was unable to complete the connection establishment with the server listener process.

    Action: Determine the cause of the client exit, and reattempt the connection.

ORA-06801 TLI Driver: listen for SPX server reconnect failed

    Cause: An unknown event occurred on the client's listening socket.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06802 TLI Driver: could not open the /etc/netware/yellowpages file

    Cause: The /etc/netware/yellowpages file does not exist, or is not readable by the TLI listener process.

    Action: Insure the file exists and is readable. Make sure that the server machine's node name, network number, ethernet address, and listening socket number are encoded in the file.

ORA-06803 TLI Driver: the IPX device file could not be opened

    Cause: The /dev/ipx file does not exist, or the driver has not been installed in the kernel correctly.

    Action: Reinvoke the Oracle root installation. If problem continues, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06804 TLI Driver: could not bind an IPX address at initialization

    Cause: The IPX driver has not been correctly installed.

    Action: Reinvoke the Oracle root installation. If problem continues, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06805 TLI Driver: could not send datagram SAP packet for SPX

    Cause: The socket endpoint for sending SAP packet was corrupted for some unknown reason.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06806 TLI Driver: could not complete protocol initialization for SPX

    Cause: A step in the SPX/IPX protocol initialization failed.

    Action: Check the previous error reported, and follow corrective action.

ORA-06807 TLI Driver: could not open ethernet device driver file

    Cause: The file /dev/eth does not exist, or the driver it references could not be opened.

    Action: The system's real ethernet device file, for example /dev/wd, for the Western Digital ethernet driver, should be linked to the file /dev/eth. If this has been done, insure that the ethernet driver has been installed by completing the TCP/IP installation on your system, and testing a connection. If problem continues, contact Oracle Support Services for a list of supported ethernet drivers.

ORA-06808 TLI Driver: could not link IPX and ethernet streams

    Cause: Either the ethernet driver has not been installed in the system correctly, or the ethernet driver is not supported.

    Action: Insure that the ethernet driver has been installed by completing the TCP/IP installation on your system, and testing a connection. If problem continues, contact Oracle Support Services for a list of supported ethernet drivers.

ORA-06809 TLI Driver: could not clear the IPX ethernet SAP at init

    Cause: The IPX driver has not been correctly installed.

    Action: Reinvoke the Oracle root installation. If problem continues, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06810 TLI Driver: could not set the IPX ethernet SAP at init

    Cause: The IPX driver has not been correctly installed.

    Action: Reinvoke the Oracle root installation. If problem continues, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06811 TLI Driver: could not set the IPX network number at init

    Cause: The IPX driver has not been correctly installed, or the network number encoded in the /etc/netware/yellowpages file is invalid.

    Action: The network number in the yellowpages file should match the four-byte network number of your Novell file server. If this is configured correctly, reinvoke the Oracle root installation. If problem continues, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06812 TLI Driver: could not read the ethernet driver's node address

    Cause: The ethernet driver is not installed correctly, or does not support this operation.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services for a list of supported ethernet drivers.

ORA-06813 TLI Driver: the configured ethernet address is incorrect

    Cause: The node address read from the ethernet driver does not match the value encoded in the /etc/netware/yellowpages file for this server.

    Action: Confirm the correct ethernet node address for your LAN card, and enter this value in the yellowpages file.

ORA-06814 TLI Driver: the SPX device file could not be opened

    Cause: The /dev/nspxd file does not exist, or the driver has not been installed in the kernel correctly.

    Action: Reinvoke the Oracle root installation. If problem continues, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06815 TLI Driver: could not link SPX and IPX streams

    Cause: The SPX driver has not been correctly installed.

    Action: Reinvoke the Oracle root installation. If problem continues, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06816 TLI Driver: could not set the SPX SAP address

    Cause: The SPX driver has not been correctly installed.

    Action: Reinvoke the Oracle root installation. If problem continues, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06817 TLI Driver: could not read the Novell network address

    Cause: The file $ORACLE_HOME/spx/address could not be opened for reading and writing.

    Action: Make sure ORACLE_HOME is set, and the permissions on the ORACLE_HOME are read, write. If this file has been unintentionally deleted, run SPXCTL (net option) to reset the configured Novell network number for SQL*Net SPX.

ORA-06900 CMX: cannot read tns directory

    Cause: CMX is not started on your system.

    Action: Install and/or start CMX on your system.

ORA-06901 CMX: no local name assigned to local application

    Cause: Local application ORACMX has no local name assigned.

    Action: Enter unique local name for ORACMX in the TNS directory.

ORA-06902 CMX: cannot attach to cmx subsystem

    Cause: CCP-xxxx is not started.

    Action: Start your CCP software on the communication controller.

ORA-06903 CMX: cannot read transport address of remote application

    Cause: Remote application not entered in TNS directory.

    Action: Enter remote application in TNS directory.

ORA-06904 CMX: no transport address available for remote application

    Cause: No local name assigned to remote application.

    Action: Assign local name to remote application.

ORA-06905 CMX: connect error

    Cause: Remote partner not listening.

    Action: Make sure remote node has CMX installed and running make sure ORACMX is running on remote host.

ORA-06906 CMX: cannot get maximum packet size from CMX

    Cause: Internal error in CMX.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06907 CMX: error during connect confirmation

    Cause: Remote partner aborted.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06908 CMX: error during transfer of ORACLE_SID

    Cause: Remote partner aborted.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06909 CMX: error during acknowledge of ORACLE_SID

    Cause: Remote partner aborted.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06910 CMX: Cannot start oracle process on remote machine

    Cause: Oracle process not found or wrong mode (should be 4751).

    Action: Change /etc/oratab or set mode to 4751.

ORA-06911 CMX: t_event returns ERROR

    Cause: Internal error in CMX.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06912 CMX: write error in datarq

    Cause: Internal error in CMX.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06913 CMX: error during redirection of connection

    Cause: ORACMX has been stopped, or user process has been aborted.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06914 CMX: unexepected event during start of oracle

    Cause: Connect sequence out of sync.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06915 CMX: unknown t_event in datarq

    Cause: Internal error in CMX.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06916 CMX: error in data read (t_datain)

    Cause: Remote partner aborted.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06917 CMX: error in data read (too many bytes read)

    Cause: Internal error in CMX.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06918 CMX: T_NOEVENT during wait for read event

    Cause: Internal error in CMX.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06919 CMX: error during write request (unknown event)

    Cause: Internal error in CMX.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06920 CMX: getbrkmsg illegal datatype

    Cause: Received packets are corrupted.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06921 CMX: getdatmsg illegal datatype

    Cause: Received packets are corrupted.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06922 CMX: bad write length

    Cause: Internal error in CMX.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06923 CMX: illegal break condition

    Cause: Break handling out of sync.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06924 CMX: wrong break message length

    Cause: Received packets are corrupted.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06925 CMX: disconnect during connect request

    Cause: Partner is not responding.

    Action: Make sure partner is up and running and reachable.

ORA-06926 CMX: T_ERROR during read data

    Cause: Internal error in CMX.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06927 CMX: T_DATAIN received before all data written

    Cause: Internal error in CMX.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06928 CMX: wrong ORACLE_SID

    Cause: ORACLE_SID is not entered in remote ORATAB.

    Action: Add ORACLE_SID to remote ORATAB.

ORA-06929 CMX: error when sending ORACLE_SID

    Cause: Internal error in CMX.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06930 CMX: error when checking ORACLE_SID

    Cause: Internal error in CMX.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06931 CMX: error during read_properties for server

    Cause: Internal error in CMX.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06932 CMX: error in local name

    Cause: Internal error in CMX.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06933 CMX: error during attach

    Cause: Internal error in CMX.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06950 No error

    Cause: SQL*Net AppleTalk error codes base. This is not an error.

    Action: No action required.

ORA-06951 Operating system call error

    Cause: AppleTalk API received error in VMS system service.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06952 Remote end of the communication issued a forward-reset packet.

    Cause: Peer program may have aborted.

    Action: Investigate network problems and try again.

ORA-06953 Not enough virtual memory

    Cause: Not enough memory available.

    Action: Check VMS process quotas and/or SYSGEN parameters.

ORA-06954 Illegal file name

    Cause: Erroneous file name.

    Action: Check path name for server output file, or SQL*Net Appletalk Logical names and symbols.

ORA-06955 Number of database servers exceed limit

    Cause: Too many database connections.

    Action: Check ATKSRV_MAXCON parameter in configuration file.

ORA-06956 Failed to get local host name

    Cause: Unable to get Appletalk host name.

    Action: Check Appletalk configuration.

ORA-06957 No SID is currently available

    Cause: Incoming SQL*Net connection specified invalid SID name.

    Action: Specify correct SID in connect string and retry.

ORA-06958 Failed to access configuration file

    Cause: Unable to access CONFIG.ATK.

    Action: Check file protections.

ORA-06959 Buffer I/O quota is too small

    Cause: Buffered I/O quota exceeded.

    Action: Increase BIOLM using AUTHORIZE utility and retry.

ORA-06960 Failed to access log file

    Cause: SQL*Net Appletalk listener could not create log file.

    Action: Check directory path and protections.

ORA-06961 Insufficient privilege for attempted operation

    Cause: You do not have sufficient privileges for the attempted operation.

    Action: Check process privileges and retry.

ORA-06970 X.25 Driver: remote host is unknown

    Cause: Host name specified in the login (connect string) is unknown.

    Action: Check spelling; make sure name is in the X.25 HOST file.

ORA-06971 X.25 Driver: error while receiving data

ORA-06972 X.25 Driver: error while sending data

ORA-06973 X.25 Driver: invalid buffer size

    Cause: The buffer size specified in the login string must be between 5 and 4096.

    Action: Re-submit with valid buffer size.

ORA-06974 X.25 Driver: SID lookup failure

    Cause: From the remote host's SQL*Net X.25 server: the database SID, specified in the login (connect) string, was not recognized.

    Action: Add the appropriate SID entry to the CONFIG.ORA file on the remote host (and restart the SQL*Net X.25 server).

ORA-06975 X.25 Driver: connect to host failed

    Cause: Connection attempt to remote host has failed. Probably means that the SQL*Net X.25 server on the remote host is not up, or the host itself is not up.

    Action: Start the SQL*Net X.25 server process on the remote host.

ORA-06976 X.25 Driver: endpoint creation failure

    Cause: Process open file quota probably exceeded.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-06977 X.25 Driver: X.25 Level 2 failure

    Cause: X.25 level 2 is down. X.25 link is not working.

    Action: Run system checks to verify functioning of X.25 software. Contact your hardware vendor.

ORA-06978 X.25 Driver: Too many callback tries

    Cause: Call back address probably same as called address.

    Action: Verify that the callback address and called address are different.

ORA-06979 X.25 Driver: server cannot start oracle

    Cause: The remote X.25 server was unable to start an Oracle process on behalf of the client.

    Action: Make sure permissions on the remote Oracle program are correctly set. Contact your system administrator.

ORA-07200 slsid: oracle_sid not set.

    Cause: The environment variable $(ORACLE_SID) is not set.

    Action: Set ORACLE_SID environment variable.

ORA-07201 slhom: oracle_home variable not set in environment.

    Cause: $(ORACLE_HOME) environment variable not set.

    Action: Set ORACLE_HOME.

ORA-07202 sltln: invalid parameter to sltln.

    Cause: The SLTLN name translation routine was called with invalid arguments. The input, or output stings were either NULL or 0 length.

    Action: Probable internal Oracle error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07203 sltln: attempt to translate a long environment variable.

    Cause: A string was passed to SLTLN containing a long environment variable. SLTLN accepts environment names of 30 or less characters.

    Action: Shorten environment variable name to less than 30 characters.

ORA-07204 sltln: name translation failed due to lack of output buffer space.

    Cause: The SLTLN routine is given a maximum length buffer to expand the name into. An overflow of this buffer occurred.

    Action: Possible internal error. Check output buffer length stored in sercose[0]. Path names are limited to 255 characters.

ORA-07205 slgtd: time error, unable to obtain time.

    Cause: Time() system call returned an error. Possible operating system error.

    Action: Check additional information returned. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07206 slgtd: gettimeofday error, unable to obtain time.

    Cause: GETTIMEOFDAY() system call returned an error. Possible operating system error.

    Action: Check additional information returned. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07207 sigpidu: process ID string overflows internal buffer.

    Cause: The SIGPIDU routine is given a maximum length buffer to hold process ID string. An overflow of this buffer occurred. This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07208 sfwfb: failed to flush dirty buffers to disk.

    Cause: The FSYNC system call returned an error. Possible operating system error.

    Action: Check additional information returned. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07209 sfofi: file size limit was exceeded.

    Cause: The size of the file to be opened exceeded the operating system limit imposed on this process.

    Action: Run OSH to increase the file size limit.

ORA-07210 slcpu: getrusage error, unable to get cpu time.

    Cause: GETRUSAGE system call returned an error. Possible operating system error.

    Action: Check additional information returned. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07211 slgcs: gettimeofday error, unable to get wall clock.

    Cause: GETTIMEOFDAY system call returned an error. Possible operating system error.

    Action: Check additional information returned in the operating system reference manual. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07212 slcpu: times error, unable to get cpu time.

    Cause: The times system call returned an error. Possible operating system error.

    Action: Check additional information returned. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07213 slgcs: times error, unable to get wall clock.

    Cause: Times system call returned an error. Possible operating system error.

    Action: Check additional information returned in the operating system reference manual. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07214 slgunm: uname error, unable to get system information.

    Cause: UNAME system call returned an error. Possible operating system error.

    Action: Check additional information returned in the operating system reference manual. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07215 slsget: getrusage error.

    Cause: GETRUSAGE system call returned an error. Possible operating system error.

    Action: Check additional information returned. Look for information in the operating system reference manual. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07216 slghst: gethostname error, unable to get name of current host.

    Cause: GETHOSTNAME system call returned an error. Possible operating system error.

    Action: Check additional information returned in the operating system reference manual. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07217 sltln: environment variable cannot be evaluated.

    Cause: GETENV call returned a null pointer.

    Action: Set the environment variable and try again.

ORA-07218 slkhst: could not perform host operation

    Cause: UNIX system() call failed.

    Action: Examine system error message.

ORA-07219 slspool: unable to allocate spooler argument buffer.

    Cause: MALLOC failed to allocate space to hold spooler arguments.

    Action: Check additional information returned in the operating system reference manual. The process may have run out of heap space. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07220 slspool: wait error.

    Cause: Wait returned an error, when waiting for spool job to complete. Possible spooler program error.

    Action: Check additional information returned. Refer to the operating system reference manual. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07221 slspool: exec error, unable to start spooler program.

    Cause: Exec failed when starting line printer spooler command. Likely that either the default line printer command, or ORACLE_LPPROG, is incorrectly set.

    Action: Verify default line printer command and ORACLE_LPPROG are set correctly. Set ORACLE_LPPROG to working line printer spooler.

ORA-07222 slspool: line printer spooler command exited with an error.

    Cause: The line printer spooler exited with a non-zero return value. This probably indicates an error in spooling file.

    Action: Verify that line printer spooler is up. Verify that ORACLE_LPPROG, and ORACLE_LPARG are set properly. Check exit value returned as additional information.

ORA-07223 slspool: fork error, unable to spawn spool process.

    Cause: Fork system call failed to create additional process. Probable resource limit reached.

    Action: Check additional information returned. Retry operation. Contact system administrator.

ORA-07224 sfnfy: failed to obtain file size limit; errno = string.

    Cause: The ULIMIT system call returned an error.

    Action: Check errno and contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07225 sldext: translation error, unable to expand file name.

    Cause: Additional information returned is error returned from SLTLN.

    Action: Check additional information.

ORA-07226 rtneco: unable to get terminal mode.

    Cause: The IOCTL call returned an error. Possible operating system error.

    Action: Check additional information for errno. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07227 rtneco: unable to set noecho mode.

    Cause: The IOCTL call returned an error. Possible operating system error.

    Action: Check additional information for errno. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07228 rtecho: unable to restore terminal to echo mode.

    Cause: The IOCTL call returned an error. Possible operating system error.

    Action: Check additional information for errno. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07229 slcpuc: error in getting number of CPUs.

    Cause: Error in MPCNTL system call.

    Action: Examine errno. Contact your system administrator.

ORA-07230 slemcr: fopen error, unable to open error file.

    Cause: FOPEN failed to open file.

    Action: Try to determine which file was not opened. Check that file exists and is accessible.

ORA-07231 slemcc: invalid file handle, seals do not match.

    Cause: Function was called with an invalid argument. The file handle used was not obtained be SLEMCR. This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07232 slemcc: fclose error.

    Cause: An error was encountered when closing the file. Possible operating system error.

    Action: Contact system administrator.

ORA-07233 slemcw: invalid file handle, seals do not match.

    Cause: Function was called with an invalid file handle. File handle was not obtained by SLEMCR. This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07234 slemcw: fseek error.

    Cause: Unable to seek to desired position in file. Possible operating system error. Possible internal error.

    Action: Verify that error message file is intact. Try to regenerate error message file. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07235 slemcw: fwrite error.

    Cause: Unable to write item to file. Possible operating system error. Possible permissions problem.

    Action: Retry operation.

ORA-07236 slemop: open error.

    Cause: Unable to open error file. Possible permissions problem.

    Action: Verify permission on error message file. Check additional information for errno.

ORA-07237 slemcl: invalid file handle, seals do not match.

    Cause: Function was called with an invalid file handle. Handle was not obtained by previous call to SLEMOP. This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07238 slemcl: close error.

    Cause: Unable to close file. Possible operating system error.

    Action: Contact system administrator. Check additional information for errno.

ORA-07239 slemrd: invalid file handle, seals do not match.

    Cause: Function was called with invalid file handle. Handle was not obtained by call to SLEMOP. This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07240 slemrd: seek error.

    Cause: Unable to seek to desired position in file. Possible operating system error.

    Action: Check that error file is still intact. Verify space on device. Contact system administrator. Check additional information for errno.

ORA-07241 slemrd: read error.

    Cause: Unable to read file. Possible operating system error.

    Action: Verify that error file is intact. Regenerate error message file. Contact Oracle Support Services. Check additional information for errno.

ORA-07242 slembfn: translation error, unable to translate error file name.

    Cause: Additional information indicates error returned from SLTLN.

    Action: Check additional information.

ORA-07243 supplied buffer not big enough to hold entire line

    Cause: The supplied buffer was not big enough. This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. Additional information indicates how big the supplied buffer was.

ORA-07244 ssfccf: create file failed, file size limit reached.

    Cause: An attempt was made to create a file that exceeds the process's file size limit.

    Action: Run OSH to raise the file size limit.

ORA-07245 sfccf: unable to lseek and write the last block.

    Cause: An attempt was made to move and write to a bad device address.

    Action: Check errno. Possible lack of space on device.

ORA-07246 sfofi: open error, unable to open database file.

    Cause: SFOFI returns an error. This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07247 sfrfb: read error, unable to read requested block from database file.

    Cause: SFRFB returns an error. This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07248 sfwfb: write error, unable to write database block.

    Cause: SFWFB returns an error. This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07249 slsget: open error, unable to open /proc/pid.

    Cause: OPEN() returns an error.

    Action: Check that /proc has the right permissions.

ORA-07250 spcre: semget error, unable to get first semaphore set.

    Cause: An error occurred when trying to get first semaphore set.

    Action: Check errno. Verify that system is configured to have semaphores. Verify that enough semaphores are available. Additional information indicates how many semaphores were requested.

ORA-07251 spcre: semget error, could not allocate any semaphores.

    Cause: SEMGET failed to even allocate a single semaphore. Either they are all in use or the system is not configured to have any semaphores.

    Action: Check to see if all semaphores are in use. Check to see if system is configured to have semaphores. Check errno.

ORA-07252 spcre: semget error, could not allocate semaphores.

    Cause: SEMGET system call returned an error. Possible resource limit problem.

    Action: Check errno. Verify that enough semaphores are available in system. If additional errors occur in destroying the semaphore sets then sercose[0] will be non-zero. If this occurs, remove the semaphore sets using IPCRM.

ORA-07253 spdes: semctl error, unable to destroy semaphore set.

    Cause: SEMCTL system call returned an error.

    Action: Check semaphore sets. May require manual cleanup. Check additional information returned. Consult operating system reference manual.

ORA-07254 spdcr: translation error while expanding ?/bin/oracle.

    Cause: An error occurred while translating the name of the Oracle executable.

    Action: Check sercose[0] for error returned from SLTLN. Perhaps $(ORACLE_HOME) is not set correctly.

ORA-07255 spini: cannot set up signal handler.

    Cause: System failed to set up signal handler.

    Action: Check errno and sercose[0] for the signal number that failed.

ORA-07256 sptrap: cannot set up signal handler to catch exceptions.

    Cause: System failed to set up signal handler to catch exceptions.

    Action: Check errno and sercose[0] for the signal number that failed.

ORA-07257 spdcr: translation error expanding program name.

    Cause: Error occurred when expanding program name ora_PNAME_@. The result of this translation is put in argv[0] of Oracle process.

    Action: Check error returned by SLTLN returned in sercose[0].

ORA-07258 spdcr: fork error, unable to create process.

    Cause: An error occurred when creating a new process.

    Action: Check errno. Perhaps a system limit on the number of processes has been exceeded.

ORA-07259 spdcr: exec error, detached process failed in startup.

    Cause: An Oracle detached process died shortly after startup. Wait() indicated that a child process terminated.

    Action: Check ?/dbs directory for trace or core files. Check errno.

ORA-07260 spdcr: wait error.

    Cause: Wait system call returned an error.

    Action: Check errno.

ORA-07261 spdde: kill error, unable to send signal to process.

    Cause: Kill system call returned an error. Possibly an attempt to destroy an already gone process.

    Action: Check errno.

ORA-07262 sptpa: sptpa called with invalid process id.

    Cause: This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07263 sptpa: kill error.

    Cause: Kill system call returned an error. Possible operating system error.

    Action: Check errno. Additional information indicates the process ID tested.

ORA-07264 spwat: semop error, unable to decrement semaphore.

    Cause: SEMOP system call returned an error. Semaphore set may not exist.

    Action: Check errno. Semaphore ID is returned in sercose[0]. Verify semaphore set exists. A possible cause for this error is that a SHUTDOWN ABORT was done while this process was running.

ORA-07265 sppst: semop error, unable to increment semaphore.

    Cause: SEMOP system call returned an error. Semaphore set may not exist.

    Action: Check errno. Semaphore ID is returned in sercose[0]. Check semaphore set existence. A possible cause for this error is that a SHUTDOWN ABORT was done while this process was running.

ORA-07266 sppst: invalid process number passed to sppst.

    Cause: Function was passed an invalid Oracle process ID. This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07267 spwat: invalid process number.

    Cause: Function was passed an invalid Oracle process ID. This is an internal error.

    Action: Additional information indicates the invalid process ID. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07268 szguns: getpwuid error.

    Cause: GETPWUID() could not find an entry in the passwd file for a user.

    Action: Add an entry for the user in the passwd file.

ORA-07269 spdcr: detached process died after exec.

    Cause: Detached process successfully executed, but died shortly thereafter. Additional information indicates exit code, and termination status.

    Action: Check termination code for information as to why process exited. Check for core dump or trace file.

ORA-07270 spalck: setitimer error, unable to set interval timer.

    Cause: An error occurred while trying to set an interval timer. Probable porting problem.

    Action: Check errno.

ORA-07271 spwat: invalid oracle process number.

    Cause: Function was called with an invalid Oracle process number (0).

    Action: Internal Oracle error.

ORA-07272 spwat: invalid semaphore set id.

    Cause: Semaphore ID fetched from SGA was not initialized to valid value. Additional information returned is semaphore set index, and Oracle process number. This is an internal error.

    Action: Check semaphore set index. Check Oracle process number.

ORA-07273 sppst: invalid semaphore id.

    Cause: Semaphore ID fetched from SGA contained an invalid value. Additional information returned is semaphore set index, and Oracle process number. This is an internal error.

    Action: Check semaphore set index. Check Oracle process number.

ORA-07274 spdcr: access error, access to oracle denied.

    Cause: Unable to access Oracle program. Verify ?/bin/oracle or $ORABCKPRG exist, and are executable.

    Action: Check errno returned.

ORA-07275 unable to send signal to process

    Cause: The kill system call returned an error. Possibly an attempt to signal a process which does not exist.

    Action: Check errno.

ORA-07276 no dba group in /etc/group.

    Cause: A group has not been set up for dba users.

    Action: Contact system administrator. Set up dba group in /ETC/GROUP.

ORA-07277 spdde: illegal pid passed as argument.

    Cause: A 0 PID was passed to SPDDE. This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07278 splon: ops$username exceeds buffer length.

    Cause: SPLON constructed an OPS$USERNAME logon which exceeded the allocated buffer space.

    Action: Use a shorter UNIX username, or use an Oracle username. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07279 spcre: semget error, unable to get first semaphore set.

    Cause: An error occurred when trying to get first semaphore set.

    Action: Check errno. Verify that system is configured to have semaphores. Verify that enough semaphores are available. Additional information indicates how many semaphores were requested.

ORA-07280 slsget: unable to get process information.

    Cause: The IOCTL call returned an error. Possible operating system error.

    Action: Check additional information for errno. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07281 slsget: times error, unable to get cpu time.

    Cause: Times system call returned an error. Possible operating system error.

    Action: Check additional information returned. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07282 sksaprd: string overflow.

    Cause: The internal buffer is not big enough to hold the archive control string.

    Action: Internal restriction. Try a shorter archive control string.

ORA-07283 sksaprd: invalid volume size for archive destination.

    Cause: An invalid volume size was specified.

    Action: Specify a valid volume size in archive control string.

ORA-07284 sksaprd: volume size specification not terminated properly.

    Cause: Some non-numeric text follows the volume size specification.

    Action: Enter a correct archive control string.

ORA-07285 sksaprd: volume size should not be specified for a disk file.

    Cause: Volume size was specified for a disk file.

    Action: If you are archiving to a disk file, do not specify its volume size.

ORA-07286 sksagdi: cannot obtain device information.

    Cause: STAT on the log archiving device failed.

    Action: Check the returned OSD error for the reason of failure.

ORA-07287 sksagdi: unsupported device for log archiving.

    Cause: Log archiving to this device is unsupported.

    Action: Try log archiving to a supported device.

ORA-07290 sksagdi: specified directory for archiving does not exist.

    Cause: The specified path name is not a directory.

    Action: Verify that the archive destination directory exists.

ORA-07303 ksmcsg: illegal database buffer size.

    Cause: The database buffer size must be a multiple of the database block size, and less than the maximum block size.

    Action: Verify that the DB_BLOCK_SIZE initialization parameter is set properly in your initialization parameter file.

ORA-07304 ksmcsg: illegal redo buffer size.

    Cause: The redo buffer size must be a multiple of machine block size.

    Action: Verify that the LOG_BUFFER initialization parameter is set properly in your initialization parameter file.

ORA-07305 ksmcsg: illegal database buffer size.

    Cause: The database buffer size must be a multiple of the extended cache mapping size for indirect data buffers to be used.

    Action: Verify that the DB_BLOCK_SIZE initialization parameter is set properly in your initialization parameter file, or disable the USE_INDIRECT_DATA_BUFFERS initialization parameter.

ORA-07324 smpall: malloc error while allocating pga.

    Cause: MALLOC library routine returned an error.

    Action: Check errno. Possibly out of swap space.

ORA-07327 smpdal: attempt to destroy pga when it was not mapped.

    Cause: SMPDAL was called when the PGA had not been previously created. This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07339 spcre: maximum number of semaphore sets exceeded.

    Cause: The internal buffer is not big enough to hold the number of semaphore set identifiers requested.

    Action: Reconfigure operating system to have more semaphores per set.

ORA-07345 The datafile name must not contain the string '..'.

    Cause: The specified datafile name contains '..'.

    Action: Correct the datafile name and retry the operation.

ORA-07390 sftopn: translate error, unable to translate file name.

    Cause: An error occurred while expanding the file name to open. Additional information returns error generated in translation routine.

    Action: Look up additional error code for further information.

ORA-07391 sftopn: fopen error, unable to open text file.

    Cause: FOPEN library routine returned an error.

    Action: Verify existence and permissions.

ORA-07392 sftcls: fclose error, unable to close text file.

    Cause: FCLOSE library routine returned an error.

    Action: Possible internal Oracle error.

ORA-07393 unable to delete text file

    Cause: An error occurred while deleting a text file.

    Action: Verify that the file exists and check additional errors.

ORA-07394 unable to append string to text file

    Cause: An error occurred while performing a string put operation.

    Action: This is an internal error. Check additional information.

ORA-07400 slemtr: translated name for the message file is too long.

    Cause: The name for the message file overflows internal buffer.

    Action: Try making the complete path-name of the message file shorter by reorganizing the directory hierarchy.

ORA-07401 sptrap: cannot restore user exception handlers.

    Cause: The system failed to restore user exception handlers.

    Action: Check errno and sercose[0] for the signal number that failed.

ORA-07402 sprst: cannot restore user signal handler.

    Cause: The system failed to restore user signal handlers.

    Action: Check errno and sercose[0] for the signal number that failed.

ORA-07403 sfanfy: db_writers parameter not valid.

    Cause: The DB_WRITERS initialization parameter in your initialization parameter file exceeds the system-dependent maximum or is less than 0.

    Action: Change the DB_WRITERS initialization parameter in your initialization parameter file.

ORA-07404 sfareq: Timeout occurred waiting for request to complete.

    Cause: The master database writer timed out waiting for a write or close to complete. One of the database writers may have stopped running.

    Action: Check all database writer trace files. Shut down the database and try to warm start.

ORA-07406 slbtpd: invalid number.

    Cause: An impossible request for binary to decimal conversion was made.

    Action: This conversion cannot be performed.

ORA-07407 slbtpd: invalid exponent.

    Cause: An impossible request for binary to decimal conversion was made.

    Action: This conversion cannot be performed.

ORA-07408 slbtpd: overflow while converting to packed decimal.

    Cause: An impossible request for binary to decimal conversion was made.

    Action: This conversion cannot be performed.

ORA-07409 slpdtb: invalid packed decimal nibble.

    Cause: An impossible request for decimal to binary conversion was made.

    Action: This conversion cannot be performed.

ORA-07410 slpdtb: number too large for supplied buffer.

    Cause: An impossible request for decimal to binary conversion was made.

    Action: This conversion cannot be performed.

ORA-07411 slgfn: full path name too big for supplied buffer.

    Cause: The supplied buffer is not big enough to hold the full path name.

    Action: The construction of the full path name cannot be performed.

ORA-07412 sfaslv: Error getting entry in asynchronous write array.

    Cause: One of the database writer processes could not locate its entry in the SGA.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07415 slpath: allocation of memory buffer failed.

    Cause: MALLOC() failed to allocate buffer for storing ORACLE_PATH.

    Action: System has run out of heap space. Additional information indicates errno.

ORA-07416 slpath: pathname construction failed; lack of output buffer space.

    Cause: The SLPATH routine is given a maximum length buffer to expand the name into. An overflow of this buffer occurred. This may be an internal error.

    Action: Check output buffer length stored in sercose[0] and constructed path name length in sercose[1].

ORA-07417 sfareq: One or more database writers not active.

    Cause: One or more of the database writer processes is no longer running.

    Action: Check the trace files for the database writers. Shut down the database and try to warm start.

ORA-07418 sfareq: Database writer got error in timing function.

    Cause: An error occurred when the database writer called the system timing function.

    Action: Check the database writer trace file. Shut down the database and try to warm start.

ORA-07419 sfareq: Database writer got error in timing function.

    Cause: An error occurred when the database writer called the system timing function.

    Action: Check the database writer trace file. Shut down the database and try to warm start.

ORA-07425 sdpri: error string in translating dump file location.

    Cause: An Oracle error occurred when translating the location of the dump file.

    Action: Check the Oracle error code.

ORA-07426 spstp: cannot obtain the location of dbs directory.

    Cause: An Oracle error occurred when translating the location of the DBS directory.

    Action: Check additional information for the error returned from SLTLN.

ORA-07427 spstp: cannot change directory to dbs.

    Cause: CHDIR system call returned an error. Possible permission problems.

    Action: Check additional information for the operating system error code.

ORA-07431 fork failed

    Cause: The server process was unable to fork a child process.

    Action: Verify that there are enough system resources to support another process. The user or system process limit may have been exceeded, or the amount of free memory or swap space may be temporarily insufficient.

ORA-07432 unable to perform nested sleep

    Cause: An attempt was made to make a process sleep when it was already sleeping. This platform does not support this capability.

    Action: Try the SLEEP command when the process is not sleeping.

ORA-07440 WMON process terminated with error

    Cause: The wakeup monitor process died.

    Action: Warm start instance.

ORA-07441 function address must be aligned on string byte boundary

    Cause: An improperly aligned function address was specified.

    Action: Use a properly aligned function address.

ORA-07442 function address must be in the range string to string

    Cause: An invalid function address was specified.

    Action: Use a valid function address.

ORA-07443 function string not found

    Cause: An invalid function name was specified.

    Action: Use a valid function name.

ORA-07444 function address string is not readable

    Cause: An invalid function name/address was specified.

    Action: Use a valid function name/address.

ORA-07445 exception encountered: core dump [string] [string] [string] [string] [string] [string]

    Cause: An operating system exception occurred which should result in the creation of a core file. This is an internal error.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07446 sdnfy: bad value 'string' for parameter string.

    Cause: The directory specified as the value for the stated parameter could not be used.

    Action: Make sure the directory you have specified is a valid directory/file specification.

ORA-07447 ssarena: usinit failed.

    Cause: Oracle failed to create a shared arena file.

    Action: Use SERCERRNO field to determine cause of failure.

ORA-07448 ssarena: maximum number of shared arenas exceeded.

    Cause: Oracle attempted to create more shared arena files than permitted.

    Action: Raise the value for MAX_ARENA in INIT.ORA.

ORA-07449 sc: usnewlock failed.

    Cause: Oracle failed to acquire a shared arena lock.

    Action: Check result code in SERCERRNO to determine the cause of failure.

ORA-07451 slskstat: unable to obtain load information.

    Cause: KSTAT library returned an error. Possible operating system failure.

    Action: Check result code in sercose[0] for more information.

ORA-07452 specified resource manager plan does not exist in the data dictionary

    Cause: User tried to load a resource manager plan that does not exist.

    Action: Use a resource manager plan that exists in the data dictionary.

ORA-07453 requested resource manager plan schema does not contain OTHER_GROUPS

    Cause: User tried to load a resource manager plan schema that does not contain the OTHER_GROUPS group.

    Action: Use a resource manager plan schema that contains the OTHER_GROUPS group.

ORA-07454 queue timeout, string second(s), exceeded

    Cause: User session queued for longer than maximum specified queue duration time for consumer group.

    Action: Re-submit the job at a later time or increase queue timeout.

ORA-07455 estimated execution time (string secs), exceeds limit (string secs)

    Cause: User attempted to execute an operation whose estimated execution time exceeds the limit specified for the consumer group.

    Action: Execute job on behalf of another group, or increase the limit.

ORA-07456 cannot set RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN when database is closed

    Cause: An attempt was made to turn on the Resource Manager when the database was closed.

    Action: Open the database and try again.

ORA-07468 spwat: mset error, unable to set semaphore.

    Cause: The MSET routine returned an error. Semaphore may not exist.

    Action: Check result code in SERCERRNO. Semaphore number returned in sercose[0].

ORA-07469 sppst: mclear error, unable to clear semaphore.

    Cause: The MCLEAR routine returned an error. Semaphore may not exist.

    Action: Check result code in SERCERRNO. Semaphore number returned in sercose[0].

ORA-07470 snclget: cannot get cluster number.

    Cause: The CLUSTER_STATUS system call failed to get status information for the current cluster.

    Action: Check result code in sercose[0]. Possible operating system failure.

ORA-07471 snclrd: name translation error of sgadef.dbf file name.

    Cause: Unable to expand out ?/dbs/sgadef@.dbf file name.

    Action: Verify $(ORACLE_HOME) and $(ORACLE_SID) are properly set. Check error number returned from SLTLN in sercose[0].

ORA-07472 snclrd: open error when opening sgadef.dbf file.

    Cause: Open failed when opening the file ?/dbs/sgadef@.dbf.

    Action: Check errno. Possible permission problem. Verify that the file ?/dbs/sgadef@.dbf exists.

ORA-07473 snclrd: read error when trying to read sgadef.dbf file.

    Cause: Read had an error when reading SGADEF.DBF file.

    Action: Check errno. Verify file exists, and is correct size.

ORA-07474 snclrd: close error, unable to close sgadef.dbf file.

    Cause: An error occurred in close, while closing the file ?/dbs/sgadef@.dbf.

    Action: Check errno. Possible operating system error.

ORA-07475 slsget: cannot get vm statistics.

    Cause: The VM_STATISTICS system call failed to get virtual memory statistics.

    Action: Check result code in SERCERRNO. Possible operating system failure.

ORA-07476 slsget: cannot get mapped memory statistics.

    Cause: The VM_MAPMEM system call failed to get mapped memory statistics.

    Action: Check result code in SERCERRNO. Possible operating system failure.

ORA-07477 scgcmn: lock manager not initialized.

    Cause: Lock manager must be initialized before converting locks.

    Action: Check result code in SERCERRNO. Possible Lock Manager failure.

ORA-07478 scgcmn: cannot get lock status.

    Cause: LM_STAT_LOCK failed.

    Action: Check result code in SERCERRNO. Possible Lock Manager failure.

ORA-07479 scgcmn: cannot open or convert lock.

    Cause: LM_OPEN or LM_OPEN_CONVERT failed.

    Action: Check result code in SERCERRNO. Possible Lock Manager failure.

ORA-07480 snchmod: cannot change permissions on ?/dbs/sgalm.dbf.

    Cause: When creating an instance, SNLMINI could not change the permissions on ?/dbs/sgalm.dbf.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-07481 snlmatt: cannot attach to lock manager instance.

    Cause: LM_ATTACH failed to attach to Lock Manager instance.

    Action: Check result code in SERCERRNO. Possible Lock Manager failure.

ORA-07482 snlmini: cannot create lock manager instance.

    Cause: LM_CREATE failed to create Lock Manager instance.

    Action: Check permissions on ?/dbs, and remove ?/dbs/sgalm.dbf if it exists, then retry.

ORA-07483 snlkget: cannot convert(get) lock.

    Cause: LM_CONVERT failed to convert(get) lock.

    Action: Check result code in SERCERRNO. Possible Lock Manager failure.

ORA-07484 snlkput: cannot convert(put) lock.

    Cause: LM_CONVERT failed to put lock value.

    Action: Check result code in SERCERRNO. Possible Lock Manager failure.

ORA-07485 scg_get_inst: cannot open instance number lock.

    Cause: LM_OPEN failed.

    Action: Check result code in SERCERRNO. Possible Lock Manager failure.

ORA-07486 scg_get_inst: cannot convert(get) instance number lock.

    Cause: LM_CONVERT failed to get lock value.

    Action: Check result code in SERCERRNO. Possible Lock Manager failure.

ORA-07487 scg_init_lm: cannot create lock manager instance.

    Cause: LM_CREATE failed.

    Action: Check result code in SERCERRNO. Possible Lock Manager failure.

ORA-07488 scgrcl: lock manager not initialized.

    Cause: Lock manager must be initialized before releasing locks.

    Action: Check result code in SERCERRNO. Possible Lock Manager failure.

ORA-07489 scgrcl: cannot get lock status.

    Cause: LM_STAT_LOCK failed during lock release/cancel.

    Action: Check result code in SERCERRNO. Possible Lock Manager failure.

ORA-07490 scgrcl: cannot convert lock.

    Cause: LM_CONVERT failed during lock release/cancel.

    Action: Check result code in SERCERRNO. Possible Lock Manager failure.

ORA-07491 scgrcl: cannot cancel lock request.

    Cause: LM_CANCEL failed during lock release/cancel.

    Action: Check result code in SERCERRNO. Possible Lock Manager failure.

ORA-07492 scgrcl: cannot close lock.

    Cause: LM_CLOSE failed during lock release/cancel.

    Action: Check result code in SERCERRNO. Possible Lock Manager failure.

ORA-07493 scgrcl: lock manager error.

    Cause: An error was encountered releasing the lock.

    Action: Check result code in SERCERRNO. Possible Lock Manager failure.

ORA-07494 scgcm: unexpected error.

    Cause: Unknown or unexpected error code.

    Action: Check result code in SERCERRNO. Possible Lock Manager failure.

ORA-07495 spwat: lm_wait failed.

    Cause: LM_WAIT failed.

    Action: Check result code in SERCERRNO. Possible Lock Manager failure.

ORA-07496 sppst: lm_post failed.

    Cause: LM_POST failed.

    Action: Check result code in SERCERRNO. Possible Lock Manager failure.

ORA-07497 sdpri: cannot create trace file 'string'; errno = string.


        The trace file could not be created for writing.
        The trace file is a symbolic link.


        Check if the dump directory exists and whether it is writable.
        Remove the symbolic link.

ORA-07498 spstp: Unable to open /dev/resched.

    Cause: The rescheduling driver /dev/resched is not found or is not working properly.

    Action: Check installation of the Oracle rescheduling driver in the AIX kernel.

ORA-07499 spglk: Cannot reschedule.

    Cause: The rescheduling driver /dev/resched is not open. This is an internal error and should not occur.

    Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

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